Read My guardian angel Page 1

My guardian angel


  Grace Yip




  Grace Yip on Smash-


  My guardian angel

  Copyright © 2012 by Grace Yip



  I'd like to thank Samar, Yianna, and Vivian for helping me with the tiniest things like ringtones to gigantic things like the cover. They have been giving me confidence and courage throughout the story and I’d like to say Thank you. I hope you enjoy the story!


  Thank you for picking this book and I hope you enjoy it!


  Table of contents
























  It was dark and raining as I drive passing a bridge. I couldn’t see much so I drove on faster suddenly the wheels lost control and I slam the breaks hard. I hit the railing and I was going to fall down the river and I black out as a blinding light blinds me something was pulling me out… Pain is what I felt when I woke up and tried to get out. Pain shot through me. “Try not to move too much.” A smooth voice said behind me. As I open my eyes I find that I’m lying on the ground and I turn my head around to see who it was. An angel stood there smiling. “Um thanks.” I say getting my wallet. “How much do I have to pay? I ask. He waved his hands. “It’s taken from your account we’re just waiting for the ambulance you might have broke a leg though. The cuts will heal but the leg will take time.” He said. “Thanks.” I say again. It looked like I hit the railing and was falling into the river when the angel pulled me from the window. My car was a total lost at least I was alive. “Thanks.” I say again more to me and the siren of the ambulance comes closer.

  Chapter 1

  Beep, beep, beep I pushed the snooze button and got up. I sighed I had to work from Monday to Friday now on from 6:00 am to until school began. My parents had died in a car crash when I was only one so my uncle took me in. He owned a restaurant named Kevin’s diner. Yep you’re right his name is Kevin very practical of him to name it Kevin’s diner. But all these years he toke me in and took care of me like his own daughter and I appreciate it. I washed my face and looked in the mirror. I was in high school and I would me graduating this year. My height is pretty tall but not the tallest I have brown wavy hair and brown eyes I didn’t look too bad I had to say but compared to the fashion brats at school I was just a normal person. As I went downstairs my uncle was already busy cooking and serving “Here this is to table 2.” Kevin said handing me bread and I start helping. “Can you turn on the TV please?” A customer asked. “Sure.” I say turning it on. I turned around to look at the news. It was just talking about an angel saving someone almost falling into the river. Before I was born a few years before angels opened up there secret and started help saving people in accidents. Of course it’s the rich people that usually get saved because they pay big fees for angels to save them in accidents. Everyone is always talking about angels now 24/7. I couldn’t imagine before when there wasn’t angels though. I wasn’t such a big fan an angels though I wasn’t sure why. Pretty much I’m the only one not obsessed with them even my best friend is. Sighing as my uncle gives me a plate and coffee. As I look around I didn’t find any tables. “Which table is this for?” I ask Kevin. “It’s yours.” He said smiling. “Thanks” I say sitting down to eat.

  Chapter 2

  I soon as I got in the bus I spotted my best friend Ashley she was already typing on her blackberry. “Hey.” I say as I sat down next to her. “Did you hear?!” she asked. “Hear what?” I ask confused. “OMG you didn’t hear?” Ashley said looking at me. “What?” I ask curious now. “OMG the hottest angel just saved a man and you don’t know?!” she said. “You mean Kellen?” I ask. “You’re impossible! Duh it’s him do you know any other hottest angel in the world?” She said rolling her eyes. Kellen was the hottest angel and every girl in our class was in love with him especially since he was our age. Paparazzi and fans followed him 24/7 and even the world’s hottest girl angel was in love with him. His parents were really well known too. His father was one of the leaders of angels and his mother was well known for helping out angels and getting everything in order. “Well you know I don’t really follow or care about these stars.” I say. “Well you should because everyone does plus you’re living in Los Angeles.” She said. It was true we were living in Los Angeles one of the places on earth where most angels and most popular angels lived. As the bus reached our school we got off and went to our classes. I dragged through the morning and joined Ashley at our table. “Hi.” I say. “Hi did you get the news?” She said really excited. “No but I’m sure you’re going to tell me!” I say smiling. She was too excited to roll her eyes. “Kellen is going to get the first person to save!” She said. “Right...” I say. “He passed all the training and even skipped a grade!” She said almost yelling. “Right….” I say again. “You don’t know the best part!” She said. “What?” I ask. “He’s not going to choose his person to protect he’s going to draw out a name in the draw!” Ashley said grabbing my arm. “Good luck!” I say knowing her name was probably in it ten times. “It’s me against a few billion!” She said. “What a few billion people hello a billion nine zeros?! You make a few billion sounds like two people.” I say. “Well I’m in it seven times already!” She said gushing and daydreaming. “Great.” I say. “You are entering it right?” She said. “You know I’m not into it and all that….” I say trailing off. “I’m going to pay for you secretly if you don’t!” She said. “What a great friend fine. We go today?” I say. “Yes!” She said. I thought what my uncle would say. He would probably say I’ll let you enter once but don’t get your hopes up too much and get torn down when you don’t get chosen. As the rest of the day past Ashley came with me to ask him.

  Chapter 3

  We found him talking to a customer and we sat down and waited. We said hi to him as he came over. “Kevin.” Ashley said. “Yes?” He said raising his eyebrow and looking at me. “Ashley wants to pay for a draw.” I say. “What kind of draw?” He said. “Well you know Kellen?” Ashley said dreamily. “Let me guess you want Alyssa to enter that draw so you can maybe get saved out of billions of people.” He said. “You’re good at this.” I say smiling. “Pretty please a draw doesn’t cost much and I’ll pay for half of it.” Ashley said. Ashley being my best friend won’t let me miss out on the new and most popular things she even would pay for it. “Well ok just one but don’t get your hopes too high maybe only up to one percent.” Kevin said smiling. “Thanks.” I say as Ashley drags me to the bus. The line up for the draw was ridiculously long longer then getting free stuff. “We want the price for one draw.” I say. “Only one piece of paper will be put in there with your name though?” The cashier said like I was dumb. “Yes I’m sure.” As I reach for my wallet Ashley already paid. The cashier gave me a piece of paper to fill in my name, address, phone number, and email. When I was signing it Ashley brought three more. As I give it in I wait for Ashley to finish writing. “You didn’t have to pay.”I say. “Oh well I have money plus anything for a best friend.” She said. “Well thanks. “ I say and she nodded. “They are going to be announcin
g the winner on every channel on Saturday you want to come over to my house to watch?” Ashley asked. “Sure.” I say and we go home. That night at dinner me and Kevin sat down and chatted about it. “You realize what you’re going to do if you win?” He asked. “Well it’s like you said out of billions.” I say and Kevin looked at me like he knew my future. “Just tell me what you will do.” He said seriously. “Not much will change we brought a draw so we don’t need to pay any taxes like others would so I’ll just continue with my life.” I say. “With hundreds of paparazzi and reporters, tons of fans, and an angel star hovering around you doesn’t make your life any different? He asked. “Well I’ll chat with Ashley and get things clear.” I say and he nodded like I made my life’s biggest improvement. As we finished I take a few more orders and I get ready for bed. As I lay in my bed I never knew what would happen that would change my life forever.

  Chapter 4

  I woke up and stretched as my wings appeared and turned the TV on. “Kellen Godspark the hottest angel ever is going to find out who’s he going to save this Saturday!” I turned it off and got ready. Looking at myself in the mirror I was perfect flawless blue eyes and my wings. They weren’t the fluffy white feathered wings Renaissance painted. My wings were sleek muscular. Each angel had their own different signature wings. As my wings disappeared it left a mark swirls like a tattoo those marks meant that I wasn’t human. I lived in one of Los Angeles biggest homes but a home was a home nothing more. “Good morning.” I say to my parents as I go in the kitchen. ‘Good morning Kellen.” My mom said hugging me. “Are you ready for the draw on Saturday?” My dad asked. “Well I guess.” I say. “This isn’t a I guess thing this is you’re future! This is the biggest event for you! It’s the first save!” He said with conviction and enthusiasm. “I’m ready!” I say giving my signature smile with my dimples and a hundred flashes of cameras go out outside my home. “Good job! Say it again!” He said louder. “Honey can we save it for later and have a calm family breakfast?” My mom said. “Sure honey but I’m not done with you!” He said as I nod. “I’m going to meet Jaden now ok?” I say and I head out as my mom nods. I go to the garage parked with my red Ferrari, my mom’s Porsche, and my dad’s Lamborghini. As I open the garage girls try to reach being pushed my security. I flash my smile and a hundred flashes blind everyone. I drove out as girls try to follow. Once I reach angel café a popular café angel’s go to paparazzi, fans, reports, and stalkers swarm. Good thing there was security 24/7 there. As I parked in my spot I went inside and I spot Jaden. Jaden was my best pal every since we started training. On the last level when they told us I would be skipping my last level Jaden was left behind and I became the world’s youngest angel to have the first save. “Yo Kellen come here!” Jaden said and every angel turned my way I smiled as I went to sit beside him. “What’s up? I ask. “You see that hot one over there?” He said pointing at an angel with long brown hair showing her angel marks looking at me to see if I saw. “What about her? I ask. “Ok how about her?” He said pointing at a blonde showing off her wings. “What about her?” I ask again. “Man if you don’t get a girl Victoria is going to keep getting you!” He said and on cue Victoria came out of her Lamborghini and came in fans were shouting and trying to get to her. Victoria was the hottest girl angel on earth. We had been dating but the more I was with her I felt like she was with me for fans and to get on news papers, shows, blogs, news. If another person dressed up like me I was sure she wouldn’t even find out. “Any chance she won’t see me?” I ask. “Nope she’s heading here right now.” He said. “Hello Kellen!” She said. “Hi Vicky you just came?” I ask. “Yes Kellen.” She said leaning closer as camera’s pose to get a shot. “I have to go.” I say. She kissed me on the cheek and the camera’s flash. “Bye.” She said. I would be lying if I said she wasn’t the world’s hottest angel. She was flawless, green almost glowing like eyes, and famous angel marks and wings. “Dude you there snap out of it.” Jaden said snapping his fingers like I would vanish. “Yeah what’s up?” I ask. “It wouldn’t hurt if you two got back…” he said smiling. “Dude she’s a goner.” I say. “Well this is the plan for Friday night he said looking on his blackberry acting as if he was scrolling down. “Long boring speech, party, party, get drunk, get drunk, get a girl, get drunk, party and get drunk!” Jaden said smiling. “You know I need to prepare.” I say. “MAN FIRST SAVES! Make it one to remember because everyone will!” He said hitting the table like a judge. “Fine jeez.” I say relenting. “Good man!” He said slapping my back. If I was a human I would have fell and I roll my eyes. “See ya.” I say. “Bye!” He said and I headed out.

  Chapter 5

  A long tiring day had gone by and Ashley was at my house. “Ok so what happens if you win?” I ask. “Well you party with angels, have paparazzi, reporters, hot people following you, you get saved if you’re going to die, yada party yeah that’s it.” Ashley said daydreaming. At night Kevin talked to me again. “So you learn more yet?” He asked. “Well this is what she said Well you party with angels, have paparazzi, reporters, hot people following you, you get saved if you’re going to die, yada party yeah that’s it.” I say. “Well you’re going to have to prepare!” Kevin said really serious. “You say it like I’m going to win!” I say laughing. He looked like he was going to tell me something but changed his mind and told me to go to bed. When I was on my bed I thought back to yesterday and today. Why had my uncle told me to prepare like he knew the future? That was the question I repeated until Saturday night. Each day when I was with Ashley all she ever said was about angels and winning the draw. She made me promise if I won I would let her come with me and she promised me not that I even cared. The days were torturous even the customers were all chatting about angels. Kevin told me to prepare for Saturday even though I never understood why until Saturday night……

  Chapter 6

  It was dinner at Thursday when my dad talked to me. “You ready now?” He asked. “Yes boy I am!” I say. “There’s still one more thing I need to clear.” My dad suddenly said seriously. “Yes what?” I ask. “Don’t get too close to who you’re saving.” He said and I laugh. “How do you even know it’s a girl it might be a grandpa for all you know!” I say laughing. “Just be careful ok?” He said looking grave. “Ok I promise!” I say. My dad looked at me. “I’m sorry.” He said and walked away. Sorry for what I thought. Both sides had given there warning but nothing could change the future nothing…. It was Friday and I got ready for the party since I promised Jaden. I drove there and got out. Jaden was already there and was talking to a hot angel well he made me say that. I said my speech flashed a signature smile and what Jaden said party time. “Come on man chill and have fun he said pulling me in a bunch of girls. “She is coming!” He said. No names no anything and I knew who. Victoria. “Hello again Kellen my you look good!” Victoria said. I gave a fake smile and nudged Jaden to bad she saw. “Want to have some time alone?” She said not that she would make it an option and she pushed me to the side. “What do you want Victoria?” I say annoyed that she pulled me away of Jaden. “You know what I want.” She said leaning over. “No I don’t.” I say moving away. “I always wanted you. I was stupid to let you go we can start over again!” She said with her sweet suicide hypnotizing voice. “We are over!” I say making it clear. “Come on give me one more chance! You didn’t bring me to the beach you wanted to yet!” She said smiling. “No is my final answer!” I say. She suddenly glared and moved closer starting to say something when Jaden popped over and dragged me away. “Sorry Miss Victoria but we got to go!” He yelled back and pulled me far away to lose her. “Thank you so much Jaden!” I say almost hugging him. “I could tell it was getting hot well not in the good way! You want to go yet?” He asked smiling. “Sure.” And I escape for now…..

  Chapter 7

  Friday night came and both Kellen and Alyssa were nervous. Alyssa: “Earth to Alyssa you there?” Ashley asked. “Sorry.” I say snapping out of my daydream. “
Well it’s going to start soon!” She said gushing with excitement and I nod. Kellen: I was on the backstage getting ready with my dad and mom giving that last minute good luck. “Ready?” My dad asked. “Yes!” I say as I look at the screen showing around the stadium. My mom and dad rushed out to sit down with the audience. “Here is the time everyone has been waiting for KELLEN GODSPARK!”And I go out. There were millions of people there and I flash my smile as millions of people start screaming and clapping. “Ok Kellen you made a chose for a draw right?” He asked. “Yes I did!” I say and girls start screaming. “Great so now the time you have been waiting for the draw!” He said as everyone became silent and a huge box filled with ballots inside. I reached in…. Alyssa: “OMGOMGOMG LET IT BE ME!” Ashley said and I just stare ahead on the TV screen. Kellen was reaching in the box and choosing. Kellen: The box was filled with ballots and as I came close to one it seemed to drive it’s self to my hand as I reach out. “AND THE WINNER IS….” Alyssa: Both Ashley and I were holding our breaths I didn’t know why I was. “THE WINNER OF THE DRAW IS………. ALYSSA GODSPEED!” and Ashley screamed I didn’t take in the information Alyssa was my name and Godspeed was my last name…… “Wait I won?” I ask weakly and we just stared at the screen taking the info in…. Kellen: Alyssa Godspeed. I wonder who it was. She wasn’t here so they were going to contact her tomorrow. That question drilled in my head the whole time. Usually the person that won would always be here. Alyssa probably lived somewhere else far from here I thought. But even though I tried not to think I needed to see who it was... I got someone to get more info and I would try to visit her tonight.

  Chapter 8

  I had won. “Alyssa you won out of billions you see what good I did for you! I got you to win!” Ashley said happy. When I came back I found Kevin waiting for me in the front. “I’ll see you tomorrow!” I say and head inside. “I won.” I said. “Yeah I saw on TV.” Kevin said. “How did you know?” I ask. “What do you mean I never knew?” Kevin said looking scared and trying to cover it pretending badly. “Look I deserve to know!” I said a bit loud as a customer came in I forgot to turn the sign to close and I sigh. “You go order and I’ll make.” Kevin said heading in the kitchen and ditch my question. Kellen: As I walk in Kevin’s Diner I saw a girl talking with probably her dad and I wait. My part had been done so I set off to the place while all my fans were still in there so it was clear and no paparazzi. I wait for them to finish their discussion that looked a bit heated and walk to sit at a random table to wait. Alyssa: Kevin was waiting for me to order so I turned the sign to close and went over to where he was sitting. I had to say he looked… good. He had blue eyes and flawless skin. When I realized I was just standing there staring I rushed over. “Hello what can I help you with?” I say and I saw him think for a second. “I’ll have a coffee.” He said with a clear voice great I was staring again! “Do you want anything else?” I ask. “No that’s all.” He said and I nod and went over to place the order. Kellen: While I sat there I realized I was staring at her. She had beautiful brown eyes and shoulder hight brown hair she looked simple I had to say she looked cute. As she came back with her order I told her I wanted to talk to her she looked plain confused. “Wait let me get a coffee too.” She said and I nod. Alyssa: “Kevin can I have a coffee the customer wants to talk to me about something.” I ask. Kevin nodded and placed one onto my hands I realized he had made one already. I didn’t know what was wrong but I thought he looked scared. “Thanks.” I say as I head back. “Ok so what is it you want to talk about?” I ask sipping my coffee. “Well did you see the draw on TV?” He asked. Now I was plain confused why would a customer ask that but I nodded. “Well…. I just wanted to make sure you knew I’m going to save you if you’re in an accident.” He said. I nodded and sipped my coffee thinking for a moment what he had said. “Wait you?” I say choking on my coffee. “Yes I’m Kellen Godspark.” He said looking amused. I looked at him and opened my mouth to find I didn’t know what to say. Kellen Godspark was at Kevin’s Diner ordering coffee like a normal customer oh yeah right except that he’s an angel and a famous star. “Kellen Godspark?” I say barely whispering. “Yes. You weren’t there so I came here to give you a heads up.” He said nodding. I didn’t know what to say I was getting tired and I didn’t want to deal with it any more. I wasn’t any angel fan what else could I say. “Well thanks it’s getting late and I forgot to flip the sign when you’re done we’re closing.” I say like I would to any costumer. I had to say he looked shocked but he nodded and said bye. After he left I took his cup and washed it. “So what did Kellen want?” Kevin said curious. “Ok how did you know it was him? Unless your secretly a big Kellen fan.” I say catching him red handed. I saw Kevin hit his head hard against the table and sigh. “Ok look I promise I’ll tell you all on your birthday.” He said trying hard to steer me out of the topic for now. My birthday was coming close. I was turning 18 on Friday and I was sure once Kevin made up his mind he wouldn’t change it. It was close enough so I said yes. “Ok but you promised.” I say glaring and heading to get ready for bed. When I was on my bed I started to sort my thoughts. One I won a draw and now Kellen an angel is going to save me when I’m in danger. Two Kellen just came to Kevin’s diner sat down like a customer and gave me a heads up. It was only two things but my head was already full. Overwhelmed I fell asleep….. Kellen: I sat in my Ferrari and sorted out my thoughts. The winner Alyssa a normal human just told me to get out. No screams no big surprise no touching me to see if I was real. Nothing a normal fan would do. I didn’t know why I was even bothered by that. I drove home and went to bed. I was going to see her sometime tomorrow somehow. But for the whole night all I could think of is her brown eyes and her smile.