Read My Best Friend's Brother Page 3

  Not to mention my mother has on a few times decided she had to come to campus to visit the two of us.

  When we are finally let go I notice Matt starring at something.

  I turned my head to follow his eye line and see a girl I hadn't even noticed was here when we first came into the kitchen.

  She was seating eating cookies with her back too us.

  "Hello lads. You're early." Mom said to us.

  "Yep mom, we wanted to surprise you." Matt replied.

  Mom did a squeal and jumped.

  I swear sometimes she was like a teenager.

  Just then I heard some footsteps and someone saying something.

  "Mom have you burnt them again?" I turned to see Dean.

  I looked at him shocked by his new appearance.

  What the hell has he done to himself?

  "Oh hi." Dean said in a bored tone.

  "And it's nice to see you too." I said, annoyed.

  "What happened to you?" asked Matt.

  Heather shook her head to the question and walked over to the girl who was still eating cookies.

  'Thats my type of girl' I thought.

  It's nice to see a girl who isn't afraid of eating because they will get fat.

  Not that she had anything to worry about by the looks of it.

  I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard Matt being scolded by mom.

  "Don't be mean to your brother." She growled.

  I grinned then I heard Matt mumble under his breath "Great that's all we need in the family, a freaking emo."

  I don't think he meant for anyone to hear him, but they did.

  I burst out laughing and mom hit Matt's arm.

  While Dean growled back "I am not a freaking emo!"

  I started to laugh like a mad man.

  Even before Dean’s new look, Matt was always teasing him.

  "It's great to be back." I laughed to myself earning a glare from Dean.

  It was never any real hate between them though.

  It was all only meant as playfulness.

  Just as Mom was about to say something a laugh stopped her, getting everyone's attention.

  Everyone turned to see Heather and her friend laughing.

  I turned back to the other and noticed Dean's almost depressed expression change into happiness.

  I looked to Matt who seemed to of seen the sam ething.

  Matt raised his her brows and smirked "Looks like someone has a crush." he said,

  But Dean didn't seem to notice.

  He almost ran over to the girls.

  "Hey, I didn't see you there." I heard a very happy Dean say.

  The girl just laughed and Dean pulled her into a hug.

  "Hiya, I missed you too." She laughed.

  She pulled away and said, "What happened to your clothes?" I let out a deep laugh.

  "Seems like we weren't the only ones who didn't like his new look." Matt also laughed out.

  She seemed too tensed up for a second before continuing, "I mean you look nice but what happened?" Making Dean smile.

  They continued to chat for a while, while me and the others just watched.

  "Why don't we take a seat?" I said to Matt.

  Matt smirked to me knowing what I meant "Let's."

  "Hey Dean." I said walking over to the empty seat next to the unknown girl.

  We are both standing by the island now.

  By now Dean had now moved to sit opposite the girl and was watching her like a lovesick puppy.

  "Is this your girlfriend?" Matt asks.

  We both knew she wasn't but still... it was fun to tease.

  The girl quickly answered. "No!"

  I almost burst out laughing with amusement, but I manage to suppress it.

  "Leave your brother be." Says mom.

  Matt isn't very happy about being scolded, so just replies with a grunt "OK." And we sit down on the empty seat next to the girl.

  She tried her best to avoid our gaze, much to our amusement.

  "Someone's shy." I say quietly to Matt.

  "We can have fun with this." He replies.

  "So is that your car outside?" I ask her.

  Heather seemed to give her a strange look, but I just brushed it off.

  "Yes." She said turning slightly to me smiling.

  She was a lot prettier looking from the front than I thought she would be.

  "Sweet ride." Matt said.

  "So how long you known Heather?" I asked.

  Quickly followed by Matt asking, "Do you go to the same school?"

  She looked to Heather and Dean who were both grinning for some unknown reason.

  The three of them just laughed as we both just looked at them confused.

  'Is there something I missed?' I asked myself.

  Mom walked back into the kitchen, after speaking on the phone for a few minutes.

  "We’ve been friends a while." The girl finally replied grinning.

  "Yeah a long while." Heather confirms.

  They were certainly up hiding something and I am going to find out what, one way or another.

  "So how old are you?" Matt asked giving her a cheesy smile, which made me silently laugh.

  "Seventeen, eighteen in a few weeks." She replied.

  I smirked to Matt and he did the same.

  Me and Matt were thinking the same thing but Matt voiced it under his breath. "Good."

  Mom came over taking some cookies out of the oven.

  She turned to Dean after seeing the now empty plate on the table.

  While she was busy scolding him I moved in closer to the girl next to me and whispered in her ear

  "Maybe you wanna go out sometime?"

  I liked her because one, she was pretty hot and I would love to bang that and two, because it would annoy Dean.

  I was surprised when she answered, "No thank you." I was surprised because usually girls were throwing themselves at me and my brother just to be seen with us.

  Not to mention what they would do to date us.

  Matt must of heard this because he laughed and said also in a whisper, "She has taste, how about me instead?" he asked smirking. I glared at him.

  But she also said no which made me laugh.

  "Not so funny now hey?!" I said before I looked back to her and whispered even more quietly this time so my brother wouldn't here, while purposely breathing into her neck "Don't worry honey, we don't give up." I said in a deep voice that made her shiver much to my delight.

  She turned back to the others who were still arguing about something.

  Mom was saying something about Dean eating all the cookies.

  After a while like this Dean started to smile and said, "If you want to know what happened to the cookies mom why don't you ask them." He said pointing to the girl and Heather.

  Mom looked at Heather too ask her but before she had a chance Heather almost shouted,

  "What? I only ate one!" and then she looked at girl.

  "You saw me earlier telling her to slow down." Heather said.

  Mom laughed at this.

  To be honest I wasn't really following it right now.

  "And as soon as we turned our backs she ate a couple which Dean finished." Heather continued.

  'Ok I think I follow now' I thought.

  Mom said smiling "Oh, that's ok then" Making Dean choke and me and Matt to laugh.

  Mom was always surprising me.

  "Hey, that's no fair. How come I get shouted at but it's ok if she does it?" Dean pouts.

  "Because you are big enough already. Plus Hope is a guest." mom smiled.

  I heard mom call the girl 'Hope', but I thought I must have misheard, because this girl was nothing like the girl I remember.

  "But she's here more than I am.” He finishes but mom isn't listening anymore.

  Dean starts to walk out but before he can the girl and Heather hug him, which seems to cheer him up.

  They break apart and Heather says. "Good now we are all friends agai

  Dean goes to leave again and asks the girls if they wanna a game of C.O.D, but they say maybe later.

  "He is definitely crushing on her." Matt says to me.

  I nod "But he has no chance." I said.

  He laughs "And you do?"

  I raise my eyebrow "More than you." I say and he just laughs and says, "Sure man."

  This was a pretty normal thing for us.

  We would often have little games between us to see who can get a girl.

  Not that it was hard, because most of the time the girls would want us both.

  We had both slept with a few of the same girls but never at the same time.

  We don't play that way, much to a lot of girls’ displeasure.

  Well that is until they got with me.

  Breaking me out of my thoughts, I heard Matt ask "Can we have a hug now too?" Heather stands up and hugs us both.

  "Not that that wasn't nice, but I meant her." He said, pointing to her friend.

  Heather slapped Matt's arm. "It's rude to point and also she has a name." she told him.

  "He is sorry honey." I said giving her my best smile.

  "So what's your name love?" Matt asked with the same smile.

  Heather glared at her brothers "You two are stupid." The girl laughs at her.

  "Why?" We both asked confused.

  Heather pulled her up from her seat. "Lets go to my room."

  They both started to walk out, but they stopped and turned to me and Matt, who were still looking at each other confused.

  "Nice to see you again by the way." The girl said.

  "Again?" I asked.

  I could see Heather growing inpatient.

  She walked closer to her friend and placed her hand on the back of her neck.

  They looked at each other and gave each other a look and the girl nodded.

  "Are you lesbians?" Matt asked smirking.

  That's Matt. Ever the funny one.

  Heather jumped and shouted, "No just look!"

  We both stood up as Heather turned to the girl and moved the back of her hair to reveal all to familiar nasty looking scar in the edge of her hair line.

  "Cray." I mumbled.

  I remember exactly how that happened, but I never realized it was bad enough to scar.

  We both gasped and Heather dropped her hair.

  "See now stupid?" She asked,

  I looked at Matt, who had the same look of regret as me.

  A few years ago Hope had stopped coming around to the house.

  When we asked Heather why she told us that Hope was afraid of us.

  At first we both just laughed because we thought she was messing.

  But then she told us about all the problems and scars that our pranks had caused and we were both shocked.

  They had told us in the past about it.

  We weren't totally dumb; we knew that sometimes we hurt her by accident when something would go wrong. But we just presumed it was minor because we were never told otherwise.

  To be honest up until now we both thought that thought that they were exaggerating.

  But still we really were sorry and told her to pass it on to Hope, so maybe she would come back.

  She was a sweet child when she was younger. But would always react to our pranks that's why we always did it. Where as Heather just ignored us, so we didn't really bother her much.

  It's not like we hated Hope or anything.

  She was kinda like another sister and we would never on purpose do anything to hurt either of them.

  At least we had a chance now to apologize.

  She was standing with her back to us.

  We both walked over to her and I placed a hand on her shoulder and turned her around.

  She was looking down at the floor, so I placed a couple of my fingers under her chin and raised her face until she was looking at me and my twin.

  I looked at her for a second, she was older, but now I'm really looking, I can see her.

  I am so stupid.

  "Hope?" I asked as I dropped my hand from her face.

  I felt so guilty, she looked so sad. I looked to my brother to see the same sorrow and regret on their face that I felt.

  She nodded and tears started to fill her eyes.

  We both said, "We are really and truly sorry for all those things we did to you all those years." and then we pulled her into a group hug.

  I felt my shirt getting wet and that's when I realized she was crying.

  She stood frozen in our arms.

  I really never realized we had such an affect on her, I felt so bad.

  But I would make it up to her. Some way.

  All Heather said was "About time." and mom who was listening agreed.

  I pulled away a little and wiped her tears from her cheeks.

  "We really are sorry Hope. We never meant to hurt you like that." I said and Matt nodded in agreement.

  "I know it will take a lot but we will make it up to you." Matt said giving her a sad smile, I did the same.

  She looked to us and gave us a small smile in return.

  She was red faced from crying, but she still looked so beautiful.

  She had changed so much from since the last time we saw her.

  It would be nice to have our childhood friend back again.

  But this time she would actually be our friend too.


  Confessions and Plans


  To say I was taken back by their actions would be an understatement.

  But that doesn't mean that I wasn't happy for it.

  I am just not a hundred percent sure if it was for real or not.

  Heather led me away upstairs too her bedroom.

  "We will speak later." Heather called back to her brothers who had just been left standing in the kitchen doorway.

  When we arrived in her room in through myself on the bed.

  "Why didn't you tell me they would be here?" I asked her.

  A minute passed and still no answer.

  I sat up and looked at her "Well?"

  She huffed and replied finally "Well I knew if I told you, you would never have come over. Plus in my defense they wasn't meant to be here until this evening."

  She walked in front of me and kneeled down and put both hand on my lap.

  "I'm very sorry honey poo bear." She said in a child like voice, while giving me her best puppy dog eyes.

  I couldn't help but laugh at her.

  She smiled up brightly. "I'll take that as a yes." She said, grinning.

  I lied back on the bed and Heather moved to lay next to me.

  I sighed starring at the ceiling.

  "Why do you think they did it?" I ask the question that has been bugging me since we first left the kitchen.

  I turned to Heather who had a guilty look on her face.

  I rolled on my side and prop myself on my arm.

  "What are you not telling me?" I said giving her an intense stare.

  " know when you first started to avoid them?" I nodded,

  "Well they asked me why and I told them..."

  I gasp "Why.. why would you do that?" Feeling almost betrayed by her.

  "They were worried about you.... they kept asking if you were ok.. if you were sick or something. I had to tell them." She said pleadingly.

  I looked at her stunned,. "They were worried?" I asked with surprise in my voice.

  Heather nods "They told me to get you to come back so they could apologize, but I didn't think it was a good idea. You were so depressed, I didn't want you breaking down again." She said trying to defend her actions.