Read Mystical Quest Page 6

Sylvia wanted to disappear, and not be a bother to anyone ever again. As she had thought the same after hearing of the death of her mother, she had wished for the earth to open, and swallow her. All she ever wanted was a place to live where she did not have to steal bread, and hide from town guards. She had wanted people around her who truly cared about her. She continued to run away from the Enigma palace- from everything, except what she terribly wanted to run from; the feelings, thoughts, and the pain that was still holding her captive. Images from her world taunted her. All the people who she had asked for help came into her mind- all the ones who did not reach out when she had asked in desperation. Why did she think that this world would be different? The people here were nice, but she felt she could not stay. Where was her place here?

  Sylvia made it just outside of the palace walls. She had collapsed on the ground. She was breathing heavily and realized her hands were shaking. Confusion was a whirlwind in her head. She didn't know why she was on the verge of another emotional breakdown. She was so overwhelmed- Scared, sad, angry. Scared that she was really alone- sad that she was wrong about so many things- angry at herself for being dense- and so confused as to what to do now. She was so tired of everything. All these negative feelings on her were becoming too much to bear alone. She felt so torn as though she was being tossed back and forth in her raging sea of feelings. She knew she did not belong here, but she almost believed that she could stay. Zell almost had her convinced that she could belong in a wonderful place like Enigma. Even now her mind played back pictures of Zell- His honey brown hair, deep green eyes, those piercing green eyes that she could stare into for so long. “Zell..” She whispered to herself. She just wanted to curl up and cry herself to sleep. Her mind was too jumbled to set her thoughts straight.

  “Ah, we meet again.” A male voice spoke close by.

  Sylvia was startled when she looked up. Silver stood there tall and in his black armor with silver and red lining. He had a calm demeanor as if he was simply on a stroll.

  “Don't look so terrified, dear. What kind of greeting is that?” He smiled that dangerous smile of his.

  Sylvia tried to compose herself and brace herself at the same time. What a fool she was to wander outside of the palace walls. But what could really stop him from entering Enigma and cause chaos? Maybe he was afraid of being outnumbered by all the residents who had magical abilities. “What are you doing here, Silver?”

  “I was about to ask you the same thing.” He said coolly. “It must be terrible to feel so alone.”

  “Do you even care about anyone else other than yourself?” Sylvia boldly shot back.

  Something flashed across Silver's eyes at that comment and his jaws clenched. He seemed so emotionless that it would be a challenge to figure out what the quick flash of emotion had been. Silver remembered his precious dark haired Evette. He stayed calm though. “You think lowly of me.”

  “It's not like you've done much to help anyone.”

  “I can help you.”

  Sylvia just stared at him in disbelief. She was waiting on this to be a bad joke.

  “You asked me about sending you back home. I could open a portal for you.”

  She replied cautiously. “And why do you want to help me now? What would you gain?”

  “My dear, we are not as different as you think.” He continued, “Zell betrayed both of us. He could have helped me acquire a cure for Evette. We are both outcasts. Where is Zell now? Do you think he is going to come to your rescue?”

  Sylvia wanted to blurt out how untrue it was, however they were both outcasts. “Zell has done nothing to betray me.”

  “Then where is he when you need him most?”

  The picture of Terra and Zell flashed back through her mind. Her heart hurt all over again. “I don't know why I thought that he would return my feelings. I shouldn't feel abandoned.”

  Silver assumptions were confirmed. Sylvia was in love with Zell. He did not think that Zell deserved her though. He did not deserve to a chance at happiness after what he done. Silver was convinced that he lost Evette because of Zell. He had the access to get her the medicine that she had needed. The thoughts made him angry. He was bitter and jealous. He continued the front with Sylvia. He wanted to hurt Zell as badly as he had been hurt. “We both have been abandoned.” He played sympathy. “We both have lost so much. I don't blame you for wanting to return to your own land.”

  Sylvia continued to wrestle thoughts in her head.

  “I can open the way.” He held out his hand to her. “Our gemstones combined can open a portal.”

  Sylvia did not realize she was being manipulated and led on. She was in such a low spot that she really wanted someone who relate. A part of her like a whisper told her that it was best to return to where she came from. She could not stay. Her heart could not break anymore. She was not sure why she had let her guard down so easily with Silver. His sky blue eyes held her in a trance like state. She had not noticed the color of his eyes before. Before she knew it, she had stepped closer and taken his hand. Silver smiled. Sylvia's blue gem and his green one began to react together. She felt the rush of energy pulse.

  A portal began to form beside them. It was blue and white, like a raging sea swirling around.

  “Sylvia, it's a trick!” Zell shouted. He had finally found her and tried to catch his breath.

  The link that Silver had formed between her and Silver was broken when Sylvia heard Zell's voice. He had come after all. She shook her head as if she didn't know why she held Silver's hand. She gasped and broke the link.

  “Silver, release her!” Zell stood near them.

  Silver looked slightly agitated to be interrupted. “She is the one who requested me to send her back to her own world.”

  Zell glanced at Sylvia with question.

  “You don't deserve her. After everything you have done, you don't deserve happiness.”

  “Silver, there was nothing I could have done for Evette. Why won't you believe me?”

  “Your parents worked in the field of medicine.” He gritted his teeth, “but you wouldn't find where they kept the medicine that she needed.”

  “I hate what happened. I really do. You know that only my parents had the key to the vault the medicine was kept in. I did all I could.” Zell wished he could make Silver understand, but his mind was so twisted. He had completely changed. “We used to be like brothers.”

  “Not anymore. Not after such betrayal. Just like a family member to stab you in the back the worst.”

  “I can't make you believe me. Sylvia has nothing to do with this. This fight is between you and me.”

  “She was dragged into this. I want to hurt you like you hurt me. “Silver smiled like a maniac and laughed with the pleasurable thought of bloodshed and revenge on his rival.

  Sylvia looked at Zell and hoped he could tell that she was sorry. Sorry for running- sorry for doubting him- sorry for letting the darkness pull her down so far. Her heart beat with fear. She could not get away. She felt Silver's icy grip on her arm.

  When Zell heard that crazy laugh- the look in his eyes- he knew Silver had snapped.

  Silver wrapped an arm around Sylvia's throat from behind her. In his other hand appeared his Icy blue sword.

  Zell panicked inside, but had to stay calm and get to Sylvia. “Let her go!”

  Silver continued to smile even as he tightened his grip around her neck. She choked and grabbed at his arm to no avail.

  Zell shot out a ball of light at Silver- hit his arm that held his weapon. It only seemed to irritate Silver. He threw Sylvia feet away and held his arm.

  Sylvia choked and tried to catch her breath. She saw Zell at her side. He looked her over and placed both hands on her face. “You're okay?” Sylvia saw so much concern in his eyes. She coughed more afraid that it was caused by being startled at Zell's touch. Especially, after her carelessness, she did not deserve his kindness.

  He held her close to his chest and stroked the back
of her head. “Sylvia, I almost didn't make it in time. I almost lost you.”

  “I shouldn't have run away. I can't believe I let him trick me.” She held onto him and felt his strength and comfort. “I was convinced that you didn't care about me and that you only felt obligated to protect me.”

  “Oh, Sylvia, no. I-” Zell's words were cut off. He kissed her forehead. Sylvia felt warmth go all through her. She had been wrong.

  Silver was not about to back down. They could practically feel the bitterness and jealousy flowing from his aura.

  Zell helped Sylvia to her feet and planted himself in front of her. He braced for battle. Sylvia had wanted to know what he had been about to say. “Stay behind me.” Zell told her.

  Silver came close enough to them. The inevitable one on one battle had finally come. As much as Zell hated to, he was ready to fight to the death.

  Chapter IX: Shift of Time