Read Mystic Embrace Page 4

  “Well then why don’t I go over the arrangements with you?” Elijah offers.

  “Thank you. Why don’t we go to your office to finalize the details?”

  “I will take Eliza to pick out a coffin and urn for the cremation,” Florence offers.

  Eliza overhears the she comes down the stairs, “Yes Florence let’s do that. I would also like to stop at the manor to pick up a few more things. Do you mind if we stay here until after the service?”

  Florence walks towards Eliza, and holds both of her hands, “You two girls are like daughters to me, you can stay here as long as you like.”

  “Thank you, you are like a mother to us as well.”

  As Eliza and Florence prepare to leave for the funeral home, Elijah and I head to the office. This way everyone else can go with their day.


  Elijah points to the black leather sofa in his office and takes a seat next to me, “Okay Ebony now that is just the two of us. Do you want tell me what happened?”

  “How did you know I needed to talk to you?” I ask, somewhat puzzled.

  “I know you well enough now to know that you would not ask to do this in private unless you have something you did not want others to hear.”

  “It’s Luke that I am worried about.” Nervously biting my lip I continue, “As you know, Luke is still in the dark about both our families and the supernatural nature involved. With Grams gone things are going to get worse. I believe it is time to let Luke in on our secret.”

  “Why is it after so long you feel it is so important to tell him now?”

  “Last night, I thought I was dreaming, until I met Eliza in my dream. She too thought it was her dream, then Grams came to us,” I continue to explain the events of last night to Elijah. “This is why we are so at peace today.”

  “That definitely explains a lot. I must say that I am delighted to know that you truly have not lost your grandmother. It is also wonderful that you will get to know your mother and father after so many years.”

  “Yes, they told us they would return to help us train for our fight against Naberius. It sounds as though this may be a bigger fight than when we helped you against the Cerberus.”

  “I think we made great team against an evil vampire cult and I think we can do even better against evil demons. We are all much stronger now. Always remember, our family is ready to fight, right beside you as you did for us.” Elijah puts his arm over my shoulder, “Now we need to finalize the funeral arrangements. After that, we will concentrate on the fight ahead.”

  In agreement, we begin to go over the final arrangements. Elijah has everything taken care of and only needs us to accept what he has planned.

  “Ebony, I also want you to know that Florence and I will take care of all the financial aspects of the funeral. You girls don’t need to worry yourselves about money now or ever. Your Grandmother took care of us when we needed it and we will be here for you. Your grandmother wouldn’t have any other way.”

  Receiving the details for the funeral, I agree to everything Elijah has planned. This is going to be a beautiful service. And will do Grams justice.

  “It appears that you have done a wonderful job. I think Grams would appreciate the service you have put together as much, as I do. Thank you.” Small tear trickles down my face before I wipe it away. “I especially like that you are arranging a small gathering at the manor after the town service. That is where she would’ve wanted it.”

  “It is my belief that your Grams would have wanted a death ritual or the requiem. She always told me that death is celebrated and honored, not feared — death is simply a part of the cycle of life.”

  Surprised by Elijah’s knowledge of witches and our beliefs I add. “Yes I believe she would too. From what I have read in the book of shadows the requiem can include the deceased person being buried with their ritual tools. Items such as their wand, athame, etc., some choose to be buried in their ceremonial robes. Many witches believe in reincarnation, and most believe in a “Summerland” where the soul can rest between lives.”

  “Is Summerland where you saw your Grams last night?” Elijah asks with interest.

  “I don’t believe so. I think that is a sacred place that only spirits can travel too. I also know that some of us believe that the dead become ancestor spirits, and protect and guide us from the spirit world. This is similar to what Grams was explaining. I believe that my family is following that path. It has also been implied that all of these things are possible, and that it is up to the soul how they choose to spend their afterlife.”

  “Thank you for sharing this with me Ebony, I very much enjoy learning about your family and the belief system you have.”

  “It helps me to explain to others. Unfortunately, I can’t really tell other people I know this kind of stuff.”

  “Always know that my family and I are here for you, no matter what. You can always teach us what you are learning. After so many years, it can be difficult to find new things to learn.”

  “Well here is another fact that you may not know. Some pagan traditions are very focused on the dead-on honoring the ancestors, giving them offerings, keeping their memories alive. Samhain or Halloween is all about the dead — it is primarily an ancestor holiday. It is a time to honor, and even communicate with, those loved ones who have passed, and also a time to say good bye to those who died in the past year.”

  “Interesting, and what is it that you believe Ebony?

  “After meeting with Grams last night, I believe those whom we love become our ancestors when they die. They continue to love us as they did in life, and they guide, protect, and aid us in subtle ways. They can even communicate with us in dreams, meditation and through divination techniques such as scrying. Similar to how we tried to locate Danika when she ran away. And, after a period of time, they may choose to be reborn—to reincarnate. It is kinda a milkshake of most beliefs,” I joke.

  “Well just remember death is not an ending. It is just part of the cycle, part of the wheel that vampires rarely complete. You can consider your Grams lucky to have completed her wheel,” Elijah says with a hint of despair that he never will.

  Chapter Seven


  The next few days pass quickly and before we know it, it is Grams is funeral. With the service about to start Eliza and I enter the funeral home and take our seats up front. Matt and Luke are already sitting there waiting for us. The Pierce family sits one row back as it is a small funeral home with very little sitting room. Staring straight ahead at the beautiful mahogany casket, I try to remember how peaceful Grams was the night she came to us. The picture of Grams, right behind her casket is fairly recent, showing her beautiful silver hair. On either side are smaller pictures of Grams, one with mom and Dad and another one with Eliza and myself. Beautiful bouquets cover almost the entire altar, the largest one filled with lilies, Grams favorite flower.

  The funeral director rises to the podium, “I would like to welcome everyone here to celebrate the life of Ms. Edwina Triggs. Edwina was born, raised and lived out her life here in Wenham, Massachusetts. She was an active and productive member of our community and will be missed by all who knew her. With the passing of her daughter and son-in-law Edwina took on the challenge of raising her two infant granddaughters into wonderful young women. Edwina was the type of citizen that was always willing to help others, in any way that she could. Whether it was serving Christmas dinner at the homeless shelter, sorting out care packages for those in need, or volunteering her time at the crisis center. Our town always knew we could count on her.”

  I look around the funeral home not expecting many people to be here, but the place is full wall to wall and out the door. I always knew Grams was amazing, I just never knew that everyone else knew it too.

  The service lasts about forty-five minutes and the director paints Grams in a perfect light. He does a beautiful job, as did Florence and Elijah in the planning. Following the procession line, myself, Eliza, an
d those closest to us will go to the crematory. Following will be time for our private service at the Manor.


  “I’m glad the formal part is over, it was beautiful,” Eliza admits.

  I agree, “It was perfect. I can’t believe the turn out. Who knew that the so many people in town cared about Grams?”

  “Ms. Edwina was one of the most amazing people I have met in all my centuries.” Florence hugs me and my sister.

  “How are you two holding up?” Matt asks.

  Taking hold of his hand, I confess, “I think we’re doing okay, really. I am just anxious to get the cremation over with and get back to the Manor.”

  “Well then we should proceed to the crematorium,” Elijah recommends.


  “Would you like to go to the viewing area for the cremation, or the private family room?” Asked the tall lanky attendant.

  “Girls, what would you prefer? Either option is fine,” Constance asks.

  Eliza answers, “I would like to go to the viewing room, what about you Ebony?”

  “Um, yeah, I guess I’ll come.” I wonder if I’m really ready to watch Gram’s body being pushed into an open fire. I know that it is only her physical body and not her soul, but the visual image might be a bit much for me to take.

  “Are you girls alright to do that on your own or would you prefer someone to come with you?” Constance inquires.

  “No way, you are all family. I…we’d like to have you all come with us. Of course if you are alright with that,” I declare.

  “You are asking if we are alright about joining you during the cremation. I am pretty certain that we can handle it. What about you boys?” Isaac asks Nathanial, Matt, and Luke.

  “We will do whatever our girls want us to do,” claims Luke.

  “Thank you, I guess it has been decided and we’ll go and watch from the viewing room,” Eliza announces solemnly to the attendant.

  “Yes ma’am, if you and your family would please follow me. It is just upstairs.”

  Our group of thirteen enters a room with a large glass wall, as we look through we can see below us a conveyer belt at least eight feet long. A large cast iron furnace type machine meets the end of the conveyer belt. Caspian couldn’t make it to the service as he is being watched to closely by the leaders of the Cerberus and still hasn’t taken back his day crystal. Ever since he accidently killed his girlfriend Ashley, he has committed himself to the darkness. Recently he was reunited with his vampire family the Pierces, but he remains undercover with the vampire cult that we battled early in the year. It is nice to have someone on the inside watching over things for us. When I look out the glass window and bring my thoughts back to where we are, it becomes a little more than I can handle.

  The tears begin to well up in my eyes, “This is not quite what I expected.”

  “Are you okay Ebony?” Sophia puts her arm around me.

  Just then they open the heavy iron door a large flame shoots out.

  With a gasp, “Oh lord, I hope so.” The tears that have been building from deep within me begin to sting my eyes even more.

  We all watch as Grams casket is wheeled in and placed on the conveyer. Trying to choke back the tears I sniff and the tears free flow out of me running down my cheeks. Just as fast as the tears fall I wipe them away and turn to burry my head into Sophia’s shoulder.

  “Ebony, do you want to leave? Matt and I will come with you,” she consoles.

  “No, I wanna stay. It is just emotional.”

  I look at Eliza who is standing strong as a rock.

  Grams casket starts to move down the conveyer belt and enters the fierce fire of orange and red flames with a hint of blue at the hot spots. I can hear the instant crackling of the mahogany coffin through the thick glass wall. Everyone in the room is so deathly quiet. I can almost hear the five beating hearts begin to pound faster. We watch as the entire casket is devoured by the oven and flames. The flames begin to burn large and the crackling is unbearable. Below us they close the same iron door they opened just minutes ago. The heaviness of the door makes a loud bang like a gunshot. Moments later the attendant enters the viewing room.

  “Can I offer anyone some water? I know how traumatizing this can be.”

  “Thank you that would be appreciated,” Florence answers.

  He goes to the fridge at the back of the room and removes enough water bottles for all of us. “The process of cremation takes about two hours and then another hour before the remains are ready for you to take. You are more than welcome to wait here. Another option if it is more preferable to you, we can deliver the remains to the location of your choice.”

  “I think it is best to get you girls back to the manor and a little something to eat,” Florence recommends.

  Eliza puts her hand on my shoulder, “I agree with Florence, come on Ebony. Let’s go home. Grams wouldn’t want us to suffer like this.”

  Matt and Sophia help lead me out of the crematorium, as seeing Grams body being burned that way affected me more than anything I’ve ever experienced before. I feel weak and nauseated, unsure if I will make it back down the stairs. Matt tightens his grip around my waist for support. With him by my side I already begin to feel my strength returning.

  Chapter Eight


  Arriving back at the manor I feel a slight release of tension. We need to set up for the requiem. Eliza, Sophia, and Nathanial decide it is time to let Luke in on our secrets. Without knowing our family history, he’ll be very confused about what’s about to happen. We go to the same family room where Sophia, Nathanial, Matt and I had the same discussion earlier this year. We all hope that he will handle it as well as Matt and Nathanial both did.

  Eliza takes a deep breath and with a shaky voice she begins. “Well Luke, we have known one another for a while now and have been together for over six months. You have been here for me through one of the most difficult times in my life. I think it is time for you to know everything about me. I hate to admit this, but I have been keeping a secret from you, and hope that you will understand why I didn’t tell you sooner.”

  “Should we go upstairs so that we can talk in private?”

  “No, everyone here is prepared to help me explain.”

  “So they all know what you have been keeping from me?” He asks with a glance to his little brother Nathanial.

  “Yes Bro, I know. Just understand this was not for me to share with you. Eliza needed to do this on her own terms.”

  “Okay, I am all ears. I hope that everything is alright.’

  “Well I guess the best way has just come out and say it. I’ll be happy to answer any questions you have.” With a huge sigh, “My sister and I are witches. We are real life, magick practicing, powerful witches. We come from a long line of some of the most powerful witches the world. Our ancestors date back in Salem, before the witch trials took place. We only found out last year, when Ebony turned sixteen. We started to gain supernatural powers, and then Grams taught us the old ways. Since that time we’ve been working hard to help make this a better place. We fight demons and banish them deep into the underworld so that they can never return. The day Grams died, we banished a demon right here in the kitchen.”

  We all watch Luke closely for his reaction, but he’s blank faced. And then he cracks a smile, “You’re telling me that you are descendants of Salem witches? And with how interested I am on the history of this town and the supernatural forces that surround it. You didn’t think you could trust me with this information.”

  “It wasn’t that I can’t trust you. It was that…well I was scared of how you would react. Having an interest in something and knowing that it is real is completely different.”

  “And Nate how long have you known this for?” He turns to his brother.

  “I found out around Christmas time last year,” Nathanial answers.

  “So you felt that you could trust everyone in this room, including my brother more than me.
I can’t believe you told my brother, before I even knew you.”

  “The sisters did not tell Nate, I did,” Sophia confesses.

  “And what gave you the right to share Ebony’s and Eliza’s secret with him? If they share something like that with you, my little brother being your boyfriend does not automatically give you permission to spill everyone’s secrets. Now on the same note as my brother Nate you should have told me.” Luke starts getting upset.

  “Well, see my family has a secret of our own. And in telling him my secret, their secret eventually came out,” Sophia defends.

  “So you guys are witches too?” Luke assumes.

  “No, we to have supernatural powers, but we are not witches. My family and I are vampires.”

  “You’re a what?” Luke is startled, “And you are not concerned about this Nate?”

  “Not at all, the Pierce family has everything under control. They do not attack, kill, or feed off of mortals.” Nate smiles and holds Sophia’s hand.

  “Okay, this is a lot to process. Nate you said you found out around Christmas, when exactly did you find out?”

  “Do you remember when you first met Sophia and had pulled out your history books?”

  “Yeah, now that you mention it I do. There is a picture of the family at a witch hunt in the area. You thought that looked like Sophia in the picture.” The expression on his face proves that he is putting two and two together.

  “It was me and my family. That picture is the day that we found Matilda. And that is the night that I admitted what I was to Nathanial,” Sophia confirms.

  Luke sits in shock that his brother has accepted a vampire to love. “How do you know you can trust them?” Luke questions.

  “The night of winter formal, when I was attacked the Pierce family saved my life. It was a rogue vampire that tried to kill me. Alexander destroyed my attacker, and Sophia, healed me. If it wasn’t for them, I’d be dead.”

  Luke sits back in his chair, an attempt to process all the information he is getting. The silence is overwhelming for the second time today.