Read MyZombieJounal by Ivan and Ian Desabrais Page 9

where so many were lost. Could she hold what strength she had left. "Are you staying on the bus Savage?"

  I looked at her, already had my answer. "Of course." Katie smiled and chewed on her lip. "Lets go then." A new team was formed to join Dom.

  The daylight seemed to be less every day, nights lasted the longest. Clouds in the sky, maybe a horrible storm was coming. We need shelter.

  5 Jun myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  The turret jeep would be one of the most useful, but it wouldn’t start. Dom wanted to stay & get it fixed, Scarlett wanted to cut the loses.

  Elise came in with her power, “It's needed, you were safe in the warehouse. I was on the streets fighting, surviving. We stay & fix it.”

  This will become a huge problem down the line. It needed to be sorted out before the struggle took lives. Elise wanted to lead & she could.

  Scarlett had this look in her eyes, she knew how to end this but it would have consequences. "You order us around like dogs," Elise yelled.

  The argument got everyones attention. This was a struggle for power. “You dictate who does what and when, control the guns and ammo.”

  Scarlett didn't reply, she stepped back. A huge mistake, Elise took it as fear and moved closer. “Control when we eat. How much is left?”

  A couple voices called out joining Elise’s questions. “Enough,” I yelled. “Get the truck running Dom. Elise enough.” I stared at her angry.

  She looked at me, her mouth agape. Guess she thought I was on her side, I want to survive and this can’t happen not now.

  Scarlett found her voice, “You didn’t even know we were just down the road from you.” “ENOUGH, this can’t happen here. Dom hows it going?"

  Dom shook his head. One of Elise’s once army joins Dom, in mins the truck was running. He joined Dom’s team. "Lets move," Scarlett ordered.

  I almost laughed, not smart on her part or just to get under Elise’s skin. Got in the bus and took the side door, ready for anything.

  Scarlett put her hand on me, “We need to keep control.” Looked at her, “you need to tell us what inventory you have, food, guns, and water.”

  She was hiding something, just by the look in her eyes. “I have weapons that will make you cream your pants, not safe for everybody to use.”

  Left it at that. Dom called on the radio “Zombies ahead. Holy fuck. There’s way too many.” "Rocket launchers?" I asked. "Just one,"she said.

  6 Jun myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  Once we got over burnt plastic smell, which compared to rotting corpse smell was just peachy, we were on our miserable way, knee deep.

  When I squeezed the trigger on that bad boy and them rockets sailed, I was transported to a happier time from my childhood. KABOOM!

  Soft fleshy pieces flew everywhere. The streets were painted with the innards of the infected. Score one for the living, I thought.

  Really it was pretty gross. We wore face masks. Somehow as we got closer the smell got worse. Now it was the dead and burnt plastic. Win?

  After that, they seemed to just move on, what was left of em anyway. I saw them mostly facing walls and wandering inside raided buildings.

  As it came closer to dark though, they were getting braver. We had to peg a few off as we pushed on. Frankly, I wasn't surprised by them.

  Eventually we found the last missing military grade vehicle. Remote controlled guns on the roof. Think I saw em on that show Sons of guns.

  Coulda used some of their hardware right now. It's funny how back in the day, what we thought important has no meaning now. None at all.

  TV, movies, music videos all selling sex - sex - sex. When you're spending your time trying to survive sex is the last thing on your mind.

  Pitch black, we slept in shifts, all pushing on. It was decided to make a run for my bus and maybe even the red truck unless…

  Unless someone could come up with a better plan. After the riots and then the evac, most stores have been picked clean. We must live.

  My eyes closed but I slept very little. So many faces. Damn dead still haunt ya, even if you kill em a second time. Wish they would just go.

  The little sleep I did manage to steal left me with fragmented images of my past. Embarrassing moments, old arguments, the zombie faces.

  Close range fire shook me awake. It was so dark I couldn't see. Rain was pelting the ground like marbles. Couldn't even see the stars.

  I could hear the dead walkers gurgling and groaning in hunger just beyond the window of the bus. The rat tat tat of the guns grabbed me.

  I could see Katie firing off into the dead. She turned and looked at me. "THEY'RE GETTING TOO CLOSE!" I shot up and grabbed an AK.

  Found a gun hole and started taking them out. Heard screaming up ahead. The hair on my arms stood on end. Lightening punished the road.

  The flash was too bright. I covered my eyes. I could hear Scarlett screaming out. Dead fingers were wrapped around the barrel of her gun.

  She was firing into the Dead's chest. I ran up. Some guy in a red ball cap was trying to pull on her to help her out. I pulled my 9 mm.

  With careful aim and a laser sight, I shot at the hand, black and green oozing off. Bastard wasn't letting go. "LET GO!" Scarlett pulled.

  Before I realized what I was doing, I had my serrated Machete in my grasp. The hand was half way off. Damn Zombie was howling. Calling out.

  By the long slender fingers, I could tell the dead thing was once a woman. It had a wedding ring on. My god this thing was a wife, a mom.

  The hand came loose. I could see others running for the bus. They came to tip us and eat us. Scarlett yanked her gun in. I fired with my gun.

  The shot echoed, That buzzing noise in my ears wasn't good. More of my hearing gone. Soon they’re gonna be able to just come up on me.

  Another flash off to the side of the road. The ground shook. That was an explosion. Good ol' Dom. Still don't trust him. Man burned my home.

  7 Jun myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  Soon all the gun slots were being taken up by unknowns. Katie was there, Scarlett too. Ran to the front and saw the dead bastards moving in.

  The ones on both sides were gettin cut down. The ones in the front though were layin down. If I didn't know any better, I would say they.…

  They had a plan. Die up front, gummy the wheels. Gummy the wheels, stop the bus and eat us. I could see the others have same problems.

  I jumped up grabbing the bars. One foot on the tops on two seats. Opened the top and peeked my head up. "Gimmie a gun," I yelled.

  Scarlett handed me up something. It was an m16 machine gun. Heavily modded. I barely recognized it. For a usually loud gun, it was whispered.

  I blew through the first mag on the dead trying to lay down like ants. They would get up close, trying to gum up the wheels. Very bad.

  The others with their gatlings and chain guns got the idea. Together we started taking them out before they got too close. It was hell.

  We were getting pretty good at it too. conserving ammo. We were down to about two bullets per head. God knows I can do shots all day.

  I had lots of practice since all this started. You think about the corny movies and the bad stories but inside it wasn't real.

  I was calling shots out. "Got the one in the red suit." Some one else would call out. "Three over the hill." Shots fired, down they went.

  This went on till morning. It was still pretty dark. I was soaked from the hard rain by the time I came back in. Would imagine others were.

  Got that wet shirt off. Ya don't feel funny changing in front of strangers when you could die from Pneumonia. Luckily we had some spares.

  Noticed Katie stealing a glance. A few others did too, made me nervous. I don't swing that way. What the hell is with that now? Just be you.

  Some time passed and we finally came up on that bus. Still saw the dead lingering in the dawn. The orangey light bathing their corpses.

  There was a call for an ammo count. We were still good. Thank god.
If we didn't have any bullets, it would have been machete time.

  You get that close, it's no good. You get scratched, bit, get blood in your mouth, YOU'RE DONE! No questions no cure, just done and gone.

  These zombies have something we don't. They have the ability to infect you with a well placed drop of blood. You get some on you, disinfect.

  Some people get some on them, disinfect and they're fine. seen others get just a little and go bananas. They turn over night and hunger.

  We're comin up on my bus, all locked up, just like I left her. It even took me a while to get in. People watchin my back. It was peachy.

  Try doing this on your own and you're bound to get jumped by the hungry dead. They weren't around though. Guess the army cleaned up.

  In I went. Everything was still there. Ammo, food, water. After a meal, it was decided to get fuel. We were starting to dip into reserves.

  8 Jun myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  The bus wasn't as loud as I thought it was. Some of the other's I didn't know were driving it. Maybe we can alter it later like they did.

  So there we were at the gas station. No gas. I led em up to this farm I knew about. The guy had a station way back when. Worked there once.

  God that farm was creepy. Bony old trees. No animals, except for all the dead birds on the ground. Didn't even wanna go to the house.

  I hope the poor old bastard went in his sleep years ago and never had any of these problems. He lived alone as far as I knew.

  I get out of the bus and uncover the hidden pumps. He had everything. Diesel, regular; and other - as he called it. Locked up tight.

  I knew where the key was too. In that rickety old barn he called his workshop. Damn it, I did