Read No Cause to Die For Page 7


  This case of yours seems to be getting under someone's skin. Muffin spoke up as he approached Berry sitting at the terminal. Say, don't you ever get up from there? That was where I left you yesterday!

  No rest for the weary...when you're it...the only one in the do what you have to get the job done.

  You need another full time partner...take some of the load off. I happen to know someone who is willing to work for peanuts.

  Yeah, well, peanuts is about all that I could afford right now. What do you mean getting under someone's skin?

  Been asking around about that group you wanted some info on. I ran into Lee Harrington at the Green Grotto, and asked him to see if he could find out anything from his people. He called me a while ago all upset...

  Berry stopped him...The Green Grotto...I had a sort of run in with that place this morning. I'm beginning to believe that place ties in with this case somehow.

  You may be right. Lee told me that several splinter groups use the place as their headquarters. They rent the rooms upstairs from the owner. I didn't get a chance to see any of them though. I had some place I had to go after dinner. I don't think that it would be wise to try to visit them now though.

  Why not? Berry pressed him to explain.

  Like I said, when Lee called he was very upset. He had been asking around about the Committee, and ran into some resistance. Some people told him to keep his nose out of their business...sort of threatened him...I got him staying at Arnold's Place just so he'll feel safe. I not sure there's really any threat, but at least I know where he's at.

  That explains the phone number I called this morning. A potential client asked me to call her. The number she gave me turned out to be an organization called the Alliance For Unified Cooperation...the address listed was the same as the Green Grotto...only she wasn't there. The woman who answered the phone said that no one there had ever heard of her. I'm not so sure she was being totally honest with me.

  That stands to reason. Muffin nodded his head. If they're trying to keep this committee quiet, that would explain why she might have been lying to you...but she cannot escape the power of the Force...Muffin used his James Earl Jones does Darth Vader Voice...

  So far the Force has been with someone else, because it sure hasn't been with me. First this woman calls and says to meet her...but she hangs up before I can find out who she is or what she wants. Then she doesn't show up, but leaves me a note with a number to call...but when I call, they never heard of her... It doesn't make’s just not logical Captain Kirk...

  No one ever said it was gonna be easy... and with that Muffin left Berry sitting at the computer and turned to leave. I'll keep diggin... if I hear anything else, I'll call...

  After three hours at the terminal, Berry began to feel fatigued. He had searched the small groups section, the social groups section, the political section, and most of the private clubs section, but still had found no trace of the committee.

  That was the problem with ALLADIN. The placement of an organization into a section was arbitrary. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to it. And what was worse, there was no cross index to the listings.

  He decided to continue after a break and some lunch...starting fresh...maybe the search would be more fruitful...


  1:17, the time beckoned to him from the square frame on the wall. It would be a good time to call Mike. He would probably be eating breakfast about now.

  After the third ring a man answered the phone...yeh...go ahead...

  This is Berry... Berry Sullivan. Could I speak with Michael Murdock please.

  aaaah... babe, Mike's tied up right what can I do for ya?

  From the sound of the voice Berry could tell that it was one of the entourage screening Michael's calls to prevent obnoxious rock fans from bothering him. Listen, I'm not a fan...well I am a fan, but what I mean is I'm an old friend of Michael's...I'm sure he would want to speak with me...could you please tell him I'm on the phone.

  Listen Babe...he's really busy...I'll tell him you called...and with that he hung up.

  His abrupt manner irritated Berry. Michael had become one of the US’s biggest rock stars, drawing crowds as large as 100 thousand people at times. Berry knew that he was always getting calls from fans...and his people had to screen him from the tide of those who "wanted a piece of him"

  I suppose they have to be that way, but it really is irritating! We've been good friends for a long time. You'd  think he would have told them who I am... just in case I called...oh well no big deal...I realize he has more important things to do...Berry tried to shake it off. But it made him feel a little insignificant.

  He focused his attention on the listings in the computer. I really need to get this thing sorted out...there's got to be some string that ties this all together...Soon he was  so immersed in his work that he  forgot all about his call to Mike...

  It was about half way through the government listing when a name jumped out at him. The Committee for the Review and Replacement of Collegiate Athletics Programs. The name had a certain similarity with the organization he was looking for. Not quite the same but it still had that ring to it.

  Berry noted a peculiar entry under the organization.  It said that the committee was a sub-committee of the Public Ventures and Endeavors for Interstate Commerce, which is part of a government assistance program.

  He copied all of the pertinent information into a file he was building on the case, and switching to a second terminal, started a new search for information on government agencies tied to the Public Ventures Committee.

  Berry had set up the computer system so it could access several different systems at once. He had also built in numerous terminals that could be used simultaneously to share, sort, review, and process information.

  Just when things were beginning to some mysterious black box system...all the switches clicking to attention...Berry their commander...a gentle tug from the phone pulled him back to earth...Hello, Sullivan Investigations...before he could say his name, a familiar voice rang out...

  We're all Bozos on this bus...

  And there's no getting off the bus... Berry responded automatically... How's the fingers old man? Still pickin yer licks?

  At first, it sounded like some exotic code designed to confound whoever was listening... the caller responded with a poem... Mostly pickin ma nose! That's how it goes. Just give me a rose... and I'll take off my clothes...

  In reality, it was two old friends exchanging taunts from the past... Michael Murdock had returned Berry's call!!

  Say Berry, sorry bout yer call... I just found out about it. Billy's not to smart... means well... got nothin between the ears though... I told him to tell me if Berry called... he thought I said Harry... you know how it is... didn't even bother to get your number... had to look it up.

  Yeah, ya just can't find good help anymore. No problem Mikey... I read you were in town... though I'd get ahold of ya... you gonna stay a few days, or is this a quickie?

  I'll be here till Saturday. I'll be doing two shows on Thursday and Friday nights.

  You gonna have any free time... maybe we could get together...

  If I didn't, I would make some... couldn't come into town without seeing ya brother... whadya wanta do?

  Oh, I don't know. Can you come by here? That way you could get away from the music business for a while and relax. We could decide what to do from there...

  Sounds good. How do I get there?

  You remember the old Collier Building I showed you a few years ago, the one I said I always wanted ta buy?

  Yea, the one that used to be a bootleg joint in the 20's? Mike seemed to always remember the more colorful side of things.

  Yea, That, and a lot of other things... a lot of history here. Berry gently defended his possession.

  Sure, I know where it is... is seven good for you?

  Yeah, that would be great! Berry was enthusiastic
about their getting together.

  Ok, see ya then... as they say in the business, chow baby...

  It was going to be fun. It didn't matter that Berry really didn't have the time to spare. He was looking forward to seeing Mike. It had been over 2 years since they had last seen each other... and he was going to make the time... like Michael had said...
