Read My guardian angel Page 3

  Chapter 13

  The wait was long and they searched through everyone. We were first because Kellen was the guest star and I came with him once we were on the car we took a moment to think back. “Do you want to go home if not I have a place to take you?” Since we were first it didn’t take an hour just a few minutes. The latest is 12:00 pm then I have to go back so sure.” I say and he began to drive. He parked beside a beach and took me down. The sky was pink, yellow, and blue it was beautiful. “This is beautiful! Thanks.” I said smiling. “You really think so?” He said like I was crazy. “Yes I really like the scenery here. Why?”I ask. “Why what?” he asked. “You’re looking at me like I’m crazy.” I say. “Oh” He said blushing. “Why?” I ask. “Well when I was dating Victoria I took her to a sea side. I didn’t tell her where we were going. I promised that if she liked this one I would take her to the most special place I thought was. She thought that the sea side was horrible and well all she cared was showing her body in a bikini and complaining about the sea stink. So I never took her here.” He said blushing madly now. “So this is your favorite place?” I ask. “Yeah I can think here and it’s calm.” He said. “Wait if you didn’t take Victoria here then why did you take me?” I ask starting to blush too. “Well.....”He said trailing off. “What?” I ask moving closer to him. “Well I kind of like you.” He said barely whispering. He looked up to see if I was laughing but I was blushing badly too now. I clear out my throat. “I like you too.” I said and we stare at the water great now Victoria is going to kill me. “Well you’re different not like the other girl angels. You don’t wear something like lady gaga would going to a movie theater and you don’t yak about clothing and makeup or money.” He said. That was so sweet I thought. “Why what did Victoria dress up as to the movie theater?” I ask. “She dressed up like Lady gaga.” He said and we laugh. Once it got dark we drove home. “Well I had a really great time with you even though someone got murdered.” I say and he smiled. “Thanks.” He said. He kissed me lightly and went. I stood there for three whole moments not moving. God he was an angel I thought. Well he practically was I thought. When I came in Kevin rushed to see me. “Are you ok?” He asked looking terrified. “I feel great.” Why?” I said. “The murder murdered someone at the party.” He said. “Oh that part well we were the first one to go and we are perfectly safe.” I say. “Go to bed you had a long day.” He said and I went. Today was the best day of my life not counting the murder since that was plain creepy.

  Chapter 14

  The next morning I woke up and got ready for school. I found a newspaper that Kevin placed on my hand. I scanned the topic. “Alyssa and Kellen dating!” it said in big bold letters. It had a picture of Kellen kissing me and I turned red. “Um I’m sorry Kevin.” I said not sure if he was mad or disappointed probably both. “It’s ok I dated around at your age too. Plus I already knew.” He said grumbling. “How did you already know?” I ask catching him red handed again boy he was bad at keeping secrets. “Friday and I’m going to tell it all to you.” He said and I nodded. Not bothering to ask. At the bus Ashley made me tell everything even the murder part which was still haunting me. I made her swear that she wouldn’t tell anyone even if the reporters told her they would pay her a million dollars. “They will pay me?” She asked. “Ashley!” I say. “Just asking knowing this stuff before anyone is good enough!” She said and I smile. “Thanks.” I say and she waved it off. The week passed fast and Kellen sometimes would text me small texts. You want to know what kind? Fine it’s I love you Alyssa, Miss you, Thinking about you, and other sweet things. I had to say he was really sweet. It came to Friday and I got ready for Kevin to spill his secrets. After school I found Kellen chatting with Kevin in his office. “Hello Kevin hello Kellen!” I say smiling. “Hey.” Kellen said and Kevin nodded. “So I asked your uncle if I could take you out today nothing major.” He said and Kevin nodded again. This morning Kevin made a cake for me and gave me money to buy anything I wanted like any normal birthday and I liked it. “Sure I’ll go!” I say and Kevin nodded with relief like it made me forget to ask him his big secret. Kevin got up but I pushed him down back in his seat. I pulled a chair and I smiled. “My dear uncle Kevin has a secret to spill.” I say with an evil grin. This is going to be good. “Should I wait in the car?” Kellen asked but Kevin shook his head. “It’s about both of you.” He said and I got serious. Now this was killing me and I needed him to spill badly. “Ok spill!” I say. “Maybe I should tell you next year....” He said and got cut off by my real sharp glare even Kellen raised an eyebrow and patted my hand. If looks could kill I swear Kevin would have been instantly dead. “Go on.” I say. “Well...” He said looking a bit overwhelmed and I felt bad he started to cry. Yes I know my uncle started to cry I started feeling really bad now. “I tried to stop it I TRIED!” he shouted. “Kevin calm down.” I say grabbing a tissue and patting him now that made me really want to know. Kellen made tea for him and me and sat back down giving me his smile oh great I’m in so much love with him now sigh. Kellen making tea makes me happy I know weird. Anyways once Kevin stopped crying he started having hiccups this is what he made out that made my heart stop. “You’re not human.” He said and I choke out my coffee. Kellen patted my back but he looked pale and really curious now. “What am I then?” I choke out. Kevin looked at me with his dark brown eyes and said. “You’re half angel.”

  Chapter 15

  I didn’t sleep well yesterday night and was tired I started to feel faint. I blacked out but Kellen got me up with his angel “powers” that I am so going to ask about later. He passed me water and I drank it down taking deep breaths. “Ok Kevin sorry to break it to you but no angel’s wings sprouting out of my back.” I say that made Kellen laugh but he covered it with a cough when I glared. “You start growing it on your 18th birthday.” He said and started sobbing again. “Wait today is my 18th birthday.” I say. “You know any of this?” I ask Kellen. “Well my dad never taught much about half’s.” He said looking at me. “Well it’s up to Kevin now I guess.” I say waiting for him to start to talk. “You start growing tattoos today.” He said. “What do tattoos have to do with me being a half?” I yell yeah kind of gave me the creeps thinking about a skull tattoo on me forever. God if Kellen wasn’t here I would have died. He took my hand and I started feeling calmer. “Thanks.” I say and he nodded giving me I’m feeling bad look. “Kellen what’s tattoos?” I ask figuring out he would know and he started to lift his shirt. He took it off and turned around and pointed to his back. “These are my angel marks what your uncle calls tattoo.” He said. They were beautiful. “That means you’re not human.” He said clearing it out. Taking a deep breath I drink my coffee. “What else Kevin and tell me the story.” I say. “You’re parents weren’t both angels your dad was angel and your mom was human. Your mom my sister fell in love with your dad. He liked her so they married and got you. “That night I wasn’t very sure where they were going but they left me with you and headed to a beach I think. All I know was they were murdered there!” He said sobbing there. I sink in my chair and glance at Kellen. He gave me a reassuring smile and I felt better. “Go on.” I say. “There was a legend that you’re dad and Kellen’s dad’s child would be together. But you will have to face lots of things. Something terrible is going to happen. I’m sorry but I swear to Kellen’s dad that I would tell you both on your birthday. We can’t tell you what will happen and what to do. It’s up to you I hope you two the best luck.” He said rushing through the sentence. Kellen and I stared at each other. “That’s why you told me to prepare to win!” I say. “That’s why my dad told me not to get to close to the winner!” Kellen burst out and Kevin and I stare at him. “No worries I love you.” He said and I smile. “Well if I have questions I’ll ask you if you can answer them me and Kellen are going out now. I’m just going to change.” I say I was hardly taking it in and needed time alone with Kellen. I walk to my room grabbed some clothing and head to the washroom. As I change I
turn look at my back in the mirror to look at my back not expecting anything and I scream loud. Good thing I didn’t lock the door if I did I swear Kellen would break it in half. Kellen and Kevin burst in right after a scream. I had pants on only my top wasn’t. “WHAT’S WRONG?!!!” They both said worried. I turn around and point at my back. Angel marks. I had to say they were beautiful but I never knew they would appear like boom! But now that I think about it I put on my shirt in the morning I never inspected my body. I pull my shirt on and turn around embarrassed two boys had seen me without a T-shirt. “Sorry I frightened you guys.” I say. “It’s ok if I wasn’t an angel I would too.” Kellen said but I could tell he was shaken and my uncle nodded. We set of to dinner and I took the time to calm down. “That was an interesting chat.” Kellen said when we were in the car. “Boy it was!” I say laughing and slightly touching my angel marks. “I’ll help you learn to fly after the terrible things happen.” He said. “If we don’t both die first sure I’d be happy to.” I say grumbling. He took me to an angel place to eat. It was a school day so almost no one was there. Guess who was also there yeah Victoria. Once we were going to go she came to our table. “Hello Kellen!” Victoria said ignoring me. “Hello Vic.” He said. “Well I have plans I’ll see you soon!” On the way out an angel girl came over and began to flirt. Boy she was bad. She fluttered her eyelashes like she had something stuck in her eye. Once we got past her we went outside. A crash came from inside again and a scream. Once we had left we were the only one left so we went back inside to see that girl stabbed and a girl working there had dropped all the plates she was holding when she saw the dead body. The cashier was on the ground sobbing and the people working there began to call the police. “Who did it?” Kellen asked. “We don’t know!” They said. So we stayed back and helped. Once we were clear we went home. On the car I tried to find out what happened but I was stuck as a stump. Kellen gave a worried look at me and I sighed. “Do you think any of this murdering is our problem?” I ask. “Well we didn’t kill anyone or anything we didn’t break any laws so I don’t think so.” He said and I nod. When he parked I got out but he pulled me back in. I gave him a curious look. “I just wanted to say happy birthday.” He said passing me a small gift wrapped up. “Thanks.” I say hugging him. “Good night may the angels be with you.” He said winking. “They always will and for forever.” I say getting out the car and going inside. OMG he was dreamy! I said a quick good night to Kevin and went to bed. Before I slept I opened his gift first. It was a red diamond teardrop necklace. It was small and simple I loved it! Today night I dreamed of the faces of the people murdered. I don’t think anyone at my age has seen so many victims dead before choke.

  Chapter 16

  Ashley came over to see me the next day and she told me to repeat the story three times. “I’ll remember to let you meet Kellen next time.” I say and she looked like her dream came true well it did. After she left I decide to ask my uncle some questions since he was just sitting there staring at customers. “So what exactly are half angels?” I ask once we were in his office. “Well if one parent is angel and one isn’t then you half. If your half you turn into one at 18. Half angels are actually really rare. But once you turn into one at 18 you’re a complete angel no difference except that you weren’t born one.” Kevin said. “Well then if my dad was an angel then how did he die I thought only angels can kill angels.” I say. “Well that’s the mystery. You’re parents gave you to me to babysit and never came back. I got worried so I called the police. All they found was there car. At first they said they must have been killed by falling off but we all know only an angel can kill an angel plus they never found there body’s.” Kevin said looking stumped. “Any chance oh I don’t know.... maybe an angel killer?” I ask. Kevin looked at my sharply but he looked a bit shocked. “You know something?” I ask. “I’m sorry.” He said. “Can’t tell me?” I ask and he nodded. “Well then how do you know the future if it isn’t the future yet.” I ask he hesitated but decided he could tell me. “There was an angel predictor that wrote a book about the future predictions.” He said. “How do you know if it’s true?” I ask. “Well it’s mostly all true. He might predict a murder but no one knows who it is or why the person is going to murder. Any other questions” Kevin said choosing his words carefully. “Why can’t you tell us what will happen to us?” I ask. “Well if we tell you, you will try to stop it and it might drive you crazy or an even worse ending when you could have survived.” He said and I sigh. “I’m done I’ll ask you if I have any other questions.” I say and he went to work. I didn’t know what to do so I decided to text Kellen. Are you there? I asked. Yeah bored you? He wrote back instantly. Same can’t think of anything to do. I wrote. Want to come to my house? He asked. Sure if you don’t mind I wrote. I’ll pick you up we have an angel visiting don’t know why though. He wrote. See you later then I wrote and I went down to tell Kevin. I changed into skinny jeans and a white lacy top. When I heard girls scream I knew he was here I went in his car. “I loved the gift thanks.” I said as soon as I came in the car. “No problem.” He said. “Anyways thanks for picking me up.” I say. “Well it is really nice to get away from the visitor!” He said. “Who is it?” I ask. “An angel girl that’s supposed to be talking about my photo shots but is ninety nine percent flirting.” He said and I laugh. “You mean fluttering eyelashes, leaning closer than needed, giving random body compliments.” I ask. “You guessed right on the spot.” He said and I smile. “Not that hard to guess.” I say. We chatted a bit and we got to his house. It was beautiful and gigantic. Guards and security were all around. “Nice house!” I say. “Thanks.” He said and we headed inside. We went to the patio where his parents were talking with the visitor. He introduced me to his parents and his parents to me. I swear his dad gave a cold glare but put on a smile. “Nice to meet you Alyssa I have wanted to see you for some time!” His mom said. We chatted for a bit and we went upstairs to find the angel in is room. “Hello Kellen!” She said smiling. She looked kind of surprised to see me as I came in. “Vanessa this is Alyssa my girlfriend. Alyssa this is Vanessa my.....” He said trailing off not knowing what to call her. “Best friend.” She said and I smile because I know that she isn’t even close to friend. “It’s nice to meet you.” I say. “Kellen do you want to talk about the important photo shots privately?” She asked and he shook his head no. They talked for a few minutes and I just sat on his bed looking around. I got a weird feeling that we were being watched but I couldn’t find who I got up and went to the window to look. I felt a quick flurry of movement to get out the way I looked up, down, right, and left but I couldn’t find anything. Probably hiding somewhere I couldn’t see. Vanessa was going to I said a quick good bye and waited for Kellen to come back up. Once he came back up I explained to him that something or someone was spying on us. “Well it could be an animal.” He said. That didn’t sound right. “You don’t think the murder is here right?” I say eyes open. “VANESSA!” We both shout and ran downstairs. Kellen’s parents didn’t understand what we were talking about so they ran to follow us. Kellen yanked open the front door and Vanessa laid dead on the steps. The horrible part was that her wings had been torn from her. We all stood there speechless for a few minutes. Kellen’s dad went to get the security and we sat on the sofa. “Ok so what happened?”He’s dad asked after he came back. We didn’t really even know what was happening so we just explained the murders. “You know these things that have been happening over the week the top suspects are you?” He asked. “But we didn’t do anything!” Kellen said. “Yes but did you know that all three times you were at the location.” He asked. “Actually I think this has to do with the predictions.” I say and Kellen’s dad winced and nodded. “Well we can’t tell the police about the predictions.” He said. “They can’t arrest us because they need to have more information and proof than us being there.” Kellen said and I nod. “There has to be one more person that was there all three times or two!” I say. “Victoria.”
Kellen and I say together. “Ok Kellen because you broke up with her doesn’t mean that she’s a murder. Alyssa just because that was his ex doesn’t mean you can blame her you aren’t even angel so why are you guys together you can’t be together.” He said. “Ok one you kind of just assumed the first two things. Two she was also at the two places and today I got a feeling that someone was spying on us. No I am not saying its Victoria I just said someone. Three I am half angel and there is no rule that a half can’t be together with a full. Clear?” I ask. I got him good he was speechless. “I don’t understand why she would murder though it’s not like her.” He finally said and I shrug. “Well I know one thing so far it’s been all girls and is a coincidence that all of them were flirting with Kellen? It’s something with jealousy I think.” I say. Kellen’s mom got me to stay for dinner and after dinner I had to go. As I went out a piece of paper fell down and I read it. It wrote: Leave him you get spared stay you get one more warning and you’re dead. “What does it say?” Kellen said behind me and I jump. “Sorry thought you knew I was behind you.” He said. “This fell from the roof or something.” I say passing him the paper and he winced when he finished reading it. “I don’t know what to do.” I say and tears start to appear trying to hold them they spill out. “Don’t cry.” He said drying my tears with a tissue and hugging me. On the way home we were silent I knew if any other angel was to even come close to him would be killed. But breaking up would be like giving up. Once we got there I hugged him and went inside. Once all the customers were gone Kevin went to chat with me. “Ok so what’s up you haven’t talked other then say hi. What’s up?” He asked. “Another person was murder.” I say and I hand him the paper and explained what I had so far. “So if Victoria has been close to him and hasn’t been murdered then she is a pretty big suspect.” He said. “I’ll tell you one thing that’s in the predictions. I know what you’re going to do and it’s right.” He said. “Thanks Kevin I know what to do now!” I say hugging him. I went to bed but the faces of the victims haunted me. So I decided to make my first step. Any plans for tomorrow? I ask texting Kellen. No but want to go to go to angel cafe with me? He asked. Sure! I wrote back. See you tomorrow then. He wrote back and I went to sleep. I was going to be ready for her and this time I have back up.