Read My guardian angel Page 2

  Chapter 9

  As I woke up my thoughts had returned to yesterday. All I could think about was Kellen. That was the image I had for the whole day. When I came down I found the diner filled with more people than I ever thought would come. Paparazzi, reporters, fans were all outside waiting for a table and staring at me. “Kevin where did all these people come from we never had so many customers before even at dinner time?” I whisper loudly. “Seems like people found out where you lived but I knew one day more people would come.” He said. I worked the whole day and mostly everyone wanted to sit at where Kellen sat. A customer sat there for three hours and we had practically dragged her outside. We closed early because we worked for the whole day and neither us got a break. Kevin decided to hire some people and right after he hung a slip a paper everyone ran to get a meeting to get a job here. When we were closing and didn’t let anyone else try out apparently they used our window to get their anger out. Talk about anger issues! Kevin was about to get the police when I saw Kellen standing at the back. He pointed at the employee entrance and I nodded. He was completely covered head to toe when I let him in I had to grin at that. “What so funny about me?” He asked. “Nothing’s wrong about you.” I say covering my giggle with a cough. I led him in Kevin’s office and grabbed the phone out of his hand and hanged up. He almost called the police. “Our friend Kellen here is going to find a solution here.” I say. “Well I can get some security to guard here 24/7.” He said and we nod. CRASH!! “Oh shit!” Why did we leave the front unguarded?” I say rushing there and no it wasn’t like me to swear. “I’ll call the police for now until the security comes.” Kellen said calling. After a few minutes there were ten police cars in the front. “I’ll get the window fixed.” Kellen said and we nod thanking him. As I led him to the back to go we paused for a moment. “I have one more question.” He said. “Ok spill.” I said not caring if he was a famous angel I was going to treat him like a normal person.... and a bit more I guess. “Do you want to come with me to a party on Tuesday?” He asked. I actually thought he looked kind of nervous. “Um I’ll have to ask Kevin.” I say hesitantly. “Here this is my phone number.” He said scribbling on a piece of paper. “Thanks.” I say. “If anyone’s bothering you, stalking you, or.... if you want to call just call.” He said and he went. Closing the door I went to find Kevin talking to a few random people. “Ok I’ll see you right tomorrow then!” He said looking happy as they went. “Ok what now?” I say. “Well those are the people that will be helping starting tomorrow.” He said. “Great I get a break!” I say and Kevin chuckled. “Anything else I need to know?” He asked. “Well Kellen asked if I wanted to go to a party with him on Tuesday.” I ask trying not to sound too hopeful but I had to say I wanted to. “Well I’m not sure.... It is a school night and...” He said trailing off. “Look Kevin I’m turning 18 I won’t do anything stupid.” I say. “It’s not you doing something stupid I’m worried it’s the people there.” He said. “Look Kevin please I worked the whole day today can’t I have some rest and have fun?” I ask. “Fine I’ll talk to you about rules tomorrow. Bed now! He said and I nod heading upstairs. I told Ashley about my plans and I was happy to find out that whatever she told her mom her mom would say no. So I told her the next one and she agreed. I looked at the sheet with Kellen’s phone number and how much Ashley would pay for this sheet. I took a deep breath and called. “Hello?” He said. “It’s me Alyssa Kevin said I could go.” I say trying to sound normal. “Great I’ll pick you up at 8:00 pm and when you want to come back just tell me.” He said. “Good night.” I say. “Good night sweet dreams.” He said and I hanged up blushing tomato red. Great! Now I have a crush on him. I knew he liked other angels plus an angel can’t be with a human. He probably liked that hottest girl angel on the earth I thought. The rest of the night was thoughts about him.

  Chapter 10

  As soon as I got home I found Jaden talking with my parents. “Hi.” I say looking at them. “Where were you?” Jaden asked. “Alyssa and Kevin were having security problems so I helped them.” I say. When I said Alyssa I saw a sharp glare coming from my dad to Jaden. “Why don’t you get to bed?” My mom said and I head upstairs wondering what they were talking about and why it was so important to keep it a secret. As soon as I finished the call with Alyssa I went to sleep filled with thoughts about her. At 6:00 am I woke up and got ready when I went downstairs I found that my dad was reading newspaper and my mom was having phone calls. “Good morning.” I say. “Good morning.” My dad said as I look at what he was reading. IS KELLEN GODSPARK THE HOTTEST MALE ANGEL DATING VICTORIA THE HOTTEST WOMAN ANGEL AGAIN? The headlines said. “You guys know I’m over with her.” I say glancing at the newspaper. “Well if you are dating again we always loved her.” My dad said. That sounded weird coming from my dad. I nod and stare at him. “What’s wrong?” He asked. “Nothing’s wrong.” I mumbled and ate breakfast. I drove to Jaden’s house and we sat down on the sofa and started chatting. “You back then?” Jaden suddenly asked. “Wow man where did you go now. Back what I mean who or what….” I ask. “Are you dating Victoria?” Jaden asked again. “Dude did you lose your mind I told you I am over with her!” I say and he nodded. “Why do you like someone?” He asked. “Why?” I ask. “Oh you know I’m your bestie want to know your life.” He said. “Ok...” I say and we became silent. “You didn’t answer yet question yet.” He said staring with his brown eyes. Jaden was also a pretty popular angel. His wings were known for the glow like glow sticks and the maze pattern “Well I kind of have a crush on....” I say getting cut off. “Alyssa?” He asked. “How did you know?” I ask realized that I just gave away the answer. “Oh just a lucky guess I guess.” He said. “Well she’s coming with me to the party on Tuesday.” I say. “Just don’t let Victoria know ok?” He said. “Well you know how she has a sensing thing where ever I’m close.” I say. It seemed like wherever I went she would be there or spot me. “Yeah I know just try.” He said. We chatted for a bit more and I went to get some picture shots to put on a building. Once I got there I realized Victoria was in front of me really creepy I know. “Hi Kellen your also here!” She said looking pleased. “Yeah I’m getting photo shots.” I say and she fluttered her eyelashes. She made attempts so start to chat but it didn’t last very long. “So are you bringing anyone to the party?” She asked. “Well I’m bringing Alyssa.” I say. “Who are you talking about?” She said. She seemed to not care about anyone human. “Alyssa the person I’m saving in accidents.” I say. “Oh her she said wrinkling her noise. Why are you bringing her?” She said like we were talking about rats. “Why shouldn’t I? She’s kind of cute.” I say I never realized I said that. The word cute got her looking angry but she had her sweet smile back in a few seconds. “Cute.” She said it like cute was ugly and I nod. “Well I’m getting my shot now!” She said and went. After a few minutes I realized that no one called her in. When I looked at the timeline and names I didn’t find her anywhere. Did she come just to talk to me? Well I wouldn’t mind if she did it’s just the lying part. I shrugged as they called me in to get the photo shots.

  Chapter 11

  I woke up and got ready for school. Now that we had more people to help I didn’t need to work on school days. I found security outside standing and scanning any trouble. When I came out everyone rushed to me as the security pushed them. Wow angel power is strong I thought. The whole way to school was paparazzi and fans. Once I got to the bus I found Ashley waiting for me excited. “We are going to the mall to get you a dress and no isn’t an answer.” She said and I nod. She made me tell her all the details about Kellen and I swear she was going to faint. The whole day at school random people were talking to me, sitting with me at lunch, being nice to me. I even thought the teachers were nicer some random things popped out. Like “See how Alyssa is sitting up nice.” And in gym “Come on look at how fast Alyssa is running!” The fashion brats were swarming me and complimenting my body. It was just plain weird. After school I called K
evin to tell him that I’m going to the mall and we went. We went store to store but nothing seemed right. We took a break to rest and ate ice cream. “Ok nothing good so far.” I say to Ashley. “Don’t give up we only went to some stores.” She said and we finished our ice cream and went back to shopping. When we almost gave up I found a shop at the very corner it was new and had a sale but no one seemed to go inside. “Let’s go inside that one!” I say pulling Ashley. A shop keeper seemed happy to see a customer and asked us what kind of clothing we wanted. “Well I’m going to a party and maybe just a nice simple dress.” I say. She gave us some but none of them seem to fit or look good on me. I split up with Ashley and I saw a Cute Short Red Pleated Dress. It was beautiful, my size, and it was on clearance. “Ashley found one!” I said and she rushed over. “Oh my god that looks so beautiful I am so jealous of you now!” She said and we laugh. I tried it on and came out. “Look ok?” I ask. “No way looks awesome!” She said. “I’ll buy this one then.” I say to the shop keeper. We brought a few small things and went home. I had to say I was happy with today’s shopping. When I entered the diner it was completely full so I went to help out for a bit. I ate dinner with Kevin and he gave me the lecture he was going to give yesterday. It was about don’t drink/don’t talk with random people/don’t go with random people/ and a hundred other things. Once I agreed on all of them and promised that I would come back before 12:00 am. Once I was in bed I got ready for tomorrow.

  Chapter 12

  As I got ready for bed I thought of what I should wear tomorrow. I picked a Gucci suit and pants. I went to sleep waiting for tomorrow. Her image was what played in my head for the whole night..... It was morning and I got up at 6:00 am. I got ready and waited for 8:00 pm to come. I never really felt nervous before. Maybe it was all the practice you get having an angel leader as a dad. Maybe it was because everyone already loved me when I was born. But today I was nervous. As 8:00 came closer and closer I got ready and drove over heart still pounding..... I took the dress and went in my room to change. It was 7:30 pm and I was getting ready. I never was a fan of angels but thinking of Kellen... made my heart pound. I put on the dress and the earrings that Ashley made me buy. I put on high heels and but a bit makeup. I looked simple but good enough and I liked it. I waited downstairs helping and yes I looked awkward so dressed up serving bread. Kevin told me to just calm down and sit for a while. So I sat down and waited. Clapping began outside and screams. He was here. I took a deep breath and said bye to Kevin. I walked outside to meet him. That didn’t really help the crowd so we went into his red Ferrari and then he complimented me. “Do I look ok?” I ask fidgeting. Like any normal human I never went to an angel party and I didn’t know what to wear. “You look great!” He said smiling. “Thanks.” I say and we go. Once we were there I had to say it looked really.... fancy. I follow him on the red carpet. “Anything I need to know before we go in?” I ask. “Have fun that’s about it. Oh and don’t answer any reporters if you don’t feel like it or if it’s offensive. The paparazzi are really annoying you know bright flashes and all just keep a smile and walk with me got it?” He asked. “I’m defiantly ready!” I say I had to say I thought he looked nervous. He went out and opened the door offering a hand. I took it and walked out. Boy the crowd reacted when I toke his hand. He gave me a reassuring smile and we walked in. I never saw so much paparazzi or fans before. They tried to touch us being pushed away by security. A teen was shouting my name I smiled at him hey guess what he fainted weird and a bit creepy. Inside beautiful angels were filled inside dancing, drinking, chatting, and well staring at us as we come in. We walk in and Victoria came over and greeted us. “Why hello Kellen and Alyssa welcome!” She said smiling and paparazzi took hundreds of photos. “Don’t you look cute Alyssa?” She said saying cute like I was bunny. “Why thank you Victoria!” I say smiling. I swear her face changed it was funny to look though. Kellen gave me a wink and back I go to floating in my daydream. “You’re welcome my dear.” Victoria said forced. I nod and Kellen pulled me into a crowd. “Don’t let Victoria get to your nerve she’s jealous.” He said. “You’re joking right Victoria’s the world’s hottest angel me a human and not really at all that pretty or even close to hot. So I don’t think she’s jealous.” I say smiling. “Alyssa you’re beautiful just because you’re not an angel doesn’t mean you aren’t. I’ll even call you hot if you want too.” He said and we laugh. Didn’t really feel like he was an angel felt like we were on a date but he was human. We had fun and chatted. Lots of angels wanted to get to know me and we partied. As Kellen went to chat with his friend he was in view so he could see me and I could see him. Victoria came over and sat with me. She leaned over and gave me a stare. “Hi.” I say. “You don’t think you can play through it right? Kellen likes me and only me you come close to him you’re dead.” She said with a sugar sweet smile. “Don’t worry I don’t want you to get wrinkles thinking about it. I don’t like him and you know he doesn’t like me so don’t waste your breath!” I say back. Victoria leaned closer she was about to say something but Kellen saved me and came over. “Do you have a problem Vic?” He asked. Victoria glared at me and but on a fake smile of course not Kellen we were having a really great time talking!” She said grabbing his hands. I raise an eyebrow and roll my eyes. He pulled away from her and took me by the hand to go somewhere else. “Not dumb Victoria so what happened?” He asked. “Nothing happened.” I say. “Yeah that looked bad from where I was standing.” He said. “Uh fine she threatened me if I like you and yes I know it’s hard to believe because she is always to sugar sweet to you. You don’t believe me right?” I say turning red. “I believe you I did she her nasty side with other girls and your turning red.” He said smiling his signature smile. I didn’t think I could possibly turn any more red. As we walk by a girl named Anna smiled. She talked to me before and I had to say she was one of the nicest angel’s so far. “Hello Kellen the night going good so far?” She said smiling. We had a nice chat and I knew that she liked him she told me that and I told her I wouldn’t mind. She was the only one that asked me permission. “Hi Anna it’s been great so far.” He said smiling. She touched his arm and patted it. They talked for a few minutes and I saw Victoria glaring not at me at Anna from a distance. Kellen said something and Anna said bye. We walked to a place that led us outside to a patio. We sat down and enjoyed the silence for some time. I saw Anna walk into the bathroom and Kellen started to talk. “So what do you think of this place so far?” He asked as I was about to replay a bone chilling scream came from the washroom and Kellen grabbed my hand. We came closer to the washroom where we heard the scream. Everyone had stopped the music and chatting and looked at the girl’s washroom. An angel came out probably the one that screamed. “ANNA’S BEEN MURDERED!” she yelled and security came in. It was only 10:00 pm so I didn’t have to call Kevin because they told us to stay for one hour and scan us through because everyone in here could be a suspect.