Read No Cause to Die For Page 8


  High above the city, atop the Munson Towers stood a woman’s figure silhouetted against the night sky. To her, the stars seemed like millions of tiny holes poked through a black sheet. Behind it was the infinite light...the light of the universe...the power of GOD! She wanted to reach out and touch the light...become part of the light...she could almost feel it flow through her body.

  It called to her...spoke to her...told her secrets. You are special it have great can transcend are free from these earthly bonds.

  She stood near the edge of the building...the wind forced her hair to one side and pushed at her blouse until it snapped and popped. As she stared into the night...her mind raced from one incredible scene to another.

  A melting of the background into surreal pictures of life...blended with hues of purple and red, and green and blue, swirling, twirling and cascading to the end point...

  To that end she must travel...flying to the source...the universal light...supporting her with its wings...YES she could fly...slip this mortal shell and become ethereal. As she stepped forward into the night...her mind tossed far from reality...she stepped over the edge.

  A woman's body plunged through the darkness...down towards the concrete below, passing darkened window after window, twisting and turning as it descended and with a sharp smack it made contact...


  When Berry picked up the phone, mike's familiar voice responded. I'm out here in the car...what  ja  wanna  do?

  Tugging on the phone cord, he walked over to the window. Below he could see a large black limo pulled half way up to the center garage door. Hang on a sec...he strolled over to the panel and pressed a button that opened the door...just have him pull it in...he can park it inside...I'll be down to meet ya.

  He hung the phone up and crossed the room to the staircase. Hopping down several steps at a time, he reached the floor below just as Michael emerged from the rear of the limo. Good to see ya Bud! ...

  They hugged each other as two friends do when they have missed each other’s he with us for the night? Berry was referring to the driver.

  Thought it might be nice to be driven around... that way we can have more time to talk en cut up... don't have to worry about traffic... that ok with you?

  Love it! ... Berry thought it would be great to be chauffeured about... kinda like being rich... only none of the worries... Come on up stairs for a bit before we get under way. I'll show ya my setup. Does he have something to do, or do you...

  He's an employee!... Mike cut in quickly pointing out his status... He's paid to sit and wait on who ever he's driving. Don't worry bout him... he snickered saying that he makes too much as it is.

  Mike tried to act as if the fame and fortune hadn't changed him, laughing it off as if it were said in jest. But if honesty were truly speaking through him it would admit that he was different...


  A crowd had begun to gather when the second squad car pull up the scene. One officer was having trouble keeping people back, while the second was busy roping off the area around the crumpled body. The additional help would be greatly appreciated. There would be statements to take from witnesses, if there were any, and a thousand other procedures to follow up on before the detectives arrived.

  It was important that the officers follow all procedures carefully. Not that this was definitely a homicide, but if it was, the slightest slip up could let the murderer go free...

  Dave had only been a detective on the force for two years, when he was assigned to this case. He had risen through the ranks quickly with his congenial personality. He had a way of making each person he talked with feel as if everything they said was of great importance to him. These qualities, coupled with a sharp wit, had given him an edge over his competitors.

  When the call came in on the possible suicide, the Chief decided to give it to Dave. If it was a suicide, he felt Dave was best suited to deal with the family. If it wasn't, it would give him a good chance to test Dave out on a real case. The Chief felt he could always call in a seasoned pro if the going got too tough for Dave.

  Dave pushed a little too hard on the brakes as he pulled his car up, causing it to skid a little to the left and squealing the tires before coming to a stop... Geez, that’s like in one of those TV cop shows... how dumb... these guys are gonna think I'm a creep... Dave was a little nervous as he approached the officer that seemed to be directing the activities... I'm Detective Lutz... gotta call downtown about an apparent suicide... what do ya have?

  The office stiffened up and faced Dave... We've roped off an area around the body... officer Grady is taking statements... officer Martin has gone up to the roof... one witness says she saw the deceased fall from the top of the building... the boys from forensics are on their way.

  Was there any identification?

  Haven't examined the body yet... been waitin for someone from downtown... you wanta take a look?

  Dave stepped over the rope and stooped over next the lifeless figure. He could see that it was a woman... she was laying on her right side with her legs twisted up underneath her... he felt a little nauseous...