Read Noah Page 13

  Her heart sped up when her eyes met Noah’s as she walked in. He smiled but there was something cautious about his smile. She thought about his call. He was probably still worried about last night. She almost called him back but decided that would be making too big a deal about their little exchange and that’s the last thing she wanted.

  “Hey,” Noah still wore his boxing gloves. “You’re early.”

  “Yeah, I need to get out of here early tonight.”

  He’d started taking off his gloves but stopped and stared at her. “Oh yeah? You have plans tonight?”

  She dropped her gym bag on the floor and began to stretch. “Yep.”

  She knew he was probably thinking something social not a pathetic solo tree-shopping trip so she let him think that instead of admitting the truth. Unfortunately, he kept on.

  “With who?”

  She came up from her bent position and pulled her leg up from behind her holding her foot with her hand. “I have a date.” She grinned.

  Not surprisingly, his eyes opened wide. Of course he’d be shocked but he’d find out the truth soon enough so she added with a shrug, “with a tree.”

  His shocked expression turned into a confused one. “A tree?”

  “Yeah,” she nodded smiling. “I’m getting my Christmas tree tonight. I wanna have enough time to get home and decorate it tonight. Christmas is just around the corner.”

  Noah started working on removing his gloves again but his eyes remained on her. “Oh… by yourself?”

  She dropped her leg and picked up the other one. “Uh-huh,” She smiled big trying to appear more excited about it than she really was. The truth was she wasn’t looking forward to it. She’d always had someone to go with her. Before her mom died, they went together and took forever to pick out the perfect one. When her mom got sick Nellie took her mothers place and Rick helped get it in her house.

  The thought of Noah accompanying her had crossed her mind but after last night, she wasn’t sure she should be spending so much time with him. Obviously, her feelings for him had grown way past the friendship or even crush stage. She needed to back up and get a hold of the situation. Christmas would be rolling around soon and she was going to have to deal with him and Rita.

  “I can go with you.”

  She shook her head a little too hard and too quickly, so she caught herself and tried to be a little more subtle about it. “No that’s okay. You don’t have to.”

  His eyebrows pinched as he placed his glove under his arm and pulled his hand out. “Look, Roni about last night—”

  “Can we just forget about last night?” She shrugged. “They said the holidays would be tough my first year without my mom and I think it’s just been making me a little weird.”

  She hated using her mother as an excuse but telling him the truth, that hearing about him and Rita had done such a number on her she’d tossed and turned all night was not an option. Ridiculous is what it was and if she had any intentions of holding on to her only friend these days then she needed to start getting used to hearing things of that nature.

  “Okay,” he said pulling the second glove off. “But I wanna go with you tonight to get the tree. If that’s okay with you.” He lifted his eyebrows playfully. “Never picked out my own tree either and since I live there now, this will sort of be my Christmas tree too. I’ll even pay for it.”

  “No you will not.”

  “Why not?” He finished tying the strings on his gloves then threw them over his shoulder. “I’ll give you half then. I’m planning on decorating it too you know. I wanna get the most out of this. Who knows where I’ll be next year.”

  Their eyes met. That last statement put a sudden damper in their conversation. They were obviously both thinking the same thing. This arrangement wasn’t forever. Something she never imagined would be so hard to take. For a split second, she thought about the possibility of telling him he could stay for good if he didn’t want to go back to living in a garage. She didn’t mind having a roommate now. But she shook the thought away. The possibility of him inevitably being around other women, bringing them back to his room even was something she knew now she wouldn’t be able to handle. She’d have to cut her losses and be thankful her heart was still in one piece—hopefully—when it finally came time for him to leave.

  “You can come with me if you want. But you’re not paying for the tree.”

  Noah frowned but agreed, saying he’d be back for her workout once he put his things away.

  Veronica’s breakfast with Nellie hadn’t gone as planned. She was going to let Nellie in on how she’d felt the night before when she heard about Rita but she felt so stupid she couldn’t do it. She had absolutely no right to feel angry, betrayed even, and it was embarrassing to admit she had. She blamed Thanksgiving. As much as she’d reminded herself repeatedly that she’d only be setting herself up for the inevitable heartache if she got caught up with such a young guy Thanksgiving had been so wonderful. She’d felt a closeness she’d never felt with anyone else. She thought maybe, just maybe he’d felt it too. Then she found out the very next day he slept with someone.

  She sighed as she concentrated on stretching until she was interrupted by a sweaty guy holding a jump rope. She’d began to familiarize herself with most of the members but since there’d been so many new ones, there were lots she didn’t recognize. This guy was one of them.

  “Hello.” He waved at her. “My name is Edward. I’d shake your hand but mine is a little sweaty right now.”

  “Hi,” she said, and stopped stretching a bit curious.

  “I just started working out here a little over a week ago. I noticed you right away and have been meaning to introduce myself.”

  Veronica felt the nerves immediately. This guy looked around Noah’s age maybe a little older but then like Noah he was a big guy and that had completely thrown her off about Noah’s age. It’d been a long time since she’d had anyone hit on her.

  “You’re a little early today aren’t you?”

  He’d even noticed what time she worked out? Wow. He must’ve really been watching. “Yeah I’m leaving early today so I thought I’d make up for it and got here early. I’m Veronica by the way.”

  She watched as Noah approached from behind Edward with that hard look he so often had when they worked out.

  “Listen part of the reason I hadn’t approached you was because you’re always with that one guy. Are you and him—”

  “Yeah, we are,” Noah said, getting a little too in Edward’s face.

  Edward backed up with a smirk. Veronica watched, her mouth dropping open. Abel and Gio walked toward them cautiously.

  Edward lifted his hands nodding but the smirk was still there. “I had a feeling that was the case. I’m glad I asked. No harm, no foul right? Can’t blame a guy for trying.” He turned and winked at Veronica. “Nice meeting you, Veronica.”

  Noah didn’t say another word. He simply stared at Edward until he’d walked away, then turned back to Veronica. “Ready to work out?”

  Veronica’s mouth really fell open now. She shook her head and blinked. “First can you explain what that was about?”

  “What do you mean?”

  She looked at him incredibly. “Me and you are what?”

  “Workout partners right? Isn’t that what he was asking?” Noah walked past her but she didn’t miss the corner of his lip lifting as he did. “We should make this a good one since it’s gonna be short.”

  “That is not what he was asking and you know it.” Veronica followed him feeling secretly thrilled. Had Noah really implied to another possible suitor that she and he were… She wouldn’t even think it. Maybe he’d just been just playing, though his body language had said anything but.

  He stopped so fast she nearly collided with him. “Why? What do you think he was asking?”

  She looked up at his eyes that had gone back to hard again like when he’d gotten in Edward’s face. “Well, just based on what he said before
you got there.”

  “What did he say to you?” His brows furrowed looking around the gym then turned back to her searching her eyes.

  Great, now she felt like a braggart. She shrugged trying to make less of it and suddenly feeling stupid. “Just that he only started working out here a week ago but he said he noticed me right away.”

  “Is that right?” She watched his jaw work as he looked around the gym again.

  If she didn’t know any better unbelievably her instincts had been right. Noah was jealous. His eyes came back to hers and he stared at her hard. “So what? You interested?”

  “No but—”

  “Good. ‘Cause he looked like an asshole.” He started toward the treadmill again and she followed glancing around.

  Edward did not look like an asshole to her. But her instincts once again told her she better just shut it and let it go. It was very reasonable that like her, Noah had begun to feel there was a bit more to their friendship. She couldn’t decide if that was necessarily a good thing. This could be bad.

  Veronica had every intention, especially after last night, to go back to work starting the New Year. Her old supervisor had already told her to just come in on the second and they’d work out the formalities. She planned on giving her social life a jumpstart again. The last thing she needed was for Noah to somehow get the idea it was okay for him to play the overprotective friend/roommate. She’d already seen what he was capable of doing in the ring. Incidents like today’s could escalate very quickly.


  Noah was going to have to get a grip when it came to seeing Roni with other guys. He’d known it all along. Everyone had already seen it and now he was certain she had too. He wasn’t even sure if it mattered anymore. The moment he saw the guy talking to her and got close enough to hear what he was asking her he decided he didn’t care if he was obvious.

  If she’d pushed even slightly more he would’ve told her the truth. Admit that, that’s what she did to him and if he ever saw another guy try to make a move on her again especially in his gym, that’s how he’d be reacting to every one. He could lie to himself and say it wouldn’t happen. That he could keep his cool. But after today he knew there was no way.

  The whole point of getting in the guy’s face the way he had was so that if any of the other new members watching ever got any stupid ideas about Roni they’d now know what they were in for.

  The first thing Gio had said to him when he walked into the locker room after Roni’s workout was, “you still sticking to your story that there’s nothing more going on between you and Roni? Even she’s gotta know you were ready to knock that guy out—because of her.”

  Noah had just shrugged but didn’t offer an explanation. His actions spoke for themselves. Still what bothered him most now was that his actions didn’t mean anything if she still wanted nothing to do with him. He had to think of a way to convince her and do it fast because this was getting out of control. He hadn’t so much as held her hand yet and his carnal instincts were already claiming her as his.

  Now more convinced than ever, he was going to have to come up with a way to give him a shot. He had to. If he didn’t the only other option was to remain friends but he knew now that would never work. He’d blow up the first time he ever saw her with someone else and it wouldn’t be pretty either. No way could a friendship withstand something like that and no way would he stick around to see it over and over again. The game had suddenly changed and Noah felt the urgency. Either he found a way to make her his or he’d have to make a clean break. There could be no in between.

  They dropped off his bike at her house, showered, then drove to the tree lot in her car. She never brought up the guy at the gym again and Noah was relieved. He needed more time to prove himself to her before he told her how he really felt.

  They walked around the lot and Noah watched as she scrutinized every tree, before deciding it wasn’t good enough and moving on. He wondered if metaphorically this was how she chose the guys she went out with. Everything had to be just right. Not just the look of it but the smell, and feel of it too. She also said she was looking for that special something and she’d know it when she saw it. After the sixth or seventh one, he’d lost count, he had to laugh. “What exactly is it you’re looking for?”

  “I can’t explain it,” she said standing back taking the next one in from top to bottom. “It’s something about the way it makes me feel when I pass by it every day in my living room. My mom always said you’ll know it when you see it.”

  “What if it’s not in this lot? How do you know you’re looking in the right place?”

  “Oh no. This is the lot. This is the same lot where I always find the perfect one.”

  “Well maybe that’s your problem. The perfect one for you could be somewhere else this year. Somewhere you’ve never even given a shot.”

  She glanced at him and he held her gaze for a moment, hoping she’d picked up on what he was trying to tell her. She took a deep breath before walking around the group of trees she’d just scrutinized thoroughly.

  “This is it,” she announced pointing to a tree that didn’t look at all special to him.

  “Really? That was fast. Are you sure?”

  She nodded but didn’t look away from the tree. Somehow, he expected her to be more excited about finally finding the ‘perfect one.’ She’d taken long enough.

  “Alright.” He walked over to the tree and picked it up.

  “You got it?” she asked as he walked by her. “You sure you don’t need help?”

  “Nope. I got it.”

  She paid for it while he tied it up on the roof of her car. On the way home, he told her about his next fight. “It’s next month. You’ll be there right?”

  She winced but nodded. “I hate the thought of watching you get hurt. But of course I’ll be there. As long as it’s in the evening because I’ll be back at work by then.”

  He remembered her mentioning that. He tried not to frown at the thought of her being around a bunch of college guys. “So it’s official? I know you said you wanted to but it’s a sure thing now?”

  “Yep. I start on the second. Classes don’t start up until the following week but the administrative staff goes back first thing after the New Year. I have no idea what I’ll be doing. But I know the beginning of the year is a very busy time for us so I’m sure they’ll find something for me.”

  Noah turned to her when he reached a stop light. Since driving with a tree on the roof made Roni nervous, he was driving. Her eyes had that twinkle in them he only saw when she got excited or happy.

  “I’m just glad to finally get back to living again. I’m so grateful for Nellie. If it hadn’t been for her pushing, I might’ve never stepped foot in that gym.”

  “I’m grateful for her, too.” Their eyes met and that twinkle turned into something else. Something like discomfort or worse fear.

  “I mean if you had never gone to the gym I would’ve never met you right? I got a great new friend out of it and even a place to stay. You bet I’m grateful.”

  She smiled and he stepped on the gas. The rest of the ride to her house was a quiet one. Noah took a deep breath. He was going to have to be careful from here on about the things he said to her, especially about his feelings for her.


  Noah took the tree off the car roof and carried it in the house allowing for little assistance from Veronica.

  Between the two of them, they put it up in her living room. Noah turned on the radio and they began decorating. Veronica tried not to be too obvious about how nervous she was suddenly feeling being around Noah. He seemed just a little too content tonight. There was almost a gleam in his eyes, but after a few songs, she forced herself to snap out of it and enjoyed their decorating evening.

  “Ooh and now for my favorite part.” She brought a small wooden step stool from the kitchen into the living room and placed it next to the tree. Noah smiled curiously as she took out a small bundle wrapp
ed in tissue paper out of a box and unwrapped it carefully. The beautiful and very delicate crystal star tree-topper was as she always remembered it.

  “Fancy,” Noah said admiring it.

  “It’s been in the family for generations.”

  Noah pulled his hands away. “Then I’m not touching it. I might break it.”

  Veronica giggled. “You don’t have to. It’s been my job to place it atop the Christmas tree since I was five. I do it every year. My grandmother said the tradition gets passed on to the newest member of the family but since no one was ever born after me in the family I’ve been the only one doing it ever since.”

  She stepped up on the stool and proceeded to carefully place the star at the very top of the tree. It took her a few tries before she got it just right. As she pulled her arm away slowly making sure she didn’t disturb the tree, the stool wobbled a bit.

  “Careful!” Noah reached out for her hand, but instinctively and a bit panicked she pulled back before their fingers touched.

  “I’m okay.” Only she jerked back so fast the sudden movement made the stool wobble even more and down she went—right into his arms.

  The stool fell all the way over but Noah held her safely. With their bodies touching now the reality sunk in fast—she was in Noah’s big strong arms.

  She could feel his heart begin to thud against her own.

  “You okay?”

  Veronica nodded, her betraying eyes going slowly from his eyes to his lips and though she knew she should she couldn’t pull herself away. He licked his bottom lip and she stared imagining how his beautiful lips would feel against hers. His hold on her tightened a little. Was this really happening? Was she going to let him kiss her?

  Unable to control it her body shivered and she closed her eyes, squeezing them tight as she willed away the incredible urge to give into the moment.