Read No Cause to Die For Page 9


  Pulling through the garage doors, the limo turned left onto the street in front of Berry’s office, and sped away towards the downtown area. Staring out the window, Berry was exhilarated by the feeling of power it gave him to be chauffeured around. He was thinking about fame and fortune... being on top of the heap... the top dog... when Mike interrupted his thoughts...

  So where ya wanna go? ... we're headed downtown... I told the driver to head in that general direction until we decide which way to go...

  That'll work... I don't really have any place in mind... just thought we could get out together... but I keep forgetting... you and your public... must be a real hassle... doesn't it drive you a little nuts?... having to be protected or whatever all the time in order to have some privacy?... Berry tried to sound real sincere, but deep inside he was a little envious too...

  A little nuts!... man a lot NUTS!... but, I have to be honest and say that sometimes I like it... maybe need it... an ego thing ya know... ya get what ya bargain for. It comes along with the territory. Like the man says... if ya wanna play... ya gotta pay... but its times like these that I wish I could walk down the street without being mobbed, or go to a movie without getting my clothes ripped off... six of one and a half dozen of the other... it’s a trade off.

  For tonight though, I have a few tricks up my sleeve to assist us in anonymity... Mike reached over and held up a plastic sack... I have several items of disguise to preserve the identities.

  Disguise?! ... Berry looked a little puzzled at first... Oh, I see, you’re going to wear a disguise so we can go out in public... you don't have to do that. We can just go back to my place or something else...

  No, you don't understand! ... I want to do this... it's one of the few chances I have to get out in public... and with you along I feel a little more secure... if you don't mind...

  No, I don't mind... if you’re sure you want to... a little of Berry's envy subsided... that's too bad he thought... have to hide to have fun...

  Yeah, it'll be fun. We can act like normal people... I mean I can... Mike smiled to show he was happy, but like his rock-n-roll show, it was all show... with all the fame, with all the money, with all the power of someone on top, there still was something missing... his own life... his own way... now it was all for someone else... he lived for someone else... he worked for someone else... he was controlled by someone else... or so it seemed...

  Turning north on College Drive the limo passed a large bulletin board listing current University events. One item in particular caught Berry's eye. Whoa!! Slow down!! Stop a second!!... The driver responded by slowing the car almost to a halt... Look at that! All kinds of computers, people looking everywhere, and right under my noise...

  What the heck ya talkin about Berry? Mike looked flabbergasted!

  Oh, sorry, somethin just occurred to me... that's all... I kinda got caught up in it a sec... it’s a case I'm on... no big deal... local stuff... Berry tried to pass it off as a small time job. But there, right in front of him, was a notice announcing that Marie Burton would be giving a lecture this evening at 8:00 in the Nusome Auditorium. The subject was violence in sports!

  Michael leaned forward and said something to the driver. Immediately the security window between compartments began to close. As the window grinded to a halt closing off the driver’s area, Mike leaned over close to Berry...

  Ok Pal, you can spill it... I know about security and all that... what's up?

  Berry had become so excited at seeing the sign, that when he quickly reversed himself, trying to maintain a cool manner, it gave him away. It’s a case I have been working on for a special client. I can't really tell you who the client is... you know... confidentiality... got to keep a good rep with my clients... or no one will trust me... but I can tell you that the lady on that sign, giving a lecture tonight, figures in to the situation.

  I've had my sources looking high and low for some information on her, and here she is, practically giving me her background and personal philosophy! I'd like to stop for a while and listen to her lecture. I might be able to get something I could use in my investigation... would you mind?

  mind? ... I'd like to see how a professional works... always wanted to be a PI... Mike buzzed the driver and told him through the intercom to drive over to Nusome Auditorium and park across the street.  He announced that he would be leaving the car for a while, and that the driver should wait there.  He'll wait for us... you can get as much info as you need, and then we can continue on our way... to where ever we're headed...

  The limo began to slow down, and then came to a stop. They had been so engrossed in their conversation that neither had noticed all the commotion going on up ahead. When Berry turned to see why they had stopped, he was somewhat surprised by all the flashing lights, and the gathering of police and emergency vehicles.

  It seems there is some kind of emergency at the Towers... I'll see if I can find out what’s holding us up... the drivers voice buzzed through the intercom. As he stepped out to investigate, an officer approached him.

  Is that Mr. Munson in the car? The policeman nodded towards the limo.

  No it isn't...

  Wait here a minute... I'll be right back... The officer strolled briskly towards the center of the commotion and returned shortly, followed by an official looking fellow in a dark suit. Here he is sir... I told him to wait here.

  The suit spoke up... you carrying Munson's representatives?

  No, I'm not.

  Then do you mind if I ask who you are carrying?

  They are confidential clients... unless there is some reason you need to know, I would rather not divulge their identity.

  Divulge their identity! Now that sounds more like some spy lingo from a TV show than real life talk... Dave seemed to relate everything to the world of TV and movies. Not that he was shallow, it's just the way his mind worked... Now you got my curiosity up.

  He was going to find out who it was even if it had nothing to do with this incident... you see, when you don't want to tell a police officer something he asks, he gets real suspicious... just our nature... we tend to think that you've got something to hide... ya know what I mean?

  Now it can't be the president... he looked around the car as if he was searching for someone in particular... I don't see any secret service men.

  Listen detective, I'm not trying to be smart with you, I'm just trying to do the job I was hired to do, just like you. I'll be glad to help you if it’s really necessary... being a local driver, he couldn't afford to cross the department. They could make it hard on him in the future.

  Dave stepped over to the driver, took him gently by the arm, and walked with him just out of ears reach of those standing nearby.

  Ok, here's the deal, I only came over here originally because I thought you were hauling Mr. Munson, the owner of that building... he pointed to the large building where all the vehicles were gathered... but when you responded the way you did, I... well... I got curious...

  The driver nodded

  Let’s just say to satisfy an official curiosity... you tell me who's in the car. If I think they have nothing to do with this, I'll keep it to myself... OK?

  The driver leaned towards Dave and spoke very softly... as Dave listen his expression changed from cool to almost joyous, and then back to a cooler smile, trying to hide his pleasure at what he had heard, knowing that a young woman lay dead just a few feet away.

  Now that you have the information you wanted, can you give me some information... so I can explain to him why it took so long... I'd like to keep my job, and he's nuts for little details of police matters... kinda thinks of himself as an amateur detective...It could help... the driver shifted himself closer indicating that he was waiting for Dave to say something.

  A little overcome with the knowledge of the famous passenger, Dave probable gave out more information than he should have. As he filled the driver in on some of the detail of the incident, Berry had become inpatient. Fearing
he would miss the lecture, he had gotten out of the limo and was walking toward where Dave and the driver were standing.