Read Mysterious Destiny Beckoning Corridors Page 9

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  “So this is my competition, a commoner? Jon will not marry this girl. I will make sure of that!” Genola walks to her horse and quietly rides back to the palace. When she returns to the stable, Timothy asks, “How was your ride, my Lady?”

  “It was very interesting. Clean up my horse, I might want to go for another ride later this afternoon,” Genola demands.

  “Yes, my Lady,” Timothy calmly responds, holding the reins of the horse.

  Genola gets off of her horse, swings her skirt out of her way, throws her head in the air to accentuate her nobility, and walks to the palace.

  The Duchess is walking down the stairs, as Genola, is walking up the stairs.

  “Where have you been so early in the morning, Genola?” her mother asks.

  “I went for a ride, Mother,” Genola responds furiously.

  Surprised her mother asks, “A ride? Who was your chaperone?”

  “I didn’t have one mother!”

  “No chaperone?” her shocked mother states.

  Feeling livid, Genola, growls, “No. Mother, I’m tired. I’m going to bed!”

  “Genola isn’t that the same dress that you were wearing yesterday?” the duchess asks, with a puzzled look on her face.

  “Will these questions never stop? Good night mother!” Genola replies indignantly.

  Under her breath, the Duchess states, “Children…when will they respect their elders?”

  The Duchess walks to the kitchen. “What’s for breakfast?” she asks.

  “My Lady, you’re up so early,” the shocked head kitchen maid declares.

  “Yes. That rooster gets everyone up early doesn’t he?”

  “Yes Madame.”

  “Where is my breakfast?” she demands. “Breakfast isn’t ready yet, my Lady.”

  “How dare you make me wait…when my daughter marries, Sir Jon, you had better never make me wait again! I’ll go upstairs and get into my daily wear. I should be back in ten minutes and you had better have my breakfast ready for me by that time.” The Duchess turns around, lifts her head high with her nose in the air, and walks up the stairs in a stately manner, to make a point that she is of a higher class than they are; she is to be respected, and waited on.

  “But the lady of the house doesn’t want breakfast for another hour. What are we going to do?”

  “We’ll just have to find something for the Duchess to eat until the main breakfast is ready. Do you have any suggestions?” the main kitchen maid asks her staff.

  “Yes. What about tea laced with arsenic so that we won’t have to worry about her ever living here?”

  The whole kitchen staff laughs, “That’s a good thought, but we can’t really do it. Do any of you have any other suggestions?”

  “What about scrambled eggs with melted cheese on bread, and fruit juice? That would be fast, but not too filling.

  That way she can also eat the main breakfast with the lady of the house,” the maid second in command suggests.

  “Excellent. That should please the Duchess, and the Lady of the House.”

  Ten minutes later, the Duchess is back in the dining room. “Is my breakfast ready?”

  “Yes, my Lady.”

  Breakfast is brought to her on beautiful plates to enhance the quickly made breakfast.

  “Breakfast is served, my lady.”

  “Now this is the type of service that I like. Wait on me hand and foot, and you will never have any trouble from me.” The Duchess smiles as she picks up her fork to eat her eggs.

  “Yea, I’d like to wait on you with my hand and foot,” the head server says quietly, as she stands waiting to be of service.

  “What did you say?” the Duchess asks, as she is in the middle of picking up her cheese bread, to take a bite out of it.

  “I said I’d be more than happy to wait on you hand and foot, my Lady.”

  “Remember that, because I will be living here someday.” She points with her cheese bread to the kitchen staff to make a point.

  “Not if I can help it,” the head kitchen maid says under her breath who is also standing waiting to be of service.

  “Did you have something to say?” the Duchess questions after taking a sip of her juice.

  “I just wondered if I could help you in any other way, myLady.”

  “No, you’re all excused. I’ll call you if I need anything else.”

  The staff curtsy, tip their heads, turn around and walk to the kitchen.

  I quietly arrived through the South Gate and took my horse to the stable. Changing clothes with James, I was beaming from ear to ear.

  “James, she loved it! I gave it to her, and then I asked her to marry me.”

  “You did what?” James responded with a shocked, couldn’t believe what he heard look on his face.

  Happily dancing around James, I repeated what I had said. “I asked her to marry me, and she said that she would.”

  “I thought she was a commoner?” James said concerned.

  “She is…well actually I’ve never asked her. But her clothing has always been that of a commoner.”

  “Does she know that you are of royal birth?”

  “No. I’ve never told anyone out of this palace.”

  “Then she thinks that you are a commoner too?”

  “I guess. I don’t really know. We’ve never talked of such things.”

  “If you will remember, that’s the type of clothes that you have been wearing,” James points out, while he is trying to get me to think about my situation.

  Puzzled, I answered, “I suppose. Actually I’d never thought of that before.”

  “Well, Jon, I think that you had better start thinking about it, because I think that we are in trouble,” James stated with an, I told you tone.

  “Why, what happened?”

  “After you left, I went for a walk so that no one would see me in your clothes. I walked over by a tree and watched you leave. Then shortly thereafter, another horse left with a woman on its back. I walked back to the stable, and asked, Timothy, where the other horse was. He said Genola wanted to go for a morning ride, so he saddled it for her.”

  I interrupted, “Why should that be a problem, James?”

  “She left by the South Gate, and traveled in the same direction that you rode on your way to see Mary.”

  “I didn’t see anyone riding in the same direction as I was going.”

  “Were you looking for anyone? Or were you thinking of Mary?” James questioned.

  “I was only thinking of Mary.”

  My stomach began to feel queasy,. Could James have been right all this time? Has Genola found out about Mary? Did she actually follow me? I could feel my excitement leaving.

  “James, if Genola knows anything, then I’ll never be able to see, Mary again.”

  “Have you ever thought of what might happen to me, Jon, if I am ever caught wearing your clothes?” James asks concerned about his own future.

  “James, I’m so sorry. Hopefully, she wasn’t following me, and she knows nothing. I thought that they were going to go shopping today?”

  “That was the rumor. Then I found out that, Genola wanted to wait a few days.”

  “Ah, so she does suspect something. Otherwise they would have gone shopping for sure. I’ve got to do something to throw her off track.”

  Going into the palace, I said, “Mother, Duchess, good morning. What are we having for breakfast?”

  “Breakfast rolls, eggs and bacon, and the most delicious milk.”

  “…My favorite breakfast, Mother. I can’t wait to eat!”

  “My goodness, Jon, you’re up early. I normally have to call you to come down to breakfast.”

  “I went on an early morning horse ride.”

  “You did? Genola went on an early morning horse ride also,” the Duchess says with excitement.

  Not even responding, mired deep in thought, I said to myself, “I wish that Genola would say something so that I would know if she
had followed me or not. If she did, I wonder if she saw Mary, and if she saw us will she tell anyone? If she does I’ll never be able to see Mary, again. In fact, I’ll probably never be able to leave the palace grounds without a chaperone. If she does know anything, what will she do?”

  Thinking things through, Jon decides “I had better pay more attention to her so that she will think that I am interested in her. Then, when she leaves, I can see my, Mary again.”

  Looking down at my food, I sensed that mother and the Duchess were looking at each other, feeling that their plan to get me married was working.

  Mouthing to the Duchess, Mother says, “They went for a ride together and don’t want us to know about it.” They both smile at each other excited for the possible future that they have already planned for both of our families.

  She then asks, “Do you have anything to tell us, Jon?”

  In a sad voice, I said, “No, Mother.” All of a sudden an idea came to my head. Looking up, I said, “Duchess, where is Genola?”

  “I think that she is up in her room,” she says as she winks at Jon’s mother. Both mothers watched as I quickly left the table.

  “Duchess, do you think it’s starting to work?”

  “Jon sure seemed in a hurry to see, Genola. Maybe it is working.”

  Running up the stairs to, Genola’s room, I knocked on the door. “Genola, are you in there?”

  “What? Who is that?” Genola said trying to wake from a sound sleep.

  “Genola, it is Jon. I was wondering if you would like to go for a ride in the countryside.”

  “Jon, you want me to go for a ride with you?” she questions.

  Hearing her voice, I tried to sound positive. “Yes, that’s what I’m asking you. Can you be ready in thirty minutes?”

  “Yes, I can be ready.”

  “Fine…. When you come down, we’ll eat breakfast together and then go on a ride, if that’s all right with you?”

  “I would love to go with you, Jon. I’ll be ready within thirty minutes, but I need help from your lady servants. Would you mind asking two of them to come up here and help me?” she says, trying to sound helpless.

  “Yes, I’ll go downstairs and ask them to come up and help you.” I walked down the stairs, “Rosanna and Teresa, would you please go upstairs and help, Genola, get dressed so that we can go horseback riding?”

  “Help her get dressed? Can’t she dress herself?” Teresa, questions in a distressed manner.

  “She’s use to having help getting into her dresses and having her hair done.”

  “Jon, don’t get involved with that witch,” Rosanna cautions.

  “She’s no good, Jon. Be careful. She’s a sly one. You’re too good for her,” Teresa warns.

  “Do you mind if we walk to her bedroom while we talk?”

  “That would be fine, Jon,” they say in unison.

  I reassured, Rosanna and, Teresa, “Thank you my Mothers. I take your opinions with great respect. You have helped to raise me since I was very little. I know that you only think of what is for my best good.” Putting both of my arms into theirs I assured them, “All will be told to you in time. If you will just help me now, I would really appreciate it.”

  “We’re only doing it because you are asking us. We aren’t doing it for her,” Teresa states.

  “I know, and I love you for it.”

  As we approached her bedroom door, Genola opens it. “Genola, this is Rosanna, and Teresa. They have been with me since I was a little boy. I know that they will treat you kindly.”

  “Thank you, Jon. I know that they will do what I ask them to do,” Genola, says with an authoritative smile.

  “Alright if you’re all set then, I’ll leave.”

  “I’ll see you in a little bit,” Genola, softly says.

  “I’ll go outside. Let me know when she’s ready my mothers.”

  “We’ll work miracles Jon. Don’t worry about a thing.”

  In my mind I thought, “I don’t think that even a miracle would work with that girl.” No one compared to Mary. How could I even stand being with Genola? All I could think of was that Genola and Hortence would be gone soon and then I would explain everything to Mary. I’m sure that she would understand.

  Meanwhile, Genola, calls her sister Hortence, and asks her to help with the maid servants.

  “Hortence, show Rosanna how I want my hair done…. Teresa, I want to try on these dresses. Come on, let’s get cracking, I only have thirty minutes.”

  Without even taking a breath she demands, “Teresa, where is my first dress? Come on, you’ve got to be faster than that. We’re on a time crunch here.”

  Teresa picks up one of the dresses that Genola has laid out.

  “No not that one! I want to try this one on first. And when you put something back, Teresa, make sure that you don’t put another wrinkle in it. I want it laid out flat, like this!” using her hands to smooth out the dress.

  “Teresa. I need to get my under clothes and dress on first, so that Rosanna, can do my hair second. Come on. Let’s get to it. Snap, snap.”

  Finally, Teresa is completely worn out helping Genola to get her under clothes on, and trying on several dresses. Each dress is so heavy and awkward to try on, but one is finally decided on by Hortence and Genola, “Yes, I think that this one will do,” they both say, smiling at each other.

  Teresa, put the other dresses back, and laid the chosen dress out making sure that it was flat. Wanting to please Jon, she made sure that everything would be perfect.

  “Did they finally decide on a dress?” a teasing Rosanna quietly asked, Teresa.

  “Yes, well don’t be too happy, I think that it’s your turn now,” Teresa softly said, smiling back.

  “Rosanna, now it’s time to do my hair” Genola stated. Continuing, she said, “You start by combing my hair. If you are doing something wrong, Hortence will tell you. Then, she’ll show you the right way to do it.”

  Rosanna begins to comb Genola’s hair, “Have you ever combed anyone’s hair before? Or have you just been in the kitchen, or maybe the stable? I mean, maybe you’ve only had time to comb the horses’ mane, because you’re not combing my hair the right way.”

  After a great deal of emotional abuse by Hortence, and Genola, directed toward Rosanna, and Teresa while they are trying to help her get ready, Genola is finally presentable enough to be with Jon.

  Teresa goes to Hortence’s window and calls down to Jon, “She’s ready!”

  “Looks like it’s time to go James, and Timothy. Wish me luck!”

  “You’re going to need it, Jon.”

  “Be sure to be your charming self.”

  “I will.” Looking back up to Teresa, I called back, “Coming.”

  Genola, walks down the stairs. Putting her arm in mine I took her into the dining room.

  “I have had our staff set the dining room table, so that we can have some time to ourselves.”

  “Why, thank you, Jon. After seeing you this morning with that other girl, I never thought that you would want to spend any time with me,” she says deriding him.

  “Oh, that girl, you don’t have to worry about her.”

  “Who is she, Jon?”

  “Just a girl in the village….”

  “You seemed to like each other a lot, by the way that you both responded to each other.”

  “It would seem that way wouldn’t it?”

  “So, how do you feel about her?” Genola persisted.

  “Genola, she’s a commoner. How do you think that I would feel about her?”

  “Now, that that’s clear, you won’t see her again, will you, Jon?”

  My heart was aching, my stomach was in turmoil. I didn’t want to be talking to Genola about Mary. Mary was the only woman that I would ever love. She is in my heart. She is sacred to me. I didn’t want to talk to, Genola, about anything, let alone about, Mary.

  “Well, actually you shouldn’t care, Genola. You’ll be leaving in a
few days. What I do will be none of your business. What we do have, is today. Are you ready to go on a horse ride?”

  “Yes. I’m ready to go, Jon,” Under her breath she said, “And I will have a say in who you are with, Jon. You just wait and see.”

  We walked to the stables. James and Timothy had just finished getting our horses ready for us. As James and Timothy rush over to help Genola onto her horse, I mounted mine.

  I was smiling, but my eyes had no sparkle. James could tell that my smile was a fake, but, Genola is so happy that we are going on a ride together, that she doesn’t notice.

  Rosanna, and Teresa, are by the kitchen door, and wave to us as we leave. “Was that only thirty minutes?” Rosanna asked.

  “I know. I thought that we were helping her for a whole year,” Teresa answered. “Rosanna, we can’t let her marry, Jon. We just can’t.”

  “We’ll have to figure something out, Teresa. If she stays, I’m leaving,” Rosanna warns.

  “I think that the whole staff will go,” Teresa added.

  Meanwhile, I was trying to be polite toward Genola. “How do you like your horse, Genola?”

  “It’s fine. But my horse at home is prettier and has more of a gentle ride.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. Would you like to go back to the stable and get another horse?”

  “No. I’ll tuff it out, Sir Jon.”

  “Good. Look at the beautiful trees that we have on our property.”

  “Actually, the trees that we have are a lot bigger.”

  “Do you like the flowers that are on the grounds?”

  “Not particularly. I’d plant a lot more of them if I were you.”


  After five minutes of talking with Genola, I couldn’t take it any longer. I could think only of Mary and how I loved being with her all day long. I loved her voice. Her laugh made me laugh. I loved her good nature and her kindness to everyone that she saw. I longed to see her; to touch her, to hold her, my beautiful, Mary.

  Everything that I loved about Mary, I hated about Genola. They were direct opposites. How could my mother even think that I would ever want, Genola, for my wife? I couldn’t wait until the day the Duchess and her daughters would leave to go to their own home.

  “Genola, I know that we haven’t been riding very long, but my war injury is acting up,” I apologized.

  “You went to war?” Genola asked surprised.

  Realizing that my mother wouldn’t back me up, I changed my story a little. “Well, actually, James, Timothy, and I were riding one day, pretending that we were at war, and my horse threw me. Since that time, my back hurts me when I’m riding on cold days. But, I need you to keep it a secret because I haven’t told my mother about my injury. I don’t want to worry her. Will you keep my secret, Genola?”

  “Yes, I’ll keep your secret, Jon. Is there anything that I can do?”

  “No. Just get me home so that I can lie down in the straw in the stable.”

  “…The straw in the stable?”

  “Yes. If I go into the palace looking like this, mother will ask me what happened. I don’t want her to worry about me. So, every time this happens, I just lay down in the straw in the stable, and James and Timothy take care of me.”

  “Jon. I just hope that you’re not in too much pain.”

  “I’ll be fine as soon as I lay down in the straw.”

  We slowly turned our horses around and headed back to the stable.

  James and Timothy were shocked to see us coming back so soon. “What’s wrong, Jon?” James asks.

  “It’s my war injury,” I answered, in pain.

  “Your what?” James questions.

  I quickly looked at him sternly, and repeated, “My war injury.”

  “Oh, that! It’s acting up again, huh?” Timothy remarks covering up, James’ response.

  “Yes. I need to lie down in the straw and have both of you take care of me, like you always do when this happens.”

  “Oh, we can do that, Jon,” James, states. Genola looks at him. “I mean, Sir.”

  “Genola, it’s getting a little cold out here. Why don’t you go in and ask our servants to start a fire? Thank you for being so understanding,” I said.

  Genola turns and walks to the palace. As she walks in the door, her mother asks, “Why are you back so quickly?”

  “It was getting too cold, so we decided to come back. I’m sure that we will go another day, Mother. Oh, by the way would you ask the servants to start a fire?”

  “Yes, dear….”

  Out in the stable, James, says, “War injury?”

  “That’s the only thing that I could think of to get us back here. She was driving me crazy! I couldn’t get, Mary, off my mind, and I kept asking myself, why I was out here with, Genola. So, I made up the war story.”

  “Do we need to know the story, Jon, just in case she asks us about it?” James questions making sure that they get all of the facts.

  “Basically, you, Timothy, and I were out riding our horses and playing like we were in a war, when my horse threw me. Every since that day, on cold days, when I am riding my horse, I’m in a lot of pain.”

  “Well, that’s simple enough. Is there anything else that you might have forgotten?” James, questions.

  “No. I think that’s about it.”

  “Why did you say that you needed to lay out here in the straw?” Timothy asks.

  “Because, I knew that she wouldn’t want to stay out here. She can’t stand the smell of the stables. So as long as I’m lying here helping my war wound to heal, I’ll be away from her.”

  My chest was bursting with pride at the wonderful story I had just created as I realized that my imagination had saved me from having to spend any more time with Genola. Picking up a piece of straw, I put it in my mouth. James, and Timothy, looked at me and we all quietly laughed.

  Finally, the end of the week is in view. “James today is Friday. I can’t wait! Tomorrow they’ll be leaving.”

  “That’s not what I’ve heard, Jon.”

  “Not the kitchen staff again! Remember when you said that they would be going shopping and they didn’t?”

  “Well, actually the kitchen staff was correct. The only reason that they didn’t go shopping that day, was because, Genola didn’t want to go. Do you remember that?”

  “I do remember that now, James. I guess that we’ll have to wait to see if the Kitchen staff is correct this time.”

  “If you will excuse me, I have to help mother prepare the great room for the party tonight.” Rubbing my hands together, I started with a great deal of enthusiasm, “I can’t wait!”

  The celebration planned for their departure is due to begin, when suddenly, in the palace, the Duchess looks at Jon’s mother while we are all setting at the table, and makes a request. “You have all been so kind to us. We love it here. We would like to ask for your permission to extend our stay another two weeks. We would like to stay until your husband arrives home.”

  When I heard her request, my hands gripped the edges of the table. I became angry, but tried not to show it. My mother said, “We’d love to have you here as long as you would like to stay.”

  The Duchess responds, “Thank you, my dear. We’ll take you up on that invitation.”

  “Excuse me, ladies.” I quickly walked out to the stables to talk to James.

  In the stable, I paced back and forth, trying to contain my anger. “I can’t take it any longer, James. I need to see Mary. She’ll wonder what has happened to me. And these girls, along with their mother, I can’t stand having them here.”

  “Try to wait a couple of days longer, Jon, so that we can be sure that Genola is thrown off track,” James cautions him.

  “I need your help then.”

  “…Anything, Jon, anything for you.”

  “I’ve got an idea. In the morning, James, I’ll wake up early, and help you chop some wood.”

  “That would be great, Jon.”

>   “Good, then, I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Morning arrives and I jumped out of bed and dressed in clothes that I would be able to work in. Walking to the wood pile, I said “I’m here, James. I’d like to do all of the chopping. I want to get as dirty and as sweaty as I can.”

  “It’s all yours, Jon,” James, sits back relaxing as he watches me chop the wood.

  A couple of hours later the breakfast bell rings. “Are you ready for breakfast, Jon?” James asks.

  “I sure am. How do I smell?”

  Coming close, he smells, “Pretty bad, Jon, you smell worse than I do when I chop wood.”

  “Good. What do I look like?”

  “Let’s put a little more dirt on you.” James picks up a handful of dirt and throws it at my shirt and hands, and then he rubs more dirt on my face.

  “Now, that’s the Jon that I’ve always wanted to see!”

  “So it’s good?”


  “Let’s go to breakfast.”

  James goes to the kitchen to eat with the staff while Jon walks into the dining room. Genola is coming down the stairs, “Jon, what is that smell? And why are you dressed like that?”

  “I’ve been out chopping wood.”

  “Chopping wood? You chop wood?”

  “Sure. You want to be able to have a fire don’t you?”

  “Yes, but you have servants that can do that for you.”

  “I never ask my servants to do anything that I can do for myself, Genola.”

  “You do this all the time?”


  “Would you mind getting cleaned up? The smell is making me nauseated.”

  “As long as you are here, it’s something that you need to get use to, Genola.”

  “…Mother!” Genola yells.

  The Duchess couldn’t believe that Jon was at the breakfast table smelling like a worker.

  “Jon, I heard you say that you had been chopping wood?” the Duchess questioned

  “Yes. I love to chop wood! Tomorrow, it’s my turn to slop the pigs.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding, Jon,” Genola, expressed. “Mother, I would never marry a man who slops pigs.”

  “You wouldn’t?” I questioned.

  “No, I wouldn’t. But I think that you’re just teasing me

  Jon. I’ve never even heard of royals ever slopping pigs.”

  “I guess you’ll see tomorrow. Would you like to watch me?”

  “Of course not, why would I want to watch you do a servants job?”

  “You said that you’ve never seen a royal slop pigs. I was going to give you that chance.”

  “Jon, how could you ask me to get anywhere near those pigs?”

  “You eat them, don’t you?”


  “Well, you get pretty close to them then.”

  “That’s something different.”

  “I don’t think that it’s any different. Anyway, right now, I’m going out to chop some more wood, and then I’ve got to get cleaned up. See you later.”

  James walked back to the wood pile with me. “James, did you hear that? Genola would never marry a man who would slop pigs.”

  “I heard it, Jon.”

  “Well, guess what I’ll be doing for sure tomorrow?”

  “Ah, let me take a guess, slopping pigs?”

  “Yes, I was teasing her at first. But knowing now how she really feels, I’m going to make sure that those pigs get to know me quite well. She’ll finally leave and then I’ll be able to see Mary whenever I want to.”

  “Now, that’s a plan, Jon.”

  The rooster’s crow was a welcome sound. I ran out to the pig pen.

  “James… Quickly, what do I do?”

  “You take this pail of discarded food and pour it out onto the ground so that the pigs can eat it.”

  “Oh. You don’t just put the pail in the pen?”

  “No. Do you see how short the legs are on the pigs?”


  “Well, they can’t get their snouts into the pail to eat the slop because it’s too tall. That’s why we pour it out onto the ground, especially for the smaller ones.”

  “Oh, so that’s why they were making so much noise when I was working for that piece of pie, from the farmer’s wife.”


  “…Nothing. So, I take the pail, and pour it onto the ground and the pigs come and eat it. What about all the mud and dirt?”

  “They love it. In fact if you get some of it on you, it would make a deeper impression on Genola.”

  “Good idea, James. I’ll walk into the pen to get mud on my shoes and possibly even fall a couple of times...accidentally of course.”

  “…Of course.”

  After the pigs were fed, I walked out of the pen. “How do I look?”

  “You look worse than you did yesterday.”

  “Great! Is it time to go to breakfast?”

  “I think so. Let’s go.”

  Walking into breakfast Genola sees Jon. “So you really slop pigs?”

  “I did, Genola. In fact, it’s one of my favorite things to do.”

  Turning to the Duchess, she quietly says, “Mother, I can’t marry someone that slops pigs!”

  “Excuse us a moment, everyone. Genola and I need to talk. Come with me, Genola!”

  I went into the kitchen as the Duchess and Genola walked into another room. Face to face and with a very dramatic expression, and animated lips, her mother quietly demands, “Listen, Genola. I’ve never seen, Jon, dirty until the last couple of days. He is the one that I want you to marry. Do you hear me?”

  “But Mother!”

  Cutting, Genola off, her mother continues, “Look at this beautiful palace, all of this land, all these servants. We’d be waited on hand and foot! And don’t forget that Jon’s father knows King Henry VIII, very, very well. Our family could rise even higher in society.”


  “I mean it, Genola. I want you to marry, Sir Jon. You could put up with him getting dirty once in a while, couldn’t you?”

  “Not after he’s been slopping the pigs!”


  “Fine, mother…. After all, this palace has several rooms. We wouldn’t have to be in one together. And, there’s so much land here, I might not ever see him.”

  “Now, that’s my girl. He might even go on campaigns like his father does. Look at how long he’s been gone.”

  “I can see what you are saying, Mother. Alright! I’ll marry him. That is, if he asks me.”

  “He will, my dear. I’ll make sure of that. Now, let’s go eat breakfast.”

  As they walk back into the dining room, both mother and daughter are unusually kind to everyone, including the servants.

  “James, what is going on?” Jon asks.

  “I think it’s what you call in chess, Checkmate.”

  “Are you talking about that new game that I see a lot of the royals playing?”

  “Yes. Basically, they’re trying to back you into a corner.”

  “Oh, no…. I’ll never marry that girl. It’s, Mary that I want as my wife. I don’t care what they have planned. In fact, I would like to see, Mary, tomorrow. Would you help me again?”

  “Yes. Jon, one more time, but you have to promise me that you will tell Mary the truth. You need to tell her that you can’t get married, because you are of noble birth, and she is common.”

  “I can’t promise you anything, James. Just help me to be able to see her tomorrow, please?”

  “I’ll do what I can, Jon.”

  “Thank you, my friend.”