Read Neon Knights Page 6

  Everything seemed very distant as Tyrn pressed a plate of food into her hand and guided her to an old cot in the corner. She ate the majority of her food quickly, nearly burning her tongue as she did so. Her eyes had grown heavy, her head thick and she couldn’t quite make out the words Tyrn was speaking as she let the soft cot cradle her. It was something about staying or safety and she thought she heard the words rest or awake.

  When Lexel did come to again she discovered the sun was already high overhead and burning brightly. Tyrn’s words mingled in her head and she tried to puzzle over them. Had he told her to be gone when she awoke, had he warned her it wasn’t safe to stay? She couldn’t tell everything had been just so fuzzy before sleep had claimed her in its titanic tackle. But one thought immediately became an urgent priority; Zero’s status.

  Lexel threw herself to her feet and raced over to the workbench to investigate her intrepid friend’s condition. But Zero was no longer laid out upon the table among the other tinkered bits. As she quickly scanned around her to look for him she finally spotted the steel-clad sentinel patrolling the shop’s perimeter. He was up and moving again! Lexel shouted with glee at the miracle and nearly toppled the high-tech test subject in a charge ending hug.

  “I see you have completed your own internal maintenance as well,” Zero greeted her. “It is great to see you up and moving again,” Lexel said with a squeal. “So, how is everything; any permanent damage?” As she asked the question she was already looking Zero over for any lingering signs of injury that she could see. Mostly all that caught her eye were scuffs, scrapes and scratches to his exterior.

  “It seems my recent and somewhat extensive repair work has proven to be sufficient enough to affect my recovery. All of my own internal diagnostics indicate that I am completely operational. However I have been reviewing our recent encounters and estimate that the chances of our continued success currently to be virtually non-existent if we do not find a way to upgrade my offensive capabilities.”

  Lexel couldn’t argue with Zero’s assessment; the very same thing had crossed her mind last night as they worked to repair his damaged body. They had made it only this far using quick wits and making creative use of Zero’s built in tools. Even his thrust stabilizers, while giving him a speed boosted edge had a limit and if they entered the arena relying on the same tricks they were already defeated. It was a simple truth that couldn’t be denied.

  “I was thinking about that, and I may have some ideas after watching your repairs last night. But I’ll need some help from Tyrn to manage them; we can use some of the available parts here even,” Lexel offered. “The catch though is that I don’t think we will find any kind of heavy artillery in a scrap yard. However, if anything else has worked for us so far it’s been using a little imagination and some creative problem solving. With any luck it’ll see us through some more.”

  “Ready to get to work, Partner,” Lexel asked with grin. Zero’s circuits warmed as he happily agreed. “Would you like to play a game,” Zero chuckled as he made his answered reply a humorous one. Together they giggled as they began to scour the scrap yard for possible parts.

  Episode 18

  Tyrn returned from a service call to find a new pile of components being sorted on his work bench. “Might I ask what is going on here,” Tyrn inquired a harsh edge in his tone. “I don’t recall leaving any old thermal plasma dc torches or linear motors laying around in here. So, please, by all means enlighten me as to what it is you’re working on here? I realize you’re in a rough spot but I hope I didn’t just patch up your pet so you could rob me while I was out.”

  Lexel looked up from a dismantled piece of hardware delicately dissected before her, her emerald eyes blinked behind the magnified gadget goggles she now wore in an almost bug-like display. With a flick she raised the lenses to return his gaze with her own as she realized Tyrn had been talking to her. She had been so focused on trying to figure out just how to incorporate the new equipment into Zero that she hadn’t noticed Tyrn come in.

  “I could use some help determining how much of these are still functional and how to incorporate them into Zero,” Lexel decided. “Theoretically, you could re-route some of the power converters to feed the torches which could enable them to generate the needed plasma jet’s to act as a sort of short range weapon. Kind of like using the torches as an effective anti-armor edge or blade you might say to slice through close range threats.”

  Excitement seemed to be fueling Lexel as she moved over to some of the linear motors next. “You see these motors, right? Well, I think that if you could wire them into a parallel configuration you might be able to power them to producing a more potent energy discharge capable of accelerating condensed particles.” Lexel would have continued explaining her various experiments Tyrn was certain if he allowed her to but he decided it prudent to give her a moment to catch her breath.

  “Woe there, little miss, let’s step it down a few volts,” he petitioned. He should be upset at her for tearing into all these materials or at the very least for making use of his shop without his permission. But as he rubbed at his forehead he found a huge grin highlighted on his face instead. It seemed this little firecracker had not only been paying attention last night but also might have thought of some clever ways to reuse these various parts all her own.

  “Wait a pulse there; what is the application here in this? Your friend over there is an amazing little piece of work, don’t get me wrong. But why does he need all this firepower? He was all mangled up pretty bad before; like something that has either been through a nasty bit of fighting or one terrible crash landing. I haven’t asked and didn’t plan to – but now you’re talking about arming him with stuff from my shop. I can’t have it on my heart you walking out of here into whatever is haunting you to go into some kind of warzone.”

  “Actually it was a bit of both,” Lexel answered, finding Tyrn’s reaction one of mixed curiosity and concern. “It was a brutal battle itself and then when we tried to escape from an attempted ambush afterwards we ended up only getting away by falling through a few buildings.” As Lexel continued to fill Tyrn in on everything that had happened she found a tender compassion waiting in the gentle giant. It was punctuated by the instant embrace of his big arms and broad shoulders as he seized her in a tight hug.

  “Well, it’s like I already told you before; you are safe here and welcome to stay for as long as you need,” Tyrn reminded her with a sniffle. “Now, about those upgrades you were talking about; let’s see what we can do about that.” Together they began evaluating parts while Tyrn taught Lexel as they went through them. He even produced some extra additions to her collection of components and made a few modifications of his own.

  After working through the rest of the daylight hours they eventually declared Zero ready for the arena and smiled with satisfaction at their inventive handiwork. He still was no tank by any means but Tyrn figured he could now return just as much of a fight as he would be given. Lexel herself looked forward to seeing Zero make use of his new capabilities as well but couldn’t help but wonder what challenges he might face next.

  But as Zero reviewed his new modifications a single burning desire was sparked inside him. He wanted nothing more than to prove just how good he was now. With his new additions helping to level the field he was sure that now he could do just that.

  Episode 19

  Just as Lexel expected there was a coded message waiting for her when she jacked into the local node network. It wasn’t anything as obvious as your usual ‘you have a message’ notification but for her it was as clear as a crystal oscillator. The concealed communication was as brief as it could be and quite direct – providing the only information needed for them to appear for the games.

  “Looks like its show time,” Lexel announced as she jacked out. Zero delighted at the news, the restless robot had already been pacing about nervously in anticipation of the chance to test his prowess once more. “Remember Zero, let’s n
ot get overconfident now; we just need to focus on thrashing anything they send against us.” She had to giggle at that joke – the idea of Zero being arrogant was laughable to say the least.

  “Honestly though, we have no real way of knowing what our first arena match will be like except the inevitable fact that it will be a dirty fight.” After the ordeal of their trial bout Lexel felt validated in regards to her expectations about the street fights. “Just be careful, yeah,” Tyrn added as well. “Those games get downright barbaric and if you already have some heat after you then you’re bound to attract some dangerous attention.”

  “That is the general plan,” Lexel agreed with a dismissive wave of her hand before bidding the benevolent Tyrn farewell. When she and Zero walked out into the night they found the neon lights overhead already casting the rooftops in a washed glow of electric colors. The streets themselves were already buzzing with the traffic of tourism and trade Taral VII was infamous for. Doubtless a good percentage of the people out and about shared the same destination as they did Lexel estimated.

  Tonight, they soon discovered the arena was to be an old abandoned underground transit maintenance yard. Most of the bulky civil transport vehicles had already been removed long ago – probably to be sold for scrap. Even if the facility itself was going to be closed down the powers that be were not about to leave potentially lost revenue just laying down there. Only a handful of old repair racks remained rusted and still formed in the shape of a transports frame. It was kind of sad in a way to Lexel; almost like the stout steel structures were sleepily waiting to be of service once again.

  Already a crowd was gathered together in a large part of the yard viciously cheering on a violent match between a pair of cobbled together construction bots. The two looked to both be suffering from severe damage as they struggled to swing massive impact hammers at each other. Mangled manipulators failed and loose locomotive actuators shorted as they stumbled and twitched in their attempted assaults.

  When one of the two finally connected with a blow with its only remaining arm the crowd exploded into a thunderous roar of sadistic satisfaction. Immediately some anonymous figure accepted his acclaim while others swiftly removed what remained of the fighters from the floor. The spectacle was just as savage as Lexel had imagined, and for Zero he discovered a strange sympathy in witnessing the scene.

  It was one thing to test yourself in a sporting contest; he could even grasp the validity of fighting to defend yourself or another. But the notion of being used solely for others to watch as you were brutally destroyed something that slowed his circuits and made him feel sick in his semi-conductors. Zero had to push such thoughts from his mind as a gruff voice began to announce the next match and introduced him as the challenger.

  “You ready Zero,” Lexel asked her prototype partner with a look of determination in her eyes. “Ready,” Zero answered as he initiated his armor mode protocol and shifted to become Lexel’s enhanced exterior. Their minds once more merged and they both laughed as they simultaneously set about checking all the new systems. Everything checked out as being online and operational. All they needed now was an opponent.

  But before an opponent could be announced it seemed someone had raised an objection. Zero instantly alerted to the detected presence of Mr. Graystone without even needing to perform a visual verification. He would know that face anywhere, and suddenly something akin to anger began to rise within him.

  “What is this guy up to,” Lexel began to ask, but Zero cut her off with a growl. “Doesn’t matter; if Graystone is here then that means it is time for him to get what is coming to him.” Without any real idea about whom this mystery man was, Lexel decided to defer to Zero’s judgment. And as soon as she heard him speak she firmly found she agreed with her four legged friend.

  “It hardly seems fair to allow this fighter to enter a match with an operator on-board as well,” Graystone argued. “The notion almost could be considered an underhanded attempt to stack the odds by some. Let us agree to a civilized contest, shall we?” A sly smile took its place on Mr. Graystone’s face as a large part of the attending audience began to applaud.

  “I don’t like this, it doesn’t feel right,” Lexel admitted. “We can’t trust this guy; it has to be some kind of trick.” But for once she discovered Zero didn’t seem to be listening to her. “He hasn’t managed yet to get the project closed, and he is not about to shelve me away now,” Zero declared as he disconnected from Lexel to return to his familiar four-legged form.

  Episode 20

  “Let the battle begin,” Graystone bellowed as a Greyhound appeared opposite Zero. Lexel immediately recognized the sinister silicon stalker, it was the same thing that had attacked them in the streets and tried to ambush them. But they had always struck from the shadows, and in packs. Where were all the others then? What was going on here? Lexel couldn’t be sure but she was deeply concerned about the fairness involved – something told her Zero was waltzing right into a trap.

  Laser blasts erupted from the Greyhound to herald the true start of the match. The energy bursts slammed into the semi-stone ground merely inches from Zero who already maneuvered to avoid a targeting lock. Zero recalled the tactical capability known about the Greyhounds and quickly applied the data to his strategy. Their mounted lasers were little more than modified laser handguns; with the appropriate limited range and power. They would only be effective at short ranges at best and their Thermal Talons would require contact to bring to bear which meant melee combat. As for the Midnighter grenades, well, here in the middle of an arena fight he was fairly sure that they wouldn’t even be an option.

  Zero’s analysis confirmed what he was already planning; avoid his foes strengths and make use of his own. The Talons could potentially pierce his armor but he could out maneuver the Greyhound easily enough. His reinforced frame was more than adequate to defend against the laser blasts unless they managed to hit with precision in a vital area. But his enemy had only the possibly acquired prior knowledge of their previous encounters. It had no usable data on his newfound weapon systems, and at that thought Zero’s gateways glowed with glee.

  With a subtle mental command he diverted the power of some redundant circuits to activate the connected network of linear motors now mounted inside him. The flow of energy powered them into a growing wave of potential force that began to condense collected particles of matter filtered from his internal thrust reserves. It really was ingenious when you thought about it; his system had always filtered out particles and molecules out of the air that it collected to store. Now they were being put to use as ammunition, which was being focused and accelerated.

  As Zero established his aim, designating the grim Greyhound as his intended target he found himself interrupted. A vicious volley peppered him from various directions, disrupting his aim. The offensive actions alerted his sensors to the immediately disclosed location of several other Greyhounds. With the revealed ranged rogues his entire battle plan was now wasted. But he could still remove this distracting decoy before him he decided.

  Adjusting his firing solution Zero released a pair of piercing particle beam projectiles that ripped into the helpless hound in a blinding flash of fury and force. Zero took satisfaction in the strike that now resulted in a sputtering pile of scrap before he turned his attention towards the circling snipers. However, what awaited his shift in strategy was silence and shadow. The Greyhounds had vanished once again, leaving Zero to scan with his sensors in an attempt to spot them.

  Frustration began to fill his firmware as he found himself forced to wait for the next attack. His foes had impressively been altered somehow, where he expected their flaws he couldn’t find them. It was almost as if they had studied him and adapted just as he would have. But how could they, they hadn’t had the countless hours of simulations to experience as he had. Not unless Graystone had somehow incorporated data from the project into these pets for the sole purpose of removing the prototype.

e one thing he couldn’t appropriate for his own interest was something the project had never managed to test; his armor mode. If he could link back up with Lexel then perhaps together the two of them could turn the tables on this tactical trap. Zero made the decision and turned to try and make it back to his partner.

  “I wouldn’t advise it,” Graystone cautioned from behind Lexel, a gun pressed at her side. “Remember, we all want to keep things fair and balanced. Let’s just enjoy the challenging contest we have now.” Zero noticed the words were emphasized by increased pressure from his firearm against his captive.

  Another series of blasts struck at him once more and his chassis complained as some of the concussions connected. The threat to Lexel once more engaged his edited prime directive and this time Zero found the protocol even more than just a hardwired impulse. It was the final straw, something in his core cracked and his software shuttered. Nothing was going to harm his friend.

  “Release her, now,” Zero warned as another barrage of blasts rained down on him. “Or else,” he added to the ultimatum. The gesture made Graystone giggle to himself, just as Zero expected. “Or what, there is nothing you can do you pathetic pup,” Graystone spat. “You are in a strategically weak position by every possible perception, your only option is to lie down and die.”