Read MyZombieJounal by Ivan and Ian Desabrais Page 3

hanging there. I tried to get closer but its like she smelled me. Her eyes murky white.

  Her mouth opened and I pulled the dog with me as I ran and chopped at her with my machete. It lodged into her neck, she reached out for me.

  I knocked her down and finished her off. I quickly looked around but couldn't see anyone else. God she reminds me of my little sister.

  A scream cried out, I took the dog and began my search making my way to the sporting goods section. The Jewelry counter has 2 people at it.

  One just standing there with a blank look on her face, the other kneeling and chewing on a customer. I knew I had to shoot.

  Two quick shots and they both fell and I made my way down the aisle even faster hoping to get away from the sound. A shelf fall ahead of me.

  A group of shoppers all dead, the smell, the way they looked I emptied my clip in them but one still came at me. I hacked at him and went on.

  A streak of blood like a body was dragged leads off to the garden center. I have a few bullets left so I went to the sporting goods.

  I got to the glass cases of ammunition. I wedged the machete between the glass and pried the doors open. The shelves were almost full.

  I grabbed a hunting supply bag off the shelf and began filling it with all the different calibers of ammo I use. It will be heavy to carry.

  I loaded my guns and decided to fill another bag. A woman walks in front of the aisle, she is dragging her leg. I took her out with one shot.

  This could turn out bad, I wasn't going to hang around anymore. I quickly got out of the store dragging the heavy bags and leading the dog.

  6 May myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  Spent the night at the bus after I tossed the bodies. In the middle of the night something dragged along the side, it totally freaked me out

  At first light I checked around the bus but couldn't see anything. Decided it best to leave one bag of ammo locked on the bus and take one.

  Didn't like waiting around while the dog did his business, not in the wide open like this. Took a side road so I wouldn't pass the school.

  There's a couple cars at an intersection I took my time and walked a distance from them to check for any dead. I couldn't believe what i saw

  A black ferrari F430, with the keys. Guess I could say at least I drove a ferrari. Hopped in the car set the dog in the passenger side.

  Turned the key and the engine roared out. How awesome is that, I maneuvered around the other cars and floored it. So sweet to hear the car.

  I guess it had to be the sound and the vibration of the car, Zombies swarmed at me. They came from all over the place. I had to escape.

  So many of them, nowhere for me to stop and get out. They're all over the road, coming out of buildings some falling out of windows.

  This can't be happening, how the hell can I get out of the car and not be torn apart by the freaking dead. Drove for a long time.

  They didn't stop following me, the masses came, more and more of them. Some roads packed with cars I had to drive on the sidewalks to pass.

  I wouldn't lead them to my apartment, had to keep distance from areas I already went through. I hit a main road and ripped down the street.

  After a safe distance away, I grabbed the dog and ran. There was a movie theatre nearby and knew to stay away. Headed towards my apartment.

  the ammo is heavy glad I only have the one bag on me. The sun's hiding away and I had to get indoors, back to my safe house if possible.

  A zombie was stuck in a bus shelter, it couldn't find the exit like a fly trying to get out an open window went everywhere but the opening.

  A man, mid 30's maybe. He had a newsboy cap on, his body seemed mangled like he had been run over. Used my handgun, blood went everywhere.

  Loud yells and gun shots, could hear a heavy vehicle and didn't want to be mistaken for the dead. Took off and headed back to my apartment.

  7 May myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  A large truck drives over the lawn of a town house followed by a mass of the dead, I was frozen for only a second. Found a garage door open.

  Picked up the dog and ran for the entrance, got into the garage and closed the door. With my gun out I scanned the interior.

  Cadillac SRX parked close to the door of the house hiding half the garage. Moved closer and could see a baby seat in the back of the car.

  No way did I want to see or have the responsibility of dealing with a zombie of that matter. I walked around to the front of the car.

  A woman lay against the back passenger side of the car, her face desolate of blood, white as a piece of chalk. Aimed my gun, she lunged out.

  Heard a loud yell, my gun rang out. Shot her in the chest in my panic, it didn't stop her obviously. I supported my arm and finished her.

  Realized I was the one yelling, I hate zombies. The truck roared outside, could hear a couple voices and then the sound of gun turrets.

  Military or raiders, no way was I going to be seen by either side. Stayed the night in the garage, It was way too quiet, didn't sleep.

  Checked outside in the morning, the street littered with zombies blown apart. Recognized a few of them, people I've seen, never spoke with.

  Waited in lines at stores with them, never knew their names, or spoke with them. Never going to now. Walked to my apartment a street away.

  The glass in the front door was smashed, had to be someone still alive. I entered slowly and peered down the hall on the first floor.

  Apartment doors were open, stuff thrown in the hall. I took the back stairs. A man wearing a hunters vest just standing on the 1st landing.

  His back to me, head slightly down. I couldn't smell if he was dead, couldn't even see any signs. I cleared my throat and he didn't move.

  He had to be new, never seen him before. Moved closer, he never moved not an inch. The dog was used to the dead by now, didn't even bark.

  Something just seemed off about it. I got to the last step behind him. Pressed against the wall and slide up to his level.

  His forehead was caved in, he was missing the flesh on part of his face. He didn't move, I got a few steps above him and sent him away.

  I moved up the stairs like my feet were aflame, a couple doors were open. A large man walks out of my apartment a case of water in hand.

  I leapt back and he dropped the water, aimed my gun at him and pulled a door open as a shield. Could hear him swear and fumble with a gun.

  I swore knowing nothing good could come of this. He leaned out from my apartment and asked if I swore at him, hell yes i did. He laughed.

  Tells me he's with a group of people, they have guns, food and supplies. Asks me to go down with him, I was hesitant but he convinced me.

  Lead me to a big red Coca-Cola truck, a couple of guys hanging around with guns and the big truck from yesterday with a turret on the back.

  They told me about a cottage that they were heading to on an island nearby, one of guys uncles owned it. Asked me to join up with them.

  They told me to toss my stuff in the back of the truck and get a cola. They were going to get all the supplies from this place and move on.

  One grabbed the leash of the dog and said he had one once, wondered if he was still alive. He never got back home, never would go.

  One of them opened the doors, I looked in feeling hesitant, every meeting with people I had turned out bad. Tons of cases of Cola I got in.

  The doors pushed me away as they closed, could hear them laughing and banging on the doors as they locked. A guy yelled who's gonna win.

  8 May myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  Vibrations rattled up from their beating hands on the outside. Heared the raspy barking dog calling out to me. They laughed and hooted.

  Something moved. Felt a shift. The inside of the truck was darker. Then the smell of something dead crept closer. Searched for my sidearm.

  Pulled out my hidden Springfield Armory XD, switched on the scope. The pale light moved over the red interior, searching…

/>   Saw it there, hanging by unraveling ropes. It reached out, scraping the air violently. A boy, no older than 16. Dressed similar to them.

  It didn't understand why it couldn't get closer. The dead body bursting with swinging movement. His clumpy shadow stretching over the floor.

  Looked him right in his mirky eyes. Festering bite on his neck. Was once one of them. This is what they do. They're just as bad as the dead.

  He lunged forward, his body shaking. Ropes snapped and he crashed to the floor. Stepped back and took aim. Damn head was covered by arms.

  The thing leapt up, crashing into the ceiling. Bastard was blind. Their hands beating the truck, the barking dog. Couldn't concentrate.

  Salty sweat dripping in my eyes. Shot four times. I can hear them hooting and hollering on the outside. Beams of sunlight beam in new holes.

  The smell made me gag. Maggots, rotting flesh. Covered my mouth and nose. It lunged crashing into boxes and crates, snarling and swatting.

  The light found his face, infected teeth. Eyes fallen deep in their sockets. Hanging discolored flesh. Slobber dripping from the gums.

  It was missing fingers, slits of torn flesh. They were torturing it. "I'm sorry", I said. It cocked it's head to the side, then dove at me.

  I threw myself back and shot it three times in the head. Part of it's fleshy skull broke away. It hit the floor. Could still see it's brain.

  Its hand stretched out across the floor. Screamed and shot once more. The brain becoming mush. It laid still, cold on the floor.

  Never killed one of the living, but my mind was racing. The laughter and hollering died down. I could feel someone approaching the door.

  9 May myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  The rusty latch sung out. Light crept in. Kicked the door, knocking a fool down. Bullets crashed in through the side. I leapt out.

  By the time they came around, had his MP9 sub machine gun in hand. Had him as a shield too. Gun firmly at his head. Him whimpering.

  They stopped in their tracks and I counted them. 7, including him. Was a little taller than me. Great meat shield. Shook my head. This sux.

  Every time I meet someone, they want to eat me, rob me, or kill me. Damn Zombies. Wonder what these 7 fools were like before.

  "Move and he's gone." I said. They just looked at me. A skinny one was in total panic. Saw it in his shaky hands. He was very scared.

  "Jack whata we do." He called to the big bastard in my grip. "Put your guns down dummy, I don't wanna get shot." He cried out, heart racing.

  Felt kinda different being on this side of the gun. They had all my stuff and everything I worked for all this time. Smelled burnt plastic.

  Looked around and saw flames in the lobby of my building. The place was burning down. These jokers took everything I ever had. Nothing left.

  Anger raced up in me. "YOU BURNT MY HOME!" I shouted. The skinny one looked like he was gonna piss himself. I aimed my new gun at them.

  "No", one said, stepping forward. "You don't wanna do this." "YES I DO." I yelled back at him. "Your boys here took everything I had left."

  "Come on, there's no such thing as a home anymore. Those things are everywhere. We're all gonna die." He preached on. I just sneered.

  "He was gonna kill me." I said, flat out. "Where's my dog?" The man points to another truck. I can see the little bugger looking out at me.

  "We had to burn it. It was full of them. You can't live like that." He claimed to me. "I have lived like that since this all started."

  They all stood there looking at each other. "Okay, kill him. He deserves it." I stared back at him. No loyalty to each other = No trust.

  "Kill him, take his place. I didn't okay any of what he did. I was getting supplies. I'm the leader here, not him." He claimed, pointing.

  "You think I would do that? Just one of you." I stated, tipping my hand. "These three did nothing to ya. They're good." He barks.

  Didn't know what I did till it was over. Big one, Skinny one, Hooting idiot laid there on the pavement. Never killed anyone living before.

  The leader had his gun too. They all had some extra holes in their bodies. Guess he shot them too. I looked at him, confused. Shot his own.

  "That building was hard as hell to get into. You do that?" He asked me. "Yeah", I replied looking at the others. They all looked back at me.

  He asked me to go with them. Said, we can teach each other stuff to survive. The smell filled our noses. Thought the shot released bowels.

  They did, that's not what we were smelling. A whole horde of the walking dead heard our little skirmish and came to feast. Choices limited.

  "Come or get eaten here." He yelled running to the truck with the barking dog. I looked back at the others climbing into the red truck.

  The Zombies were hungry and getting closer. Home was burning down. They have all my stuff. I wouldn't last. What could I do? Had to survive.

  10 May myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  It wasn't all bad I guess. Ran for the truck with the turret, hopped in. "Take the guns," their fearless leader screamed, his voice cracked.

  I looked down at the dog and climbed over the seat. Before I knew it, I was sawing the dead in half. That weapon was very very useful.

  Tripping all over each other, leaping from alleys and off of balconies. The dead were chasing the sound of the guns. Very satisfying.

  I didn't trust him or his little gang but they sure had some nice toys. I know I could have used this many times in my recent life. Zombies.

  Zombies turned to mush, parts still twitching in the street. "In Front," he screamed. Sure enough the turret spun all the way around.

  So many zombies that the guys in the truck ahead had to join in on the rain of fire, with Assault Rifles out the windows.

  We hit clear road littered with burnt out army vehicles, toppled emergency service trucks, and scattered cop cars. I remember this.

  It was on the news. The fools tried to make a stand and save the infected who haven't turned. It was a total debacle. Everyone died.

  Searched around finding only small groups of them staring up at the moon. They lost interest. Never understand what drives them. It's sick.

  Found my spot in the passenger side. Tired he looked over at me, one hand on the sleeping dog. "They all mesmerized." Was it a question?

  "They get like that, don't they," I said, seeing my bag in the back. "Sometimes. It's fucking weird." He said, lighting a Montecristo cigar.

  He dropped his torch lighter into an open box of the cigars and grinned at me with the cigar hanging out of his mouth. "Want one?" "No."

  "Things gonna get a little hairy between you and the others or are ya going to let all that go? What happened back there?" He asked.

  "Don't know," I replied, noticing the grenades in the door. "Isn't that dangerous?" I asked pointing them out. "Hell yes," he laughed.

  We drove all night. I slept. Figured they would have killed me by now. Woke up to them screaming all around me and laughing. I jumped.

  "What the hell is wrong with you?" I yelled back. They were all laughing like it was the funniest thing they ever saw. "Morons," I yelled.

  "Hey. You're going to hurt someone's feelings," this athletic looking guy stated. He grinned proud of himself. "I'm used to the quiet."

  Got out, grabbed my bag. Dog was grinning, taking a dump on the hot pavement of a mall parking lot. I scanned it. Didn't see the dead.

  "Leave the bag. Take some weapons and ammo. We're going in for supplies." The leader stated. He had a beer in his hand. This was crazy.

  11 May myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  Entered the mall, front entrance abandoned. Music calling out from different stores. Broken glass & store goods scattered all over.

  We went to the store location map, a red marker was used to give directions. “We need, food, water, any weapons, clothes.” The list went on.

  “Teams of two, one front one back, watch out for each other,” the leader stated. “You,” he
pointed at me, “with me, fun begins now.”

  How fun could this be, a location that may have hundreds if not more of the dead just waiting for some unlucky bastards to walk into them.

  This is the dead’s turf, guns or not this was going to be hard if not impossible to get out with all the numbers who came in.

  “Pharmacy,” he points, “food, medical’s, hygiene,” he raises his eyes. “Food for the dog,” I told him. He nods. Something moves in an aisle.

  “Watch my back,” he checks his clip on the silenced gun and moves into the store, I enter behind him and see at least 5 Zombie’s.

  He holds up 3 fingers then two, aims his gun. I aim.”One,” he says. The bullets took their resting places in the skulls of the dead.

  Continued on, checking each aisle. 3 more, one had a festering bite on his cheek, bag on his shoulder full of supplies. Same idea as us.

  We put them down and filled two shopping carts of needed supplies, Found dog food, bless expanding businesses for that. A whine calls out.

  “Alive?” I asked. “Lets find out.” Another team takes out carts to the truck and we track the sound. Coming from a bathroom, door locked.

  A gurgle sounded out, what ever is in there must be dead. looked at the lock, key broken off in the slot, pointed it out & went on our way.

  Shots rang out from another area, the others cheering. Leader shakes his head, “They can be idiots at times, lets move.” Ran to join them.

  A wave of the dead swarming from some music store, the others firing into them, “The heads,” I screamed, “aim for the damn heads.”

  We took them all out, a couple zombies coming out from other stores to get us from other sides but we were unscathed. “Idiots,” I said.

  “Hey man,” the athletic guy says, “I need some new tunes, got to enjoy the small stuff, or we’re just like them,” he points to the dead.

  “Get some good stuff,” another called out. I stood and watched as they raided the music store. A weird almost groan echoes from somewhere.

  “That does not sound good.” I said. The leader and I led the others around the mall checking out the stores and taking out the dead.

  Got tons of supplies and music for those who needed it. Never found anyone alive, disconcerting. How many could still be alive and where.

  On one of the entrances, plastic sheets and a quarantine sign, they didn't finish putting it up, Everybody just stared at each other.

  People in hazmat suits dead on the ground with holes in their bodies. The plastic masks splattered in blood. “Lets go,” I told them.

  Didn’t want to stick around and find out what happened, some of them were totally freaked out. We got out of the mall back at our vehicles.

  The dog was in the window wagging his tail happy to see me. Maybe being with a team could be beneficial. “lets dig out,” the leader ordered.

  12 May myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  After hitting the mall and finding no water it was decided to find a local grocery store and hope we get to it before any-one else.

  The area was sparse of anything but cars. No signs of the dead or alive. Positioned the vehicles and got our weapons ready.

  The grocery store doors open, two men with rifles and a family behind them exit, the women have carts filled with supplies. We all froze.

  They were surprised to see other people still alive. “Please don’t try anything,” one of the guys says. “We