Read My Best Friend's Brother Page 4

  I thought for a while. "I guess you were probably right." I sigh.

  Heather expression changed back to one of happiness. "So you’re not mad?" I shake my head 'no'.

  "Good." She almost shouted and hopped up onto her knees "Because I need your help."

  I sat up and raised an eyebrow "With what?" I asked.

  Twenty minutes later…

  I step out of the bathroom to see Heather all changed and already waiting for me.

  "So the plan is we, mainly you, will convince Dean it’s a good idea to go swimming with us and to take off that damn make up he is always wearing now." She shudders.

  "And we are doing this why?" I ask for the tenth time.

  She hits my head "I told you! I don't like him being all... emo and depressed walking around like that. So we need to convince him to go back to normal."

  I laugh. "You are such a good sister." I say sarcastically and put on a robe.

  She just ignored me and does the same.

  "Come on." She says dragging me out of the room and downstairs to where Dean is.

  "Why do I feel like you’re pimping me out?" I frown at Heather, who just swats me and mouths to me 'Come on'.

  I hear a deep laugh from behind us. I try to turn to see who it is but Heather is a woman on a mission and pays no mind to anything other than her goal and continues to drag me along in protest.

  We finally arrive at the games room, which is almost pitch black except from the light from the game on the TV.

  Heather drags me to the remainder of the distance towards Dean.

  We were now standing just behind him, but he hadn't noticed, too enthralled by his game.

  Heather clears her throat to get his attention, but he doesn't pause or even turn.

  He just asks in a bored tone, "What is it now Heav?"

  I look at her and give her a look as if to say 'so you tried a few times already?' she nods in reply.

  "I was just wondering if you wanted to go swimming with us?" she asks him innocently.

  He rolls his eyes and continues to play his game.

  "I didn't last time you came with that weird friend... what’s her name.. oh yeah Emily, so why would I now. Leave me be." He growls the last part.

  I look to Heather and mouth 'Emily?' with my eyebrows raised.

  She just smiles innocently and mouths 'please'.

  "You really are a pimp!" I tried to say slowly, but Dean must have heard me because he paused his game and turned, smiling when he saw me.

  "Oh, I didn't know you were there." He said while getting up from his seat.

  "Obviously!" Heather grunts, I elbow her and give her a look.

  "So you sure you don't want to hang out with us?" Heather asks again trying to hide a smirk.

  I could tell by the lustful look in his eye he wouldn't say no.

  "Give me two minutes." He said, heading for the door,

  "And Dean you might want to wash your face before you come out, we wouldn't want your make up running would we?" Heather teased.

  Dean stopped and looked back at his sister with a frown before grinning again "It's ok, I used your make up. So if it runs we can be pandas together."

  I burst out laughing, while Heather just stands there with her mouth a jar.

  I felt a sharp pain in my side as she elbows me and gives me a 'Do something' look.

  I sigh and turn to Dean, "You know Dean I think you look so much cuter without all the eye liner and stuff." I say in a flirty tone.

  I see him blush slightly and he takes off calling back, "Ok. I'll wash it off."

  I glared back to my friend when he is gone and say, "You owe me big time."

  She smiles back. "Sure thing." and begins to drag me again.

  When we finally reach her outdoor pool my arm is numb and she drops my arm.

  "I swear if my arm’s bruised" I warn.

  She smirks "You did say I was your pimp, so" She trails off.

  I rolled my eyes. "Come on, let’s get in." I say taking my robe off.

  We dropped them on a nearby chair and climbed into the pool just as someone wolf whistled.

  I turned to see Matt walking over, shortly follow by Nathan.

  I rolled my eyes and here was me thinking they were going to be different this time, maybe not.

  Dean appeared from behind them and shot Matt a warning look.

  "I guess we know who whistled." Heather whispered looking to Matt.

  "Ignore him." Dean said walking over.

  "Yeah he gets hit a lot in the head." Nathan continues and then slaps the back of Matt's head.

  I laugh at the two, while Matt sends Nathan an angry glare but it soften when he hears mine and Heather's laughter.

  "Come on, let’s race." I said, feeling uncomfortable as I felt eyes burning into me.

  After three rounds Heather gave up.

  I stopped mid pool and cheered, "Yeah I'm the winner!" I screamed.

  Heather crawled to the edge and dropped herself dramatically on the edge. "I'm so tired. I think I'll just float here and die." Everyone laughs at her.

  "You are still a drama queen, I see." Nate laughs. Nate is Nathan's nickname.

  I swim to the edge of the pool.

  Matt was sat in a sun lounger while Nate was crouching at the edge of the pool next to an over dramatic floating Heather, while Dean was sat on the edge waiting for me.

  "Good job. Maybe you should become a pro or something." Dean said.

  I smiled up at him, but before I had a chance to say anything Matt interrupted, "From what I heard earlier she already is."

  Everyone gives he a confused look. "What are you on about now?" Heather asks her brother.

  He laughs to himself become continuing, "Well you are her pimp? Aren't you?!" He teased.

  My mouth drops before Heather got out of the water and walked towards him.

  "You are a idiot." She said as she hit him.

  He just laughed.

  Dean still looked confused.

  "Dean he means pro as in hooker." Nate tries to explain to Dean's innocent mind.

  Dean's mouth made an o shape in realization.

  "So you a hooker now?" Dean teased wiggling his eyebrows.

  I gasped and hit him, before pulling him into the water.

  "I don't think I like you anymore." I teased Dean.

  He started to pout. "I'm sorry. You know I'm only kidding."

  Matt interrupted again "But if you ever do go into business" Heather hits him again.

  "Hey!" He warns her.

  I roll my eyes. "I thought you wanted forgiveness?" I announce.

  Another pout face, this time Matt's.

  "God these boys can really pout." I say quietly. "You’re not fish." I hear Nate burst out laughing.

  The rest of the morning went pretty well.

  We all spent time in the pool.

  Matt sunbathed and continued to playfully tease.

  Heather kept going back and forth between bathing and swimming.

  Dean stayed close by watching me swim and we chatted a lot.

  The boys looked pretty hot, I think I would be drooling if they were anyone else.

  And as for Nate he pretended to sunbath, but I noticed him watching me when he thought I wasn't looking.

  I could also see what looked like jealously whenever I laughed and chatted to Dean.

  'No, I must be imaging it.' I thought to myself.

  I was getting tired of swimming so decided to get out and sit near the others, who were now already out.

  I sat next to Nate in the only empty lounger.

  "So Nathan.." He smiled when he noticed me sit next to him.


  Always end a long day with a secret


  I watched her and my little brother speaking and playing about the pool and I couldn't help but get jealous.

  'Why are you jealous man?' I told myself in my head. 'You can get any girl you want and here you are pinning after your
little sister’s best friend' I rolled my eyes at myself and sat starring off into space dreaming of how things could be.

  The next thing I knew I heard a person sit next to me and begin to talk to me.

  "So Nathan ".

  I turned to see Hope in all her splendor sat next to me and I smiled happily.

  "Yes Hope?" I said smiling.

  She looked nervous as if trying to find something to say.

  "Um." I heard her say as tapped her chin.

  It was pretty cute, truth be told.

  We sat like this for a while before she finally started to speak.

  "So, how is college life?"

  All that time and that's all she could come up with.

  I smiled and replied "Yeah, it's been pretty good. A lot of stress though. Especially when you are meant to be studying and some idiot" I glare at Matt who gives me a 'what?' look "is up all night partying and stuff, not letting you get on with your work".

  I heard Heather laugh who happened to be on the lounger beside me.

  "That explains why he's failing most his class" she said laughing.

  I laughed and agreed, which earned me a dagger look for Matt.

  Truth be told my test scores were starting to take a hit too.

  Don't get me wrong, I love to party and girls as much as my brother.

  But I also would love my time in college not to be a waste.

  I have to get good scores and pass if I want to get the career I want.

  Dean was now in the pool, but standing lending on the edge watching Hope like a lovesick puppy.

  'You have no chance' I thought to myself.

  But then I noticed the sweet smiles she was sending back and then I wasn't so sure.

  "So Hope I hear you just moved in with your sister finally?" I ask, breaking her from a daydream.

  She turned to me and nodded. "Yeah I thought it was about time, plus I needed to be more stable for my last year." she replied.

  I understood what she was talking about.

  We all knew about her parents and could never understand why they were never around.

  If my mom had anything to do with it, she would have adopted her and her brother long ago.

  But my father, the voice of reason, would always talk her down.

  Just then her phone started to ring, playing a song I had never heard before.

  She looked at her phone before answering it.

  "Hello." I heard her greet the person on the other end of the call.

  I watched her from the corner of my eye as she nodded her head.

  "You know they can't see you right" I tease.

  She sent me a playful glare before sticky her tongue out.

  Taking her attention back to her phone she said, "Oh yeah, yeah, I'm still here. I am at Heather's house. Yep they are one min." She held of the phone for me to take.

  I gave her a confused look.

  "It's Ricky." She said seeing my look of confusion which she returned.

  I took the phone and press it to my ear.

  "Hello." I said curiously.

  "Hey man, is that you Nate?" Ricky asked on the other end.


  "You and Matt sound so much alike." I laughed. We got that a lot.

  We were non identical twins, but we both had similar features and very similar voice.

  On the phone it was almost impossible to tell the difference.

  One thing that I think Hope is unaware of is that Ricky, Matt and I all attend the same college.

  We were unaware of this at first.

  But get me wrong we did speak and hang out once in a while when we were younger.

  But since all the stuff with Hope, not so much.

  Well not until college anyway.

  At first he would keep his distance from us, but after bumping into him at one of a rare amount of parties I attended we had it all out and talked about all the crap that had happened.

  In the end he realized we were just stupid boys being boys and never meant any malice.

  After that we became great friends and became somewhat of a trio around campus.

  Ricky agreed that when he thought she was ready he would try and clear the air between us and Hope.

  But I'm hoping now that isn't needed.

  But then again it couldn't help he having a word with her, could it?

  Now you’re probably wondering if we are such great friends why is he calling his sister's phone and not mine nor Matt's.

  Well that's easy. I hate these things. All they ever do is ring and beep.

  I tend to 'accidently' forget it and leave it off or in our room.

  I spoke with Ricky for a couple of minutes while Hope watched.

  We agreed to hang out at his place tomorrow and he told me about Hope's upcoming party.

  After we finished I hung up and passed her the phone back.

  "So I hear your having a party for your 18th?" I asked her in general conversation.

  She nods, but Heather interrupts her before she can say anything.

  "Yes a masquerade party." Heather smiled putting antsiest on masquerade.

  "Really? That's cool. Am I invited?" I ask her even though Ricky already invited us.

  She seemed to think about it for a minute before saying anything.

  "Yes you can come, but remember a mask. Also it has a dress up thing where women wear princess type dresses, while men wear suits".

  "Am I invited too?" Matt yells out even though he is only a few feet away.

  "And me?" Dean adds.

  Hope smiles. "Yes you can, but remember the dress code" she tells us again.

  "And no eyeliner." Heather adds grinning.

  It’s good to see we are not the only ones who don't like Dean's new look.

  Hope's phone beeped again.

  She took it out and read through what I guess was a text message.

  She sighed. "I got to get back home now. Kira wants me home to speak about something." She said nonchalantly.

  She stood up from her seat and so did my sister.

  "Come on we'll get changed and I'll walk out front with you." She told Hope.

  I'm sure she just wanted to get her alone to talk about something though.

  Heather pulled on her robe, while Hope just carried hers in her arms.

  "I'll see you all another time. Bye." Hope said with a wave before walking away.

  We all shouted bye back and I heard the two yaks laugh.

  As the two walked away I couldn't help but watch Hope and scan over her body, like I had been doing all day.

  God if she only knew what she did to me.

  They finally reach the house and disappear through the door.

  I turn around too see Matt smirking at me.

  "What?" I asked when he gave an accusing stare.

  He gets up and moves to the lounger next to me.

  "She's quite the hottie now, don't you think?" He asked with amusement in his voice.

  He must have caught me checking her out.

  Not that him and my little brother were any different.

  Dean especially. He made no secret at the fact that he was watching her, she seemed to like the attention or at least I think she did.

  I'm pretty sure she had no romantic feelings for him or that's what I guess by what me and Matt heard earlier.

  When our evil sister was trying to pimp her out to 'fix' my little brother image crisis.

  "Um I guess." I muttered lowly.

  By now Dean was out of the pool and sitting beside us.

  I guess he wanted to bond with his older brothers. Especially when heard our conversation topic.