Read No Cause to Die For Page 14


  The family is all that matters, in the end it is all that remains... Sophia spoke with strength and authority… Reggie, what is the one thing that kept the wolves away, those hungry young brutes who wanted to take your business... wasn’t it the family that watched over you? 

  And Rollo, my old fat friend... you’ve enjoyed the families protection in the past ... NOW it’s time to take back the control... time to take the place that was intended for us to take... We will be strong… we will be proud… we will be in charge again....

  As they set around the table exchanging stares and quick words, the room oscillated with smoke and whispers... old age style, old country ethics, an era almost left behind by time’s march, and now a new fervor arose amongst the ancient connections...

  The network of acknowledged faith... given to each other as a promise of everlasting loyalty... a loyalty to live for... a promise to die for... a total commitment of soul, mind and physical life to the advancement of the whole... the family would live on through the parts of its members. She would make sure of that. Like a mission given by God Himself, she believed it was her destiny to bring the family back to the position she thought it deserved!

  We have new plans now, new business to conduct. But, we need to bring back to old ways so we can keep what we develop with our new plans. I want you all to promise me that you will follow the family’s wishes in this, and help us bring back the glory days ... she was ready to do battle, and she was calling on the family troops to sign up for the war …

  It has been arranged for this Saturday … Vince, you can take care of the supplier … we can’t leave any loose ends … wait until I’ve got the goods … then you can finish the business in your usual manner … be sure you get setup early  … without him knowing … I don’t want to spook him … I need this last shipment… could help us to gain a strong position again … and then we can take control …


  Berry found himself standing on the sidewalk beneath the street lamp on the south side of the building... Looking down at his watch he could see time’s reminder again... 1:30 AM... it was his habit when his mind was confused with thought to walk around outside the old building and allow his mind to wander on the sights and sounds of the night...

  In the distance he could hear the engines in the train yard across town moving cars back and forth... now and then a distinct crunching sound could be heard when the cars came to an abrupt halt... the sound of the mill’s big grinder’s whine was barely audible, blending in with the night traffic... all around were sounds of life, people doing their work, driving their cars, living their life... the city vibrated with life even at this hour of the night...

  As he allowed loose the creative side of his mind his eyes caught on the old oak tree still standing across the street.  It was now the focal point of the new mini park the city had created with the strip of land that rested between the street and the row of warehouses that now occupied the Wright Street District.

  As the wind rocked the branches and fluttered the leaves Berry could imagine a living force inside the old tree... a wise old creature that had seen all that had happened throughout the years... in his mind he pretended that it was an old friend that knew him well... he could imagine it beckoning to him to come closer... the branches waving to him, motioning with their leaves... to come over there and listen to secrets of time past and mysteries long hidden from human eyes...

  Life held a wonder within its living... he always knew that it was special to be alive and have a soul... and he regarded life as a precious gift not to be wasted... through all life’s troubles, stress, and struggles, it was moments like these that he knew he was truly alive...

  As the light from the street lamp struck small drops of dew that had formed in the grass he watched as a curious speculate of color burst forth from each droplet... moving across the ground his eye could catch the sparkle of light that the water reflected... acting as a prism, the colors would change from blue to red to yellow to green and white as his position changed... that made his heart dance with the joy of a beautify discovery... it WAS wonderful to be alive... even if he didn’t have all the answers...

  Crossing back across the street, leaving his friend the tree behind he was thinking how much better he felt... it was curious that even thought he didn’t have any better understanding of what was going on, somehow he still felt peace about it... it was as if he knew it was all going to work out, even if he wasn’t sure how.


  Sitting with her back up to several large pillows against the head board and knees up to support the folder, Dianne pretended she was relaxing in bed going over some work she had been neglecting for some time...

  In reality her mind was far away... so many concerns... so many responsibilities... and this world doesn’t really care... your basically all alone in your fight to survive... she could not help but wonder why more people weren’t more like her... more caring... more involved... more loving... it WAS a fact... He had told her time and time again that there were very few... few like her... she was beginning to believe it more and more...

  Glancing back at the folder in front of her she wondered why she was really doing this... was it her drive to succeed... to advance in her position... or her need to please... to be accepted... to be included... he had made her think of some very hard things lately...

  Strange how she was willing to listen too... she smiled as she thought of how rebellious she had been in her youth... and some of that had carried over to her adulthood... it wasn’t usual for her to accept someone else’s opinion so easily... she was always a little bit skeptical... she liked the word cautious better... yes that fit better... she was cautions... and you had to be with so much selfishness running ramped in this world...

  Her attention turned to her work... enough distractions for now... I really need to get this out of the way... I know I’ll feel better when it’s done... one more thing checked off... a little closer to my goal... she immersed herself in the folder and dedicated her thoughts to completing the task at hand...

  This was probably one of the most valuable characteristics someone could have in her business... the ability to concentrate... to complete a task in the midst of a thousand distractions... her mental discipline was fine tuned... her dedication was enduring... she was one of the most steady, regular, constant people Berry had ever known... she was always there... this he knew he could count on...


  In one split second Bobby’s life had changed... from little known but highly regarded to little known but highly sought after... he didn’t know it yet, but he was about to become a very popular person... the only trouble was it wasn’t the kind of people you really wanted to be popular with...

  Bobby had always been fashion conscience... for his part of town anyhow... he always wore the colors of the season and prided himself in his “class threads”... he considered himself a light to the fashion ignorant...  this was one occasion that his fashion sense saved his life... as he bent over to straighten a wrinkle in the pleat of his pants, the wood plank in the wall just about where his head had been shattered with a crack... someone had fired a shot meant to put his lights out forever...

  Bobby dove behind a metal dumpster a few feet to his left and hugged the ground like a long lost friend... his hands were shaking with fear and anger... it was now apparent that he had a enemy who didn’t play fair... up till now all battles were man to man... face to face... this new opponent was a coward... and that made them dangerous...

  The brotherhood was scrambling to search out the assailant... here and there... up and down... inside out... but not even an empty shell... NOTHING... no one was that good... except maybe... the hair on the back of Bobby’s head stood up... A covert operative... could it be... maybe his friend was right... he didn’t want to know... but it was too late now... he did know... and apparently someone also knew that he might have learned a secret... he would have to be very careful from
now on... no chances...

  As the brood ducked back down the alley, covering the boss, he was thinking about Roger... wat did he git me inta... Hafta call de brahdah... let um know he owe me...


  He could hear the bells... what were they?... was it a holiday?... the sun was shining bright across the hills in the background... and a breeze was blowing through the trees... and the bells... ringing through the valley... was it the church bells?... what was it he had forgot?... were they for him?... what was missing?... it so surreal... so distant... but it felt present... he found himself standing in a church by himself... and the bells still ringing... what was it?... as he turned he saw that now the church was full... that was it!! It was his wedding... only there was no bride... he woke from his dream and at first he thought he was still dreaming... the bells... then it came to him through his haze... it was the phone...

  This BETTER be good... it’s 3:45 am... in case you don’t know... he was a little agitated at being woke up at this hour... but was more upset that he woke up on that dream... he was thinking that you only remember the dreams that you have just before you wake up... and he would have preferred to have slept though this one!!

  Sorry old buddy... I though you PI types never sleep... or at least sleep with one eye open and all that... It was his friend Mike Murdock... you know us rock n roll types… we don’t sleep either...

  Hey Mike... what’s up... you in trouble or something? ... Berry was still a little fuzzy in the head...

  No No No... wake up and listen... I got something for ya dude... kinda spooky... one of those things that are too close to be a coincidence...

  Berry’s mind was beginning to clear... you mean you have some information on the case I’m working on?

  Yeah… that’s the ticket... I wanted to...

  Hang on a sec Mike... Berry cut him off before he could finish.... Uh... it might be best if I talked to you in person....

  Well, that’s gonna be hard right now... I’m in Dayton getting ready to leave for Cleveland in about a half hour... I don’t think you could get here by then... Mike laughed one of his chuckles...

  Oh... this is Saturday isn’t it... you said you were leaving after the Friday night gig... I guess I’m still not awake yet... Um... how... ah... how delicate is this? ... Berry was hoping Mike would catch his word delicate and understand what he was referring to...

  Well it’s been on the news here... that’s how I caught it... was watching a set in the bus and caught the local news....

  In that case, fill me in....

  Well, are you ready for this? ... A young coed here at the local university has committed suicide by jumping from one of the tall buildings down town... doesn’t that make three with the one you told me you read about in the paper? ...

  Yes it does... and who knows...

  I get your drift... anyway... I also ran a check with some sources I have and found another bit of interesting news... It seems that our friend we went to see there was here also just before it happened... coincidence... I think not...

  That could be... there’s more to that person than meets the eye... I have some very interesting facts that shed some new light on our friend’s motives... and with this possibility of... uh...

  Gotch ya... no need to say any more... like I said... kinda spooky huh?

  Yeah... and a little bit un-nerving...

  Well, that’s all I had to say... I’ll let you get back to slumber land... just though you might like to know...

  Berry was thinking of how valuable Mike could really be... Say listen... don’t hesitate to call me any time... sorry about the way I answered... I have just been over tired lately... I can really use your help... in fact I would appreciate it if you would keep an eye out... you get to see a lot more than me... cover more territory... I mean if you don’t mind...

  Mind?  I’d be honored that you consider me part of the team... You’ll be hearing form me...

  Catch you later Mike... he rolled over and thought a second or two about what he had heard... and then decided to let it go till the morning and closed his eyes again... this time he hoped his dreams would be more enjoyable...