Read Mystic Embrace Page 13

I continue to fight, gnawing and slashing at the demon. Trying to remember the moves Isaac taught me. I’m faster and physically stronger, but he is taking everything I can dish out to him. I can tell he is growing tired of this physical fight, as I overpowering him. He pushes me back with all his might and holds me back with some kind of mental force field.

  “I can’t get to him anymore,” I exclaim.

  Eliza and Sophia come to my side. Eliza throws a protection potion at our feet and then a power weakening vial at Naberius’ feet. I can feel his connection holding me, it’s not as strong. He feels it too, and releases only to throw a type of electrical current at us.

  “Move!” Sophia shouts and pushes us down, forgetting about the protection spell. I flip up to my feet and toss a reversing potion; anything he tries to do to us should be mirrored back at him.

  “He’s too strong for the potions we need to banish him, do you remember the spell?” I ask Eliza.

  “I do, do you?” She replies.

  Nodding, we hold hands and begin to chant.

  “By the power in we,

  We banish thee,

  He who took what belonged,

  Release in time,

  And be gone.

  By the power in we,

  We banish thee.

  So mote it be,

  So mote it be,

  So mote it be.”

  The three of us stand and watch as a black hole reaching deeper than the pits of hell opens before us. Naberius then implodes and the particles are sucked into the pit, swirling like a tornado. The force exuded from him throws us against the far wall with more force than I have ever felt. Eliza and I hold one another with tears of joy we cry together. We did it we got rid of the demon that took Mom and Dad from us.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Back at the Pierce house we need to be careful about what we discuss. Nathanial’s Family, the McCord’s, and the Barton’s, are still unaware about our supernatural natures, we can celebrate defeating Naberius after, now is time to celebrate our graduation. Eliza and I take our belongings up to our rooms and clean up a little before anyone else can notice. I can hear Elyn crying downstairs and hurry to her.

  “Hey baby girl, Mommy’s here. What’s the matter?” I give her a little kiss on the head and she clasps onto me tightly.

  Mrs. McCord comes to my side, “I have never seen a baby so young clutch onto someone in that way before. It is almost although she’s scared.”

  “I don’t know what is wrong; she has never done this before,” I explain, “I think I’ll take her into the library for a few moments. Maybe all the excitement and people from graduation is too much for her.”

  “I will bring a bottle for her,” Alexander offers.

  “Thanks Alexander,” I say as I go around the corner to the library. I know that his offer is because he wants to talk to me about something. I hope he can explain what is going on with Elyn, she’s never acted like this before.

  I love the Pierce’s library; it is so relaxing in here. Sitting in the soft leather rocker/glider I get Elyn’s favorite book ‘Goodnight Moon’ it always seems to calm her. Moments later Alexander walks in with her bottle.

  “So, what’s up Alexander?” I ask, taking the bottle and begin feeding Elyn.

  “As you already know I can’t get full thoughts from Elyn, since she is just a baby the thought process is not developed enough.”

  “Yeah, but you must be getting something.”

  “I did, she was genuinely terrified that she was going to lose you. I think her powers go far beyond levitation. I think she has premonitions of some sort. Maybe she can see what you are doing. She knew you were in a big fight today. I don’t know how, but I get that sense from her,” he explains.

  “So how do we figure this out?”

  “Well I was thinking I could hold her or even just her hand and try to focus all my telepathic power to her. Maybe that way I can get a better picture of what she’s experiencing.”

  “It is worth a try,” I agree.

  Alexander decides to sit next to Elyn and try to hold her hand. He closes his eyes and concentrates, before long I see his eyes moving very quickly behind his closed lids, almost like R.E.M. He has a panicked expression on his face. My concern grows as I have never seen Alexander get panicked about anything before. Wanting to ask what is going on; I resist the urge as I don’t want to disrupt him. Suddenly his eyes pop wide open and he glances down at Elyn then back to me.

  “This poor little thing,” Alexander announces.

  I grow frantic, “What? What’s the matter?”

  “She is not having premonitions, she is full on experiencing the fear and pain of those she loves. She’s an empath, Elyn feels the fear and pain you experienced while fighting Naberius.”

  “But I didn’t feel any pain,” I insist.

  “You may not realize it since you are a vampire now or because of the adrenaline rush you had. You still feel pain, physical as well as emotional pain. Elyn sensed your emotional pain when Eliza was injured from fighting the demon that killed your parents. She also sensed your physical pain from the fight with him. Being so young she does not understand that your pain was only temporary and she was scared for you. In time she will learn to deal with this power better.”

  I look down at the beautiful little girl in my arms, “I’m alright, peanut. You don’t need to worry about Mommy. It is my job to worry about you.” I turn my attention to Alexander. “So why is she getting multiple powers at such a young age?”

  “That I don’t know. You may have to contact your ancestors about this. Maybe there is a way to help her control it. From my understanding children do show signs of their powers, but it’s not supposed to be so strong,” he answers.

  Now that Elyn is calm again, we rejoin the celebration. Matt’s mom comes right over to me and Elyn. She is a wonderful Grandmother.

  “There’s my beautiful little grandbaby. Wanna come see Grandma?” She reaches out for Elyn. “Are you happier now?”

  “She is, and she always loves her time with you.” I smile as I carefully pass Elyn over with a light hand on the back of her head for support.

  Everyone is relaxing and enjoying time together. The Barton’s, McCord’s, Pierce’s and Eliza all give out graduation gift’s to us. This is so exciting. How did I ever get so lucky to be surrounded by so many wonderful people? It wasn’t that long ago that I felt so alone and on my own, but now I know I never have to worry about feeling that way again. My life is beyond complete now and I couldn’t be happier.

  Mrs. McCord begins to cling her glass, “I would like to say a few words.”

  Everyone in the room quiets down and we all turn our attention to her.

  “Today our youngest has completed a huge step forward, and with so many great friends at his side. You’ve all become like family to us, and we can only pray that it stays this way. Nate your father and I are so proud of you for receiving a full scholarship to Harvard. We are just as proud of the rest of you for your accomplishments as well. Now with both our boys attending college, we should be preparing for our freedom.” She smiles.

  “Gee thanks, Mom,” Nathanial jokes.

  “You know what I mean, kid. Anyways, as you all know Arthur and I have wanted another baby for a long time, and yet we gave up years ago. The doctors always maintain that we could not conceive or reverse the damage. I went for my regular check up a few weeks ago and they found out something interesting,” she continued.

  “Mom, are you going to be okay?” Luke asks.

  Mr. McCord goes to his sons, “Your mother is fine. There is nothing to worry about. Let her finish and you’ll see.”

  “Okay, well the doctor ran some regular tests, and that led to some diagnostic imaging. It turns out that all the damage has repaired itself. And I’m now expecting,” she announces with a smile.

  “Oh my god, Mom, Dad this is amazing.” Luke jumps to his feet and hugs his parents.
r />   We all jump and scream, I notice Nathanial give Sophia a little wink. I can’t believe she did it, Sophia healed Nathanial’s mom, without her knowledge.

  Florence brings out some sparkling cider. “Nikole and Arthur, we wish you and your new baby all the best. You too have become like family to us. Little Elyn has brought such joy to our close group and I think it is safe to say that we are all excited to welcome another little one.”

  As the group celebrates, I take Matt off to the side. I want to make sure he is okay from everything that happened at the manor. We are only gone for a few moments, Matt insists he is fine and we both agree that that fight is over with. Naberius can no longer captivate mine and Eliza’s thoughts, and to think we actually graduated. This has been such an incredible day, what could possibly happen next?

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  School finishes and summer is finally here, things have been extremely quiet and normal the past few weeks. Now that school is officially over we can enjoy our summer. Luke’s returning from school this week and will be moving into the manor with Eliza. They have such an amazing connection, I know they belong together. We continue to pack Eliza’s belongings to go back home. Elijah and Florence come upstairs to take the next load down.

  “Are you sure that you will be alright at the manor, by yourself?” Florence’s motherly concern comes out.

  “I won’t be alone, Luke will be with me.”

  “I mean without any other powers or help.”

  “Florence, I love you all, but I can’t stay here forever. Luke and I are going to try things out over the summer, see how they work. Ebony is also going to come with me and we will use the great mystical power to put a protection on the manor.” Eliza hugs Florence, the woman who has been like a mother to us since the day we lost Grams.

  “I love you girls too, that is why I worry.”

  Elijah steps forward. “Are you ladies done with all this sappy stuff yet?”

  “Yes dear.” Florence nudges.

  “Now Ebony and Matt, since Eliza is going back to the manor, and Ebony you have proven yourself, Florence and I decided that as a new family, you two and your little peanut deserve some privacy. We had the guest house out back fixed up. Everything is in full working condition and we stocked the fridge and cupboards for you, Matt,” Elijah Explains.

  I look at Matt and then Florence and Elijah, in shock and unable to conceal my excitement. “Oh my god, are you kidding me? We get our very own place, like a real married couple.”

  Elijah chuckles, “Well for all intense purposes, yes. We are still close by and there is a tunnel that connects the main house to the guest house. Alexander will be checking in on you every so often, and we expect you, Ebony, every night for dinner. You too are welcome Matt. Florence can have something prepared for you as well. We just want to make sure that Ebony remains well fed.”

  “I think those are very agreeable terms,” I squeal, not able to control my excitement.

  Matt smiles and grabs me around the waist and swings me. “Of course I agree to those terms.”

  “It’s settled then, once we get Eliza moved back into the manor we will move you over to the guest house,” Florence says as she grabs another basket of Eliza’s clothes.


  At the manor after we unload the cars, Eliza and I place a magnificent protection spell on the manor. This is our way of ensuring that nothing supernatural can attack Eliza, or Luke for that matter, while here.

  “Ebony, I was thinking that you should keep the book of shadows. You have far more time to learn from it and study than I do,” Eliza acknowledges.

  “Are you sure? I do enjoy reading it when Elyn and Matt are asleep.”

  “I’m sure. It is not like we are never going to see each other.”

  It doesn’t take long to get her set up and comfortable.

  “Will you be okay for a few days until Luke gets here?” I ask as I hug my big sister.

  “I will be, I’m just so excited and can’t wait for him to get here.”

  “You can’t wait for whom to get here?” A husky voice asks from the doorway.

  “Luke! What are you doing here? I thought you would be a few more days.” Eliza exudes excitement as she runs into his arms.

  The rest of us take that as our cue to leave, saying a quick goodbye and then we sneak out the door.


  “Can you believe Luke came to surprise her that way? He is so amazing,” I gush.

  We all giggle as we head back to the house, and then my cell phone rings.


  “Hi, Ebony?” A male voice asks.


  “I am sorry to call you out of the blue, this is Dakota Williams.”

  “Hi Dakota, it is nice to hear from you. How’s your family doing?”

  “Everyone is good. I am sorry we have not been in touch much. There has been some activity in the area and we have been tracking it. I didn’t want to involve any of you until I knew for sure,” he starts.

  “What do you mean, what is it you have been tracking?” I enquire.

  “There’s more vampires in the area. I recognize one of them from last time.”

  “That is impossible, we destroyed them all,” I argue. “Are you sure they are not new ones up from Boston?”

  “I’m sure, I suspect that one of them escaped or was left behind,” Dakota reasons.

  “Okay have your family meet us at the Peirce house tonight and we’ll discuss what you know.”

  I begin to inform Elijah and Florence about Dakota, but they heard everything while Dakota and I were speaking. I give Matt a brief run down on the way back to the house.

  “I guess we will not be relocating to the guest house tonight,” he pouts.

  “Matt, you are living with a family of super-fast, super-strong vampires. I’m assuming that Alexander, Matilda and Sophia already have your stuff moved,” Florence smirks.

  “Your family is too much. One day my powers will kick in too you know.”

  I smack him on the arm, “Don’t you dare! If your powers ‘kick in’ you’re dead and you have a wife and daughter that need you.”

  “Fine, fine, I will leave the powers to you.” He leans over and kisses me as the car pulls up to the house.


  Walking in the front door and looking around the house we have lived in for the past few months, I can’t help but smile. The grand staircase, the dining room that Florence serves every gourmet blood meal in and the family room where it all happens, I know we won’t be far but I will miss this house.

  Sophia runs in all excited, “We got it all done. Your new house is ready and Elyn is already napping in her nursery, Matilda is there with her.”

  “Can we see it?” I ask enthusiastically.

  “Of course, let’s take the tunnel.” Sophia grabs mine and Matt’s hands to lead the way.

  We have never seen or used the tunnel before. Now that I think of it, I have never even seen the guest house. Under the grand staircase in the hidden room Sophia pushes on another door that takes us down a long tunnel. As we walk the lights ahead of us brighten to light our way, they must be on motion sensors. I examine the walls as we walk further into the tunnel, “What are all these pictures on the walls?” I ask.

  Florence, Elijah and Sophia all smile and look at one another. Elijah explains, “These are our portraits from over the years. We keep them here for our personal recollection, without allowing others who come into our home to see. If anyone saw some of these, questions would arise that we’re not prepared to answer.”

  “I really want to hear about some of these, but another time. I want to see our new home.”

  “Well it is not much further, just that panel up ahead.” Sophia giggles as she spins around to face me.

  She pushes open the panel and leads us into the most beautiful little bungalow. I practically freeze in the spot, looking around. I think someone stole one of my wish
books. This looks just like the room I designed. White leather couches, a rock wall fireplace, a natural wood dinner table and every piece of baby furniture a person could imagine.

  “This is amazing!” I turn and examine every corner, and every little decorative piece.

  “This is just like your books,” Matt announces.

  Alexander steps forward. “Yeah, so one cool thing about telepathy is no one can hide anything from you.”

  Sophia gives Matt and I the tour, the place is amazing. There’s not an inch of wasted space, little niche’s and cubby’s everywhere. We enter Elyn’s nursery, a larger room, with a round crib in the center of the room. A small circle hangs from the ceiling with beautiful white satin and pink tulle hanging from it, draping around the crib. Two small book shelves, one filled with wonderful children’s books, the other with toys and stuffed animals. A rocker, a change table, and dresser, everything is fully stocked. They painted her room with a life size mural, one side is the sun and nature, the other is the moon and stars. We leave Elyn to rest in her new room, she looks so peaceful.

  The doorbell rings from the main house; Sophia looks puzzled, “Who could that be?”

  “Oh, I didn’t tell you. Dakota called there’s a problem. The Williams are coming by to discuss what they know,” I inform.

  “We better get back to the house. Grab the baby monitor,” Sophia suggests.

  “It’s okay, I’ll stay here with Elyn, I’m no help over there. Elyn and I can hang out here together,” Matt insists.

  The rest of us run back through the tunnel returning to the main house in only seconds.

  “Hey there Dakota, it’s been a long time” Alexander says as he opens the door.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Surprise Guests

  It’s been about eighteen months since this group of supernatural beings, were all in the same room together. It doesn’t take long for Eliza and Luke arrive. Luke and Nathanial both join Matt in the guest house so not to disturb the rest of us. Florence, Elijah, Isaac, Constance, Alexander, Matilda, Sophia, and Danika are all present. Myself and Eliza along with Dakota, and Tamo Williams are ready to discuss the issue at hand.