Read Mystic Embrace (Embrace Series) Page 7

  “You’re what? Are you freaking kidding me? How stupid can you two be? You’re sixteen years old Ebony, and I thought you were smarter than that. When you told me about having sex with Matt I assumed the two of you were responsible enough to use protection. Matt I expected more from you. Have you never heard of using a condom? Luke and I were just down the hall and there were two doctors in the house, did it ever occur to you to ask someone if you needed a condom? Even better yet, if you were not prepared, maybe you should have abstained.” She is so mad; I can see her vibrating as she yells.

  “Eliza we are aware that we made mistakes, but there’s nothing we can do to change the past now,” I defend as the tears build in my eyes.

  “So what do you plan on doing? You’re starting senior year, and I will not let you give up your education. The baby will be due in spring, just before graduation and finals,” she huffs.

  “You don’t think we’re aware of all of this. Florence promised to help us out. I am sure she will be willing to watch the baby for us when we go to school.”

  “So that means you plan on keeping the baby?”

  Matt looks at Eliza, and begins to explain, “We don’t have a choice. You should know better than anyone what this baby will be capable of. No one else would be fit to raise the baby and with magical powers on both sides of the family. Ebony being a witch, and me being a guardian, this baby will have the potential to be even more powerful than the two of you.”

  She flops back on the chairs as the realization hits her. “I guess I never thought of it that way. So what’s next? What do we do now?”

  “Well because of the supernatural aspects Constance has agreed to do a home delivery of the baby,” I inform.

  “Okay that makes sense in the next little while. I would like to sit down with Constance and discuss the possible complications.”

  With a half smirk, I admit, “I have one more thing to tell you.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re going to have twins.”

  “For god’s sake, are you freaking kidding me? I’m not even sure if I can handle one.”

  Sitting here playing with Mom’s ring that Matt gave me. I know this is going to be another huge shock. I just hope that Eliza isn’t upset that I got Mom’s ring instead of her. Matt and I getting married is the right thing to do. We’re just lucky that we actually love each other and want to be together.

  “Well, Matt and I are getting married.” I hold up my hand and show Eliza the ring.

  She buries her face in her hands, “Have you guys thought about school, what about college next year? I understand that you two love each other and are trying to do the right thing but rushing into things is not necessarily the right thing to do. You can have the baby and still have options.”

  “I understand that you’re worried, we are too. Just understand that I know this is right. Earlier today, when Constance was doing the ultrasound, Mom, Dad and Grams came to me. They have shown me support and I hope you will too. I know this is not the ideal situation, but this is the situation Matt and I are in.”

  “Okay, I’m sorry. You have to understand, I am the only one left to protect you and I have already failed.” Eliza starts to cry.

  I get up and go sit by my big sister, “You did not fail, Eliza. Matt and I did this all on our own. I hate to break it to you, but it really had nothing to do with you.”

  Eliza and I sit there in each other’s arms, both with the free-fall of tears, but knowing that this will be much easier than some other things we have had face in our lives.

  Chapter Thirteen


  It’s hard to believe that so much has happened in the past couple of months. From Grams death to my pregnancy and engagement and I still can’t believe that Matt’s parents are handling everything so well. Now that school is back in full swing and Halloween is almost here and I need to concentrate on Samhain. I remember Grams saying it is one of the most important of the Sabbat’s to a witch. Our new year, a time when the veil is the thinnest and making contact with those who have pasted on is easiest. Also a great time for us to release all that has happened the past year and plan for a new one. I need this more than ever, and need to cleanse myself and prepare for what is to come. This year, Eliza and I will hold a ritual that will include Matt, Luke, Nathanial and of course the Pierce family. After Samhain it will be time to focus on destroying Naberius. We want to make sure that we face him, before I am too far into my pregnancy and therefore vulnerable.

  Sitting in the courtyard at school is so peaceful; leaves on the trees are starting to turn the most beautiful rust color before they perish for the year. Flowers are still in bloom and the grass is a lush green. Sophia once told me this is the most beautiful time of year, starting to cool down, but nothing has died yet. I have to agree with her. I enjoy just sitting here watching everyone walk by and wondering what is going through their heads at this very moment. Then I think I see the most beautiful sight of all walking towards me, my fiancé Matt.

  “Hey beautiful what are you doing out here by yourself?” He wraps his arms around me.

  “Just enjoying the scenery and thinking about Samhain. Although I would much rather enjoy the company of the best looking man on campus.”

  “Well if you point him out to me I can go get him for you.”

  With a smack I say, “Ha ha you’re so funny like I haven’t heard that one before. Will your parents be joining us for Samhain this year?”

  “I don’t think so. I believe they are meeting up with a few friends, but I know they are grateful for the invitation.”

  “It’s okay. I’m sure we have much more time for special occasions together.”

  Before we know it is time to return to class and the masses start to rush inside the school doors. I’m glad schools almost over for the day, because Eliza and I have a lot of work to do tonight. We’ve been tracking a succubus in the area. The female demon of seduction has been targeting men in the area. Through divination we were able to figure out what is causing so many men in Massachusetts to behave so poorly. Papers have been reporting stories of various men leaving their families and jobs, as well as draining their bank accounts only to end up in the streets, destitute and suffering from memory loss.

  While in English class, I go over my research on the succubus. I’ve learned that she can take any form to make herself desirable to her target. Not only will she take as much material possessions as she can, she can drain the soul out of her victim through intercourse. Feeding from the souls of unsuspecting men, she gains power. The more pure the soul is, the more power she gains. Becoming involved with a succubus can cause deteriorating health, and sometimes even death. I believe that she is leaving these men alive an attempt to trap me and Eliza, but we are prepared for her.

  Quietly grabbing my cell phone and putting it on mute, I start to text, Alexander. ‘Are you sure you are prepared to throw yourself at the succubus. We’re not even sure if she’ll be able to tell that you’re not a mortal and what effects she’ll have on you.’ Vampires still have heartbeats and breathe, albeit at a much slower rate than mortals. I have no clue if the succubus will sense this or not.

  A few minutes later, I feel the cell phone vibrate in my hand. ‘You don’t need to worry about me. I have no soul for her to feed off and from my understanding my day crystal prevents any other supernatural being from knowing about me. I promised to help you and Eliza. So I will keep that promise.’ I still have a hard time believing my vampire friends don’t have souls. They are some of the most caring people, or things I’ve ever met. Maybe they just like to play on the stereotype.

  I still worry about how this succubus will affect Alexander. I have to be honest to myself and say that I’d rather have him help than Matt. Alexander and the rest of the Pierce family have proven to be such assets in our fight against evil. And knowing that Alexander can hold his own makes me feel more comfortable taking him on this mission. I also believe that his power of telepathy will assist
in narrowing her down. The most difficult part will be knowing exactly who she is and the fact that she can change her appearance at any time. As the clock slowly ticks by, I continue to take notes and doodle. I tend to get a little more distracted these days.


  Eliza is already at the manor waiting for us and preparing supplies for tonight.

  “Hey Ebony, how was school today?” She asks as usual.

  “Same as always Eliza, my mind has been elsewhere today,” I reply with a hint of attitude.

  “I’m sorry, I’m just trying to keep things as normal as possible. Oh and Alexander thanks for coming to help.”

  “Anytime Eliza, you know that my family is always here to help you, as you have us.”

  I grab our backpacks and start packing the supplies Eliza has prepared. We go over the list of victims again just to see if we can find a pattern. From what we can figure most of the victims were last seen at a local pub, and usually alone. Eliza grabs her pendulum in the map of Boston so that we can scry for succubus. The last two victims were both in the Boston area; because it is such a large city we assume she’s still there. The two of us sit at the table and concentrate all of our collective energy towards the pendulum concentrating on the succubus. The pendulum points us to a pub near Harvard, where Luke recently took a job. I can feel Eliza’s energy drain as panic sets in for the man she loves. Pushing away from the table, she quickly runs to the phone.

  I give Alexander, a nod and he connects us telepathically to Eliza as she calls Luke.

  As Luke answers the phone Eliza asks frantically, Luke do you work tonight?

  Yeah, I have to be there in about two hours. Why, what’s up is everything okay? His concern is evident.

  Okay, we will be there before you start work. The demon that I told you about to watch out for…

  Yeah, what about her?

  We have tracked her to the pub that you work at. Please promise me you will be careful. Are you wearing your basketball ring?

  I always do, except when I’m playing. Do you think your protection spell that you put on it will hold up? He asks.

  After Eliza confessed everything about us to Luke we placed a protection spell on his State Championship ring, just as we did on Matt and Nathanial’s gifts at Christmas. So far the spell has proven to be very helpful.

  With a big sigh of relief Eliza says, There is no reason that it shouldn’t. But please keep an eye out for anything suspicious. We will get there soon as possible, I love you.

  I love you too, don’t worry. I’ll be careful.

  She comes back into the room and starts grabbing the bags.

  Alexander puts his hand on her shoulder, “We’ll take my car Eliza. It’s faster than yours, and I’m a faster driver. Not to mention this has just upped the ante for you and I think you are too emotional to drive,” He insists.

  “Thank you Alexander, now let’s go. I want to make sure we’re there before Luke.”

  We finish loading the car and hit the highway as fast as Alexander’s car allows us to. At this rate, we should be there in fifteen minutes, which is barely a fraction of the normal time. It would take.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Why don’t we take the booth in the corner? It gives us a full view of the pub,” Alexander suggests.

  “That’s a great choice. It’s also a little darker so we can use the crystal that we charged to detect the succubus. If and when she enters, the crystal will set off a glow,” I explain.

  Eliza takes the tea light out of the candle holder on our table and places the crystal inside the holder. This way it will only appear to be the glow of a candle. We seat ourselves strategically, with Eliza and I next to each other. Alexander sits across from us to make it appear as though he just came over to chat with a couple of girls. Shortly after she comes in Alexander will leave the table to sit at the bar, making it appear that he’s struck out.

  Luke walks in, just before seven o’clock, for his shift. With a slight nod, we know that he’s prepared. As we wait we try to set up a plan and all agree that the faster we can get her to attach to Alexander and get them both out of the pub, the better. We don’t want any of the innocent people here to have a good time, get stuck in the middle of our fight. Out of nowhere the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen walks in. She’s tall and fit with long black hair and dark olive skin. She boasts so much confidence that everyone in the pub stops what they’re doing and notices her.

  “That’s the one,” Eliza smacks me and we both notice the crystal glowing.

  Alexander looks to us and sees the crystal aglow and with a wink he tells us he’s ready. Once Alexander finishes his drink he stands up to bring attention to himself and says, “Thank you ladies. It was a pleasure to meet you; I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening.” He then turns around and heads towards the bar perching himself on a stool by himself.

  With a few whispers and some annoying giggles, Eliza and I act like a couple of tipsy college girls. Alexander ensures that we are connected telepathically, as well as Luke to ensure that we all know, what is going on. While at the bar Alexander pretends to confide in Matt in hopes that the succubus will be listening as she tries to make her mark. Alexander is playing his role perfectly. Even though physically he’s extremely handsome, he is playing the role of the lonely, insecure man. Telling Luke how he’s new to town and has no friends or family is hoping to meet someone that would be willing to show him around. I can’t help but think that he is working the perfect hook.

  Eliza and I both keep an eye on the tall dark beauty; she looks around nonchalantly before making her way around the pub. Slowly she begins to move closer to the bar, and as she approaches Alexander she asks, “Is this seat taken?”

  “I was saving it just for you. Hi, my name’s Alexander.” Like gentlemen he is, he stands up and pulls out the bar stool and helps her on.

  “Thank you, it’s nice to meet you Alexander. My name Kyra, would you be so kind as to buy me drink?”

  “The ladies wish is my command. Bartender can you please bring a lady a drink.” He gives Luke a wink. A hint to Luke to add the weakening potion into her drink that he had slipped to him earlier.

  It doesn’t take long for Kyra to make her move and try to get Alexander out of the bar, “I’ve had a lovely evening with you Alexander, but I must say it’s time for me to go. Would it be too forward of me to ask if you would be a doll and escort me to my place? It is getting late and I must admit I’m slightly impaired and don’t feel safe walking the streets by myself.”

  “Why of course, what kind of gentleman would I be if I allowed a beautiful lady like yourself walk home alone?” He leans over the bar and shakes Luke’s hand, “It is nice to meet you man and maybe I’ll see you again soon some time.”

  Alexander helps Kyra with her coat and they leave the bar together. Walking up the street we stay a few steps behind them giggling and pretending to be a little drunk. After a few blocks when nothing seems to be happening Alexander telepathically suggests that we hang back a bit. Almost instantly, she leads him down a back alley, where she pushes him up against the wall and begins to kiss him. He turns around and slams her against the wall, grabbing her by her throat. Eliza and I come running around corner to assist.

  The three of us watch as she takes a true demon form. Dozens of razor-sharp teeth protrude from her mouth, her beautiful long hair disappears as her weathered and rough skin take over. Large pointy ears protrude from her head and her big beautiful brown eyes become sunken in, black and beady. From a beautiful exotic woman no one could take their eyes off of to a hideous beast with a high-pitched squeal, she pushes Alexander down. As fast as he was on his back, he jumps to his feet. As they partake in a physical fight, Eliza, and I begin to chant.

  By the power of the moon,

  we remove you,

  from this time

  and we banish you,

  from this place

  with the power of the mo

  we send you back,

  never to leave a trace,

  so mote it be,

  so mote it be,

  so mote it be.

  The three of us huddle together and cover our ears as her bloodcurdling squeal echoes through the night air. She combusts and is gone, leaving only Alexander, Eliza and myself in the alley. I feel a sense of relief that no more men will suffer at the hand of this succubus again. I notice a scorch mark lining the old brick and mortar wall. The blackened mark outline where the succubus was standing, I can’t help but smile at thought of all the men we helped tonight. Past victims will at least regain their memories and mental states, unfortunately any of their financials are gone for good.

  We go back to the pub so that Luke knows everything is okay.

  “I was starting to wonder what took you guys so long,” Luke confesses.

  “It is no big deal. It just took a little longer for her to take the bait, but it’s all over now,” Eliza confirms.

  “Thanks for your help tonight Luke, I wish we could stay longer, but I’m exhausted. The baby is sucking all of my energy out of me. I think it’s time for us to head back to Wenham,” I admit.

  Eliza leans over and asks, “Ebony, are you okay if I stay here with Luke tonight?”

  “Of course I’ll be fine. Alexander will get me home safely, see you tomorrow.”

  “See you guys. Have a goodnight.” Alexander waves, as we leave again.

  The car ride back to Wenham is just as fast as the drive out. Getting back to the manor, I make myself a cup of tea, crawl in to bed and call Matt.

  He answers on the first ring, “I’m glad you called. I’ve been worried about you all night.”

  “I’m sorry; I never mean to worry you. I’m exhausted, but had to let you know that I’m back and miss you.”

  “I miss you too. It won’t be much longer until were together all the time. Then you’ll be sick of me,” He jokes.

  “I could never get sick of you, especially if you get up for the three in the morning feedings and diaper duty.”