Read My Best Friend's Brother Page 5

  Me and Matt had never been especially close to Dean.

  He much preferred our sister’s company or his video games.

  Matt grinned at me while Dean just listening while laying back in his seat with his eyes closed.

  "Come on man, I saw you"

  I gave him an 'I don't know what you are talking about' look.

  He smirked "So you’ve been perving on her since we first came out of here?" Matt said amused at himself.

  Dean looked at me, angry. As if to say 'she's mine'.

  "I have to admit though if she wasn't little Hope then I would. She's hot" Matt admitted.

  Dean nodded and saidm "She always has been, you just never looked before." He was now sitting and starring at us.

  I was starring off into space.

  "I know. I've always thought the same." I said out loud without thinking.

  I quickly cover my mouth and hoped no one heard my secret thoughts.

  No one said anything. It was so quiet you could hear the now slight breeze causing the water in the pool to waver slightly.

  I turned my head back to my brother to see their shocked expressions.

  Dean had an uncertain look.

  While Matt's was first confusion, but soon after his mouth feel as he realized.

  I have a secret.

  That's right since the first time I met Hope I have been in love with her.

  The pranks were all Well most were my idea so I could get her attention.

  All the good they did

  I know there was only a slight age gap between us, but when you are young even a couple of years can seem like ten.

  No matter how much I would have liked to have done something about it, I knew I would have to wait until she was older.

  And then she stopped coming.

  I was heartbroken.

  I started to date and sleep with any girl who would have me.

  But nothing worked. The truth is I still love her now.

  It broke me when Heather told us how we hurt her, I really messed that one up.

  All I ever wanted was her and now she hated me

  I know she doesn't feel the same way but maybe one day she could. I hope and she could really forgive me.

  "Nate." Matt said breaking me from my thoughts.

  "Yes man?" I say nonchalantly.

  "Do you have something you want to tell me?" Matt looked at me hopefully.

  While Dean was now almost looking through me.

  "Yes. Do you?" I heard a voice I didn't expect hear.


  You do?


  I turned to the door to see Heather standing there with her hands on her hips.

  "Oh hello," I paused "How long have you been there?" I ask her.

  She began to smirk "Long enough.”

  She started to stroll over before sitting next to me in the lounger where Hope was sat before.

  Heather was now dressed in a t-shirt and denim shorts.

  "So Nate. " She gave me an amused looked.

  I heard someone getting up behind me.

  Matt walked over and sat on the lounger next to our sister.

  He had the same amused look on his face.

  "Yes. So Nate," Matt gave me a huge smile

  "How long have you been crushing on your little sister’s best friend?" Matt asked his voice full of amusement.

  I looked away "I.. I haven't been" I stutter out.

  "Really?" Heather asked, trying not to laugh.

  The two looked at each other and laugh.

  "You are such a bad liar." Matt laughs.

  "I'm not."

  "So is this a recent thing or is this an old thing?" Heather teased.

  "No Hev, it has to be recent right Nate?" Matt quickly said asking for me.

  I don't answer, still looking away.

  "Right Nate?" Matt asks again, this time in a more serious tone.

  I coughed but didn't say anything still.

  Heather’s mouth dropped open but quickly closed it again as if realizing something.

  "Longer?" She almost whispers.

  I slowly turned to them and purse my lips.

  "Oh my god Seriously man?" Matt asked shocked.

  "How long has it been?" Dean asks, making me jump.

  "Since I first saw her." is all I say.

  "As in when I first brought her here when we were little?" Heather asks surprised.

  I nod.

  Silence filled the air for what seemed like forever, but in reality was only a minute.

  "Man this is crazy." Matt said running his hand though his hair.

  "So I guess you must like her a lot to still like her. You still like her right?" Heather asks again.

  "Yes. I tried to get over it but nothing worked." I explain. I hear Dean grunt at this and Matt rolled his eyes at our little brother.

  But before anyone else had a chance to speak we all heard someone clear their throat.

  We all turned to see her standing in the doorway.

  "Hope, I thought you had left?" Dean asks, standing up.

  "I did, but I had to come back." She said as she walked over to us before bending over and grabbing something from the floor under the lounger which Heather and Matt were both now sat on.

  She stood back up to reveal a phone in her hand.

  "I forgot my phone. I think I must have dropped it or something." She explains.

  "I really got to be going this time. I'll see you all again soon. Bye" She said walking back towards the door.

  “Text me when you get home ok hun?” Heather tells her.

  Hope turns and nods before waving her hand “Ok mom, buh bye”.

  Dean walked after her. “Hang on a sec and I’ll walk with you to the door.” He said, catching up with her.

  She stood at the door until he reached her.

  Dean turned and sent me a glare before placing his hand on her back and leading her back out.

  “Bye!" Me, Matt and Heather all called as she finally left again.

  I couldn't help but be jealous of my little brother.

  How could he be so open about his feelings, while I can't.

  I turned my attention back to my other two siblings to see them now looking at me too.

  "Do you think she heard anything?" Matt asked.

  "I didn't even think of that." I said mentally slapping myself.

  "Um, I don't know. Would it be so bad if she did?" Heather blurts out.

  "She's right, maybe you should tell her already" Matt agrees with our sister.

  I stare at them both as if they have gone insane.

  "Don't look at me like that!" Matt exclaims.

  "When she first started avoiding us you started to act like . actually now I think about you acted a lot like how Dean acts when he is pinning for her." He starts to laugh "I can't believe I didn't see that before. At the time I thought I was just moody because we had no one to mess with or something." Heather glares at Matt.

  "You are dumb."

  "Hey! You didn't see anything either" The two of them continue like this for a while.

  "Guys!" I finally yell causing them both to stop and look at me again.

  "I don't think we should even bother speaking about this anymore. It's not like anything’s gonna happen." I state.

  They both look at me wide eyed.

  "Seriously dude, you have been crushing on her for so long on you still not going to do anything about it?" he asked with a confused look.

  I nod and Heather hits my head.

  "What the hell?!" I yell out.

  "You really are a dumb face if you think that I am going to let you just pin for the rest of your life.

  You obviously have strong feelings for her if you still feel the same even though you haven't seen her in years!" She yelled back at me.

  Matt just nods in agreement.

  "So?" I say.

  "So first thing's first, I will find out if Hope heard anything"

Good idea." Matt said "But then what?" He adds.

  Heather rolls her eyes as if it was obvious "Sometimes I swear" She babbles to herself.

  "We, mainly me, will help our poor stupid brother Nathan get the girl of his dreams." She says dreamily.

  Matt and I laugh at her.

  "Yeah and how you gonna do that?" Matt asks.

  "I don't know, but we'll figure something out." She explains.

  "We??" he asks.

  She smirks and nods "Yes because we both love our brother and want him to be happy right?" She looks at him accusingly.

  "Oh yeah right." He grins.

  I roll my eyes "Don't I get a say in this?" I ask.

  "No!" They both say at the same time and begin the laugh again.

  "And what about Dean?" I ask knowing he would be a problem after all he has probably been feeling the same for about the same amount of time as me.

  Heather sighs. "Yeah I know. I feel sorry for him and all, but the truth is he stands no chance. She just doesn't like him like that." She states before adding, "I should know, I asked her more than enough times".

  I furrow my eyebrows before asking "And what makes you think she will be interested in me?"

  "Don't worry We'll speak about this again later" is all she said before leaving to go inside.

  Leaving behind a confused Matt and even more confused me.

  Now Matt and I were alone.

  "So Nate, Hope hey?" He smirked at me.

  I can see all the teasing now. God help me.

  But I still couldn't help but be happy at the thought of possibly dating Hope one day.

  I wouldn't admit it to Heather but I am glad someone is helping me.


  When I first heard Nathan's confession I was shocked.

  But soon after anger took its place.

  Shortly afterwards Hope came back and I walked her to the front door.

  I made sure to place my hand on her back and look back at Nathan who was watching us with his eyes full of jealously.

  I couldn't help back smirk as we walked through the doors back into the house.

  I didn't really want to, but I also didn't want to make Hope uncomfortable so I removed my hand soon after.

  We reached the door shortly afterwards.

  I open the door and she turned to me.

  "Thanks Dean."

  I couldn't help but smile. I love the way my name sounds when she says it.

  "It's ok. Drive safe." I say pulling her into a hug.

  She stiffed slightly but still hugged me back before pulling away.

  I knew she was probably just worried because I was her best friend’s little brother.

  But that didn't bother me, so it shouldn't bother her.

  "I'll see you another time, I really got to go now." She said as she walked towards her cute car.

  I watched her as she climbed in and drove away, waving to me as she pulled out.

  I smiled and waved back.

  I watched her car until it had totally vanished.

  I walked back into the house and closed the door behind me.

  I always felt giddy after seeing her, but it never lasted long.

  I wanted more, I wanted her.

  I walked back towards the garden where my siblings were still sat talking.

  I stood just inside the door listening to them plan.

  I can't believe they would do this to me.

  Heather knew how much I liked Hope and here she was going behind my back with my brother's planning to steal her away from me.

  I am not gonna let that happen she is mine and it's gonna stay that way.

  I stormed off into my room.

  As I lied down on my bed I knew what I had to do.

  I will make Hope realize she truly loves me and then we can be together properly and no one will be able to stop us.

  Until then I will have to try and keep Nathan away from her and even Heather if that's what it takes.


  I was driving home when I realized I didn't have my phone.

  "Crap." I said out loud.

  I thought back to where I last had it.

  The last time I remember having it was when Ricky called.

  I turned the car around and drove back to the house after remembering where I had probably left it.

  I pulled back into their drive and got out of the car.

  I walked straight back into the house without knocking as I have many times before.

  As I pasted the kitchen I saw Lanie.

  "Oh hi Honey. I thought you had left?" she asked turning to me.

  "I did, but I left my phone" I explain.

  She smiles and tells me to go.

  As I walk towards the back door I hear voices.

  I walk closer and listen for second.


  Robbie the Rabbit


  "Man this is crazy." I heard what sounded like Matt say.

  I couldn't help but feel intrigued.

  I stayed there silently and carried on listening.

  "So I guess you must like her a lot to still like her. You still like her right?" Heather asked this time.

  "Yes. I tried to get over it but nothing worked." Nathan replied.

  Without thinking I had opened the door and walked through into the garden.

  I didn't want them to find out I was listening, so I quickly cleared my throat and acted like I just arrived.

  They all turned to see me standing in the doorway.

  "Hope, I thought you had left?" Dean asks standing up.

  I look over to the lounger, which I was sat on before to see my phone hiding just underneath it.

  "I did, but I had to come back." I explain as I walk over to them group before bending over and grabbing my phone from the floor under the lounger which Heather and Matt were both now sat on.

  I stood back up with my phone in my hand and let out a sigh of relief.

  "I forgot my phone. I think I must have dropped it or something" I explain.

  I look up to see everyone looking at me with a strange look in their eyes.

  "I really got to be going this time. I'll see you all again soon. Bye." I said walking back towards the door.

  If I really didn't have to go I would of made up an excuse, because the looks they were giving me were making me very uncomfortable.

  "Text me when you get home ok hun?" Heather orders me.

  I turn back to her and nod before waving my hand "OK mom, buh bye".

  "Hang on a sec and I'll walk with you to the door." I heard someone call from behind me.

  I stopped and turned to see Dean trying to catch up to me.

  I stood at the door until he reached me.

  I turned back to the door and started to walk again.

  After a second of standing Dean began to follow me, but not before placing his hand on my lower back.

  This made my body tense up, but I continued to walk, not wanting to cause a scene.

  "Bye!" I heard the last of the three siblings call from behind as I left again.

  "Bye!" I called back, but I was already halfway through the door so I don't think they heard me.

  Thankfully as soon as we got inside Dean removed his hand.

  I let out a sigh of relief, which thankfully he didn't notice.

  As soon as we reached the front door Dean opened it for me.

  I turned to him and smiled saying, "Thanks Dean."