Read Mystic Embrace (Embrace Series) Page 5

  Luke stands up from his chair, walks over to Eliza, and kisses her on the forehead. “This is all a little shocking. But, Eliza Triggs, I love you and accept you for who you are. Sophia you and your family have been amazing to my family and if my brother can trust you. So can I.”

  The tension in the room dissipates as we all breathe a sigh of relief.

  “I would love to hear more and learn more, but today is not the day. Today is about Ms. Edwina and honoring her. You can tell me more about your supernatural lives later. Thank you for finally having the confidence to tell me,” Luke says with dignity.

  Chapter Nine


  The doorbell rings and Danika, the newest member of the Pierce family rises to see who’s there. Constance found Danika about two years ago, outside of the hospital she worked at in Canada. Constance knew the Embrace had already begun and the young girl had been left by her maker. The Pierce family welcomed her and began to train her to assimilate amongst us mortals. That is when they moved to Wenham in hopes of getting her a blessed day crystal. I know Danika still feels sometimes like she doesn’t belong. She’s had her share of tough times since becoming a vampire, but should feel lucky to have a family like the Pierce’s. They’ve been there for her and helped her through her Embrace, and the mistakes she has made since the day. Danika just like any other teenager rebelled not long ago, easily influenced by Drake. Drake is the new leader of the Cerberus and wanted her for his queen. He lured her, the same way drug dealers lure teens, with the promise of feeling better on fresh blood. Caspian was able to help rescue her from the underground vampire club Drake was holding her in. Sophia and Danika have never seen eye to eye, although Sophia has been trying hard to make things work. She doesn’t want to push Danika away again.

  A few moments later Danika re-enters the family room, holding Grams urn. She looks around the room. “It was the crematorium, where should I put Ms. Edwina’s ashes?”

  Florence gets up and takes the urn; she takes it to the kitchen and places it on the apothecary cabinet.

  “Okay girls, I think it is time that we prepare for your grandmas ritual,” Florence adds as she comes back into the family room. “What do you need us to do?”

  Ebony opens the book of shadows to the requiem ritual, “We need to gather white candles, a white altar cloth, and white flowers.”

  “I thought white was for weddings?” Luke asks.

  “White is the color of death and mourning in many countries,” Elijah points out.

  “As a witch we believe it is also a reminder of rebirth. During this ritual we will focus on that,” Eliza adds.

  “It all sounds very interesting; I can’t wait to learn more. Thank you for deciding to share this with me. Now, what else do you need me to go and get for you?” Luke gives her a hug.

  “Okay, we need a picture of Grams. There is a nice one right there on the fireplace mantel. Also a vase full of flowers, with enough for all of us, which you can find on the kitchen table.”

  Luke begins to gather the items from house as the rest of us begin to clean. In order for us to perform any ritual, we have to cleanse the area, before we cast a circle. We go about sweeping and dusting the area all in a clockwise motion. I take a dried sage wrap, light it and cleanse the area by brushing the smoke around. I can hear Eliza, calling out items to Luke, along with the thumping of his large size thirteen feet, running across the hardwood floors.

  “Next we need a pitcher of water and a basin, to be set up just outside the circle for ritual hand-washing.” Eliza then takes the urn with Grams ashes and places it on the altar. Our altar is very beautiful, handmade with our triquetra on the front door which opens to reveal a storage area for our ritual items. On the top two triquetra symbols with small circle carved into the center makes the perfect place for candles. The triquetra is a special symbol to our family and a symbol of our magick. I’ve always wondered who made this altar; today it is an extra special part of our ritual.

  “We need to fill the cauldron with earth, and a bowl with seeds. The seeds can be found in the Apothecary cabinet, and the cauldron should be under the counter,” she announces.

  “I have to ask what is all this for?” Nathanial questions with a puzzled look upon his face.

  “This is so each person can plant a seed in the cauldron which will symbolize new life,” Eliza explains. “Remember this is just as new for us as it is you. We have never done a death ritual before. So we are learning as you are. The basic elements of ritual will remain the same though.”

  It appears that everything is ready and in place. With a brief explanation about rituals and circles to those amongst us, we begin. I allow the others to cleanse with the bowl of water and I go last. Once everyone has taken their seat, we all begin to relax with three cleansing breaths in and out. With small, paced steps I walk the room lighting the candles. Matilda remembers the incense and they are placed on the altar, I light the small cone allowing the smoky scent to fill the room. I cast the circle, and invite the deities, God and Goddess and loved ones to join us.

  Eliza stands in front of the altar, “We are all are here to remember Edwina Triggs, born January sixth, 1925, and died August second, 2011. She has gone on to Summerland and now awaits rebirth.”

  We encourage our friends to meditate on one’s own personal experiences with death, or on a last communication with our loved one, or even on a remembrance of past lives. I pass around the photo which is kept in a beautiful white frame; each person looks at it, holds it before them so that it is facing the rest of the group, and relates a favored anecdote about Grams. I begin to tear up again at all the wonderful things being said about Grams. The amazing part is, I agree with every statement.

  Eliza has a final word before the circle is opened. With everyone holding hands, she speaks to the Goddess. She speaks about the turning of the wheel of rebirth for Grams who is now gone, and how we will all meet her again. Once again, she makes note of Grams many wonderful qualities.

  “In remembrance I would like give everyone a flower to take home as a farewell gift. This will help us in remembering her.”

  We lower our heads in a moment of silence. I slowly lift my eyes to see three faint white figures. It doesn’t take me long to realize Mom, Dad and Grams are all here to join us. Before commencing the ritual we all enjoy cakes and ale, which is really just a fancy word for cookies and juice. This helps to ground us from the transfer of energy involved in rituals. I then open the circle. As the circle is opened everyone exchanges hugs and a wonderful peaceful feeling overcomes us all. We all watch in amazement as the three white figure rise to the ceiling and disappear into thousands of tiny white flecks resembling snowflakes, right before our eyes.

  “Thank you to each and every one of you for sharing in this ritual with us. It means so much to have those we love around us. What started as a difficult and somber situation has turned into a peaceful celebration of life,” Eliza shares.

  Isaac puts his arms around us, as Constance passes out glasses of champagne to celebrate the wonderful life Grams had. He raises his glass in a toast, “We are so glad that we are able to be here and show our support for you girls and your Grams. If not for her and her mother we would not be able to exist the way we do. Your ancestors pulled us out of the night and the shadows; they returned us to the light. The Triggs women have helped us to become civilized members of society. For that we are forever indebted to you. We will ensure we are available to every generation, as long as we walk the earth. Here is to the Triggs women.”

  Chapter Ten


  Things haven’t been that different since Grams passed, I can’t believe it’s been three weeks already. School starts again in just a few days and I’m totally unprepared. I really miss Grams, when it comes to stuff like this; she was great at keeping me organized. The whole gang is getting ready to go and do some serious shopping. Sophia, Alexander, Matilda, and Danika will meet us at the mall. Nathanial is getting
Matt and said they will be here any minute for me. Eliza is happy to have the day alone with Luke since he leaves back for college tomorrow.

  “Kay, Eliza they’re here, we’re all spending the night at the Pierce’s again so you and Luke have the night to yourselves,” I shout to her from down the hall.

  She quickly comes down the hall towards the door, “Have fun kids. Call me if you need me.”

  She waits at the door, as I get to Nathanial’s car and Luke jumps out to join her. They both wave us off and with a chuckle we leave.


  Once we all meet up. The boys go their own way and the girls head for the clothing stores. It’s been a very crazy summer, and we just need some typical girl time to catch up. It’s so nice to have meaningless little chitchat with the girls. Danika is even starting to fit in a little better now that all the other concerns have been straightened out and taking care of. Smart kid, and I sometimes wonder, how she could have been so stupid to be fooled by a bunch of underground violent bloodsucking vampires. I’m hoping today that all four of us girls can just open up a little bit each other. I still haven’t told Sophia about mine and Matt’s relationship reaching the next level. And I’m hoping she’ll soon open up a little bit more about Caspian. It’s nice that he comes around every now and then, but I know that she hopes he will rejoin their family for good.

  “So Ebony, how have you been doing? We really have not had much time to just talk with all the crap going on this summer.” Sophia makes note.

  “I know I miss our girl chats and slumber parties. I am doing okay. It really helps to be buried in our lessons, and preparing for what may come.”

  “Well you know I am always willing to help with a good witch project.” Sophia smiles.

  Matilda gives Sophia a little nudge, “We are all here to help. Right Danika?”

  In her sweet, insecure voice Danika replies. “Of course Ebony, that is if you want me to help after all I put you guys through.”

  Sophia stops cold, turns to Danika and insists, “I am going to say this one last time Danika. You are still new to our life, I am still cautious about you and with good reason. Now with that said, you made a mistake, you were fooled. Many teenagers experience the same thing. You’re a vampire now and can’t allow yourself to fall in to the same trap as other kids your age. That’s why we’re here, to help you and protect you. You need to learn to trust us, just as we need to learn to trust you.”

  I can see Danika getting emotional, and I pull her off to the side away from the others. “Danika, you can’t keep beating yourself up over it. We’ve all forgiven you. You can also look at it that you helped to bring Caspian back, even if just a little, back into the lives of your family. We all love you and yes, I would love your help with my studies. So let’s try to forget about the past because everyone makes mistakes. Okay!”

  “Thank you Ebony.” She opens up and gives me a hug.

  “Okay, now back to shopping. This is supposed to be fun,” Matilda jokes as she drags us back to the group.

  “Well everyone is staying at our place tonight, so girl time it is!” Sophia smiles and runs off to the next store.

  “Good, I have something I need to tell you,” I admit.

  We continue on like typical girls for a few hours, with bags in hand we meet the boys for a quick bite to eat.


  Shortly after we head back to the Pierce house and prepare for an old style slumber party. Where our vampire friends can now gather for one of Florence’s gourmet blood meals. Sophia has explained to me that Florence is very good at preparing blood to resemble mortal meals. She infuses the donated blood bags with such things as citrus or herbs and the makes soups, and blood pudding, even fancy ice cream. She even insists that they all sit together and eat like a family. She does her best to make their existence resemble mortality as close as she can. Isaac is a hematologist and has been working for years to create a synthetic blood using various expired blood products and such. It has been a passion of his ever since he lost a young patient to a rare blood disease. I heard that Isaac is getting closer to perfecting his synthetic blood and they are using less and less human and animal blood. Nathanial, Matt and I all visit in the family room as our friends enjoy their meal.


  After the Pierce’s finish their dinner, we start getting ready for a night of movies. Everyone grabs some pillows and a blanket to get comfy on the floor. The boys go to pick a movie from a large selection stored in the library as Matilda and Danika go to make some popcorn for us. Sophia and I get some drinks. They are able to eat and drink mortal food. The day crystals give them the ability to do so without getting ill like most vampires would. Although they usually only eat for show as it doesn’t sustain them. Florence has prepared some pink lemonade for us mortals and what Sophia calls a lovely blood punch for the vampires. We’re defiantly an eclectic group of friends, mortals, a future guardian, vampires and witches. All we need is the shape shifters to join in on the fun. When we were preparing for the battle with the Cerberus, we met a group of shape shifters. They are ancestors of the land and have sworn to protect those that inhabit it now. Lucky for us, we have become very good friends with them since.

  “Hey, has anyone talked to Tamo lately?” I ask.

  “Alexander was out there just the other day. They are all doing well and apologize for not making the funeral,” Sophia remembers.

  “I will have to give Dakota a call or maybe even just a text soon, and see how the pack is doing.”

  The smell of popcorn wafts into the room and overpowers me. Jumping to my feet I run to the washroom. I’m certain even without the Pierce’s super hearing the entire house could hear me puking like a mad man.

  “Ebony, you okay? I brought you some water.” Sophia knocks at the door.

  “Come on in.”

  She enters with the glass of water that I quickly chug.

  “I don’t know what came over me. The smell of the popcorn is just making me so ill.”

  “Here let me see if I can help. Maybe you had something bad to eat at the mall. I know it does it to me every time,” she jokes.

  “Ha-ha, you should become a comedian. Please try something. I feel another wave coming on.”

  “Okay lay down on the floor mat there,” she instructs.

  As I lay down, Sophia gently places her hands on my stomach, and begins to focus. In just moments I begin to feel better and she stops.

  “Thanks Sophia, I feel much better.”

  “Well I hate to tell you, but it won’t last for long,” she says with a very surprised tone.

  “Really, I must have got a real bad batch. I think I’ll avoid sushi for a bit.”

  “Ebony, it wasn’t the sushi.”

  “What was it? Am I going to be okay? You look really concerned.”

  “You’ll be fine, don’t worry. So what was it you wanted to tell me earlier? I think maybe now is a good time since we’re alone,” she begins to pry.

  “Well I might as well just tell you. Matt and I finally took the next step, I’m now a woman. So to speak,” I admit with a goofy grin.

  “A woman, more than you know. That is totally what I thought you were going to say. So when did this happen? I want all the juicy details.”

  “Actually it was the night Grams passed. It happened here. We didn’t plan it, but it was amazing.”

  “I am so happy for you, but I just want to be the responsible one and make sure that you and Matt used protection.”

  “Well that first time, no, we didn’t it happened so unexpectedly. We didn’t have any. But of course now we do. I figure it was okay, since we were both virgins and it was only one time.” I blush a little at the admission.

  “Ebony, you should know better than that,” she starts to lecture, “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to nag you. I just worry about you and Matt.”

  “Thanks, but really there is nothing to worry about. We always are safe now,” I defend, “Oh no here it comes again.?
?? I lean into the toilet.

  “Ebony, I’ll be right back, I’m going to get Constance to help,” she mentions with concern as she leaves the washroom.

  Then a knock on the door, “Ebony, may I come in? Sophia said you are not feeling well,” Constance requests.


  Constance and Sophia enter and close the door behind them. Constance places a cool cloth on my forehead.

  “Here sweetie, this may help.” Constance hands me a small cup of medicine.

  “What’s this?” I ask.

  “It will help you feel better,” she replies.

  Sophia gently rubs my back, “So Ebony, I told Constance what was going on. I also mentioned that I attempted to heal you and what I sensed.”

  “It is bad I knew it. What’s wrong with me?”

  “Well sweetie,” Constance wipes the tears from my eyes. “It is nothing that will kill you.”

  With a slight hint of panic I take a deep breath. “Okay, well that’s good. So then what is wrong?”

  “It appears as though you are pregnant,” Constance shares.

  “I could sense it when I was trying to heal your suspected food poisoning. That appears to be morning sickness,” Sophia confesses.

  I sit back on the floor and begin to panic, breathing faster and faster. “You’re freaking kidding, right? This is just to make sure that Matt and I use protection from now on, right?” the tears stream down my face.

  “Oh hunny, I wish it was. Are you okay? We will all be here to help you.” Sophia cradles me in her arms as I sob.

  “What am I going to tell Matt? Oh my God school is starting in a few days, great way to start senior year.”

  “We have time to figure this all out, let’s just make sure. I will book you for an early ultrasound. Technically you should not even know yet. I even find it weird that you are feeling the symptoms so early,” Constance informs me.

  “We need to get you calmed down and back out there before everyone else wonders what is going on,” Sophia recommends.