Read Mystical Quest Page 5

She blinked a few times. She gradually remembered what had happened, and assumed she was in the Enigma Palace if anywhere. She sat up on the side of the bed. She noticed she was now wearing a deep green tunic that almost touched her knees, along with black leggings. She admired the soft material of the outfit. She saw her boots setting on the floor, and saw that someone had cleaned them. “Oh!” She stood, and put pressure on her ankle that had been injured badly. She wondered how all the pain was gone.

  A soft knock came at the door before Queen Quara entered. “How are you feeling?”

  “My ankle is healed.” Sylvia answered.

  “Do you remember what happened before you went unconscious?”

  “I remember the ground opened up. Then things went black” She recalled.

  “We all fell through a portal just outside Engima. Zell carried you here and I called on the healers here to tend to you.”

  “Thank you. You've been so kind to me.”

  Quara smiled. “I'm sorry you got thrown into all that trouble. It must be hard to adjust to the change.” She patted Sylvia's hand and added, “the others are wandering about somewhere. Would you like me to find Zell for you?” She offered.

  “Why do you think I would want you to get him?”She tried to play indifferent, but it would in fact be nice to see him.

  “You two seem to have grown close, and he told me of what you both went through when we separated.”

  Her heart raced as she remembered being in Zell's arms.“I guess we have.” Her voice trailed off into thought. Then she changed the subject. “Were you all keeping it a secret that he was from another time period, also?”

  “No, I apologize. There was little time to explain. He does not even know how the jewel brought him here.”

  She did not completely understand, but at least she knew the truth now. “What about your strange powers? Are there anymore secrets?”

  “Do not take anything personal, please. To most strangers, who have not heard of this kingdom, they can be easily scared of what they do not understand. If logic cannot answer it, then they want to fight against it. I was well aware that you would see it for yourself, but hoped you would have a bit more trust in us by then.”

  “I guess that is understandable. I suppose that is why I never thought to ask why no one was more surprised that a jewel pulled me back in time.”

  “We are not easily surprised here. Alright, Sylvia I will leave you alone. Just know that in my observation, Zell is growing fond of you” She said and walked out.

  Sylvia's mind was spinning as she looked back on their journey, and everything they had gone through. It made her tired all over again. It had all been so draining. Mostly it had been emotionally draining with the encounter of those odd plants. Sylvia walked out of the room and made her way to what seemed to the front entrance of the palace. A maid directed her. “Your friends are just beyond these palace doors.” Sylvia replied with a thank you. When she stepped outside she got an amazing view of trees and the clear blue sky. White clouds expanded in they sky. She wondered if they were as soft as they appeared floating so high above her being. The palace outside was made of a type of beautiful white stone. Well-built pillars held the roof of the entrance up. Just beyond the wide, white palace steps she spotted Zell and the others standing around conversing. She walked slowly towards them, and before reaching them, she heard;

  “Zell!” An annoyingly high pitched voice rang out. In seconds a young, tan, thin girl was tightly hugging herself to Zell. “I am so glad you are back!”

  Zell pried her from him. “Terra, you seem well. Silver has not brought his tragic touch this far I see.”

  Sylvia felt strange enough being in a land not of her own, and now in the main city of the Enigma Kingdom. She also felt strange when she saw the girl embracing Zell in such a clingy way.

  “Who is this kid?” Terra gave her a funny, almost challenging, look.

  “Kid??” Sylvia thought to herself.

  He turned to look. “This is Sylvia. We met her on our way of journeying.” Sylvia tried to make her mouth form a smile, but she was feeling the tension between them, and she had just met this girl.

  Terra had long honey colored hair. She seemed too cocky for her own good. Immediately, she began to show her that she can keep Zell away from her. Sylvia resented Terra for staring at her in such a way. When they seemed to get lost into a conversation Sylvia could not follow, she silently slipped away into the palace. She was wrong to assume that it would be her and the others- Zell and her- surviving against whatever was thrown against them. She had gotten used to being by his side. She thought that she had no right to resent that girl, Terra. Maybe she read into things too much.

  Zell had introduced her as simply someone he had met on the dirt path they had traveled on. What had she expected though? Companion? Lover? She huffed and scoffed at her own thoughts. Ridiculous. However, she knew deep down she wanted to be more to him than a stranger who had appeared in his path.

  Sylvia came out of her daze when she heard a knock at her bedroom door. She rose up from the bed and opened the door. Zell stood there. “Here you are.”

  “What is it?” She looked surprised to see him.

  “I wanted to see if you were okay.”

  “I'm fine. You seemed preoccupied.” She said in reference to Terra.

  “You're upset.” He guessed by the expression on her face.

  Sylvia crossed her arms with a look that was not happy. “I didn't like her attitude towards me.”

  Zell looked almost amused. “Your bad impression of Tess needs improvement.” He attempted to make her laugh. Instead, it seemed as though there was sulkiness in her expression. “Overlook it. Don't let your day be ruined”

  “Overlook it, hmm?” Like that would be so easy. She could try. Though she did not look forward to meeting Terra again.

  He changed the subject. “So how do you like your room?”

  “I cannot believe I actually get to sleep in a bed.” She glanced away feeling embarrassed. She hated thinking of how she had lived before.

  Zell only smiled. “Do you feel like going for a walk?”

  Sylvia hesitated.

  “I thought you might want to get a tour of the city.”

  Sylvia shook her head. “I think I need more rest.” She looked down. “Going through that portal really drained me.”

  Zell looked disappointed but as always he was understanding. “If you're sure. I'll check on you on in the morning then.”

  “You don't have to.”

  “I know that. Are you sure you're okay?”

  “You don't have to feel responsible for me. I'm fine.” She didn't mean to push him away. She had so many conflicting feelings and thoughts. She was unsure how to sort them all out. If she could tell him how she felt, she had no idea how.

  “Sylvia, I-” He stopped whatever he was about to say. He reached out to her to hug her then pulled back. Instead, he reassuringly squeezed her shoulder. “Get some rest, Sylvia.”

  It had not been a complete lie. She was still exhausted. She laid in the bed and stared out the window. Her thoughts would not let her rest well. She watched the sun set. Red and orange colors painted the sky.

  * * *


  The next day, Zell was true to his word and returned to check on Sylvia. She had tried to turn him away. Yet somehow she found herself walking with Zell. He had seemed excited to show her the city. She didn't want to disappoint him too much.

  They were on a high level of the palace. She followed Zell through a door that led outside onto a balcony that wrapped all the way around. Pillars of artwork held up the palace walls. Vines had grown around some stone pillars, and edges of the balcony, but added to the palace's mystery and beauty.

  “I knew when I first met you and the others, that there was something different about all of you. You failed to mention that you can shoot light beams from your hands, and control things with your mind like that.”

  “I could not explain it all too well, and knew you would find out soon enough anyway. I did not know when we all would have had to reveal our abilities, but I had hoped that we would have gained your trust by then. Many are scared by that of the unexplainable.”

  “It was surprising. Quara gave me a similar reason.” Silence took up a few minutes between them.

  “Sylvia, you know if there is anything troubling you, then you can talk to me.”

  “Oh...” She was taken a bit off guard by the offer.

  “It just seems like you are in a lot of thought lately.”

  “I-I do not belong here. This place is amazing and all, but I do not see where I fit in. I do not even have any special abilities. It seems like everyone else does.”

  “Sylvia, you do not need special abilities to fit in here. Not everyone here even has any. I am sure that everyone is capable of bringing a magical ability from within them, though.” He tried to encourage.

  “I think I fit in more in my world than here.” She did not know why she could not find happiness. She somehow appeared in this amazing world and time period, yet she still wrestled with doubts, insecurities, and such within herself.

  Zell knew Sylvia was probably feeling uncertain about everything. He wanted to show her the great parts about the city though. He felt like doing something nice for her. “Sylvia, do you feel like going somewhere else?” She did not answer right away. “It will be fun!” He insisted.

  “Okay.” She went along with that charming, bright smile he gave her.

  “Great, follow me.” He took hold of her hand and led her outside. They made their way into the main streets. Many people were out wandering about. Kids were running around playing. Yet, all she was too aware of was Zell's hand in hers. Vendors in the streets verbally and loudly advertised their goods. They turned at another street where musicians were playing instruments, and dancing around as they played their melodies.

  “This is what I wanted to show you. The people who live around here are all so vibrant and lively.”

  “Their music is so nice.” Sylvia felt more relaxed as she felt the soothing rhythms flow through her soul and spirit. People around began dancing, clapping, and singing along.

  “Sylvia, dance with me!” Zell did not say in a demanding manner. It was more of a fun suggestion.

  “Are you joking?” She hoped he was.

  “Not at all.” He answered.

  “I don't think I'd be a good dance partner.”

  “Nonsense!” He grabbed her hands and pulled her closer to the music and dancing. Terra watched them and frowned. In her mind she was planning out ways to separate them. She saw Sylvia as an obstacle in her way of getting all of Zell's attention. Though her thoughts were not of good spirit, she let them be for now.

  Zell swayed gracefully back and forth in front of Sylvia. Zell held his hands out towards her.

  A funny look came across her face. “I feel awkward around all these people.”

  “No worries. Just imagine it is only the two of us dancing out here.”

  “Is that supposed to make me feel better?” She mumbled.

  “No one is paying any mind.” He took her reluctant hands and led her in a dance. “See, it is not so bad, right?” He wanted to make her smile, and show her the fun in this place. He wanted to show her that she could belong here if she wanted. While dancing with him she realized that she was fond of him more than she had allowed herself to believe.

  A man interrupted them. “Excuse me, Zell.”

  “Yes?” He turned around.

  “I was told to tell you that Terra is looking for you around the palace.”

  Sylvia's smile faded into a thin line of resentment when she heard Terra's name.

  Zell sighed. “She can wait.”

  “She says it is urgent.” The messenger spoke.

  “Very well. I will be there.” He sighed, and faced Sylvia. “I apologize.”

  She neither said it was fine, or she understood. “I want to walk around the town a little more.”

  “I will see you around dinner time at the palace.”

  She watched him leave. She was not mad. Was she jealous? Ridiculous. She wandered around the town.

  Not everyone in and around Enigma had special abilities. The people there are open minded and used to mysterious happenings. Some people find that they did in fact have a hidden ability stored inside themselves. Mostly everyone seemed to be kind people living in a peaceful atmosphere. They seemed to promote education. The libraries and education buildings stood tall in the same beautiful white stone as what the palace was made of. Most of the buildings there were made of that same material. Many artists and musicians seemed to be occupants there. In different areas of the streets some artists would be there painting and displaying their work. Musicians would play for pure entertainment, not always for money. They liked to see the people dancing, singing, and having a good time in the streets. Their instruments consisted mostly of flutes, pipes, clarinets, violins, lyres, and bongo drums. Poetry readers and story tellers were praised for their talents, as well. Especially by the children who always loved to hear an exciting story, real or folk tale. In the city there was a theater open at different times where plays are put on. Sometimes the dramas were actually done on the streets, such as sword fighting, which tended to draw large crowds of people. Also, for every season there was a festival. Other celebrations would happen on occasion.

  Sylvia wandered around the beautiful palace ground aimlessly, and lost in thought. She figured it was time to return to the palace. When she came across the garden she spotted Terra and Zell standing at a distance under a large blossoming tree. She did not mean to interrupt anything. Terra glanced over and noticed her. It seemed like it had been a private conversation. What had been so urgent? Sylvia did not know why it bothered her so much. Maybe she had noticed before how Terra challenged her in an inexplicit way. Then what happened next made needle sharp pain in her heart as it dropped. Terra kissed Zell, and not a quick, friendly peck on the cheek. No, it seemed to last a long time. At first, she could not move. She could only stare in disbelief. It was not as if Zell was hers. She had only daydreamed of the possibility. She had literally fallen into his path. She thought maybe he only felt obligated to protect her. He knew what it was like to be taken from a world and dropped into another. He probably only had sympathized with her and nothing more. Sylvia felt embarrassed and finally turned and clumsily jogged away. She hoped Zell had not noticed her. She felt stupid that she had started to believe that Zell could care for her. Maybe she had misread everything. After all they had been through though- She beat herself up mentally. Like she knew what signs to look for when someone was falling in love. It had all been in her head.

  Zell pulled away from Terra. “Why do continue to pursue me? I have told you very clearly that I am not interested.” Then he saw Sylvia disappear into the distance. “Sylvia!” He pointlessly called out to her. He pushed Terra away and gave her such a nasty glare. No words needed to be said after that look. He went to find Sylvia.