Read Mystic Embrace Page 14

  “Where is everyone else from your tribe?” Alexander asks.

  “Dad and I thought it would be best for the rest of the shape shifters to continue patrolling the area,” Dakota explains.

  “So, what’s been happening that has you concerned?” Matilda questions.

  Tamo stands and begins to walk the room. “We have noticed a familiar face in recent weeks. One of the Cerberus vampires from before has returned. He is stronger and has built another army.”

  “I don’t understand we destroyed them, decapitation, burning there remains and burying the ashes in various silver boxes ensured they could not regenerate,” Danika recaps, then her facial expression falls. “Do you think it is Drake?”

  “Not sure who Drake is, but we do recognize this one. The only thing that we can figure is he was hiding during the fight,” Dakota admits.

  “Drake is the new leader of all the Cerberus, he tried to make Danika his queen,” Alexander adds.

  We go over the details that the shifters have collected and all agree that we need to plan another attack. Since Eliza and I have become so strong, our powers will be a bigger help than last time. The sound of footsteps start to come up the front porch, we all turn to Alexander for conformation.

  “It’s okay; you may find something interesting behind the door.” Alexander smiles, as he walks to the front foyer.

  We all follow as Elijah go to the door, with one slight knock, Elijah swings open the door. Before him stands a surprise.

  “Caspian!” Sophia runs into the arms of her estranged brother.

  “Well I must say; this is quite the pleasant surprise,” Elijah says as he hugs the man he has always thought of as a son.

  “It is nice to see you all again,” the tall man forever locked in his early twenties replies.

  “To what do we owe this pleasure? I thought the Cerberus from Boston had you on a short leash,” Isaac wonders.

  “Yeah, they do, but I felt this was important enough to make contact,” he says as he flips his long black hair out of his face.

  After saving Danika earlier this year from club VC, Caspian returned and begged for forgiveness. He was tortured for thirty days and joined them, only he is really only there to gather information for us. The cult still doesn’t trust him, so it is difficult to make contact with us.

  Sophia is giddy with excitement, “Does this mean you are back to stay?”

  “Let’s just take things one step at a time.”

  “So, what’s up Cas? We haven’t seen much of you since we rescued Danika from Club VC. Is something happening, do you have news for us?” Alexander asks, even though he probably knows already.

  We return to the family room and get comfortable. Florence and Constance bring in beverages for everyone. Caspian is intent on sharing something with us.

  “As much as I would love to catch up, I have something pressing to discuss. I promise to fill you in on everything later,” Caspian insists.

  “Then what is it?” I ask.

  “Okay, wait a second, have I missed something or are you a vampire now, Ebony?”

  We all chuckle. “Yeah, long story but you are stuck with me now. Oh yeah, by the way, you’re an uncle.”

  “Okay, we are going to need to catch up on some family stuff soon too. Let’s get business out of the way in case I have to get outta here fast. So I guess you’re already clued in, considering the gather of supernatural beings in this room.”

  “We came to warn your family about one of the Cerberus that we originally fought. He is in the area and has rebuilt an army,” Tamo announces.

  “That is exactly why I am here too. I have been undercover with them as one of the leader’s militants. This way I can try to learn his plan and relay the information back to you.”

  “I still do not think this is the safest plan.” Florence shows her concern.

  Caspian takes hold of Florence’s hand. “I have been in and around the underground scene for many years now. I have tried to remain under the radar that is until the stuff with Danika. I don’t want you to worry. They are beginning to trust my intentions again.”

  “How do you know I’m a vampire now?” I ask, still stuck on the previous conversation.

  “I guess you don’t know.” Caspian chuckles and glances at his former family. “You are well aware of everyone’s powers. Have they ever told you what my power was?”

  “No, I don’t ask too many questions about you, because I know how painful it was for them to you lose you,” I admit.

  “Well Ebony, I’m able to sense others of supernatural decent.”

  “So, that is how you know I’m a vampire, you can tell what kind of supernatural others are too?” I confirm.

  “You got it, pretty cool, huh.”

  “I’d say. That’d sure come in handy for me and Eliza.”

  The next few hours are spent comparing notes between the Williams and Caspian. It appears as though we might have another big fight on our hands. I wonder if I should tell the others about the dreams I started having recently. They’ve been so vivid and life like, I’m not sure what to make of them. I gotta remember it’s just a dream. Maybe I will do some research on dream interpretation, and I think it is time to contact Grams again soon.

  “Ebony are you okay? You seem lost in space.” Danika kneels before me.

  “Yeah everything is fine, just thinking.” I glance over at Alexander asking him not to say anything.


  After everyone leaves, Alexander, Eliza and Sophia escort me through the tunnel toward the guest house. Alexander telepathically asks me if it is okay to talk about it now, and I agree.

  “So tell me about these dreams Ebony,” he requests.

  “Well, I know it was just a dream but it seems so realistic,” I start to explain.

  “What about your dream is so realistic?” Sophia asks.

  “In my dreams since my Embrace, I have seen and talked to ghosts, and various types of angels.”

  Everyone stops in their tracks for moment, pondering the possibilities of what I’ve been seeing.

  “Why don’t you tell us a little more about the ghosts you’ve been seeing?” Eliza suggests.

  “Like I said I know it’s a dream, and not actually seeing them.”

  “That’s the thing, Ebony, now you are a vampire, and you don’t require much rest. You do tend to get more sleep than the average new vampire, because of the fulfillment in your life, but nonetheless. Well, what I’m trying to say is basically vampires don’t dream. We don’t go into deep enough sleep to enter the dream state. So you might just be resting and whatever you are seeing appears to be a dream, when it just might be reality,” Alexander explains.

  Alexander’s explanation concerns me a little. Could the ability to see ghosts be a new power for me? Could it be possible that I’m a medium? It would only make sense that since my Embrace my powers would increase, since all my other senses, increased. From what I’ve learned too, it’s normal for powers to appear once Embraced that the mortal wasn’t aware of.

  “So, what happens when these ghosts come to you?” Eliza inquires.

  “Nothing really special, I don’t feel any threat or danger from them. I think they just want my help, like they’re lost souls looking for their way home. They seem to be very aware of the supernatural. They talk about demons, and have even mentioned about me being a witch.”

  “I think that may be a logical explanation being that you and your sister are the magnificent ones. They could be coming to you for help it sounds as though they may have been killed by demons and need your help to move on into the light,” Sophia suggests.

  “And what about the Angels, could they be more like guardians? Maybe Matt should tell his instructors about what is happening, and they may know. I guess I should tell him about the dreams,” I ponder.

  “I have to say I’m surprised you haven’t talked to him about this already,” Eliza says with complete shock.

  Chapter Twe


  Sitting down with the boys, we begin to fill them in on the information from our meeting with the Williams family. Nathanial can tell that Sophia’s been extremely emotional. We explain about Caspian returning. He instantly takes Sophia and his arms, knowing how much her estranged brother means to her, and how she must feel having him back at the house after he left again to pledge to the Cerberus.

  “Are you okay sweetie?” he asks.

  She leans her head on his shoulder. “I am, and can’t believe that he’s back, it’s been months. I hate that he has to pretend to be in with those idiots at club VC. I just hope that he stays. I don’t think I can handle losing him again.”

  Alexander stands and begins to pace the room; we all know this is a sign. He begins his lecture, “Well I don’t think that we can pressure him, but I think it is important that he knows how much he has been missed over the years. When he helped us save Danika, he was insistent that he needed to be away, to go back to the Cerberus to better help the family. Now that it appears that the Cerberus is ready to make a move again, maybe he’ll be ready to rejoin the family.”

  “I guess we can only hope,” Sophia adds.

  I begin to get a feeling of déjà vu, as we talk about the Cerberus returning. I anticipate that we can be as lucky as last time ensuring that no one from Wenham gets hurt. We enlighten the boys as to all the information Tamo and Dakota shared with us, as well as the Intel Caspian has been collecting.

  “When we destroyed the Cerberus before, we assumed we had the leader of that group. It turns out he was second in command and the leader was hiding far enough away that none of us knew. As you know there’s always more of them and Drake is now the leader since his rise to ascension. Caspian confirmed that Drake, formally known as Drako, is the creation of Cyrus, one of the original thirteen grandchildren of Cain,” Sophia explains.

  “And what does it mean that he is one of the great-grandchildren?” Luke asks.

  “Well, it’s a long story, Luke, but the short version is Cain was cursed by God and made the first vampire. Because he was lonely, he created more and then they created more, which brings us to the original thirteen grandchildren. Like most siblings they began to fight and took sides. Some of them became the Renata, which is the group that enforces the vampiric laws. The remainder of them became the Cerberus. If Drake is a descendent of one of the original grandchildren, he could be centuries old and extremely powerful,” Alexander gives a quick explanation.

  “And you are expected to fight one of the oldest living vampires in history? Are you all freakin crazy?” Luke jumps to his feet in protest.

  “Luke, hun, you have to remember that Ebony and I are two of the most powerful witches the world has ever seen. And the Pierce family has worked with the Renata in the past, and been successful.” Eliza stands to face Luke, holding his hands as she explains.

  “You and your sister maybe the most powerful witches, but you are new witches and still learning your craft,” Matt disputes. “Not to mention she’s my wife and mother to my daughter.”

  “Well, I guess we’re just going to have to work a little harder at learning more about Magick,” she insists.

  Elyn begins to cry from the other room. I chuckle as everyone in the room jumps to go get her. As I walk towards the room I wave them all back to their seats. I soon return with Elyn, and place the swing next to Matt.

  “So there’s something else that has been happening,” I say lowering my head.

  “What is it, Ebony? You know, you can tell me anything.” Matt takes hold of my hand.

  “Well, I thought I was having dreams about ghosts and Angels. Until Alexander explained that vampires don’t enter a dream state, and that’s the ghosts are probably approaching me. I don’t want you to worry and feel threatened by them; I think they need my help. But I am hoping that you can help me with the angel part.”

  “I’ll help you with anything that can. What do you need me to do?”

  “What do you know about angels? I’m wondering if these could actually be mine and Eliza’s guardians. We’ve known that we are witches for almost two years now and we still have never seen any sign of our guardian yet. Now I know you said he or she will come to us when we need it most.”

  Matt goes to get some of his training books and begins to look through the pages as if he knows what to look for.

  “What is it you’re looking for Matt?” I ask sitting down next to him.

  “I just remember learning about angels. They don’t usually show themselves or make their presence known. There’s got to be a reason that they’ve come to you,” Matt explains as he continues to search his notes.

  “What would an angel possibly want with a vampire witch?” Eliza asks.

  “From what I can find in my notes angels appear to those that can help them. They must believe that you are able to help them with something. Now we just have to figure out what it is they need help with.” Matt closes his books and puts them on the table.

  I decide it’s a good idea to put all our concerns aside and enjoy the rest of the night with friends. Eliza and I can try to contact Grams later.

  “So Nate, how’s your mom feeling, and how far along she anyways?” I ask.

  “She is actually feeling pretty good. She’s getting huge.” He laughs. “Turns out she is due the middle of November. Mom and Dad wanted to wait until they were sure that Mom wouldn’t miscarry. She’s like five or six months now, to be honest I don’t really pay much attention, I’m happy for them, but come on, I’m a guy, how excited can I get?” he jokes.

  Sophia gives him a little slap. I think it’s so funny how she tries to keep him in line. It’s amazing how less than two years ago, I felt like such an outsider. Matt and I had just started dating when I received my powers. I didn’t think anyone could accept me and I tried to push him away. When Sophia showed up, I was terrified that everything was going to go down the toilet. Looking around the room at those who mean so much to me, I’m flabbergasted at how things have changed and how I’ve not only grown to love them as friends but as family too. I would’ve never thought of myself as lucky before, but how can I not? When I see my wonderful husband, our daughter, my sister and her true love, and my two best friends all around me, I feel completely blessed.

  “I think we all better go and let the three of you enjoy your first night here,” Alexander suggests.

  “Thank you so much for trying to help me figure all this out. I guess we’ll have to try and come up with another plan to fight the Cerberus again.”

  As others see their way out, Matt and I get ready for a nice cozy night on the couch with some movies on.

  “So now that the others are gone, can we try to figure out what these angels may want from me?” I ask while pulling my knees close to my chest, and turning to look at Matt.

  “I’ve been trying to remember my lessons and all I can really say are angels are complicated.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “There are many different kinds of angels. There’s guardian angels, arc angels, fallen angels and even something called Nephilim.”

  “A Nephilim, what the hell is a Nephilim?”

  “A Nephilim, is the offspring of an angel, most commonly a fallen angel and a mortal. They appear to be mortal, until their eighteenth birthday. At which that point, they began to gain powers.”

  “What kind of powers, do they get?”

  Matt takes a deep breath, “Well, that is where things get really complicated. They get their wings, for one, which gives them the power to fly. They also gain all the powers that angels have. Now sometimes this is good, but just like anything else a Nephilim can be good or bad,” he tries to explain.

  “So you’re telling me there are people walking around with wings under their coat?”

  “Not quite, their wings are concealed unless they need them. And don’t be fool by the color of their wings. Black does not always mean evil or male, and whi
te does not always mean good or female.”

  I crawl up next to Matt and rest my head on his shoulder trying to ponder what the angels could want from me, and how I’m going to help them. My mind is starting to work overtime, wondering why all these supernatural beings are coming to me. I guess I’m just going to have to wait for them to come to me again.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Dinner Plans

  The Cerberus hasn’t attacked as quickly as last time. This concerns me. Although we have more time to train I worry about what they’re up to. With everything going on, all of us from the group that graduated decide to put off Collage for a year. With the Exception of Nathanial, since he’s receiving a scholarship, there is no choice but for him to go. I know that Sophia feels he’s safer at Harvard with Luke. I know it’s hard for him to leave with his mom having the baby in only two months. Sophia plans to drive up to visit him quite often, and he also drives home on the weekends when he and Luke aren’t training. It’s only been three weeks since he’s been gone, but at least we don’t have to be concerned about him when the Cerberus attacks again.

  Walking into the manor, Eliza comes running and throws her arms around me.

  “Hey, you okay, Sis?” I ask.

  “Yeah, I am great; I just miss having you around. Plus I miss my beautiful little niece.” She winks as she grab Elyn’s carrier from me. “Come on Elyn, let’s get you out of the seat.” Eliza takes Elyn to the family room and begins to unbuckle the harness straps.

  “Um….Oh never mind.” I prepare to warn Eliza, but chuckle at the thought of letting her see for herself.

  She gets the straps off Elyn’s shoulders and prepares to lift her from the seat. “Come here aunties little peanut.”

  Elyn reaches her arms up and floats right out of her carrier, circling Eliza. I can’t help but to burst into laughter watching Eliza’s mouth hit the ground as she swings around.