Read Mystic Embrace Page 3

  “My God, Ebony are you okay?” Matt runs to my aid.

  “God, it hurts so bad. I think I broke something.”

  At the sound of my cries, Sophia runs to my side, “Don’t move Ebony, your ankle is broken. I’m going to put my hands around it and it may hurt touch, but I promise this won’t take long to be as good as new.”

  Excruciating pain shoots through my entire leg as Sophia grabs a hold of my ankle. In one swift motion, she turns my ankle to its original place. It feels as though somebody is chopping, no ripping my entire foot off. I bellow so loud that the windows in the house shake as my voice cracks with the pain. I begin to feel warmth over my ankle. Sophia is next to me deep in meditation and concentration. She is the best healer I ever met, ok, the only healer and the best friend a girl could ask for. Warmth moves up my leg in ripples, I can feel the healing of bone rejoining. I only wish Sophia could heal me from the pain of losing Grams.

  Sophia sits up and nods to Matt, he swoops me up in one quick but gentle motion and carries me back to the car. I notice Eliza grabs my bag as she walks out of the manor. I wish our parents would reappear to us. I would love to know Grams is okay and with them now.


  Back at the Pierce household arrangements for Grams’ funeral are already being made. Florence and Elijah are helping to take care of all the details. Florence makes arrangements for the obituary for the morning paper and Elijah contacts the funeral home to set up service. We don’t have any other family. So there’s no one to really call. I’ll have to look in the book of shadows to ensure we do the proper ceremony to see Grams off to the spirit realm. That will have to wait till tomorrow though. I am mentally and physically exhausted and just need to get some rest.

  “Eliza, Ebony the guest rooms are all set up for you and Alexander has already taken your belongings up. You know that we consider you both our family. I have the fridge stocked with everything you may like, please help yourself or even just ask and we will get it for you. Our entire family is here for you, and we will help you get through this. We can continue to take care of all the arrangements for you if you would like.” Florence hugs both of us and then offers us a cup of tea.

  “Thank you so much Florence I’m so glad that we are not alone. Do you mind if we take our tea upstairs and go to bed?” Eliza asks.

  “Not at all my dear, we’ve also spoken to Matt and Luke’s families. The boys will also be staying here tonight, in case you need them and will be just down the hall from you.”

  With a smile, Luke says, “Thank you Mrs. Pierce. We appreciate it.”

  “No need for formalities, we are all family here. It is just Florence, please.”

  Sophia shows us to our rooms. Alexander already has our pajamas laid on the bed and covers turn down. He has also left fresh towels for us to shower and put in all our toiletries in the washroom. This family is so incredibly thoughtful and caring. No one would ever believe they are vampires. We take turns in the shower and getting ready for bed. I notice Matilda putting some calming music on the stereo and placing books beside our beds. Matt is waiting in my room when I get out of the washroom.

  “Hey beautiful, I just wanted to make sure that you’re doing okay and tuck you into bed.”

  “Thanks, Matt. I think I’m doing better now. I still can’t believe that Grams is gone.”

  “I understand, everything happened without any warning and I only imagine how it is tearing you apart. Just know that I’m here for you, and that you’re Grams loved you very much.”

  “I know she was wonderful woman. She raised me and Eliza from the beginning. We never had our parents around, all we ever had was her, and now we don’t. What are we ever going to without her?”

  “I know it’ll be difficult, but I know you can do it. Your grandmother didn’t raise any idiots. Try not to worry about right now. It’ll be easier to deal with once you get some rest.”

  “You may be right. Will you lay with me, until I fall asleep?”

  “Of course I will. I’ll do anything for you.”

  Crawling into bed next to me, Matt pulls up the blankets and wraps his arms around me in a loving embrace. I’ve been so lucky to have him in my life. He’s supported me since day one even when I try to push him away after finding out I was witch. He’s always been so understanding and supportive of my friendship with vampires and was even open and honest enough with me about this guardian training. I bury my head deeper into his chest, realizing how lucky I truly am to have him in my life. Matt leans down and kisses my forehead. With a slight smile, I look up at him slowly move towards him for soft gentle kiss.

  “I love you, Matt. Thank you for being here for me,” I whisper with a soft sincere tone.

  “Ebony, I couldn’t love anyone more than you.”

  He lightly runs his hands through my hair and places them on either side of my face with a passionate look, he kisses me again. Pulling myself closer to him and moving up slightly, leaning on one elbow, I place one hand on his cheek, rubbing his ear lobe between my thumb and index finger. We begin kissing each other, more passionately than ever. He slowly runs his hands down my back. I get up onto my knees in front of him. He pulls himself up to the sitting position, and I climb on his lap. He begins to kiss my neck and moves his hands up the back of my shirt on my bare skin. I reach down, grabbing his shirt and pull it up over his head. With a slight push back, I kiss his lips then taking my time I move his neck. Running my hands over his bare chest and I kiss down his chest to his navel.

  “Ebony, I want this more than anything, but are you sure this is the right time?” He says as he pulls me up towards him.

  “Matt, there is nothing more that I want right now. We have been together, for almost a year now. We’ve been through more than most couples, and we have gotten through it. I feel so calm and relaxed right now and feel that it is time for us to finally make love.”

  “I just want to make sure that it is not my ability to calm people. That is making you feel this way right now.”

  “This is me, wanting to make love to the man of my dreams.” I lean down and kiss him again and then fearlessness takes over and I sit back up take off my shirt.

  With a slight gasp he wraps his arms around me and flips me onto my back. Little by little kissing me and caressing me, with the most loving touch I have ever felt. Taking our time we enjoy every inch of each other’s bodies and every moment we are sharing together with pure gentle love. The remaining clothes soar through the air towards the floor as the passion between us rises.


  “That was amazing. I’m so glad we got to experience our first time, together,” I whisper.

  “Ebony, you are the kindest, most beautiful woman I’ve ever known, and I want to be with you forever. I promise to never leave you and to always be here for you. Thank you so much for allowing me to share your life.”

  The tears slowly stream down my face. He is the sweetest most articulate man, who could ask for anything more.

  “Honey, is everything okay?” He asks with sincere concern.

  “Yeah, this has just been a very emotional day. First the demon, then Grams, and now we make love for the first time and you say the sweetest most amazing things. These are not all bad tears. There’s sad and happy tears here today, and it is only because of you that there are happy tears. Thank you for just being you. And thank you for loving me.”

  We lay here in each other’s arms for quite a while. I’m almost asleep when Matt says, “I better go to my room. If you need me, I’m just across the hall. I love you and I see in the morning try and have a good sleep.”

  “Goodnight, I love you too and thank you for everything.” I give him one last kiss and slowly drift off to sleep.

  Chapter Five

  Spirit Visions

  As I fall asleep I am more aware of myself and surroundings than I’ve ever been. Tonight feels different. My entire body feels relaxed and light as if I could float away. Even once I’m asleep, I still f
eel very aware. Letting myself go to my dreams, I begin to walk down along dark tunnel with many branching pathways. With a sense of someone calling my name continue down the long straight path ahead of me as if I’m being pulled. It’s not long before I see Eliza next to me.

  She smiles and says, ‘This is the weirdest dream I’ve ever had.’

  ‘Weirdest dream you’ve had I thought this was my dream. Is it possible that we connected telepathically and are having the same dream?’ I say with surprise.

  The same bright light we saw when we first saw Mom and Dad appears in front of us. The excitement of seeing them again is palpable. But this time we only noticed one figure in front of us. That’s the figure comes more clear we realize, it’s Grams. My heart leaps with excitement.

  In her kind and gentle tone, “I am so glad you both heard my call and came. I am so sorry to have left you so unexpectedly. I know that you are both strong enough to continue your journey and help in the fight against evil.”

  “How is this possible Grams? How can Eliza and I both be having the same dream?”

  “This is not a dream my love. This is what they call an out of body experience. It is kind of like Eliza’s astral-projection. Your bodies appear to be sleeping, but your spirit has entered the sacred spirit realm. Here you are able to learn and speak to your ancestors.”

  “So when we saw Mom and Dad earlier. Is this where we were?” Eliza inquires.

  “No sweetheart, they came to you in spirit form. We spirits can sometimes gain permission from the higher power to visit our loved ones when you need. That is what your parents did. Now that you have been led to the spirit realm you will be able to talk to us almost anytime you need to,” She explains.

  “And exactly how do we do that?” I ask.

  “It’s quite simple, all you have to do begin to meditate. Once in a meditative state just think about who has passed that you wish to talk to. You must really need them. You can’t just think about them, you must need them. Think about the path you took here tonight and then think about how you met me here. Then with a bit of luck you and the spirit you wish to speak with shall meet in this exact place.”

  “So anytime we need to talk to you or Mom or Dad. We can just meet you here?”

  “Well that depends, you cannot abuse this. By that I mean you will not be able to come here just to talk about boys, or complain about each other. This is serious and you can only come for serious reason. It is also important that you ensure no one follows you.”

  “Okay, so why are we here now and since we knew nothing about this how did we get here?” Eliza asks.

  With the same sweet smile Grams always gave when she was trying to make us listen to her, “I guided you here. You needed to know how it is done and that I am alright. I don’t want you to be sad for me. I belong here. I lived a longer life than most people ever dream of. I don’t want you to be sad for me. I am not sad that I passed. You girls brought me so much joy and happiness. I do not want to bring you any pain.”

  “How are we supposed to do this without you Grams? You’ve always been there for us. You were our rock, our shoulder to cry on, and our place to turn to for advice. Now where are we supposed to go?” I argue, “I’m still just a kid, and I need you.”

  “And you shall always have me. That’s the beauty of our heritage I can still watch you grow up, I will still be at your wedding and you can still come to me for advice. I love you girls, and I will never leave you. But it is time for you to go back now. You still have a lot of work to do, I will see you soon.”

  Just as fast as I fell asleep, I woke up. Still unsure if this was just a dream, until Eliza comes running into my room. With one simple glance at each other and we both know it’s true. Eliza climbs into bed next to me, and we fall asleep together. Tomorrow is a new day, and as Grams said. We have lots of work to do.


  In the morning we wake to the sound of Matt and Luke bringing us breakfast in bed. With concerned looks on their faces, I know they are still worried about us. Eliza and I look over each other, then look at the men we love and smile.

  “Don’t be so concerned boys, we’re fine,” Eliza insists.

  As the boys walk towards us and place the breakfast trays in our lap. They both lean over and give us each a kiss.

  “I am guessing that you went on a little trip last night and saw your grandmother.” Matt winks.

  “You guess correctly,” I reply with a giggle.

  “It must have been a wonderful dream for you.” He smiles.

  Luke doesn’t know our family secret yet, nor does he know about the Pierce family. We’ve tried to keep him out of it in order to keep him safe. The less people that know the truth about me and Eliza, not to mention the Pierce family, the better. I know how close Nathanial is to his brother Luke, and how hard it has been to keep the secret from him. I can’t help but wonder if maybe it’s time to tell him. Now that Grams is gone so much is going to change, and it may be better for him to know now. With mine and Eliza’s powers strengthening and Grams no longer in the mortal realm, higher level demons will be coming for us. We are going to have to increase our training in this fight is going to be even harder than the one against Cerberus cult.

  It is hard to believe that’s been over half a year since we battle the Cerberus cult with the Pierce’s and the Williams’ our shape shifter friends. So much has happened. When Danika ran away and almost became Drake’s, or should I say Dracula’s queen. They expected her to lead the Cerberus cult against the vampire leaders, the Renata, for control over all vampires. Thank god Caspian was there in hiding and was able to protect her and help the Peirce’s get her back. He suffered so much at the hand of Drake and his father Cyrus. They tortured him for a month to atone for helping Danika. He is still considered to be a member of the Cerberus, but really he is working undercover in order to the Pierce family. He comes around every now and then to let us in on the plans and dealings of the Cerberus. We have all made it through unharmed with that, now it is time to fight the magickal fight. I can only hope we are just as successful.

  Eliza nudges me in the side to snap me out of my thoughts. I smile and continue to eat.

  While still licking her fork, Eliza says, “Thank you for breakfast. It was delicious.”

  “Matt and I would love to take credit for it. But Florence prepared breakfast today. I will let her know how much you enjoyed it.” Luke reaches down to take Eliza’s tray. “Why don’t you to get dressed and come downstairs. I think Elijah wants to go over the funeral arrangements with you. Of course only if you are ready for that.”

  “Yes, of course, we will be down soon. Thank you so much for being here for both of us.” I look at Matt remembering what happened last night and smile.

  Almost as fast as the boys leave the room, Eliza turns to me. “You didn’t?”

  “I didn’t what?”

  “Did you and Matt solidify the deal?”

  “Why on earth would you ask that?” I feel the blood rushing to my cheeks as I start to blush.

  “I can tell by the way you two are looking at each other. You and Matt had sex for the first time, didn’t you?” She is almost busting at the seams.

  “And what if we did?”

  “Was it your first time, is he your first, are you his first?”

  “Fine, okay, just stop with all the questions. Matt and I had sex last night. And yes it was the first time for both of us. Are you happy now, you know my big secret.”

  “Oh my God, my baby sister is now a woman. How do you feel about it today?”

  “It was the right time, I needed Matt, and he needed to know I need him to get through all this. We’ve waited a long time for this, and it couldn’t have been more perfect.” A huge smile breaks across my face.

  She jumps across the bed flying into my arms, squeezing me tighter than she ever has before. “I am so happy for you. I want to hear all about it.”

  “Not right now, you nut job. They’re expecting us d
ownstairs. Not to mention I would like to enjoy this on my own for a little while.”

  She flops back on her side of the bed with a pouty face, “Fine then be that way.”

  With a boisterous giggle, I start to get dressed. And then I realize I have my pajamas on inside out; I must look like such a dork. I snicker continue to get dressed and make myself presentable before heading downstairs.

  Chapter Six


  The Pierce house is huge and the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Upstairs is several bedrooms, there must be at least a dozen. Then the grand staircase is amazing. It starts as one large staircase and then splits leading to opposite sides of the upper level. The main foyer is gigantic, open and lined with gorgeous marble. There are several more rooms on the main floor, including a family room, formal dining room, gourmet kitchen, library, an art/music room and the games or entertainment room. Then of course the indoor swimming pool, we have had so many fun times in there. I like staying here. I feel safe and welcome, kind of funny when I think about being safe in a house full of vampires, but I really am.

  Coming off the grand staircase from upstairs, everyone stops and stares at me. I can tell they are just worried about me, but I’m okay today. Seeing Grams last night help put everything in perspective for me. This is just the cycle of life, we live, we die. I am just lucky; because of magick I can still see my Grams.

  “Good morning everyone, we would like to thank you for all of your help, but I also want to let you know that we are okay. We’ve come to terms with what has happened and are ready to proceed with the arrangements in our lives without Grams.” The more time I spend with the Pierce’s, the more formal or proper I become. I feel very sophisticated, that’s what it is.

  “That is very grown up of you Ebony, but it’s okay to mourn your loss,” Florence encourages.

  “Thank you Florence, I really don’t feel that there is anything to mourn. We’ve realized that Grams had lived a very full life and she passed as a happy woman.”