Read Noah Page 14

  “What is it?”

  “Noah.” She finally found the strength to pull away gently.

  “What’s wrong?” The concern was in his voice was genuinely tender.

  “What happened today at the gym… I feel like…” She glanced away from him focusing on the star on the tree. “I just don’t want you to get the wrong idea about us. I like this. How things are between us.”

  “I love it.”

  She turned back to him. God, she hoped he understood. “I love it too, Noah. And that’s exactly why we have to keep it this way. If things change—”

  “Okay.” Noah said a bit too quickly and Veronica caught the alarm in his eyes. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

  “I’m not. It’s just that your friendship means the world to me now. I want to make sure you’re aware of that.

  He stared at her. “I am aware of it and don’t worry, I feel the same way.”

  Finally, the anxiousness she’d begun to feel ever since he’d gotten in Edward’s face at the gym eased a bit. “Good.” Hoping to lighten up the moment, she glanced back up at the star on the tree again and smiled. “Looks good right?”

  “It’s perfect,” he said in a near murmur.

  She continued to admire the tree, trying to focus on the memories of decorating it with her mother and grandparents. Instead, all she could do was obsess in her head about what they would be doing that very moment had she given in to the temptation. Would it have gone further than a kiss? She turned to him and smiled as the images of her undressing him became too vivid. “I worked up an appetite. How ‘bout you?”

  “Actually food sounds great right about now,” Noah smiled following her out of the living room.

  Shaking off all the built up anxiety Veronica headed to the kitchen. She really wasn’t very hungry at all. She just needed something to change the subject and mood fast. “So what are you asking Santa for this year, Noah?”

  “I already have all I need.”

  Veronica turned to him from the fridge. “Really?” She didn’t want him to guess she was digging but she did want to get him a little something and she had no idea what would be appropriate. She was hoping for some clue to something simple and fun. She turned and looked into the fridge trying to sound casual. “No special cookies or gadget you’d want to indulge yourself with?”

  He shook his head. “Nope. How ‘bout you?”

  “I usually just go shopping after the holidays when everything is on special.”

  “But you have to open something Christmas morning.” Noah insisted.

  Veronica pulled out some pastrami and began to unwrap it. “Don Roberto from across the street brought me something. One hundred percent sure it’s jam. He has a plum tree and he makes it every year and passes jars of the stuff out for Christmas. But he wraps it in a pretty bag so I can open that.” Veronica smiled. “And Nellie dropped her present off early since she’ll be on a cruise all week.”

  She looked up in time to see him frown. “So she’ll be gone again. How are you spending Christmas?”

  “Like I always do. In my jammies all day watching holiday movie marathons.” She stirred the pastrami in the pan. The instructions said microwave but she liked it crisp.

  “I don’t own pajamas but I can watch with you in my sweats.”

  Veronica didn’t look up from the pan. She hated feeling thrilled that he wanted to spend the entire day with her watching movies but she couldn’t help it. Before she could respond he spoke again.

  “Speaking of Christmas, Jack’s having the gym’s annual employee Christmas dinner this weekend. You should come with me.”

  Veronica turned to him as she moved the pastrami around in the pan, the unease creeping in again. Was he asking her on a date? “A Christmas dinner?”

  “Yeah, it’s not formal or anything. Since he leaves the place up to us, we only ever choose two places. Rio’s, the pizza place we were at the other night, or Chente’s, a Mexican seafood hole-in-the-wall, over on Evergreen.”

  “I’ve been to Chente’s. They have good food.”

  Noah smiled. “Well, that’s where it’s at this year. It’s completely informal but it’s fun.”

  “Won’t it be just employees though?”

  “Are you kidding me? Jack will just pay for us but everyone shows up. Like after the fight the other night. Gio’s sisters usually show up, too.”

  Veronica lifted a shoulder. If she ever wanted this thing between her and Noah to feel normal, she had to stop making more out of everything they did and he said. “I haven’t had Chente’s in a while. I love their shrimp fajitas.”

  “Damn that sounds good. We’ll order that on Saturday.”

  And just like that it was settled. Veronica was going to Noah’s Christmas dinner with him. But not with him, with him she told herself. Just with him.


  Saturday’s workout was a short one again. Roni wanted to leave early to shower and get ready for the dinner. Most of the other guys were just rinsing off at the gym and going straight there. In the past, Noah would’ve done the same. He wasn’t kidding when he said it was completely informal. But tonight felt different.

  Ever since he’d held Roni so close a few nights earlier he still hadn’t gotten over the electric current that had pierced through his body. He’d never felt anything like it but most memorable and what he hadn’t stopped thinking about was she’d felt something too. It was undeniable. Though she fought it Noah seen it in her eyes—felt it in her trembling body. It gave him hope. Hope that if she was feeling for him what he wouldn’t even try denying he felt for her anymore, then maybe somehow he could convince her things could work between them.

  Noah understood her fear of ruining their friendship. He feared that also—more than feared it. He didn’t even like to think of the two of them going their separate ways. But that would only happen if things didn’t work out and he didn’t see how they couldn’t. They got along so well. She was the perfect girl for him as far as he was concerned. Fuck the age difference. That didn’t mean shit to him. Now that she put it out there that her biggest fear was ruining what they had, he was even more hopeful that the age thing was becoming less of an issue for her.

  Tonight was the beginning of “Operation Make Her See That We’re Meant for Each Other.”

  After showering, he splashed a little extra aftershave on. She’d mentioned before that she liked it. There was a knock at his bedroom door just as he slipped his jeans on. He zipped them up and clasped the button. “Come on in.”

  The door opened halfway immediately saw her eyes widen. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to—”

  “It’s okay,” he chuckled as he slipped into his shirt. Her reaction to seeing him shirtless was amusing as hell. “I’m almost ready. You ready to go?”

  She pushed the door open a little further. “I know you said it’s very informal but you don’t think this is too informal?”

  He couldn’t believe his luck. He had the go-ahead to size her up completely. Something he did often but only when she wasn’t looking. She even lifted her arms at her sides. Thank you Jesus. He took her in slowly from top to bottom and then back up again. She wore jeans and her gray boots with the fur the kind he loved seeing her in. Her v-neck sweater matched her boots and those adorable dark curls hung loose around her face. He swallowed hard and realized he’d done far more than just size her up. His eyes had just about violated her.

  “You’re… you look great.” He caught himself before saying what he really wanted to say: that she was beautiful, remembering how spooked their near-kiss made her. For a moment, after she’d fallen into his arms he’d thought she might bolt from the room like she had before. It had almost hurt to let go of her.

  She crinkled her nose making him smile. “I’m not too casual? I mean I know the place is totally casual but this is a Christmas dinner.”

  “Trust me. Most of the guys are going there straight from the gym. Jack probably is, too. And you’
ve seen how he dresses.”

  Her expression relaxed. “Okay, well then, I guess I’m ready whenever you are.”

  Noah finished getting his shoes on and they were on their way. When he pulled up onto the restaurant’s narrow street, he took in how many cars were already in the restaurant’s parking lot. Every year this little Christmas shindig got bigger. They’d have to look for a new place next year or stick with Rio’s. He didn’t mention to Roni that one of the reasons it was either this place or Rio’s was because it was the only two places they knew of that didn’t card. She didn’t need another reminder that he was too damn young for anything.

  His stomach dropped when he noticed Rita’s Honda. He’d forgotten that last year she’d come down a few days before Christmas also. He didn’t have to worry about the guys saying anything more about his after-Thanksgiving ride with her. And if Rita saw him walk in with another girl, she wasn’t the type to say or do anything stupid. Gio wouldn’t even have to warn her. She just wasn’t like that. But now Roni would be reminded of Hector’s comments about Rita. A reminder that she thought him young, immature, and into ‘drive-bys.’ Not to mention it would remind her that he’d gone out and done this just after he’d spent such a wonderful day with her. Damn it all to hell!

  They parked and got out of the car. Noah didn’t even notice he was frowning until he glanced at Roni as they walked through the parking lot. She was looking at him weirdly. “Something wrong?”

  He tried to ease up the tension he felt building. “No. Not at all.” Then he forced a smile.

  The restaurant was in a building that was clearly an old tenement once upon a time. The doorways were small. Noah held the door for her and let her walk in first, since it was impossible to walk through the door together. The bell on the door jingled and some spanish Christmas music played on the jukebox. The guys were all already there. Just about every table was taken but Abel and Gio had saved them seats.

  Gio had obviously anticipated what Noah might be feeling about Rita being there, because the seats he’d saved for them were the furthest from where Rita sat with his sisters at the opposite end of the table. They walked through the crowded restaurant and waved at everyone as they passed them to get to their seats.

  They sat between Jack and Gio. “Everyone’s already ordered but she said she’d be over as soon as you two got here to take your order. Order whatever you want.” Jack smiled at Roni. “You too, little lady.”

  Noah breathed in feeling a little better that not only did Rita sit at the other end of table so did Hector, and apparently since he’d waved giving everyone a generic hello he wouldn’t have to be introducing her to Roni. Another thing that made him smile now was how perfect it felt walking in with her. Everyone here was under the assumption now that they were an item and no one seemed to think it strange.

  They ordered the shrimp fajitas and Roni hadn’t even flinched when the waitress had asked if they wanted the platter for two. They were sharing a plate just like a real couple would and no way would he ever tell her how excited something so trivial made him. Not only did it make him feel totally immature, he was sure it was something only a damn teenage girl would get excited about!

  Everything was going smoothly until the plates started coming out. One of the things Chente’s was famous for was the portions were humongous. Every plate that was placed on the table was commented on.

  The waitress placed Rita’s plate in front of her. It was this huge red mountain. Gio’s sisters giggled as Rita’s eyes grew looking at it.

  “Damn!” Abel said laughing. “Rita, what is that thing?”

  Noah froze. Roni’s attention had already been on that end of the table but Noah glanced at her after the mention of Rita’s name and her eyes went from the burrito to Rita’s face.

  “It’s a wet burrito,” Rita said laughing. “No one told me it would be this big!”

  Gio’s sisters laughed even louder as if they’d pulled a good one on her. It was a good one actually. That had to be the biggest burrito he’d seen in his life. If it hadn’t been for his churning stomach he would’ve been laughing too like everyone else. Instead, he kept looking at Roni whose eyes were glued to Rita’s for a solid minute at least.

  Thankfully, their flaming fajita tray was brought out and all attention was on them now.

  “Damn, that looks good!” Gio said.

  If everyone else’s plates were oversized, theirs was ridiculous since it was made for two.

  “We’re never gonna finish this,” Roni said her eyes so wide and to Noah’s relief she smiled.

  “Don’t worry,” Noah said reaching for a tortilla. “I skipped lunch so I’m starving.”

  Everyone dug in and Rita’s name wasn’t mentioned again. At least not on his side of the table and not loud enough for him or Roni to hear. But he did notice Roni glancing in Rita’s direction several times. She was subtle about it but Noah was so damn paranoid about the whole thing he caught it each time.

  Noah had begun to finally relax when people started finishing their dinner and moving around to talk to others at the table whom they hadn’t been able to during dinner. He straightened up a little when he saw Gio’s youngest sister Pria and Rita walking toward their end of the table.

  “What did you guys order?” They walked past them and ended up at the head of the table facing them. “Oh my God, Gio.” Pria laughed. “Soup really?”

  “It was their siete mares soup. You should’ve seen how much seafood was in it.”

  “Well, shit,” Abel laughed. “The bowl is big enough to bathe a baby in!”

  They all laughed. Noah laughed nervously, praying nothing stupid would be said about him and Rita. He trusted his friends and even Hector knew not to blow this but he couldn’t help worry.

  “How were your fajitas, Noah?” Rita asked. “They smelled heavenly when she walked them past us. But good Lord, that platter was huge.”

  “They were good,” Noah said, hating that he’d now have to introduce her to Roni. “And yeah it was for two. We shared,” he said gesturing to Roni. “This is Ron— uh Veronica, my roommate.”

  “Just say Roni, dude,” Hector said, coming up and standing behind Abel’s chair. “It’s what you call her.”

  Noah pressed his lips together and ignored Hector. “Veronica this is Gio’s cousin Rita.”

  Rita smiled very genuinely. “Nice to meet you, Veronica.”

  “Nice to meet you, too,” Roni responded.

  Noah couldn’t believe how incredibly uncomfortable he was. They talked mostly about the food then they moved on to talk about the games they would play on Christmas Eve at Gio’s. Suddenly they were all laughing reminiscing about the previous year. “Remember your uncle and the tissue box with the ball,” Abel said laughing.

  They all laughed at once. Even Noah couldn’t help laughing.

  “Box with the ball?” Roni asked.

  To Noah’s surprise Rita was the one who jumped in to explain as she continued to laugh. “We played this game where they tie this empty tissue box to your behind with a ping pong ball in it.” She paused to laugh, shaking her head, her hand over her mouth. “And you’re supposed to shake your ass, jump, wiggle, whatever it takes until the ball comes out of the hole. It’s timed so whoever does it fastest wins. Everyone did until it was my dad’s turn and when the music started and all eyes were on him he starts swaying his hips all sexy instead.”

  “It was hilarious!” Pria said. “We always play all kinds of silly games like that. It’s so much fun. You should come with Noah this year.”

  “Yeah, bring her, Noah,” Rita added. “You’ll laugh your butt off,” she said this to Roni. “And,” she rolled her eyes, “usually at my dad’s silly antics. But it’s all in fun.”

  “I… uh.” Roni glanced back at Noah.

  Knowing she had nowhere else to be on the twenty-fourth and most likely not on Christmas day either, he answered for her before she could think of an excuse. “I’ll bring her.”

/>   Probably because everyone was watching, Roni just smiled and nodded. “Sure, sounds like fun.”

  Noah smiled satisfied but could only hope she wasn’t mad that he’d put her on the spot like that. With everyone staring at her how could she possibly say no?

  It’s crazy how things work out some times. Noah had started the evening dreading that Roni and Rita would be in the same room and partially due to Rita, he’d now be spending his Christmas Eve with Roni. He expected Rita to be pleasant and unlike most girls he knew she wouldn’t be catty about seeing him with another girl. That just wasn’t her. What he didn’t expect was Roni’s change in mood once she realized Rita was there. Sure, she’d agreed to Christmas Eve, but even now as they walked to her car Noah got the strange feeling she might just take it back.


  Don’t say it. Don’t go there. “So that’s the Rita uh?

  Ugh! She was so weak! The second Veronica heard Rita’s name and realized this was the girl who Noah had been with so recently and would probably be with again real soon her insides were on fire. She’d never been that type of girl but as much as she tried, she could not stop looking at her. She’d nearly lost her appetite all at once and had to force herself to eat while trying not to stare at Rita.

  “Um, yeah.” Noah shifted in the passenger seat. Veronica had sensed his discomfort at the restaurant as well.

  “She seems nice.” She really had—too nice.

  “She is,” Noah said glancing out the window.

  “She’s pretty.” If you liked the overly made up type with massive tits.

  Veronica could almost imagine those huge things bouncing above Noah as Rita rode him hard. This time Veronica was the one who looked out her window grinding her teeth and squeezing her eyes shut. Stop it.

  “I guess.”

  Noah was obviously not going to willingly contribute to this conversation but for some stupid reason Veronica couldn’t drop it. She should. She really should especially after coming to the conclusion that Noah’s feelings for her were passing the friendship line and she had to put a stop to it. She’d already made a conscious decision to start pulling away. But her insides were still boiling just thinking about him and Rita and where he might be spending his free time now that she was in town.