Read Neon Knights Page 7

  “Negative,” Zero countered, grateful that Graystone refused. He was seriously going to enjoy educating the manipulative man in the errors of his erroneous logic. And now, it was time for class to begin.

  Episode 21

  Zero’s firmware flickered as his core code rippled and re-compiled itself. His primary directives and essential programming no longer served as a guide for him; he had grown beyond the confines of such restrictions. Graystone seemed to think he was dealing with a predictable prototype built for a research project, but time and experience had shaped Zero far beyond that. Now he was no longer a puppet on a string, he wasn’t anything like his precious Greyhounds.

  Power poured through his circuits and pathways as Zero rerouted systems and altered the standard sub-routines that coordinated them. He let his sensors feed him every bit of binary sequenced data that flooded in and collectively formed a rendered reflection of his surroundings. Everything was catalogued, each detail analyzed and extrapolated into estimated movements or actions.

  The world around Zero slowed and an entire complex series of scenarios played out lightning fast as his processors thundered through them like a racer pounds through a track. He calculated the time between barrages; he measured the tension pressure being applied on Graystone’s trigger. Even the number of beads of sweat marking Lexel’s pale forehead were taken into consideration as he moved to act on the third option Graystone was ignorant of. The menacing manipulator seemed to foolishly expect that he would just surrender himself, unable to risk sacrificing his friend. If he did not, his only other option would have to be to allow her death and in doing so still be at the mercy of Graystone’s Greyhounds superior numbers.

  But for Zero, neither surrender nor sacrifice would ever be acceptable. No, this was going to end here and now – Graystone was not going to be allowed to continue to threaten his existence or anyone else’s. Driven by his own determination Zero rapidly set an intricate sequence of internal actions into motion. A cascade of current came crashing into his actuators that now screamed with the surging flow of energy.

  With the increased power fueling his limbs Zero set them into motion and moved at nearly blinding speed. As he charged at Graystone he could almost detect the delayed reaction as his eyes rushed the impending threat to his brain. It was just enough time for him to seize the advantage and strike while his foe was struggling to deal with the shocking assault. A pair of pin point beams blinked to life simultaneously shot with surgical precision aimed at Graystone. The first met with the metal sidearm still firmly placed in his opponent’s hand, rattling it and leaving a few fingers stinging. While the second blast cleanly caught Graystone’s right shoulder at an angle and drove him into a spin shifting his stance to the side.

  As the shots struck their target Zero activated his armor mode’s transformation sequence and linked with Lexel in a whirl of momentum. He could feel her sudden terror as her mind recoiled from the shock of the chaotic encounter it now wrestled with comprehending. Already Zero let his plasma jet blades flare to life as he spun with the continued momentum to swing the makeshift weapon in an upward arc. The blow neatly met with Graystone’s stunned hand and severed the weapon wielding appendage from the rest of him.

  “Call off your hounds, Mr. Graystone or they will soon find themselves without a master,” Zero warned as he leveled the burning blade of plasma at Graystone’s neck. “This will never be over, not for you,” Graystone fumed as he cradled a ruined stump of mangled flesh. “We have always had plans for your pathetic project and they never included a free-thinking mutt in them. Kill me and my pets will tear you apart. Flee and we will we hunt you down from the shadowy streets. Either option will conclude in your end, it makes no difference to me.”

  In a final attempted act of defiance, Graystone spat at Zero’s feet in disgust. “With pleasure then,” Zero vengefully declared and raised his waiting weapon to deliver the death blow. “Wait,” Lexel interrupted with a thought before she reminded herself to use her mouth to speak out loud.

  “I would like to request the right of judgment for this match,” she declared. “Make your decision; declare us victor or see this man’s life forfeit! What say you? Is this not the legendary arena or just a petty street brawl now?” As a wave of murmuring washed through the gathered crowd Lexel had to beg Zero to trust her once more and forgo his initial impulse.

  When finally the mob grew silent it was the cold gruff voice that spoke from somewhere among them to declare what they had decided. “A most entertaining turn of events and a welcome show of skilled sport we have not seen in quite some time. No one has called on the right of judgment to resolve a match in ages; however it appears that the majority favors the honorable gesture. With that said then, we grant you your victory and life to the loser.”

  Cheers showered from all around as the spectators applauded them as the champion of the contest. Lexel directed her gaze towards her former captor and addressed him in a cold level tone. “Take this as fact and understand it; you now live solely due to our mercy. Make one move to harm us and you shall draw the wrath of every fighter who sets foot in the arena games.”

  Zero watched with grim satisfaction as the concept took hold upon Graystone’s pale face. “Best to flee while you may before anyone decides to change their minds,” he advised. A final flashed challenge burned behind Graystone’s eyes before he turned to take his leave, one that promised a continued confrontation.

  Episode 22

  Lexel was still enjoying the sweet taste of victory as she and Zero navigated their way back to Tyrn’s shop. Zero had been simply amazing in the fight, not to mention at saving her. She had been certain she was about to be another gone and forgotten face. Yet here she was now, her feet carrying her along and a huge beaming smile on her face. Lexel’s mood was so good she almost asked Zero what the odds were that things would have turned out like they had; almost.

  The neon lights that illuminated the night sky were slowly dimming as they bowed to the sun’s daytime dominion of the sky which made Lexel rub at her eyes absently. She couldn’t wait to tell Tyrn all about the night’s adventure and Zero’s exploits in the arena. Hopefully they could celebrate the occasion, at the very least the big guy would have to be proud of the work they had done on Zero; it had been a proven success all around.

  As they walked back to the shop, Zero however had found himself never more concerned. The threat Mr. Graystone had mentioned had weighed heavy on him, and it was something he couldn’t ignore. So while Lexel seemed to relish in their newfound acclaim he focused his attention firmly on every inch of their surroundings as they went. He probed every pathway and considered each passing citizen carefully. Zero refused to lower his guard again, especially not now.

  With the shop looming directly ahead of them, Zero’s sensors signaled a second presence inside. Instantly his weapons were primed and he moved to place himself between Lexel and the scrap strewn yard. “Caution,” Zero warned with a whisper. “He is not alone at present,” the wary warrior explained.

  Lexel had to shake her head and chuckle before she dismissed her friend’s concern. “Oh, come on,” she objected sternly. “We sent that gray-guy packing with his pet’s tails between their legs. They aren’t about to try something stupid like coming after us again so soon. Besides, Tyrn said he works on stuff for people in the neighborhood to help out. It’s probably just someone needing a part or a patch up job.”

  “You worry too much, you know that,” Lexel confessed with a groan as she walked forward to pass the reluctant robot. But Zero was not about to allow his precious partner to blindly walk into another dangerous situation. Calling up the shop’s layout over his vision Zero marked the location of both detected people present and charged towards the closest exterior window.

  The old glass was already marked with weathered cracks that shattered and surrendered to his forced entry only to fall inside to the floor along side him. Two figures immediately spun around to face the ex
plosive entrance, both wearing a stunned expression. Zero easily identified Tyrn’s bulky body and targeted his ready weapons on the second as he heard Lexel run through the doorway.

  It wasn’t until she spoke that Zero recognized who stood before him. He knew the copper haired researcher who now looked down at him with her mercury like eyes held behind slender steel framed glasses. “It is good to see you again too,” she said politely and Zero found himself hesitating before disarming his active weapon systems. “My name is Professor Honeywell,” the petite woman declared as she turned to introduce herself to Lexel. “I am so very pleased to find Unit Zero safe, but I fear I bring terrible news; the both of you it seems are in danger.”

  “We have already met Mr. Graystone,” Lexel remarked to the declaration of impending threat. “Zero is more than just some tinker-toy built in a lab, and I am not about to let them take him back. Zero and I can deal with whatever they want to send after us.” Lexel knew Zero would like nothing more than to tear apart everything they sent after him anyway, especially Mr. Graystone if he could.

  “No, you don’t understand it’s bigger than that,” Honeywell confessed. “While trying to find Unit Zero I was digging through everything and managed to get a glimpse into what is going on. It was you, Lexel that helped me find my own courage to stand up and take action. That is why I am here, somebody wanted the project to fail so they could appropriate the technology Zero represents and use it for their own ends. But they are willing to do anything to get it or destroy it so nobody else does. If they can’t remove Zero or capture him then I fear they will annihilate anyone and everything to erase the project. That means me, you, and everyone from anywhere he escaped to who may have seen him at the games. I didn’t build a mechanical monster, if they can they will turn him into one or sacrifice countless others to ensure he doesn’t come back to haunt them.”

  “Wait,” Lexel interrupted as a sick roll gripped her stomach. “You mean they might harm anyone they even think might have a chance of being involved? My mother, my friends, even the people in this neighborhood? Nobody could be that heartless, this is madness!”

  Zero searched within him and could find no fault in the professor’s logic; as usual it was a sound assessment. “I hate to say it, but the doc’s right,” Tyrn added. “Zero here is an impressive piece of work with limitless potential, and that is exactly the kind of thing that can make people behind the curtains nervous. People in power rarely tolerate puppets that defy control.”

  Episode 23

  Every terminal and communications capable connected piece of hardware came on in a chorus of synchronized sound. The sudden symphony of digital alarms ripped Lexel straight from deep sleep and sent her heart racing. She bolted upright from the old cot to look around her for the source of the noise but found herself confused by the chaos. It was almost like Tyrn’s shop was receiving a call but instead of a single transmission the message was invading every available receiver.

  Shaking the sleep from her head Lexel slowly rose to investigate, a nagging sense of dread threatening to overwhelm her natural curious impulse. “I think something is wrong with your equipment Tyrn,” Lexel remarked aloud as she approached the closest terminal. Its screen flickered with the incoming signal, the words ‘Incoming Transmission’ brightly blinking in the background.

  “Well, no sense in letting it go unanswered all day,” Lexel decided and reached to open the channel. At the push of her fingertip the image before her changed with a flash to form from the blank notification screen into the familiar face of her friend. Xeph’s bright red hair was ruffled into a tangled mess and her face was no where near it’s typical flawless self. Something was wrong, that much was clear to Lexel even without her friend having to say so.

  “I am so sorry Lex,” Xeph began with a sob. “I have been so worried about you, and I was just trying to check on your mom like you asked. But there were these things, they were like something out of a bad dream – they just came out of nowhere. It all happened so fast, and now I don’t know where we are or what is going on. I am so scared right now, and your mom’s been hurt. I don’t know how badly or anything but it doesn’t look good.”

  Lexel had never wanted to see her friend suffer like this, not because of something she had done. And as for her mother, well, she was still her mother after all. She was no saint by any means but if anything happened to her because of this Lexel would always blame herself. “There is this guy,” Xeph continued. “A real terror this one, he definitely means business. He looks even angrier at you than our old intro to nodes teacher, and she wanted you thrown out of school permanently. He says if you don’t turn yourselves over to them that they are going to kill us! What have you gotten into Lex?”

  “How long,” Lexel asked, her eyes closed and her teeth clenched tighter than a pneumatic clamp. She had never been good with demands, or threats for that matter and Xeph knew it better than anyone. It was plainly recognizable in Xeph’s shaky voice as she tried to bring herself to answer the question. Her closest companion had to know from her reaction to the news that Lexel wouldn’t ever just cave in to such a bullying tactic.

  “They said you have one hour to decide before they make the choice for you,” Xeph answered, visibly trembling now. “This line will remain open until then to wait for your response, but please Lex; don’t try and test these people. Whatever this is it isn’t worth it! Just give them whatever they want.”

  The screen was once again blank leaving Lexel with her raging thoughts and shaking fists. “I am not about to hand you over to them,” Lexel whispered. Zero would normally have been amazed by anyone noticing his proximity without having seen him but right now he was preoccupied with the situation at hand. “I know,” the metallic mutt admitted in a similar hushed tone. “But I cannot just allow others to pay for my actions with their lives,” Lexel admitted angrily.

  “You don’t look like you take too well to being pushed around,” Tyrn’s deep voice slipped itself into the conversation. “Interestingly enough, you’re not the only one either,” Professor Honeywell added as well. “That’s the truth,” Lexel thought to herself and remembered the incident Xeph had mentioned. She had managed to bypass the teacher’s security to peek at the class’s grades only to also find more than she bargained for. The only thing that had kept her from getting kicked out of school was the fact that she had managed to copy down some of the files she had uncovered. By threatening to release them, Lexel had been able to use them as leverage to avoid the matter.

  “Oh, you clever little devil,” Lexel giggled. “I’ve got it,” she declared as the urge to dance around hit her. “You have access to all the project’s records, right Professor Honeywell?” The petite professor nodded an affirmative in answer and Lexel started to jump up and down with glee. “Then I think it’s our turn to make a few demands!”

  Episode 24

  “Listen, this is completely insane,” Tyrn insisted once more. As much as he could understand the need to stand up for something, he also knew that there were some things you didn’t dare people to do. It was a risky move no matter how you sliced it, and if people’s lives were on the line that made it the kind of gamble he feared the odds were already horribly skewed against them.

  “If you don’t want to give me your permission to use the shop’s hardware just say the word,” Lexel demanded with a stare as stern as steel. “I can find somewhere else to do this if you’re that worried. But make no mistake; I am going to do this. They are the ones who chose to make threats, it was them who decided it wise to try and push me. People have tried to tell me what I can do or what I should my whole life simply because they think I should be their ideal of a little girl. Graystone seems to believe that they can intimidate me by using my friend and my mother in order to force me into giving up. Well, guess what; now it is time for them to see that I am not some scared little girl who they can bully into submission.”

  In the face of her fiery fury, Tyrn couldn’t hold
onto his argument. With a deep breath he bowed his head and rescinded his protest. If she was going to do this no matter what then she might as well do it from his shop. He couldn’t stop her, that much was clear but at the very least he could support her so that she had some chance.

  “I still think this whole plan is a bit crazy,” Tyrn apologized. “That said; you know you are welcome here to use anything you need. It may be dangerous, but if you’re going to go through with this then you might as well use every available resource. I would hate to think I tied your hands knowing full well you’re too stubborn for that to stop you.”

  The thought made Lexel chuckle, as she turned to look for Professor Honeywell. The slight scientist soon appeared from fumbling through a small satchel she had sat on a bench to produce a slab of plastic. It was barely the size of Lexel’s thumbnail she noticed when it was placed into her waiting palm. Something so small and seemingly delicate yet it held within it every collective piece of information regarding the professor’s precious project.

  “Thank you,” Lexel whispered with the weight she hoped the words needed to mean just how grateful she truly was. “With this we can turn the tables. If these guys are so determined to get Zero back or bury him then I would wager that detailed proof is the last thing they will want to risk leaking out.”