Read Mystic Embrace (Embrace Series) Page 6

  Knowing they are both right, I try to calm down. Clean myself up and rejoin everyone for a night of movies and games. I need to do my best to keep up a façade that everything is normal. At least until Constance can do the ultra sound tomorrow. After I know for sure, I will find a way to tell Matt. The panic begins to take over again as I think of how he’ll react. How everyone will react and what will happen at school. I just don’t know if I can handle this. I’m not even seventeen yet. In this very moment I am glad Grams is not her to witness to this, then I start to freak a little more remembering that Grams and my parents probably already know. What they must think off me, I can’t believe how I am going to be letting everyone down. It was our first time; it was supposed to be special. I mean it was special, but a baby…Oh God!

  Chapter Eleven


  As soon as we wake up, Constance informs the others that she needs Sophia and me to help with something. We easily sneak off to the hospital, where she can perform the ultra sound. Once there, Constance leads us into her office for privacy.

  She sees a nurse friend and asks, “Kathi, can you please get the portable ultra sound for me, and bring it to my office? Please use the utmost discretion.”

  “Of course Dr. Pierce, I will only be a moment. Do you require anything else?” The nurse asks. She seems kind hearted, a little older, maybe fifty or so. She has short strawberry blond hair and tiny teal eyes, which appear to be permanently smiling. Her rosy checks just add to the softness of her demeanor.

  “No that will be all, thank you Kathi.” And she shuts the door.

  As we wait, I hope that Sophia has made a mistake. The only problem is that in a year I have yet to see her be wrong. She’s been working on Mrs. McCord, Nathanial’s mom, of course without her knowing. The McCord’s have wanted another child since Nathanial was born. Unfortunately Mrs. McCord sustained internal damage during childbirth and has not been able to conceive again. Since Sophia can’t tell them about her and her powers, she is healing Nathanial’s mom without her knowledge. That’s why it is taking so long; she has to do the healing in small increments. Yet here I am not wanting a baby and preparing to confirm that I will be a mother before graduation.

  “I was just thinking about Mrs. McCord, how’s the healing going for her?” I ask.

  Sophia smiles, “I think I have almost repaired all her internal damage. Nate and I talked to them, just to make sure they would still want to have another child. I mean Nate and Luke are both men now, they are almost done raising children.”

  “I assume they still do?”

  “I have never seen anyone light up at the thought of a baby the way those two did. Nate’s mom said she would never give up the opportunity to love someone. They have even considered adoption or fostering a child.” Sophia looks at me and realizes what she just said. “I am so sorry Ebony, I didn’t mean…”

  The tears start to come again, “I know, and I understand. How can I be so upset over something so wonderful, that so many others would love to have?”

  There is a knock on the door, and my heart almost jumps out of my chest. Nurse Kathi walks in with this rather large machine on wheels. She places it next to the sofa in Constance’s office.

  “Don’t worry Ebony; it is not as scary as it looks. Come lie down on the sofa and lift you shirt up a little. I am going to put a little of this blue gel on your stomach, it can feel a little cold,” Constance warns. “Then I am going to use this little handle, and just by moving it around on the gel we will get a picture of your internal organs. You can watch everything on this little screen. I will describe it as we go.”

  “Okay, I think I’m ready,” I squeeze Sophia’s hand.

  “Oh my, it’s a good thing I am a vampire otherwise this would really hurt,” Sophia tries to lighten the mood.

  “Okay Ebony, here comes the gel. Remember to breathe it is going to be okay.”

  I jump a little when the gel plops on my stomach and Constance spreads it around. I try to watch the screen but can’t make anything out.

  “See this here, this is your uterus,” Constance explains the shadow on the screen. “The uterus is normally not quite this visible.”

  “So what does that mean?” I question.

  “Well do you see this little dot on the side of the uterus?”

  “Yeah, what is that?”

  “That is the embryo, Ebony you’re pregnant.”

  “And that is my baby?”

  “Yeah, sweetie. That will be yours and Matt’s baby.”

  Sophia starts to rub my hand, “Are you okay Ebony?’

  Without taking my eyes off the screen, and I feel calm. The same way Matt makes me feel. “Yeah, I really am. Can you believe Matt and I created that the first time we were ever together? It is a miracle, like it is meant to be. My baby was created through love. Even the fact that this happened the day of Gram’s passing, should mean something.”

  “I must say I am surprised at your reaction,” Sophia says with slight concern.

  “Oh don’t get me wrong, I’m terrified. I’m so not ready for this and like the kids at school don’t tease me enough. I have no idea what I’m going to do. How will I ever go to college, with a baby?” I start to panic again as reality sets in. I’m only sixteen, still just a kid myself and have not even started senior year yet. I’m going to be a mommy. What the hell were we thinking not using protection? I begin to feel really hot and dizzy, it’s hard to breath. Suddenly everything goes black.


  I wake up on the floor of a cave; I recognize it as the same cave where I saw Grams that first night. Slowly, I get up to my feet and proceed down the same Hall, wondering what I’m doing here. The last thing I remember, I was in Constance’s office, oh God, I’m pregnant. I need Grams, that must be why am here. Then I see it in front of me, the white light, and I know she is coming. I can feel the white light surrounding me. The warmth coming from it wraps me in an embrace as if she is hugging me, as peace enters my soul.

  “Grams is that you? I need you so bad, right now. I have made a terrible mess of things and I don’t know how to fix it.”

  “We are all here for you, Ebony. Your mother, father and I are all here. We know what’s going on and one lesson that you need to learn is anything can happen. Don’t ever think that can’t happen to you. I know both you and Matt are smart kids therefore the two of you should’ve known better. Now that my mini lecture is out of the way, we also want you to know that your life isn’t over. Things are going to be, well difficult; I’m not going to lie to you. I know you’re fighter, for crying out loud. You take on demons on regular basis, I think you can handle a few soiled diapers and sleepless nights.”

  “Ebony just because your father and I have not been physically there for you doesn’t mean that we’ve not been with you. We have seen you and Matt grow together as a couple and two of you can make it through this. You’ll be seventeen next month that’s only one year younger than I was when I had your sister. I just hope that you have a better chance at being a mother and I did,” my mother admits.

  Just as quickly as I arrived here, it all fades and I feel a pull back to my physical body.


  “Ebony, Ebony are you okay? Open your eyes and look at me.” Sophia’s voice gets louder.

  I open my eyes and realize I am back in Constance’s office. Sophia’s in a panic, shaking me and trying to wake me. I have never seen her like this before. I’m sure this is about as close to terrified as vampires can get.

  With a huge sigh, “Ebony I’m so glad you’re okay. I’ve never sensed anything like that before, what the hell happened?” Sophia hugs me so tight. I can barely breathe.

  “I am okay, I needed my Grams and without knowing it, went to see her. My mother and father were there too. They all know that I’m pregnant, but they have confidence in me.”

  I turn back and look at a little spot on the screen still frozen on the screen from the exam. In less than a year that w
ill be my baby. I feel better now. I know I should’ve been more careful. But what’s done is done and it’s time to move on and make this right.

  Chapter Twelve

  Surprising Turn

  Driving back to the Pierce house, I try to decide how I’m going to tell Matt. I think it is best to tell him today. This isn’t something I should keep from him. Doing it at the Pierce house will be the best, surrounded by those that we love and that won’t judge us will help to make it easier. Pulling up the drive my nerves begin to get the best of me. My heart starts to race and the stickiness of sweat on my palms confirms it all. I try to remember, what Grams and Mom said to me. They’re right, Matt and I will get through this together. I always knew one day Matt and I would have family. I just didn’t expect to be so soon.

  “You’re back already?” Alexander notes, while looking at his watch.

  “Yeah it didn’t take long,” Sophia answers. The two siblings slowly walk into the other room, knowing fully that they need to remain close by, but yet giving us some privacy. Alexander is fully aware of the situation, courtesy of his telepathy. Sometimes it is annoying not having any privacy from him, but most of the time it’s helpful.

  Somewhat worried I walk inside and see Matt. I give him a hug and a tear falls down my cheek. Wiping the tears from my face and placing his hands on either of my shoulders, with a concerned look.

  “What’s the matter beautiful, did something happen?”

  “Well, I went to the hospital with Constance so she could run some tests on me, and find out why I was so ill last night,” I begin to admit.

  “What is it, are you okay? Are you sick?” He leads me towards a chair.

  “Well, no I am not sick. Although there is something going on that we need to talk about.” Without realizing that I’m holding my breath, my lungs start to burn. With a huge intake of air, the pain subsides.

  “Okay, you can tell me anything, I’ll always be here for you. I just hope you’re going to be okay.”

  “I will be, but Matt, you and I…” I start to stutter.

  “You’re not breaking up with me are you?” He sits back, with the worry in his brow growing.

  “NO, never, but um,” I can feel my heart pounding through my chest again. “See the night we…ah…um, first made love. Well we were a little caught up in the moment.”

  “Yeah, we can’t be that careless again.” He smiles.

  “Well, it doesn’t really matter anymore, because I’m pregnant.” I start to cry again.

  Matt’s face goes blank as the color drains from his face. He lowers his head into his hands, takes a deep breath and looks at me. Noticing the tears streaming down my face in full force with my knees pulled to my chest in the fetal position, he kneels in front of me and holds me.

  “I am so sorry Ebony. I’m just surprised.”

  “I know, I was too. What are we going to do?”

  Matt stands and says, “I’m just going to get some water, would like some? Then we can figure things out.”

  He hurries out of the room, and I don’t know what to do with myself. Is this it, will he run? Will he even come back? Sophia comes and gets me; she leads me into the family room where the entire Pierce family is. Florence quickly runs to me and holds me in her motherly fashion.

  “Ebony, I understand how difficult this must be for you, but we are here for you as always. I have told you that you are like another daughter to me, and your baby will also be a part of this family.” She softly kisses my forehead.

  Matt comes back in with two bottles of water and hands me one. Then sits next to me and holds my hand. “I am glad that you are all here. This is a pretty shocking time for us, I’m glad that we’ve got friends like you to help us through it.”

  “Matt, I must say you are extremely calm,” Elijah observes.

  “I guess I am. I have a slight admission to make. The great ones came to me a while ago and fore warned me that something would happen that could change our lives. They never told me that I was going to be a father. Just that it was something to solidify mine and Ebony’s relationship. So with this information I decided to prepare for what was to come.”

  “What do you mean by prepare?” I ask, “How on earth could you be prepared for having a baby at seventeen?” I don’t mean to be rude, but worry that I may be coming off that way.

  “Well, I wrote a letter to you.” Handing me a folded paper, “I needed to write down how I feel about you, in case I can’t get the words out.”

  Matt pulls me up to stand with him, in front of the ones we care most about. “You and I have been inseparable since the day I moved to Wenham. In just a few days we begin our final year of high school. After that we both have hopes of attending College in the area and I know that we are meant to be together. Matilda has confirmed this.” He pauses momentarily.

  Matilda has the ability to see souls and whose soul matches to join into one. She was able to convince Sophia that her and Nate belonged together. Sophia wanted to find someone to love, that her soul would match with for so long. When Nate came into her life she found that in a mortal.

  Matt continues, “The past year has been full of secrets and difficult situations, but we have made it through each and every one of them. We’ll make it through this as well. Ebony Triggs, I’m hoping that you will make me the happiest man alive. I love you with all my heart as I will our baby. Will you marry me?” Matt slowly kneels before me and holds up a beautiful ring.

  The tears flow down my face yet again, I am surprised there are any left. In shock I look around the room, gazing into each and every face. I see the joy in every set of eyes, as they all wait for me to answer.

  “Of course I will Matt.” Still in shock I pull him up and kiss him. “This ring is so beautiful.” It is a single solitaire diamond held by a braided yellow gold band.

  “Well it was your mothers. Your Grams gave it to me a few months ago. She wanted me to have it for when we were ready. She too knew we belonged together.”

  The entire room erupts with cheers, Elijah pours champagne for everyone, and sparkling cider for me that Florence brings in from the kitchen. We begin to celebrate and I feel total peace with our situation. I know it will be hard, but what else is there to do? I can’t believe the emotional roller coaster that I have been on the last month. Next month I turn seventeen, start senior year, and prepare to be a mother and a wife. This doesn’t even include college applications and fighting demons. At least I have Matt and the Pierce family to support me. It is also time for me to realize that things are different when the supernatural is involved.

  Constance smiles, “I’m so happy for you two; you are both handling this very well and with maturity. Teenage pregnancy is not something I think many could handle and normally I wouldn’t agree with marriage at such a young age. I mean things have really changed in the last century or so. Things just don’t happen like they used too. But Matilda’s ability to see souls helps us in knowing that the two of you do belong together.”

  “Thank you Constance. Normally I wouldn’t think teenage marriage and pregnancy as a great life choice either, but most teens are not witches or training to be a guardian. So to speak. Life is already and will continue to be very different for us and always will be. So why not be happy and start our life and family together now.” I give Matt’s hand a loving squeeze.

  As we celebrate I can’t help but wonder how we are going to tell Matt’s parents and everyone at school. I have come to terms with being pregnant but I’m still concerned about what others will think. I already have people like Mel picking on me for being a witch and she doesn’t even know the half of it. All I need is for them to have more ammunition against me. And what in the world am I going to tell Eliza? She’s going to kick me to the moon and back. I hope that my powers are not affected by the pregnancy, so I at least stand a chance against her. I’m even more determined now to banish Naberius and soon. I don’t want my baby to be affected by such black power as his. Maybe it?
??s time to go home and talk with Eliza. I need to get this over with so I can concentrate on training and this new life inside of me.


  Matt takes me back to the manor, where we can talk to Eliza together. My emotions are jumping back and forth and I don’t know if I’m coming or going. I’m so nervous right now. Eliza is not only my sister, but she has been like a mother to me and she will be so disappointed in me. I can’t blame her either. I can’t blame anyone except myself. Both Matt and I know better. There’s no reason for us to go in the moment the way we did. The fact is we are taught from a very young age to always use protection. They teach it in school, we see it on TV all the time. We knew how important it is. I know all about teen pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. I also know that just because it’s your first time having sex it does not mean these things can’t happen to you. Matt and I have proved that it can happen your first time. The more I think about it I can’t help but wonder, what the hell were we thinking? I can’t help but beat myself up over this, even though I am pretty happy the timing is just bad. I wonder if the change in hormones is making a rollercoaster out of my emotions.

  Walking in the house I call out, “Eliza, can I talk to you?”

  “Yeah. I’ll be right there,” she hollers from upstairs.

  Matt and I take a seat in the family room, waiting for her to come down when we hear the footsteps racing down the stairs.

  “Hey Matt, hey Ebony, how was your night?”

  With a quick glance at Matt, “Actually not too good, I was really sick last night and even Sophia couldn’t help me.”

  “Are you okay now? I hope it’s nothing major,” she says with slight concern.

  “I’m all right now, but it’s kind of major. Constance took me to the hospital today to run some tests. That’s what I want to talk to you about.” I take a deep breath, and decide that the spill and duck method has been working out well so far. “It turns out that I’m about a month pregnant.”