Read MyZombieJounal by Ivan and Ian Desabrais Page 2


  26 Apr myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  It's been a year since I had a computer. Just glad to see I can still access the internet.

  27 Apr myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  Before the Zombies came, this internet cafe was always packed. Now I'm the only one here.

  The city is full of zombies. It's been a long time since I've seen anyone else. I hope I'm not all that's left.

  29 Apr myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  I went to get fresh water. Had to shoot my .35-300 Magnum Tactical Precision rifle. It was loud. Streets swarmed with the dead.

  Almost didn't make it to the safe house. Dropped the water. So thirsty. Also could use a bath. I'm getting kind of ripe. Out of Clothes.

  Earlier, I lugged this computer from the Cafe. Got it to work. Don't know for how long. Neighbor had internet. He's gone now. Poor Josh.

  I wonder if anybody's out there. Still looking. Might have to lay low a couple of days. They're still around. I can smell them.

  30 Apr myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  Smelled fresh bread baking today. Going to check it out.

  1 May myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  Bread smell came from a grocery store. Three of them were in there. One was a teenage girl. She ran right at me. She was missing an arm.

  Used my HK USP 45. Thank god for suppressors. (Silencers) It took me three shots to put her down. The next was in the back. Maybe her dad.

  He howled at me. Bastard knocked me over. Couldn't look at them. They were traveling together. Had a festering bite on his face. She did it.

  Heard one smacking into the frozen section. They walk into stuff, over and over again. She didn't see me right away. I could smell her.

  Her body was badly decomposing. I took aim and she noticed. She snarled. I had to put her down. I know they were once people. This sucks.

  There were twelve loafs of fresh onion bread in the baked goods area, right out of the machines. I think the dad and girl made it.

  A bus I didn't notice before was parked out in front. Found a cellphone, picked it up, was face to face with three hunting rifles.

  Women, saying they're doing it for the kids on the bus. They robbed me, left me with no bread or guns. I didn't shoot em'. Am I fool?

  Spent the night on the roof of the Grocery store. I had food and a spaded shovel I found inside. When the street was clear I ran.

  2 May myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  Saw a swarm of them in the park. What the hell are they doing? Sometimes they just stand there not really looking at anything.

  I got all the way through the bike path with no trouble. Then I came face to face with MR. Sholts. Nice old guy, used to walk his dog by me.

  Mr. Sholts was trying to get in the building. Came up quiet, called his name. He had on a dirty suit. Turned, missing a jaw.

  Mr. Sholts ran at me, gurgling and spewing blood, black stuff. Hit him with the shovel. Tried to drag him, leg came off in my hand.

  Mr. Sholts reached up to me. Think he knew. Took his zombie head off with the spade shovel on the curb, and drove the blade into his brain.

  Still got that Cellphone I found before I got robbed. It's dead, hoping to charge it. Lines are down around here. Wish family had Skype.

  I've been thinking about why I just let them women take my stuff. I guess I'm kind of lonely. A part of me wishes they took me with them.

  Exploring the building. Found Hayden in the mail room, facing the boxes. He was still. Lived on the 3rd floor. Used to borrow stuff.

  Hayden was moaning and whining. Came around him. Was missing an eye. His chest was torn up. Probably his sweet lil fiancé's handy-work.

  Hayden, the bastard, dove at me, crushed me into the wall. Took poor Hayden with my serrated machete. Got it at a yard sale years ago. $10.

  Wish when I find someone they are not trying to eat or rob me. This sucks. If it wasn't for this damn twitter, I'd go nuts.

  3 May myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  On my run yesterday through the apartment building, found a glock 17 tactical hand gun. It was in a desk drawer, in apt 103.

  Whoever lived in 103 was set to go. The cupboards were filled with canned tuna. There was an earthquake kit. Oh and a stun gun in a Medkit.

  Heard something moving around in the bathroom. Made sure to load some fresh ammo, opened the door. It was a bulldog. Someone just left him.

  Dog's with me now, eating tuna. He likes it. Not sure what to call him. He seems like he hasn't eaten in a while. He was happy to see me.

  Heard some noise in the hall. Dog was growling. Going to check it out. Could be looters, Maybe the dead. Could be survivors. Gettin antsy.

  I went out into the hall and didn't see anything. Suppressed Sig sauer 229 Elite armed. Walked the hall, round the corner.

  Black lab dog in the hall half in an APT. Got near, saw him chewing on someone. Nudged him with my foot and he faced me, snarling.

  The dogs eyes were cloudy and mirky, he was missing fur. He nipped at me, moved back. Saw his ribs sticking out of his fur.

  Shot him three times in the head. He fell. Damn walking dead dog. Heard hoarse breathing sound. The old guy on the ground was still moving.

  He Gutturally snarled. Put him down. Stepped inside. Woman's legs sticking out from behind the couch. All that's left of her. She was eaten.

  In blood on the wall it said: "God save us." I'm not ashamed to say, I wept. These damn zombies. Decided I'm gonna clear the building.

  Next mission is gonna be to find more ammo. Gotta go out for that. Very dangerous. Lots of zombies where I gotta go. Gotta try. Want peace.

  4 May myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  My floor is clear. I have that locked down like Fort Knox. Nobody is getting in now. I chained the doors. Most people are just gone.

  I went up a floor. Stupid, stupid. Nothing in the stairwell. Opened the door and smacked it right into the back of some teenagers.

  The teens were of the dead kind. I jumped back and tumbled down the steps backwards. My Glock went off a couple of times on the way down.

  During my tumble I could hear them, smacking into the door. No way were they going to figure out how to pull it open. Or so I thought.

  I guess they still remember some stuff. I'm trying to get up. Back aching, neck sore. Definitely sprained ankle and the door swings open.

  They come barreling down at me. YEAH I SCREAMED. And I shot too. Blew their brains over the wall. (Gotta clean that later. Still my home.)

  One got so close I could feel his hand on my shoe. Scared the crap out of me. Unloaded the rest of my mag at him. L8r burned my pants.

  Can't keep anything once their blood is on it. Boiled some water and took a bath. I need more ammo. I have to get more. Wish I had help.

  Tomorrow, me and the dog will go down there in those walking dead infested streets and find some ammo, somewhere. Either that or die.

  5 May myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  Got a leash for the dog and made my way to the back stairs of my apartment building. I led us down a couple floors and could hear something.

  It was gurgling, I could smell it, was unbearable. The dog started barking and that got the zombie's attention.

  One of the cleaners, she bent backwards looking at us then twisted and ran like a bull seeing red. I used my serrated machete on her.

  Got out into the parking lot, the dog was acting kind of nervous so I moved towards the high school. It is so quiet in the streets.

  Cut through the field behind the school, there was still kids bags sitting in the grass waiting to be reclaimed.

  Heard something bang and could see a young boy pressing his face into the glass of the school door, he was dead. I moved quickly.

  Entered the strip mall, the parking lot was practically empty. I turned the corner and was rushed by a balding man in a bus uniform.

  Stumbled back then noticed the open bus. I pulled the dog with me around the bus stop
bench. That's when I saw 4 others coming towards us.

  Slashed my machete at the bus driver I think I cut off his hand. Dog barked & dove at him, pulled him back & got on the bus.

  I managed to close the doors. Bus driver and 4 others banged on the walls. I saw something from my peripheral vision.

  Two zombies were eating a group of people, one's mouth was hanging low like his jaw was dislocated. He groaned and moved towards me.

  Held the dog back with my leg and waited for the chance then took the dead bastards head off. The other one came at me but tripped.

  I rushed at her and put an end to her suffering. Supplies at the back of the bus, jugs of water, nonperishable food, and clothes.

  They must have been survivors. I tried the bus but it was on Empty. Opened a window and took out the bus driver & 4 others with my gun.

  Now I really need ammo. I jotted down the location of the bus and locked it up. Took the street and came to an intersection.

  Tons of cars, some with doors opened, others all closed up, nobody around. I could see the big blue & white sign of walmart.

  I know my need for ammo is greater then my fear of being in a large department store full of zombies. Walked to the doors and they opened.

  A hum was being broadcasted over their sound system. A single phone is ringing, a very eerie feeling.

  I waited by the doors hoping to lure out any zombies inside. Nothing came. I entered slowly, the dog was hesitant but I dragged him along.

  I could see something move in the deli area. I decided there that I need to take out all the dead to be safe while in this store.

  I slowly moved closer to the deli and could see it was a teenage girl wearing the blue of walmart. She was walking into a counter.

  I saw she was missing part of her arm, the bone still