Read Mysterious Destiny Beckoning Corridors Page 8

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  Looking up from the notebook, Julia says, “Ok, Evan. Now if this was, Katherine, I think that I would have the answer to all of my questions. But her name is Mary. What do you think?”

  “I’m thinking that you will have to finish the story to see what happens,” Evan tells her with a smile on his face.

  “You’re no fun, Evan,” and she pushes his shoulder.

  “I really like this story, Julia. Keep reading and you will like it also.”

  “I like it. It’s just that I want to know the answers to my questions now. You’ve been my partner in the police force long enough, to know that I can’t wait to solve a case.”

  “Would you like to get something to eat in the Kitchen?”

  “Oh. Did you hear my stomach growl?” Julia asked.

  Smiling, Evan, said, “Actually, I did. Are you ready?”

  “Yes, I’d like to have some nachos. Does that sound good to you?”

  “It sounds delicious.”

  Walking down the back kitchen stairs and turning the lights on, Evan, begins walking toward the refrigerator. “What the heck?” he states, as he hears something crash and break just outside the sliding glass doors.

  “Quiet!” Evan abruptly commands, looking at Julia, “Go back upstairs, Julia, now!” Looking back to the kitchen, he sees a face looking through the window. Yelling to Julia, he says, “Stay down. Don’t go by any window.”

  The sliding glass door breaks from the impact of a metal patio chair. Evan pulls out his gun and begins to fire in the direction of the shattered glass door.

  Evan shouts, “Julia, call for back up.”

  At that moment, a bullet coming through the sliding glass door, hit the trajectory point just above his shoulder. He falls to the floor still firing back. “Stay where you are, Julia. This guy’s still here.”

  “Officers being fired on at the safe house,” Julia reports.

  Within a few seconds, sirens could be heard storming up the street. Evan and Julia begin to feel a sense of relief as soon as they see red and blue lights alternating their hues through the windows.

  “Wow, they got here fast!” Julia exclaims.

  “That’s because there are always squad cars close to houses like this, Julia.”

  Single footsteps could be heard quickly leaving the patio area, as many others were running up the driveway. All of the officers had their guns pulled, ready to confront the intruder.

  After several minutes, Officer Roberts, states, “There is no sign of the intruder. We’ll make a grid search of the grounds around the house, to see if we can gather any evidence.”

  The officers worked quickly, finding footprints in the dirt leading up to the cement patio just outside the sliding glass door to the kitchen. The patio chair was lying on its side with its legs protruding through the glass as it was being dusted for finger prints. Bullet casings were also found in the same area.

  “Get your things together. We’ve got to move you,” Officer Roberts, says.

  “Wait a minute. Let me talk to my partner,” Evan, responds to the Officer, as he walks over to Julia.

  Looking confused Evan states, “How could he have found us this quickly?”

  “I don’t know. There’s got to be someone on the inside that knows him, and knows where we are.”

  “I think you’re right. How do we know who to trust?”

  “We’ll tell them that we are going to stay. Then we’ll leave the first thing in the morning,” Evan, decides.

  “But then they will be looking for us.”

  “I’ll leave them a note telling them that I will contact them.”

  “Ok. You tell them, and I’ll go back up to my room and pack.”

  Evan goes to Officer Roberts, “I’ve talked with my partner. We’ve decided to stay here.”

  “I don’t think that that’s a safe decision, Sir. He’s already tried to break in once, and it’s still a few hours until day light. Don’t you think that it would be safer to come with us?” Officer Roberts questions.

  “I appreciate your concern, Officer, but I think that we’ve decided to stay put. Thank you.”

  “I still don’t agree with you, Sir, but I’ll gather my team and we’ll leave. The only thing that I can tell you is that we will keep our patrol cars patrolling this neighborhood, and hopefully this will discourage the perpetrator.”

  “Thank you, Officer Roberts. I appreciate all of your help.”

  Evan walks out to the front yard with Officer Roberts. “I hope that we will be able to work together again sometime, Officer Roberts. You’ve done a great job.”

  “I’m glad that both of you are all right. I’ll gather my team, but remember we’re just a call away.” As, Officer Roberts leaves, Evan, goes back into the house.

  “Ok, Evan. I’m all packed,” Julia announces.

  “We have a few hours until we leave. What would you like to do?”

  “We could continue reading, Jon’s notebook and still be able to hear everything that goes on outside,” Julia, suggests.

  “Ok, let’s put the kitchen table, on its side, up next to the sliding glass door to secure it, and then go back upstairs.”

  “That sounds like a great idea. But, let’s make sure that all of the curtains are closed and turn on all of the lights in every room downstairs.”

  Walking up the stairs, Evan directs Julia, “Would you turn on the lights in this room and I’ll turn on the lights in the one down the hall. Make sure that you only turn on the ceiling lights. That way there won’t be any shadows cast onto the windows. If someone is still out there, they won’t know for sure what room we’re in.”

  “Evan, do you think that he’ll try again tonight?”

  “I don’t think that anyone will try at least for a couple of days with all of the excitement we had here tonight. But I don’t think we should take that chance, Julia. We’ll leave in the morning.”

  “I’m willing to do what you think is best, Evan. Are you ready to listen to, Jon’s story?”

  “I sure am.” Quickly jumping into the air and landing comfortably on the bed with his hands behind his head and his feet out straight and crossed, he says, “Read on partner.”