Read No Cause to Die For Page 6


  Bip bip bip bip bip bip...the nagging sound of the alarm wrest him from the arms of Morpheus. He slapped the snooze bar on the top of the clock box and peered bleary eyed in its general direction. 7:00...time again to meet the morning...time to embrace the day and face each new situation as if it were the most important thing that day...this is the way he believed...the way he transcended this life...his look however, revealed that he was less than enthusiastic about greeting THIS day.

  Starting the day as usual, with a can of Coke, the TV News and later the Talk Show, he browsed through the local morning paper looking for items of interest.

  When he reached the entertainment section he began to smile. The top headline read: LOCAL MUSIC SUCCESS STORY MIKE MURDOCK VISITS. Berry remembered the early days when he and Mike were playing music with a small rock group. In those days Berry fancied himself a rock-n-roll musician. He wasn't bad at it either...he just kind of lost interest after his marriage failed.

  It would be nice to talk with Mike, but it was too early to try to call him. Most musicians didn't get out of bed until afternoon, and Michael was no exception. He made a mental note to call the hotel where mike usually stayed. He would wait until 1:00 or 2:00 to assure that Mike was up...

  At 9:00 Berry shut off the TV and dialed the 7 digits that might give him answers to some questions...questions that had been nagging at him ever since he received that call. On the third ring a woman's voice answered the phone.

  The Alliance For a Unified Cooperation, this is Mary, may I help you.

  I hope so. May I speak with Margie?

  Margie?...I'm sorry, there's no Margie here.

  Are you sure? She gave me this number.  She called a few days ago and wanted to speak to me. I was hoping I could get together with her today.

  Sir, I don't know anyone named Margie. No one by that name works here, and I would know since I coordinate all the volunteers. You probably wrote the number down wrong. I'm sorry I can't help you...good-bye...and with that she hung up...


  Muffin was on his way downtown. He picked up his cellular phone on the first ring. On the other end a somewhat panicky voice sprang out.

  Well, yagotta dosomethin I'mgettin alotaheat fromoneathe factions When Istartedasking questionsbout this groupayours allhecksbrokeloose Idoeknow whattado...

  It was Lee. He was speaking so fast that his words were running together.

  Roger could hardly understand him. Whoa...slow down...what are ya talkin about?

  This Committee to Disband College Sports...its caused abigruckus...I'm catchincrapfrom sompeople who belong to oneahthefactions...oneahthem told me I'dbetterkeep manoise outtafit if I knew whatsgoodferme...

  I think shewas actually threatenin me...theydoewantme askinround...brings too much attention ersomethin. Whatdjagitmeinto Roger?

  I don't know Lee. That's why I was asking you about it. Listen, it might be a good thing for you to lay low for a while until I can find out a little more about this. Why don't you go stay at Arnold's Place until I can sort this out.

  Well, I suppose I can hang ‘round there a few days? Do you really think I'm in any danger Roger? Lee had calmed down a little.

  I don't know Lee, but I believe staying there will keep you outta reach. You keep out of sight for a few days and I'll see what I can do. Muffin didn't really believe that Lee was at risk, but he knew Lee wouldn't leave him alone until he could make Lee feel more comfortable and secure. Arnold's Place was the first thing that came to his mind.

  Arnold's Place is sort of a code name for a safe house that moves around town. It’s run by an old friend of Roger’s named Richard Marks. It was designed for those on the wayward side of the law, or hiding from trouble. Most who used the services are small time criminals looking to elude arrest, or trying to keep from getting caught by someone they have crossed.

  Rich had rules about those he took in though. He had his own kind of morals. He would not help murders, armed robbery suspects, or those who committed violent crimes. He also avoided anyone with government involvement.

  Listen Lee, I wouldn't say much about what's going on. If anyone asks, just tell em that a jealous lover is on the rampage and you're wantin to avoid trouble. It’s probably better to keep it quiet. Since I don’t know what’s going on yet, we don't want to draw too much attention. I’ll make the arrangements and call you with the current address in a few minutes. I'll contact you later at Arnold’s Place as soon as I know what’s up with this mess.

  With that, Muffin switched off the cellular phone. This was looking like it might be a quite a case after all. He was beginning to wonder where all this was going to lead...

  Arnold’s Place would be a good location for Lee to stay for a few days. He would feel safe there and Muffin would know where Lee was if he needed him. Muffin dialed the number to call Rich and make arrangements. He also wanted to check with Rich just to make sure it would be ok for Lee to stay there a few days, but he knew it would be. 


  Berry's stomach was tied in knots. He didn't like it when things wouldn't add up. Why had this woman called HIM? What was the information she had all about? Why had she given him this number if no one there knew her...and why did the place he called have the same address as the Green Grotto.

  Maybe Muffin had some answers. He wasn't supposed to call until Friday, but Berry couldn't wait till then...

  Dialing Muffin's cell phone Berry hoped he could catch him...maybe he's in his car...he might have found out something by now...Hello, Muffin, it’s Berry. Good timing he thought...I'm getting better.

  You anywhere near here? ...I need to speak with you. Can you drop by? ...Ok, I'll be here...see ya then...Berry had been careful not to say too much while connected over a cellular phone. He knew that anyone could be listening. Muffin knew it too. His responses were brief also...