Read MyZombieJounal by Ivan and Ian Desabrais Page 10

not wanna go in there. Here they were.

  I had a bunch of people behind me. I couldn't let em know it freaked me out. The guy did taxidermy. I hated that shit. Didn't want it.

  Imagine a pissed off zombie bear he never got around to. What if there was something worse. What if he was in there. They remember.

  He could be in there, waiting in the dark to eat. Along I come dumb as shit and boom, I'm his next meal. No way was I gonna say anything.

  Sliding door on the barn had a chain around it, door was badly rotted I could probably break it open. No way though, I wanted to be silent.

  I check the main entrance, the door closed tight, no locks, no chain. This maybe our only chance of fuel in who knows how long.

  Grabbed the handle and turned, it opened with a click. It echoed, something shifted inside the barn. I aimed my gun and slowly entered.

  Way too dark, I got a light and shined it around in there. Faces of taxidermy animals stare back at me with their dead little eyes.

  A big rifle sits on the counter, shells for a shotgun litter the floor. Something happened here. A bottle of whiskey on the workbench.

  My heart was racing as I moved in deeper. Someone walked into my back. "Shit sorry," someone said. I sighed and tried the light switch.

  A naked bulb sparks to life in the center of the room. a couple bodies lay on the floor, not zombies but dead. Their heads blown apart.

  "What the fuck," Cole blurted. I ignored it and walked to the work bench. His tool box was open, where he puts the key. Hopefully it’s there.

  "Running hot," someone called outside. I run to the tool box, looked inside. the keys shining up at me from my light. Grabbed em.

  Shots fired outside. "Suppressors only, we don't want them rushing us," Scarlett yells. Cole was staring off in the darkness of the barn.

  "Something's over there," he points. A chest heaves as I shine my light in the direction, it was laying down. Hopefully not the old man.

  Moved closer, Cole grabbed my arm. "Shoot it." Shook my head and continued. The smell, it had to be dead. "Hey the keys, first," Cole said.

  The body stirred, it sat up big murky eyes glaring at us. His mouth opens and a gush of spewing yellow pours out. Raised my gun and shot.

  Two in the head, fast shots, deadly ones. Cole screams and wiped his gun up and unleashed a fury of bullets into something coming at us.

  Joined him, blew the head open of the big checkered shirt wearing guy. It collapsed. Something leapt off the 2nd level, a girl. She bounced.

  Then crawled at us, her legs twisted in a sickly manner. I yelled and shot at her. She moved fucking fast, scared the hell out of us.

  That's when I recognized the pair, the big guy lived down the road, the girl his daughter or young gf, never found out which. "Savage."

  We went outside, 12 or so zombies lay dead. "What now?" Elise asked. Showed the keys and went to the pumps to get them ready to fuel us.

  No old man, hoped he did pass long ago. This would be way too much for him to handle, let alone survive. Something bounced off my head.

  An apple rolled away, looked up, an old tree house sitting there in the strong old trees. It was boarded up good. Another apple flew down.

  The hatch opens and someone was crawling down the steps. a gust of air blew past me, I turned to where it was heading to see a zombie.

  Dom walking towards me with a suppressed weapon, the shots barely making a sound as they tear the head of the zombie apart.

  He stands over it and looks back at me. Still there was something, he was trying hard to be useful to me. A hand comes down on my shoulder.

  9 Jun myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  It was warm and solid, not a zombie's hand. Slowly turned too see the face of a man, his facial hair messy, eyes bloodshot. Not the old man.

  He lightened when he seen my face, like he remembered me. Still had no idea who he was. He cried. "Haven't seen people in days," he cried.

  "You remember me?" He asked. shook my head, looked at the others returning to the pumps. "Savage have the get together later," Elise said.

  She was angry I hadn't sided with her for the take over attempt way back when. "I don't," he nodded. "You worked for my dad." Old man's son.

  Seen him maybe a dozen times when I worked here. "Can you shoot?" He grinned, told me his dad passed and he came to settle the land.

  It started after he was here for a couple years, he was glad his dad collected guns. Glad to hear about that. "Why the tree house?" I asked.

  He locked those people in the barn because he couldn't take the shot. "That's gotta change if you come with us," Elise said. Looked at her.

  "Okay savage, time to get going," Scarlett said. "We need that gas." I know it had to be done. Unlocked the pumps and fueled us up.

  We got cans and took the supply of gas. Everybody got into their vehicles and we began on our way. He talked about everything that happened.

  I knew what to say to change everything for him. I've said it so many times in the past they all ended the same. They died and I was alone.

  Remembered faces that night as we drove. The dark almost impossible to see in. One of the buses lights were out, didn't make it easier.

  Hated sleeping, always brought nightmares, or weird dreams. I fought my fatigue and walked around the bus. Katie slept hard, unmoving.

  A guy on the bus sat up, just stared forward. His face slightly pale. I nudged Scarlett and pointed him out. He didn't even blink or breath.

  Something off about him, just as I was about to move closer he clumsily got to his feet, gurgling. Scarlett shined her light in his face

  His eyes a weird murky color. He lunged forward at us. Drew my gun and shot him twice in the head. Third time when he was down. People woke.

  It was close enough to morning, we stopped and got everyone to the bus. wore protective gear and dragged him outside. Stripped his clothes.

  No bites, no scratches. He had no wounds of any kind, well except for my shots. How that hell did he turn. Something must have happened.

  "Maybe he got blood in his mouth," Katie said. "Infected by something." "He never said anything. I heard you can feel it when you change."

  10 Jun myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  Ate silently in the early morning. Nobody was sure how he got infected, did we really want to know. "Oh god," Camron said from in the bus.

  He came out with a half bottle of water in hand. "This was with his stuff. Check this out." His hands were trembling. He shook the bottle.

  Within small white flakes floated and slowly settled almost becoming invisible. Tossed my water away, as did many others. We were fucked.

  I stuck to drinking soda after that. It quenched my thirst and it wasn't water. Dom sat by me, he had pain in his eyes and worry.

  "That could be tainted too," he said. This guy really knows how to ruin things. Spit my mouthful out and tossed the can. "What can we do?"

  Elise got on the roof of her truck. "Lets go people we can't stay here." She leapt from the truck. People started for their vehicles.

  The roar of other vehicles approaching sent some into panic, others got into war mode. There was a few cars, a minivan and a moving truck.

  "ON THE GROUND EVERYONE," a guy ordered through a megaphone. That's right jackass call all the dead to us. People with guns came out.

  'WE WANT YOUR SUPPLIES AND AMMO. GIVE IT PEACEFULLY OR WE'LL TAKE IT." Megaphone jackass said. Great I may have to kill living people again.



  Our souls wait and then we’re born into growing lives that are hard and torn. With hopes and dreams crushed at our feet, all life’s pleasures become sickly sweet. Whispering demons try to steal our lives and all the angels have prying eyes. We struggle and fight everyday, endlessly searching for one true way. Never finding peace of mind, all of us starving for one clear sign. In life there is only one true bet, that everyone will come to know death.

  From an Ode to Death by Ivan Desabrais<
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  Dear reader,

  Before you finish, we would like to thank you for reading this sample of My Zombie Journal. It means a lot to me. You are the reason we write. Of course we do it to make a living, but we write to entertain and take you places you may never go, to share our soul written on each page.

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  Ivan Desabrais & Ian Desabrais

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  Thank You from Desabraisbros

  I would like to thank you for sharing this time with Savage Klaxon. We enjoyed the journey of writing this story.


  Ivan Desabrais & Ian Desabrais



  To the reader:

  Thank you for taking this journey with us into a world so real to our characters. It is a pleasure to share this Twitter based phenomenon. If you want to talk about this story, feel free to contact us through the methods provided below and at the beginning of this book.

  Who knows what will happen in the years to come. Maybe together, we can delve deeper Savage Klaxon and his