Read Mystical Quest Page 7

Suddenly there was a disturbance around them. Sylvia's pendent seemed to react around Silver's- or the fact that all three pendents were close and around so much emotion. They all pulsed and glowed green and blue. The energy being emitted was very strong. A turquoise colored shield formed around them. Sylvia felt that strange sensation before she was about to be teleported. The world shifted before them. Images changed.

  They were now in a strange land full of lights, noise and tall buildings made of glass. There was a sense of bustle as hundreds of people roamed the city. The clothing they wore was unfamiliar. There were no dirt paths. Instead, their roads were black with yellow and white marks. Silver, Zell and Sylvia had appeared in the middle of the black road. Sylvia was nearly hit, but made it out of the way. Silver and Zell noticed last minute. A contraption they had never seen before was moving at them at a fast speed. It looked like a carriage of sorts, but black and nothing from their world.

  Zell rolled out of the way. Silver was hit by the black carriage. There was a loud screech sound as it veered off to the right and hit a pole on the sidewalk. Horns blared and people yelled. The force of the impact made Silver fly a few feet. Before he hit the ground they were transported to another place.

  “What in the world-” Zell started to ask as the scenery had changed.

  “The stones are reacting to each other.” Sylvia answered.

  Silver landed in a pile of mud. With a disgusted face he hastily wiped off what he could from his wardrobe. He glared up at Sylvia and Zell daring them to laugh. Sylvia resisted laughter, but smiled and enjoyed the look of disgust on his face. Zell smirked.

  They were in a land that was cursed to rain all the time. They took in their surroundings. They were in the corner of what seemed like an arena. Two men faced each other out in the middle. One was tall and seemed as though had little fighting skill. The other was animalistic. A large crowd watched, shouted, cheered. Some shouted for “Draco” who was the one with more skill. How could anyone enjoy watching two people fighting to the death?

  “Where have the stones taken us this time?” Zell wondered.

  “Let’s hope they take us somewhere else soon.” Silver commented.

  Men in a strange metal armor were on their way towards them armed with swords. They were trespassing and did not even know what world or time they were in. They all prepared to fight against the two huge men.

  Then at the last minute-

  The time and place change again. They were falling. Wind rushed around them as they fell. Below was an ocean. They all splashed into the ocean. Zell swam to assist Sylvia. She came up with a deep intake of breath and spat water. She pushed dripping red ringlets of hair out of her eyes. Silver was not far away. His normally perfectly straight hair was drenched. Sylvia pursed her lips and tried not to laugh at the all-confident, conceited, Silver who now looked like a drenched animal.

  “Are you okay?” Zell checked on Sylvia. His honey brown hair looked dark now plastered wet across his forehead. Sylvia noticed his muscles through his soaked green shirt. The shirt was tight against his muscles and Sylvia’s face went pink and she looked away. Then she became painfully self-conscious about her dress sticking to her body. She started to answer and then fear prickled through her as her eyes caught sight of an enormous creature as it rose out of the depths of the ocean. The creature was black and red with scales. It looked like a giant lizard. It rose up and water rained off its body. A roar came from its throat loud and threatening.

  Sylvia could barely make out any words. She pointed. “What in the blazes…”

  Silver seemed more irritated that their battle had been interrupted again. “You ready to play with this beast?”

  Zell glanced at him with clenched fists. “We will have to put our differences on hold or we will all be dinner for this monster.”

  Silver nodded. He prepared his energy and formed his blue sword of ice. Zell called on his sword of light. Slyvia looked nervous. She hated that she couldn’t do anything to assist. Zell and Sylvia shared a gaze. She wondered if they would make it out alive; Zell’s eyes said that he would do anything to make she was okay. Zell brushed her arm with the back of his fingers in reassurance and stood in front of her. No matter the risk or what they faced, he was always protecting her with no hesitation. Even in this moment her heart tingled with adoration for him; adoration she was not bold enough to speak of. She promised herself that if they both survived this, then she would tell him- even if he did not feel the same way.

  The monster’s head came down towards them. It snarled and growled. Large wings black as night with patterns of red beat angrily. Zell and Silver teamed up. Silver shot out icy shards as Zell, at the same time used energy blasts that wrapped around the ice shards and enhanced their power.

  The environment shifted once more.

  It was after dawn. Soldiers were at war with one another. A castle was under attack. It was a large castle with a moat and all. Arrows of fire were shot towards the castle and lit up the sky. Other soldiers were at the gates attempting to knock them down. The icy shard covered with Zell's energy blast headed toward the castle. There was no way to prevent it. All they could do was stare. A loud explosion sounded. A large portion of the castle was destroyed. It made a huge opening for the soldiers to make their way in to defeat their enemies. Blue and white shards rained down like fireworks.

  “Well, I hope those were the bad guys.” Zell commented.

  More soldiers headed to make their way into the castle as back up.

  Many had noticed the three. They shouted praises to the gods and goddesses. While some shouted praises to Zell, Sylvia and Silver.

  “The gods sent us help!”

  “Three gods came to aid us!”

  “That certainly raised their moral.” Sylvia said slightly amused.

  They found themselves in the middle of nothingness. The turquoise shield was still around them. Perhaps time had stopped. A chill ran through Sylvia. She had a bad feeling. Silver stood and looked like a blood thirsty animal ready to attack. So much hate was so visible in his eyes.

  “Shall we get this over with now?” His voice was dangerous and serious.

  Sylvia longed to be teleported to a safe place. Any place away from here. As long as she was with Zell she wouldn’t care where they ended up. She wanted to stop this, but knew it was inevitable.

  Zell looked at Sylvia. He started to say something, but stopped. Unexpectedly, he pulled her to him in an embrace. He lips touched her forehead. Before Sylvia could say anything, he pulled away. “I won’t let anything happen to you.” His words were sincere.

  Silver and Zell fought long and hard. The darkness was lit up by white-gold and white-blue light from their attacks. Silver was very skilled, yet Zell was able to strike him and get him to slow down some.

  “Don’t celebrate too soon.” Silver spat as he clutched his right arm. “Remember, I am stronger, after all.”

  “Actions prove that, not words.” Zell was out of breath.

  Unfortunately, the attack did not slow down Silver as much as Zell would have liked. Zell had to end this. When he was close enough, he summoned up everything he could- the last bit of his energy. He built up a large, white-gold, energy attack. He set it off on Silver when he was in front of him. Silver had released his attack of blue shards at the same time. The blast knocked Silver down. Zell was knocked back as well.

  After a long moment Silver stood up on one knee, undefeated. Zell cursed. That had been all his energy. It had not been enough. Or maybe he had not timed it right. At least he had done some damage. It had not been enough, though.

  Zell had been too slow at blocking Silver’s retaliation.

  He had given it his all. Nonetheless he had been weakened and his reflexes had been slowed.  The view in front of him went blurry. Shock came before the pain. His mind did not process everything at first. Frozen daggers pierced his stomach. While he had managed to block his heart from damage, he failed to protect his ot
her vital areas. His only concern had been protecting Sylvia- to the end. Was it the end? He wondered. He had not wanted it to be this way. Images of a future with Sylvia he had only daydreamed of flashed through his mind. Regret burned like a wound. Regret of not letting her know sooner of how he really felt about her. Though he had wanted to play it day by day and not rush into anything. Now he could almost physically feel how time was slipping through his fingers like sand. Reality kicked in and made him realize there was no going back. He could not reverse time nor retract the sand running through his hands. Memories flashed- the sting of loss was like vinegar to his wound.

  Sylvia was safe and that was all that mattered. If only one of them could come out of this fight alive, he was glad it was her.

  Sylvia panicked inside. Her emotions could not be pin pointed. They were a roaring sea with heavy waves. Her body shook- in shock. Was this really happening? She felt as if a knot in her chest twisted with pain. For a long moment, she stood there in disbelief. The only man she had ever connected with; the only man who had protected her, cared about her, fought for her- was bleeding so much in front of her eyes. At that moment she realized how ignorant she had been. All his actions had been proof that he loved her though he had done all but speak the words to her. If only she had seen it sooner. A disturbing thought hit her like a punch to the gut. If I had not run away; bloody hell, if I had not run away from Enigma's walls. Zell would be fine if not for her. Oh, hell it was her fault. She wanted to cry and scream. Adrenaline raged through her. She turned a dark gaze on Silver. Her hazel eyes usually looked greener, but they turned browner when she confronted Silver.

  “I missed his heart.” Silver said with no sympathy, no guilt.

  “Bastard!” Sylvia was heated.

  “Oh, now I'm just offended.” Silver feigned hurt and touched his heart.

  “H-how can you feel nothing? You two were friends!” She stared with wide, dark eyes.

  “Are you going to cry?” He had the audacity to mock her.

  No, Sylvia was too angry to cry. She wished it was Silver bleeding on the ground instead of Zell. Even if she had strength to kill Silver, she was not like him.

  “I do feel. I feel satisfied that I have avenged my love, Evette.”

  Sylvia sneered. “How could a monster like you feel love? You will never be forgiven for this.”

  Silver dared step closer to her. A long, blue shard appeared in his hand. “And what do you think you can do to stop me, dear?” He said in that cool dangerous tone.

  Sylvia knew she was getting nowhere with this. She refused to waste time or play his game. Anger swelled within her. She grabbed her blue pendent that had begun to glow. “You won't get away with this.” She wasn't sure what she could do. She had no real powers and was no match. She hated how most of the time she was a burden- weak, scared, and dependent on Zell to always save her. Look where she had gotten him. She felt a burn behind her eyes. She had to do something. Zell had told her that magic lies within everyone.

  She closed her eyes and searched deep within herself. She felt strength that pulsed from her gemstone pendent. Energy pulsed through it. In an instinctive decision, she moved towards Silver and threw the gemstone at him. The diamond shaped stone sailed through the air- a brilliant blue. It stopped suddenly as if it had hit a barrier, a shield of protection. Silver laughed. Sylvia looked horrified. Then unexpectedly the gemstone pulsed and glowed even brighter. Hundreds of shards of light glistened as they fell. The shield had been broken. Silver had been pushed out of the protective shield that had encased them when they had teleported. Silver was pinned and stuck in the darkness that surrounded them. The darkness looked like space. Crystal shards floated and sparkled as if stars. Shards had stabbed into Silver. His mouth opened as if he could hardly breathe. His arm was outstretched as if he was asking for help that would never come. He gaped at her. The masks, the games of his were all gone. There was true surprise on his face. She had no sympathy for him. He had caused too much harm. Never again could he harm anyone else.

  Zell had not been able to stop the bleeding. He was on the verge of passing out. A blackness was creeping up in the corners of his eyesight. He was trying like hell to hold on- to stay- to have a future with the most beautiful red-haired, hazel-eyed girl. Silver had finally been defeated, and was stuck in space and time. Shards of gemstone and light still glittered all around them like stars. It was a stunning sight. He had held on long enough to watch Silver be defeated at last.

  Sylvia had to face cold reality now. The twisting in her chest had not gone away. Icy fear had a grip on her heart. She felt as though she would vomit.

  “Zell.” Sylvia breathed out beside him, as her knees practically gave out from weakness. Her whole body shook. Zell was unmoving on the ground. She checked his pulse. Relief washed over her at the beat of his pulse. “Zell.” Sylvia whispered taking in the heartbreaking sight. His dark hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat. Her hand trembled as she pushed his hair out of his eyes. She was at a loss of what to do. “I'm so sorry.” She choked and fought tears that threatened to pour out. She rested her head against his shoulder and held his hand. She wept. “In this entire supernatural place, there has to be something I can do.” Her thoughts wondered. She did not want to lose someone else she cared so much about.

  A brilliant white energy flowed from her arm, and all around Zell's body. Sylvia was unaware. Zell opened his eyes. His pain was eased. He felt such a warm, light feeling around him, like that time Thera had healed him. “Sylvia.” He whispered. He was a bit surprised that she was resting her head on him. He couldn't help remembering how they could hardly stand each other when they had first met.

  “Zell, I don't want to lose you.” Tears escaped down her face.

  “Sylvia, you found your gift. You have a healing gift that you need to strengthen.”

  “Y-you'll be okay?” Sylvia looked at him with sad eyes.

  Zell managed to sit up. “Sylvia,” he hesitated, “I've lost too much blood.”

  “It's no gift then.” She choked with despair.

  Zell held her cheek with his hand. Sylvia covered his hand with hers and leaned her forehead against his. “This is not your fault, Sylvia.” He knew what she might be thinking. She blamed herself too much for things that couldn't be helped.

  “But if I hadn't-” Zell had stopped her from finishing the sentence by pressing his lips against hers. He had wished more of their first kiss. Like a sweet kiss by a fire, watching the stars together. Or a playful kiss in the summer heat by the river. He had pictured several scenarios in his head. He could see himself splashing Sylvia with water, and that cute look she gets when she pouts. This kiss, however, was long, bitter-sweet, full of sorrow, love, regret of time lost. They were lost in each other and so badly wanted time to freeze.

  He pulled his head away, but still held her. Vibrations disturbed the portal they were in. They were not meant to be there. The shield began to crack in many places. “Sylvia, you need to get out of here. You need to teleport out of this- whatever this place is.”

  Sylvia wanted to argue, but could tell Zell was weakening quickly. “I don't want to leave you!” She didn't bother hiding the desperation in her voice.

  “I risked everything to keep you safe.” He took his pendent necklace off. He looped it around Sylvia's neck. “Find me at the end of time and space.”

  The pendent began to glow, pulse, and began to take her away. “Zell!” She wrapped herself around him tightly. She kissed him once more. “I love you so much.” She had to let him know before they were torn from each other.

  Zell was teary eyed as he replied. “I love you, Sylvia.”

  The pendent took Sylvia away. They faded from each other’s view.

  Chapter X: At The End of Time and Space

  Sylvia was hit by the cold sting once more of loneliness and loss. She was not sure how long she had sat there hugging herself. It was all too much to take in. What was she to do no


  As if a whisper in her ear, she remembered Latasha and something she had told her. She wasn't sure why she thought of the old lady now. Like all the times before, she would find a way to survive. It was really difficult to dig deep for that strength to pick herself back up. Even though she was so exhausted, emotionally drained, and heartbroken, at the same time she knew sitting there wanting to give up was not an option. Zell had sacrificed everything for her. How shameful of her to even think of giving up and becoming lost in time.

  She was unsure if it would work, but she held onto the green pendent that Zell had given her. She focused her will and her energy. Zell's last words had held hope that she could find him again. She had to hold onto any string of hope no matter how thin. With all the events she had witnessed, who she to say it was impossible.

  The scene around her shifted. It seemed like she was now in a huge library lit by candles and lanterns. Dim light with shadows cast everywhere. She explored some as she ran her fingers across some dusty books. She wondered why she was here. She flipped through a large book on teleporting. It laid open on a table. She saw it was like a log book of experiences others had had with a jewel like hers. She read the date January 1, 2014.

  “I was transported to a land of glass and iron. It was a very crowded, noisy city. Apparently, in this city they celebrated a new year in their own way. The lights were remarkable. There was fire of all colors that popped and crackled in the sky. A huge ball lowered as numbers on a tower counted down to a new year.”

  She skimmed a few others. How fascinating and mysterious.

  She sensed another presence in the room. Out of the shadows she appeared with the same kind smile she remembered. The red hair highlighted with silver-gray. The hazel eyes full of wisdom. “Latasha? What in the world-” Sylvia was shocked to say the least. “What is going on?”

  Latasha smiled. “I'm so glad you made it here, my dear.” She hugged her and Sylvia felt an odd sensation she couldn't quite make out. “I'm sure you have questions.”

  Sylvia just stared with wide hazel green eyes.

  “You may want to have a seat.” She gestured for her to have a seat at the table.

  Sylvia knew usually when someone suggested that you sit down for some big news, good news did not follow. “Am I dead?” She blurted out the idea.

  The woman laughed. “Oh my. No.”

  Sylvia relaxed some. “Then what is this place? Why do I feel like I'm stuck between time?”

  “This is a special library. People who have had experiences with the jewel have been logged into books here. It holds their stories, their decisions, how they used the power, and the outcome.”

  “So... then who recorded all of the stories? And why have so many been teleported around? What is this jewel?”

  “Not much is known of the creators of these jewels. They were fascinated with humanity. They wanted to test the nature of humans by giving them this power, I guess you could say.”

  Sylvia's shock came back. She had a really eerie feeling. “Who are these creators? I don't understand why I was picked.”

  Three other presences revealed themselves. The figures were in dark, hooded robes. They seemed to blend in with the shadows. “We have no name. We are simply the creators of these gemstones.” Their voices had a strange echo effect when they spoke. That added to the eeriness that Sylvia was feeling.

  “Do not fear us.” Another said as if her uneasiness had been sensed.

  “Just when I thought I couldn't be thrown into anything stranger.” Sylvia said in wonder. She half wanted to pinch herself to make sure she was not dreaming or really was not dead.

  “Some humans are descended from us.” The first robed figure said.

  “You are special, Sylvia.” The second said.

  “You are one who is descended from us from a long line. That is why the gemstone reacted to your will power at times. That is what brought you here.” The third echoed.

  Sylvia was trying to process everything. It was creepy enough that she could not see their faces and was not a hundred percent sure that these beings were even human.

  “We have been observing human kind for years. The power that we give out has been used selfishly so many times.” They talked in turns again and finished each other sentences as if they were not separate beings.

  “Now, we feel we can bring our observations to a close thanks to you, Sylvia.”

  “You have helped prove to us that humanity values love over all else.”

  Sylvia sat tense still unsure what to think. She glanced at Latasha every now and then, thankful that she was not alone. “I'm glad I could help, I suppose. This is all so strange.”

  “It is a lot to take in. You have been through quite a lot. You could have willed the gemstone to seek revenge and take away the life of Silver.”

  “As a thank you for all you have done, we have a gift for you.”

  “A gift?” She repeated.

  “The reason you have come. The reason you willed the gemstone to bring you here.”

  Sylvia's breath caught. “Zell.”

  “We will send you to him.” The robed figure's voice echoed kindness. If she could see their faces she would have thought they were smiling with pleasure.

  “He survived?” Sylvia's heart twisted.

  “In a sense, you could say that.”

  “We will send you to a parallel world where he is. He will not have any memories of your time together.

  “There is only a small price.”

  Sylvia was not liking the idea of this. She wanted Zell to have memories of her. What was the point otherwise? She hated the thought of never existing in his world. They had gone through so much. Memories was all she had to hold to onto. All that had kept her going.

  “Do not fret, child. You will keep your memories. We only need the gemstone back to keep safe with us.”

  “Zell will remember you in a sense. Do not be nervous.”

  “This is our gift to you.” They echoed after each other.

  Sylvia stood and looked at Latasha. “And what will you do?”

  She smiled. “It's a bit complicated I suppose. I came back in time to find you. I was lost in time you see.” Latasha stood beside Sylvia. “I let the darkness in. The sorrow was too overwhelming. Before I knew it, so much time had been lost and I couldn't find my love at the end of time and space.”

  Sylvia raised her eyebrows.

  “I had to come back and you advice to help you along your path.”

  Sylvia touched the old woman's hair and that odd sensation went through her once more. “Your name is not really Latasha is it?” It was a sensation that she knew her. That she was her. “The end of time and space. Perhaps Zell had known the creators of the gemstones existed. If so, he knew they could direct me.” “Well, who am I to say what is impossible. My whole journey has been the impossible. Thank you all so much.”

  The old woman winked knowingly.

  Sylvia unhooked the leather cord from her neck. The green gemstone sparkled in the dim room. Sylvia held it out to the three beings. They bowed their heads in appreciation.

  “We won't meet again will we?” Sylvia was grateful for their gift to her. She was almost sad to depart and never see them again. With the gemstone in their care again she would not be teleporting anymore. Once she was reunited with Zell though she would not desire to be anywhere else.

  “Just look within yourself if doubt ever overwhelms you.”

  “Look to the stars if you ever need direction again.”

  “You are very special, Sylvia. Always remember that.”

  “Good journeys to you, my lady.” All three echoed together.

  Sylvia smiled as she felt their energy surround her like a warm hug that tingled all over. Their energy was sending her to her love. She felt a sense of happiness. She had not felt such happiness before. She was happy when she had journeyed beside Zell. They had been overwhelmed though with the quest,
the fighting, and the survival. Now, though everything could be different. She could feel it.

  Chapter XI: New Quest

  Sylvia found herself on the outskirts of Enigma. In the distance, she could see the familiar tall ivory walls. The time warp had drained her. She spotted a hut made of straw and twigs. It was as if kids had made it. It would do though. She just needed to recover. Exhaustion set in.

  She lay in a pile of straw and curled up. She dozed off before she knew it. Nightmares attacked her. In her mind, she saw Zell bleeding- dying. She relived everything over again. She was trapped in her thoughts. She tried to save him, but could not get to him. She could not move. She yelled and yelled, but nothing came out of her mouth. The desperation was too overwhelming. She muttered and moved in her sleep. The setting changed. Now she was in Enigma in search for Zell. When she found him, he did not recognize her at all- he did not remember anything they been through. All the memories seemed erased. It broke her heart. She still remembered the kiss they shared. He had told her, finally, that he loved her. How that be forgotten? The setting changed again. Zell was surrounded by fire. Again, she could not get to him. Smoke choked her. The smell of smoke overwhelmed her.

  At first, she thought it was only in her dream. She jolted awake. Flames crept inside the hut. They ate up the straw and twigs. She gasped at the sight, and then regretted the sharp intake of breath. Smoke burned her throat. She coughed and covered her face. She was not as panicked as she would have been months ago. She probably would have been in tears by now, but only the smoke caused her eyes to water. Thieves had mugged someone who had been traveling alone. In the fight, the thieves caused the hut to catch on fire. The poor man who had been traveling alone was killed. She had to fight her way through the flames. A memory came out of nowhere- of Zell saving her. A memory of one of many times Zell had helped her. His determined face as he had managed to find a way to pull her from that sink hole. A flash of the stunning dark skinned queen went through her head- how she had reached out to her with encouragement and kindness of a mother. Another flash- Tess, stubborn and strong- even through her stubbornness she had cared deep down- she had carried her when she had hurt her ankle. She had warmed up to her eventually. They had all helped make her stronger. This was her journey; to overcome fears, become stronger, and to find her inner power. This time she would walk out of this danger with them all in her heart. She did not need to be rescued. Not to say that she would never need help again, but she was a different person now. There was an old robe near the pile of straw. She wrapped it around her and braced herself best she could.

  She heard voices outside as she walked out. The sun shone on her and almost made her glow. Her wavy red hair looked red gold. The gold in her hazel eyes were bright. Flames ate at the robe. Her eyes locked with him. She was so glad to see him- his brown hair with hints of honey color, those deep green eyes, high cheek bones, full lips that she longed to kiss again. Zell. She froze. She stopped herself from running to him. Then panic rose up- what if he didn't remember her? She knew he would have no memories of her or anything they had gone through. If there was no connection- no recognition at all, she felt that would break her more than anything ever could. She remembered the words of the elders and looked to the sky. She prayed for strength. A thought like a whisper in her head came out of nowhere. “You have already gained inner strength. Have faith.” She exhaled then saw Zell was running towards her. Her stomach did nervous flips.

  He patted out the flames from her robe. “Have you gone mad?” He exclaimed with concern as he grabbed it off of her and stomped it on the ground. “You were on fire, and you decide to daydream at the sky!” He checked to make sure the rest of her was not on fire.

  Sylvia had been worrying too much of being reunited with Zell- she forgot about the flames that burned all around her. There he was doing what he could to help her as always. She smiled and the words slipped out. “This seems familiar.” Zell raised an eyebrow at her questioningly. “I fell asleep in that hut. I was so tired then woke up to a fire.” She had not known that when their eyes had locked that he had been mesmerized by her. Instantly, he had felt like he had known her before.

  “Looks like this poor fool got mugged.” A young man spoke and stared at the burning corpse. Belongings were scattered on the ground. Sylvia did not recognize him. He must be new to the group. He carried a lot of luggage.

  She noticed the blonde haired Terra whom she had disliked. She did not feel a threat now. It seemed her sights were set on the new young man. Sylvia wondered if the young man knew what he was getting himself into.

  Terra walked up behind the young man, “you're the fool if you get my bags full of smoke.” She still seemed demanding and conceited.

  Sylvia almost laughed out loud. Tessa joined them. She did not look different. She was still beautiful with her long brown hair tied up in a ponytail with leather weaved through it. Her energy gave off determination and strength. Her face was firm and hard to read. Deep within her blue eyes, she knew she was kind. “What are you idiots babbling about now?” She rolled her eyes not bothering to hide her annoyance at the two.

  Sylvia returned her focus back to Zell. Part of her was startled that he was staring at her. She felt her cheeks flush as they did many times before when she was close to Zell. She cursed silently as she felt heat spread across her face.

  Zell broke from the trance. “M-my apologies.” He stammered. “It's just that I thought we had met before.”

  Sylvia was so glad. She couldn't stop herself from smiling. She had to stop herself from exclaiming how they actually do know each other. She had to stop herself from throwing her arms around him tightly. “Nothing is impossible. My name is Sylvia.”

  “I am Zell.” He motioned to the others, “Tessa, Terra and Vic.” He introduced them.

  “What are you doing by yourself?” Tessa asked curiously. “We have no time to baby sit. We have to continue on our journey.”

  Sylvia took no offense. She was too happy to be back with them. Zell glared at Tessa. “Forgive her, Sylvia, she always speaks her mind whether you want to hear it or not.” He added, “You're welcome to join us. I need to make sure you don't catch yourself on fire again.” He joked.

  Sylvia laughed.

  “Have you been to Engima? That's where we are from. Perhaps we crossed each other’s paths there?”

  “I have traveled there once.” It was so hard not to tell him everything he had no memory of. It was also so hard not to wrap her arms around him and never let go.

  They talked as they walked. “If you need more rest we can find a safer spot to set up camp.”

  “You're really going to slow down because you've been struck by a pretty face?” Tessa blurted out another blunt comment.

  Sylvia thought it was adorable how Zell blushed at her comment. “You should stop arguing. Queen Quara and King Nolen made me leader for a reason.”

  Sylvia had to stop herself from asking questions. She had to be careful of what she said. She had wondered where those two were though. She could not wait to see them again, either. So they were married and ruled together. How wonderful.

  Zell continued. “We are on a quest.”

  “I like quests.”

  “It's a dangerous one.”

  “Don't worry, Zell. I'll be glad to hold your hand if you get scared.” She smiled flirtatiously. The new found strength and confidence surprised her.

  Zell leaned closer to her and whispered, “what if I'm scared now?”

  Instead of being shy or asking for his hand, she slipped her fingers through his. A warm tingle went all through her. She almost wanted to cry with joy. They still had a connection. He squeezed her hand tightly as if he was scared to let go.

  “You know you're a strange young woman for wanting to go a dangerous quest with strangers.” He laughed.

  “I guess you could say I've been on a quest of my own and just found what I was searching for. I'm ready for another adve
nture.” Sylvia added, “and you hardly feel like a stranger to me. I feel like I have known you a long time.”

  “You're a unique girl. I hope that's not too bold. I know we've just met- yet I've seen your face in my dreams-” He stopped. “I'm not trying to scare you off or sound crazy.” He raked a hand through his wavy hair nervously.

  “Oh, nothing could scare me away. You have been in my dreams as well. I have searched too long for you.” She reassured. “If you only knew what I’ve been through.”

  “I think we will have plenty of time for sharing stories.” They smiled at each other.

  Finally, she felt like she was home. It was so amazing to smile and laugh together again. This time they could, with no danger around them. The threat of Silver was gone. They may come across other dangers wherever their journey led. Sylvia was no longer afraid though. She was with Zell and she knew they could conquer anything together.




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