Read No Cause to Die For Page 15


  It was a new day in the city... the sun tickled the tree tops and sent the birds scurrying for their morning’s food... the clank and grinding of the garbage trucks could be heard though the early traffic sounds...

  Over it all that, the familiar beeping sound of Berry’s alarm shouted to him that it was now seven AM and time to get up... smacking the snooze bar as usual he sunk back into the comfort of the sheets... funny... he couldn’t remember the last dream he had just before he woke up... only that strange scene from the one last night...

  Rubbing his eyes, he finally rolled over to the edge and planted his feet on the floor... propping himself up, and shutting off the alarm, he leaned forward and slowly got to his feet... boy... he was thinking that this was one of the toughest time he has had getting up in as long as he could remember... he made a mental note to get some rest and relax a little after this was over...


  The ripples in the water on the pools surface reminded him of his days in the navy, the ocean’s waves rocking his ship as it cut through the waters... he was remembering the sights and sounds of his service when the mental images were interrupted by the sound of a voice...

  Do you wish to have breakfast here by the pool sir? ...

  Yes Martin, I believe I will... will you phone Mr. Richman for me... let him know that I won’t be able to join him this morning? ... Thank you...

  He had decided to spend the morning enjoying the fruits of his labors... he was thinking why should he wait until he was too old...

  Like they say... If you got it... flaunt it! ... It’s going to be a beautify day... perfect temperature... wonderful surroundings... he might as well take advantage of it while he could...

  He usually didn’t take time off... it was his duty... his ethic... his drive... but this morning was especially nice, and he knew that he will soon become too busy to take any time off... soon... very soon... he will have his hands on a factor that could control a large part of the political flow for the entire United States...

  He was thinking that his plan will reduce taxes, and generate income at the state level to be used by each state as it sees fit... he believed in state sovereignty... in fact it was the key factor in reaching the goal... if only he knew what those behind it were really up to...

  Picking up the intercom phone he rang the garage... Yes... have my Bentley gassed up and ready to go around ten... I have some errands to run... tell Mason to pick me up at the cabana... placing the phone back on its cradle with one hand and opening his robe with the other, he then peeled the terry-cloth covering off and laying it across the back of chair, took a few steps towards the water, and dove in...

  The cool water refreshed him as he slowly swam towards the other end... he was again thinking of the water... only this time it was a smooth clear lake in Wisconsin... the fish there would almost jump into your boat... some day he would go back... some day when this was all over and the new arrangement were in place... until then he had to be content to imagine...

  This time his thoughts were interrupted by the phone ringing... gliding over to the edge he picked up the cellular phone he had purposely left by the pool side and flipped it open...


  He WHAT? ...

  What’s his stake in this?

  The look on Jonathan Taylor’s face turned from pleasure to something resembling pain...

  Who does he think he is? ... this is not some penny ante scheme... I thought you covered all the bases with him? …

  Well he obviously DIDN’T understand... I think you need to MAKE him understand... yeah... whatever it takes... I’ll cover you from this end so you won’t have to explain yourself... just be sure you close ALL the gaps... timing is the issue here... get in touch with the others involved and make sure they are all still on board. If this gets out too early, I lose, and if I lose so do you, got it... ok let me know when you’ve completed your voting status... I want to go over all the loose end...

  NO... I don’t doubt you... I’m sure you are most efficient at your job... I just want to make sure we haven’t forgotten someone... someone who might cause problem for this bill... it’s critical that we keep it under wraps… until the time is right...

  Yeah, well I’m sure you won’t leave anything out... that’s why you’re working for me... just call me when you’re finished following up...

  As he folded the cell phone up and laid it back down, he couldn’t help but think of all the things that could cause this to go sour... and right now the most creditable one was out there somewhere just waiting to throw a wrench into the works... only he was hoping that he had it under control...

  It was his job to know... and to handle the politics in any way necessary... that’s how he had got where he was now, and that’s how he was going to go farther... it didn’t matter that he wasn’t going to be the one benefiting the most financially... he would get enough for his share... he already had quite a bit anyway... it wasn’t money that drove him... it was the feeling of power that came from presidential politics... to be considered the most powerful man in the country.

  It seemed to him that he had been running in political circles for a while now, and he felt it was his turn. As he considered his possible success moving to an office of great respect, it seemed odd to him that in the beginning it really wasn’t his idea, or even anything he had considered. It was his wife. She knew some politically powerful people, who suggested that he get into politics. During her academic days when she was teaching at college she met a number of individuals who were politically connected. She had introduced her husband to some of those individuals who took him under their wing and gave him the incentive, as well as the money to run for office.

  It had been a successful career thus far… he had gained notoriety for the bills he introduced and received a lot of cross party line support for his efforts. Many of his colleagues already considered him powerful, but he would not be happy until he had it all… he had changed over the years of making deal, and now he felt he deserved it if anyone actually did. 


  Berry stared off through the big glass window into the distant sky as if he was looking for some long lost star deep in the heavens... the look of intense concentration was on his face... from first appearances, it looked as if he was on the verge of a major breakthrough, and was about to put together all the mental pieces that would become the “Big Picture” in this troubling case...

  In reality he was having a difficult time getting his mind to concentrate at all this morning... he had already had his usual morning coke and a second one for extra caffeine, watched the news, and sat through an entire early morning talk show being entertained... and now it was an hour and a half into his normal morning work time... but here he still sat... trying to determine why his brain would not go into gear...

  He decided to give it some time and got up to get his workout clothes... if I can’t work my brain, I might as well work my body... he was thinking that sometimes a good physical workout stimulates the mind... There’s more than one way to start a sluggish engine... maybe after a little physical work my mind will decide to join in...

  Berry set the building alarm trying not the notice the reminder of time passing as it flashed it’s numbers in his face from the front of control box... pulling the door shut behind him he descended the stairs to the massive garage below... he decided he would take the motorcycle today... it would be the perfect day to feel the wind against his body... to experience the freedom of movement without the cumbersome metal frame of an automobile obscuring the view... he was going to enjoy this little break... this might be just what I need!...
