Read Mystic Embrace (Embrace Series) Page 8

  “You know I will. So I’m thinking we should talk about setting a wedding date and whether or not you would like to make things official before the baby arrives.”

  “We will, why don’t we sit down this weekend, and figure things out,” I suggest.

  “That sounds great plan, to me. Now you need to get some sleep, take care of yourself and our baby. Is Alexander staying the night with you tonight? You know, I don’t like you being alone.”

  I giggle, “Yeah, he is and Matilda is already here with him. You have nothing to worry about. I’m in good hands here. Now let’s both get some sleep. We have school tomorrow. I’ll meet you there, okay?”

  “Okay, sweet dreams,” He says with such sincerity.

  “I love you, Matt. Have a good night and make sure you dream of me.”

  “I always do, I love you too.”


  Picking up one of my wiccan history books I decide to study a little more, we need to learn some more basic witchcraft. We have concentrated so much on learning spells and potions that I think we have just skipped over the simple things. I want to learn more about such things as gemstones and the use of nature and herbs for things other than potions and spells. Grams taught us about some of the tools that we can use such as wands and athames. She also taught us about the various deities. The gods and goddesses are such an important part of Wicca that I think it is time to include them in our lives a little bit more.

  Matilda comes in to check on me, “Hey kid, how are you feeling?”

  “Pretty good, I just thought it was time to maybe learn a little bit more about my heritage and what we believe.”

  “So what are you up to?” She sits down next to me.

  “Did you know that every color has a meaning and every day of the week has a color?”

  “I knew there were always reasons why you used certain colors of candles during your spells and rituals,” she admits.

  “Have you ever noticed when looking at someone and seeing a colorful glow around them?”

  “Yeah, now that you mention it, I have. What is it? I was assumed it was my eyes playing tricks on me, or an extension of the souls. Maybe something I haven’t learned yet.”

  “Yeah, I thought it was just my eyes too, but I was just reading in here about auras.”

  “So what exactly is an aura?” Matilda inquires.

  “It is actually really cool. An aura is a visual manifestation of power,” I explain.

  “So if we learn to read auras, we should be able to gauge how powerful others are,” Matilda confirms.

  “Yes exactly!”

  I’m betting that with Matilda’s gift to see souls, this could be easy and beneficial to her. Something maybe we should all learn more about.

  Chapter Fifteen


  The sun shines through my window, and I rollover to look at my clock. Noticing the red digital numbers that they don’t register, I just lay there, and soak in the beautiful rays. Suddenly, it clicks, I’m late. I’m supposed to meet Matt and his parents in thirty minutes at the pancake house on the other side of town. I jump out of bed and run down the hall to Eliza, she promised to come with me and help plan the wedding, I just hope she got home after staying the night with Luke.

  “Oh, thank god you’re here; we gotta go meet Matt and his folks.”

  “Oh, sorry kiddo I just got in.”

  “Okay first, if you ever call me kiddo again there will be hell to pay. Second we need to hurry, so just get ready.”

  She chuckles as we both race out of the room and make ourselves presentable, before running out the door. Luckily we pull up right after them; Matt comes and opens my car door for me and takes my hand as we walk. I know his parents understand, but I am still nervous. We should be planning graduation not a wedding and a family.

  “Hi girls, it is nice to see you. I hope you are hungry,” Mrs. Barton greets us.

  “Thank you for inviting us,” I respond.

  “I believe that we need to make the best out of this situation. Plus you are making me a grandmother, so I am indebted to you.” She smiles and gives me a hug. “I do not advertise it, but I too was a young mother. I was only eighteen when Matt was born; Shawn and I married one month before his birth.”

  “I guess that explains why you understand our situation. Why didn’t you tell me Matt?”

  “Mom only told me this morning. My parents wedding pictures only show them from the chest up, they worked very hard to hide things. Turns out she’s two years younger than I thought.” He winks at his mom, “Every woman’s dream, to turn back the birthday clock.”

  “Well why don’t we take this inside,” Mr. Barton suggests.

  Thanks to the reservations Mrs. Barton made, we don’t have to wait and are seated immediately. The hostess takes our drink orders as we are settling to pass on to our server. After a few moments of looking over the menu, we all agree on the brunch buffet. I have come to the conclusion that buffets should be served for every meal to every pregnant woman. Being pregnant my appetite has increased tenfold, and it doesn’t help that I’m completely indecisive about what I want to eat. It is nice now that the nausea has subsided, and I can actually keep something down. I do have to admit that from the books I’ve been reading, everything seems to be happening much faster with me than most women.

  “So Ebony do you have any ideas of what you’d like for your wedding?” Mrs. Barton pulls out a planner from her bag.

  “This has been so much going on. I really haven’t thought about it too much.”

  “Do you mind if I make some suggestions?” She asks.

  “Not at all, I really have no clue what to do. From my family skills class the only thing I know is we need a marriage license. But other than that I don’t know what else needs to be done,” I admit.

  “Ebony, I see Mrs. Barton has brought along a wedding planner why don’t we start there,” Eliza suggests.

  “Yes, I brought this along because it has information about anything and everything you could possibly want or need for wedding. There are multiple checklists that will help with keeping organized.”

  “Thank you for helping us Mom,” Matt adds.

  Throughout breakfast, we go over the various options for our wedding and try to narrow down a date. We decide, without doubt, we want to be married before the baby arrives, and I would like it before I gain too much weight and the pregnancy is fully noticeable. Being that it’s almost the end of October, and we do need a little bit of time to plan. We finally decide on December first for our wedding. We are going to have to work fast, since it’s only four weeks away, but I know that we can pull it off with our families help.

  “Now that the date has been decide. I would like to suggest a handfasting ritual, since both of our families carry pagan beliefs,” Eliza offers.

  Matt’s parents both smile in agreement, and his father adds, “We completely agree. Both of our families have strong beliefs, and we believe it is important to incorporate these beliefs.”

  Matt begins to share, “Alexander and I were talking about the wedding. The Pierce family has offered us the use of their home and beautiful garden for the wedding. I thought it might be nice to have the ceremony in their garden. Possibly in the gazebo, because I know how much Ebony enjoys nature and the outdoors.”

  “Matt, I must say your father and I have such pride that we have raised you to be such a gentleman. The fact that you want to be involved with planning this wedding, and that you have gone to the extent of coming up with options that would make a suitable choice.”Mrs. Barton glows with pride.

  I start to feel emotional and sappy inside. I’m the luckiest pregnant teenager in the world. That is probably one of the funniest things I’ve ever thought of. Seriously, a lucky pregnant teenager, things can’t possibly work out like this for most people in my situation. Yet my boyfriend didn’t leave me, his parents haven’t labeled me a Jezebel, and my family has not disowned me. In fact, it’s the compl
ete opposite, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not scared, because I’m terrified. Still, can’t help but wonder how everyone at school is going to react. When they find out that I’m pregnant and Matt and I are getting married. I know the rumors will begin. I know that Mel will be the first one to start them. Mel is the head cheerleader and has been a thorn in my side for so long now. Although since our altercation last year, she has been a little more discreet. I’m guessing that she is scared I will use my Jedi mind tricks on her again. I had to laugh when I heard her compare my powers to Star Wars, but whatever. Matt starts to gently rub my back. I know he can sense the tension and just the slightest touch from him helps to calm me.

  “Well, since there is not much time to plan for the wedding, I think we should contact the Pierce family about getting together and making arrangements. They have been so good to you kids and it is still hard for me to believe that they are so accepting of your supernatural abilities,” Mrs. Barton says, not knowing about the Pierce family secret. This is even the first time she mentioned anything about me being a witch. I know Matt is close to his family and he told me he explained about my family to them before. Since Matt is a guardian in training they are very aware of the supernatural, in particular witches.

  “Yes we are lucky to have them. Many of the town’s people have suspected that our family are witches, and base their opinions strictly off their suspicions making them extremely judgmental of us. Whereas the Pierce family is aware and knows about our history, yet they do not judge us,” Eliza adds, knowing that the Barton’s are unaware that our close friends are vampires.

  “Matt,” Calls Mrs. Barton, trying to get her sons attention, “Maybe you should give them a call, and see if they are available today to meet with us and begin arrangements.”

  “I’m already texting Alexander, Mom.”


  When we arrive at the Pierce house, Matilda already has the entire family room set up as if it was a wedding planner’s office. I can’t help but giggle, she is such a party planning freak, but she is great at it. The men all decide to go on hang out in the games room and leave us women to handle Matilda. Florence comes in with tea for all of us.

  “Paige, Elijah and I would like to cover the costs associated with the wedding on behalf of Ms. Edwina. Being that it is usually the parents of the bride that covers expenses of a wedding and the fact that Ebony is like a daughter to us. We feel it is our responsibility and privilege to cover the wedding,” Florence informs Matt’s mother.

  “Thank you Florence we appreciate the gesture, but it really isn’t necessary. We don’t mind.”

  “I know you don’t, but this is something we would like to do for the kids.”

  “Well I shall not argue with you. Thank you again and please let us know if there is anything that you would like us to help with.”

  “Thank you so much Florence, you and Elijah are too good to me and my sister.” I jump up and give her a big hug.

  We spend most of the day deciding on all the details such as invitations, flowers and officiate for the service. We have decided on a justice of the peace for the official ceremony and Eliza has agreed to perform the handfasting ritual. I think it will be perfect, we all agree to keep the wedding small. Matt’s family, the Pierce’s, Nathanial and Eliza, of course Matt and I as well. We may invite some friends from school, but will save the ritual for those who are close and important to us. I am hoping that Grams, Mom, and Dad will be able to make an appearance. Constance has brought in a designer friend of hers from Boston and she has promised to make me the most amazing original dress for the big day. After about an hour of going through photos and talking she says that she knows exactly what to do for me. I can’t wait to see it; I’m really starting to get excited.

  “I know I’ve said this a thousand times already, but thank you to all of you for your support. I believe that our wedding day will be a wonderful celebration of love. I know things have been rushed because of the baby, but I really do love Matt and I know he loves me.” I let out a smile.

  “We all know it too Ebony, this is meant to be. Although it may have happened a little soon than expected, we know it is right,” Mrs. Barton encourages.

  Chapter Sixteen


  “So after the Halloween dance at school, we will meet out in the woods behind the Pierce house for Samhain, right?” Eliza confirms.

  “Yeah, I’ll be there about ten. Up at the meadow where we fought the Cerberus, earlier this year, I know exactly where, so stop worrying,” I insist.

  She smirks, “I can’t help it. You are still my baby sister and I want to make sure things are perfect. This is only our second Samhain ritual and being that the veil to other realms is so thin I want to ensure everything is perfect. Make sure you are safe tonight, and please stay with someone at all times. I don’t want any solo attacks tonight.”

  Samhain is the easiest time for demons to enter and attack. The veil between realms this thinnest and the doorway opens.

  “I know, I’ll be with Matt, Sophia and Nate all night. They’ll be bringing me up to the meadow too. Who will you be with?”

  “Constance and Isaac will both be helping me set up and cleanse the area.”

  “Luke isn’t coming up tonight?”

  “No he has to work tonight.”

  With that Sophia shows up at the manor and we leave to get the boys for the dance that is being held in the school gymnasium. I think it will be fun. Danika joined the dance committee so we are very proud of her for getting out there and trying to stay in line. She has been working very hard to prove herself to the Pierce family. I can’t imagine how difficult things have been for her; it has only been two years since her Embrace and not too long ago she was as close to becoming a Cerberus. Now that she’s aware of the dangers that lurk she is better prepared.


  “I sure hope that this dance goes a little better than the last one we all came to,” Nathanial jokes.

  Last year at the winter formal, Nathanial was attacked by a rogue vampire and would have died if it weren’t for Sophia healing him. He later remembered everything forcing Sophia to divulge her immortal secret.

  “Seriously you’re going to make jokes about being attacked by a vampire? If you’re not careful, I’ll be the next one to attack you.” Sophia gives him a little nudge.

  I can’t help but giggle at their bickering. They’re like an old married couple. “You know, I’ve always wondered something about the attack. Why did the vampire attacking the two of you use a knife?”

  “You know, that’s actually really good question. My guess would be since he was such a new vampire he wasn’t accustomed to his new abilities and still depended on his resources as a human. I got the feeling that he had mugged others before. He probably had the knife from his past life,” Sophia explains.

  Matt grabs both mine and Sophia’s hands leading us towards the dance floor. “Okay, can we all stop with all the bummer talk about attacks? I want us to try and have fun; this is my last school dance as a single man.”

  The dance goes by quickly and with a lot of fun. Danika and the rest of the committee has done a great job of planning. Who would’ve thought a bunch of high school students go crazy over handfuls of candy being thrown into the crowd.

  “Danika would you like a ride home?” Sophia offers.

  “Nah, I’m okay. Some of us are going to stay behind and take down all the decorations. Just clean up a little bit get things back to normal. I’ve already talked Elijah, and he is going to pick me up when I text him. You guys go have fun with the ritual; I’ll see you at home later tonight.”

  As we were walking back to the car, I whisper to Sophia, “It’s really nice to see you and Danika getting along a little better.”

  “Yeah, it makes the life that home a little easier,” Sophia admits.


  Walking the path up to the meadow, I get a chill. It is almost as though something has passed straight throu
gh my soul. I’ve never had a sensation like this before; I turn to Alexander wondering if he senses anything.

  “Did you…” I begin to ask.

  “No, I can’t sense, anything outside of our group and the animals in the area,” he quickly answers.

  “What’s going on, Ebony, are you okay?” Matt worries.

  “Yeah, I think everything is okay. I just have this really strange feeling. It must have something to do with the baby; having something growing inside of you put’s off some weird sensations.”

  It doesn’t take us long to meet Eliza, Isaac, and Constance in the meadow. They already have everything set up for the ritual. Now that we’re all here, Eliza casts the circle and begins the ritual.

  “Tonight we call upon the spirits of Wenham, Massachusetts in peace and in light. We invite them to walk among us. Tonight we call upon the spirits of the water, air, fire and earth. We ask thee to lift thy veil between realms and allow the gates between the worlds be open wide. We come to celebrate the New Year and remember those who have gone before us. We call upon you to accept our offerings on this sacred tonight of the New Year. May you bless us in the year to come.”

  Eliza lifts up all of sacred harvest fruits and vegetables in offering to the gods and goddesses.

  “With the gates open, we call upon our ancestors, those known and unknown to celebrate with us and guide us into the New Year.”

  She continues on with the ritual and a small feast in honor of the celebration. Throughout the ritual we see and feel various spirits around us. The feeling is absolutely unbelievable. To be surrounded by so many of our ancestors. We can learn so much from them. Once the ceremony is complete, Eliza closes the ritual.

  “We thank you spirits for coming among us in peace and blessing our rite. Join us in peace, as we walk into the New Year. We thank our ancestors for coming among us. And remember you in love, for you will one day join us again and we wait for your return. Blessed be.”

  “Blessed be” we all repeat