Read MyZombieJounal by Ivan and Ian Desabrais Page 8

all that it was still the best sleep I had in months. Just once I want to sleep and wake up new.

  29 May myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  Felt sluggish until I got some food, they had coffee. My radio friend came and sat beside me, she patted my leg and smiled. "Scarlett."

  "My name is Scarlett. Savage right," she stated more than asked. "We need to get you guys making ammo." Heard cheering in my head.

  She explained that they have the tools and supplies needed but low on hands, also it would be a good skill to get my people to learn.

  Worked on making ammunition for hours, never can have too much in a time like this. Our once lack of ammo is a long lost worry.

  Scarlett got us each holding an AR15. "Listen up. We need to make this work perfect. Training is key to all our survival. March forward."

  Training became repetitive, all of us Scarlett's and my people all doing the shooting line. "Retreat, forward, one on the left. rooftop."

  Everyone was getting familiar with holding the guns and moving as a team. You wouldn't think it to be hard, but moving together takes skill.

  A guy in armor bursts into the room. "Possible breach left side windows." Someone screamed, a horrible guttural cry. I think it was a woman.

  "Savage, with me," Scarlett ordered. Put a full clip in the AR15 and followed her running to the scream. Shots cried out with a bang.

  We entered the doorway a window to the far side was broken, plastic tarps blowing in the wind. "What the hell," Scarlett growled.

  The guy who informed us entered the room. "Two people are missing. They never checked in this morning." Searched but found no dead anywhere.

  Scarlett led me to a supply room she closed the door and leaned her head against the wall. "The missing people, they fled last night."

  She was pissed, maybe even sad. "Going after them?" I asked. "No. They're already dead. Team on the roof spotted their bodies."

  "They complained about hearing the zombies out there. the sounds they make the smell." I thought I should say something, but nothing came.

  What should I do tell her everything will get better, well it isn't, dead all around us. No way to tell how longer we could last like this.

  "Everyone needs to know how these guns react when fired," I told her, "we can go to the roof, stand our line and cut the walking dead down."

  30 May myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  We went up to the roof, the dead gurgling and making weird noises. Some got right freaked out. Went to the edge and looked out at them.

  So many I gave up on counting, some crawling towards the building all of them out there, staring at us, smelling us or something.

  "Fire-line, forward," Scarlett ordered, "check guns, aim," she waited. We all aimed. "Fire." She raised her gun, joined us in the shooting.

  The walking dead formed pile after pile of bullet ridden bodies. Some still moving. We unload so much ammo we all ended up making more.

  It's mundane repeating the same thing over again, felt like them outside. "That's so gross," the teen girl said. Pulling me from my world.

  I looked over to them all sitting around the same table making bullets. "Savage, come here," she called. I grabbed my stuff and joined them.

  "We're talking about where we were when, you know, it happened," she continued. "Yeah," Cole said, "Katie here said she." Katie smacked him.

  "I want to hear his first," Katie said. I looked at them unsure what details should I include. I've been here before telling zombie stories.

  "Come on," Dom offered, "Lets hear it." That bastard putting me on the spot. "Fine, was at the movies. It was very hot, in a dark theatre."

  "Oh shit," Noah said, "How did that go down?" Stared at him, "Went to see Avatar 2 opening night, so many people all over the place."

  The memories flooded back, what a horrible place to be. I can always remember the smell, the chill I got after seeing the bite victim.

  Don't think it was the first, close enough, never heard of it before that night. "The place was packed, feature presentations were rolling."

  "A scream so loud, drowned out the Imax speakers. Someone leapt up from the floor level. Could see she was covered in blood from my seat."

  Dom was just looking at me, the others all silent waiting to hear what happened. Something about Dom, he knew about this, was he there.

  "Some boy in a wheel chair was swinging at her. other people got up went to her, thinking some accident happened. Others just frozen."

  The woman I took captive in the other building had tears, was she being truthful, don't know. "One of them reached for the boy, he bit her."

  "His head lunged at her, she never expected him to bite. She cried out and her husband leapt from his seat and grabbed onto her."

  "Didn't think the bite was fatale but she collapsed fast, her husband freaking out and yelling on his phone. His lovely wife, dead."

  "Nobody knew what was happening some assholes were yelling for silence so they can see the movie. Staff entered, ambulance was called."

  "The guys wife started to get up, her eyes weird, foam at her mouth. She jerked towards the closest and sunk her mouth into the victim."

  "The boy in the wheel chair got his 3rd victim now, one of the staff, a teenage girl," glanced at Katie. "Decided best to get the hell out."

  "The front row was polluted with them, the victims I guess. They were acting weird. The boy chewing on a chunk of flesh. The others pale."

  "They moved strange, the man was staring at his wife. She was biting another boy. Her face covered in blood." I hate remembering this.

  "Not a lot of people made it out of there, got home, got prepared for some epidemic but something worse came. That's it," I wanted it over.

  Scarlett entered, "Ready for round 2 of Zombie shoot down, winner gets a new gun," she waved a Heckler & Koch 416 assault rifle. "Lets go."

  31 May myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  "Fifteen," Aiden called out. We were back on the roof taking the dead out as far as we could see. "27," Camron boasted. "39," Katie gloated.

  Lost count how many I sunk, the dead were everywhere and my mind was elsewhere. Dom stayed silent after my story, he had to know something.

  We cleared so many of them the streets looked like they were built of bodies. The smell got so bad a couple people vomited. Harsh times.

  "Glad you're all having fun, we have a serious problem here," Scarlett informed us. "Hope you liked making all the ammo because we need it."

  "The fire that went through here took out the power, this building has been running on generators and we have a couple hours of juice left."

  The children that survived this long were not excited about not having power, some wailing others breaking down and sobbing. It was awful.

  Got them busy preparing guns and supplies, told Scarlett she needs to have a better manner in a time like this. The kids need a barrier.

  Dom was hanging around his team a lot more, staying away from me. Something needed to be done about that, I want someone watching my back.

  "Our power will be gone soon, we need a place to go but there is nowhere for us to go," Scarlett said. She was right, What will happen now?

  "Could we get more gas for the generators?" Aiden asked. "It may be a possibility, but how long can we stay here?" Scarlett asked.

  It was decided first thing in the morning we would go out the front doors and fire-line our way to search for supplies. We needed a plan.

  I was back at my apartment, the dog sitting at my feet. The TV was all snow, a low hum filled the air. Then it was quiet, eerie and still.

  The dog tugged at my foot, I got him to stop. He leapt to his feet and grabbed onto my foot and tugged with all his strength pulling me.

  I hit the floor. BANG. My eyes shot open a dead boy at my feet, his hands on my boot, face covered in blood. It looked like he was smiling.

  1 Jun myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  I reached for my gun and he snarled at me. I felt him leap on top
of me. BOOM! his body flew aside and crashed into the cement wall.

  I grabbed my gun and faced him. Half his chest torn open, he still tried to crawl to me. I shot, tears in my eyes, I fired, sorrow in me.

  It wasn't fair. He was one of the kids that survived all this time. We took them here. We pulled them in our run of death.

  All this inside. I couldn't tell them. I couldn't talk about it. I felt like I was cracking. I couldn't hide here. No Apartment to drown in.

  When I had my own place, I could close the shades. I could throw on a movie and forget about all this, numb myself even for just a while.

  Out here, the dead are around you 24/7. Out here you kept seeing their faces. We were compromised now. More will turn and we have to wait.

  I had to face these people every day knowing that any of them could suddenly lunge out at me and end what's left of my pitiful life.

  All I want is things back the way they were before. It wasn't perfect, but at least I could sleep. God I miss normal dreams. Normal life.

  Do you know how hard it is to hide your true feelings, your true thoughts all the time? I do. Letting a bunch of strangers know you is bad.

  Sometimes when they turn, they remember stuff. They show up to kill family and friends. One day you might have to put someone you love down.

  FUCKING ZOMBIES! What was I supposed to do with this? I had to survive. I had to put him down and now all the hard shit is coming.

  We lined up, waiting to be checked. Naked, shivering on the roof. Looking for bites or signs of infection. People eating, drinking tainted.

  There were so many deaths. I don't want to relive it. I know I started this thing to tell some survivors something if I didn't make it.

  I wish I could get the visions out of my head. The smells. The cries. Parents lost their children. Children lost their loved ones. Too much.

  I'm not ashamed to say I wept. I was alone when I did. Half of those we brought were infected. When we were rounded up was really bad.

  We found six zombies wondering around. Turned and forever lost. That poor bastard who never said anything from the coke truck.

  Dom wept. That quiet guy, was a girl. She dressed like a guy so she wouldn't get raped by raiders. He found her hiding in a building.

  She was alone, injured, starving. He nursed her back to health and gave her some training. She had purpose. Now she was gone. He was alone.

  The next couple of days were spent training those who can hold a gun. Many moments spraying into the dead. They were crowding around.

  Two birds one stone. Clearing the way and teaching the young ones to shoot. Except for the circumstance, it was nice.

  I found out the bus that was sent out, was sent by the people we were with. After the horde was thinned, we decided to go have a look.

  Salvaging was a way of life now. You get used to it. Sometimes it could be gross, like taking some ammo off a dead body, or burning them.

  We walked in a line, children, men, women, all stretched across the road. We had a reason to fight and a reason to live. We will survive.

  I could see the bus. A few of the dead standing around. "Runnin hot." Katie screamed. The dead looked our way and were cut down by the guns.

  The twitcher patrol walked ahead and made sure they were all put down with some new skull candy. Zombie brain surprise. Cold, I know.

  We got to the gleaming bus, rusted with blood spattered over the frame. We could clearly see them moving about inside. Maybe three.

  Dom lead the breach. I was right behind him. I didn't trust his judgment. He didn't sleep since the girl died. I know what that's like.

  They were near the back of the bus. I could see some mags of ammo, on one the armored Zombies. They came to save us and died.

  We put them down. Made sure they were dead and kicked em out the back door. I jumped out and saw something move from under a parked car.

  I was alone back there. Bang! Infected brain matter exploded over the pavement. Katie stood only a few feet away, grinning back at me.

  Sometimes they hide. They get someplace dark and they wait for you. On that walk back to your car. Back to your house. In your closet.

  They come in your house when you’re in weakness. You gotta be ready. Could be your uncle, your neighbor. Zombies remember and they come.

  Life can be a fickle thing when you're unprepared. I heard a grunt. The top half of a woman, draggin her guts across the ashfault.

  She came fast, I shot, missed her head. The dead bitch was heading right for Katie. Revenge. I was back in that theater again. SCREAMING!

  The shit hole where I lost her. I unloaded a spray of bullets, destroying the dead crawling thing. I recognized her face too.

  It was that poor woman on the bus, reaching her hand out to us. The woman who was brave enough to come and save our pitiful lives.

  I told you the walking dead remember. She was torn apart, the infected come, even if there is just a little bit of them left. They drag on.

  2 Jun myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  I was looking over some of the stuff I wrote here. I make some mistakes. We'll leave that shit to the editors of the world. I'll type.

  All this time, It's hard to get away. Found a netbook a while back. Damn keyboard is small but I can still tell ya about this hell on it.

  Eventually, we collected ammo and weapons off the lost and used our handmade ammo to cut away the rotting dead. Through the sea of flesh.

  With the bus being driven behind us, we cut through them. We shot and killed the already dead. We destroyed the rotting carcasses twitching.

  Seeing them kids firing their guns, seeing the knowing in their eyes that they WILL make it built a fire in me. I was tired, but I pushed.

  We uncovered one of the army vehicles, lost to the raiders. The damn woman I once fought off and held for protection, right beside me.

  I could see her eyes glass over. A man sat at the wheel. His face against the dash. As soon as we approached, he awakened. He moved.

  Snarling in the window. The glass fogging over. DAMN ZOMBIES, GO BACK TO HELL! That voice screaming in my head: SHOOT! RUN!

  She fell against the door. "No..." She cried. Her hand sliding over the glass. She was gone, couldn't hear us anymore. I seen it happen.

  Something just snapped in her. She would never be the same. I grabbed her and pulled her back on the pavement. She stared at the truck.

  Just saying "Charlie." Over and over again. "WHAT'S HER NAME?" I yelled. "Elise," one of her once soldiers called out. I looked at her.

  "He's not coming back. That thing ain't him anymore. You know better than this. Now git yer sorry ass up and help me put that thing down."

  Shaking her head she just babbled the name. I walked towards the door and opened it. I grabbed him by the leg and threw him on the road.

  Many shots hit him from many guns in the hands of many people. She screamed out! wailing like a banshee. Calling all the horde to eat.

  Soon I was on the line, my back against another, firing into the encroaching dead. They just kept coming like ocean waves. Sea of Zombies.

  3 Jun myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  It was like watching an ant hill, zombies just kept coming. My gun clicked empty, the sound of doom. 5 of them seen me, no longer shooting.

  They rushed towards me, my hands fumbled as I reloaded. One crawled under our bus and was trying to get into the open door, it had armor on.

  Tried to get back to where it last remembered. I took care of the 5 in front of me, way too close for my liking. I missed the head on two.

  One of their arms blown off, it still came at me. Katie walked closer aimed and blew his head apart. The other I put down. She smiled.

  What a dark time on such a bright day. Sun sat high in the blue sky with thin clouds. It was warm. The sun had a downside it baked the dead.

  The rotting corpses that were down for the count festered from the heat and caused the worst stomach turning smell I've ever experienced.
  Over the sounds of shooting I hear the whine of a street bike. The zombies heard it too. A red Suzuki Hayabusa squealed around the corner.

  The rider's talent showed in how he maneuvered around the dead. When one got too close he grabbed his shotgun and made them eat the shells.

  Some of us tried to help, clearing a path for him to make it to our line. The zombies threw themselves in front of his bike and he flipped.

  He got off a few shots but it wasn't enough. It became hard to witness so many people die at the hands of these infected walking dead.

  One of Elise's once soldiers, a younger guy had seen enough. He shot himself, fell at my feet, he was already dead. Elise just stared.

  Her eyes told the story, how much more can one person suffer before they can take no more. I touched her shoulder and she jumped. "Elise."

  "We have to fight, you have to do this. For those we save." Was all I could come up with, I tried. Wanted to say more but what would it do.

  She turned to the bus, needed to get out of here. I saw the look. Zombie was at the open door, it jumped at her taking Elise to the ground.

  She screamed and everybody turned, no way could we shoot and not hit her. She bent her knees lifting the infected away from her. It gurgled.

  She fought with it, her fists slamming into its face crushing bones. It clawed at her, breaking fingers on her armor. She wants to live.

  Ran to her, grabbed its arms and pulled the zombie off of her. The thing howled in my grasp, calling others to help it. She yelled and shot.

  The head exploded in front of me, my ears ringing. I turned my face when I saw her finger squeeze the trigger. Blood and brains scattered.

  Dropped the zombie and staggered to her. She grabbed me and cried. She wasn't over, she was just beginning. A new fire in her, one to live.

  4 Jun myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  Fought the dead with a hunger for survival. Didn't want to end up like them, nobody else wanted to either. Shot them all, a field of dead.

  Elise led as we searched her once army truck. Got guns and ammo. After cleaning out the truck she wanted to command it, wanted me with her.

  Scarlett walked to Elise, had some chosen words with her. A team was formed two good guns, a couple of the kids none of her once force.

  This was Scarlett's command now, she spread friends apart so new bonds would be formed. I was in the bus, Dom also. Needed to know more.

  We got to Dom's Turret truck, slowly approaching it. The dead were around it, some just laying in the street. They sat up when we got close.

  Camron on the roof of the bus with a sniper rifle, he took them out in quick succession. Dom was eager to get to his truck, I followed him.

  Katie and some others had our backs as we hooked up the winch wires. "What did you know about the theatre?" I asked him. Dom looked at me.

  How he answered this would determine what kind of person he is, will he lie to me and break the bond we formed. Damnit I wanted answers.

  "GET MOVING!" Scarlett yelled. "WE DON"T HAVE MUCH TIME." We got into position and Elise worked the winch, The truck flipped on its wheels.

  Dom put his hand on me, "We'll talk," he looks around, "but not now and not here. We will find time, I have questions for you too Savage."

  He yanks his gun free and blows away a deadling. "What the hell," Dom yells, "didn't any of you see that one." Katie was frozen crying.

  This was right at the bridge,