Read Noah Page 27

  “Seems like it’s getting serious… at least you are,” Gio added. “We just wanna make sure you know what you’re getting into, Noah. That’s all. Like Abel said it could be nothing.”

  “What could be nothing?” His irritation had veered a little toward nervous. What the hell had Hector seen?

  Hector’s ass finally made it over to where they were at. “Tell him what you told me Thursday night.” Abel nodded in Noah’s direction.

  Hector turned to Noah looking a bit unsure then it seemed to hit him. “Oh yeah, I saw your chick at the park hanging out with her ex Kratz.”

  Only moments ago Noah had wished they’d just spit it out but hearing Hector just blurt this out nearly dazed him. “What?”

  “Roni,” Hector said so simply, as if he hadn’t just dropped a fucking bomb on Noah. “Her and Kratz were at the park Thursday afternoon having a picnic or something. Did she tell you about that?”

  Noah stared at him then glanced back at Abel and Gio’s faces. He’d never seen them looking so serious. Noah turned back to Hector who was munching without a care in the world on a plate of nachos. “A picnic?”

  “Yeah, I’d seen the couple at a table nearby where we were hanging out. They were there for a while but hadn’t noticed who it was until one of the guys pointed out Kratz and his old lady were there.”

  Noah’s mind raced. Thursday? He remembered that night had been one of their heavier goodnights. She hadn’t mentioned a thing about Kratz since the day he showed up. “And you’re sure it was her?”

  “Yep, she even smiled at me.”

  Somehow that made it better. If she knew Hector saw her and she hadn’t been worried about it, then there had to be a reasonable explanation. Still, it was confusing as hell. “And they were having a picnic?”

  The word picnic had a romantic connotation to it and that bugged the shit out of Noah. Why would she meet up with him at a park when she said she wanted nothing to do with him? He could see why Abel and Gio would be thinking the worst.

  Hector laughed. “They didn’t have a picnic basket or anything but they were eating.”

  “She’s been with her friend all day?” Gio asked casually enough but Noah caught the suggestion loud and clear.

  Roni’s troubled departure that morning was no act. He had no doubt she’d spent the day with Nellie. He nodded and reached for his phone. There had to be a simple explanation and before he started jumping the gun he’d get it and put his concerns and his friend’s suspicions to rest.


  That morning’s call from Nellie’s mom Margaret had been alarming enough. Nellie had caught Rick red handed and was now in such a state of depression her mother refused to leave her alone, fearing Nellie might overdose on the sleeping pills she’d been taking. That alone was enough to send Veronica running to her side, but nothing prepared her for the shocking news that awaited her when she got there.

  Her mother had only said Nellie had confirmed her suspicions about Rick being on vacation with his mistress, but when she arrived at Nellie’s the details of what she’d found blew her away. Nellie’s father sat just outside of Nellie’s townhouse as Veronica hurried up the stairs.

  He was smoking, a habit Nellie had told her he stopped long ago. Veronica hadn’t seen him in over a year and in that time he seemed to have aged too much. At the moment he appeared tired and there was a sense of defeat in the way he sat, his back against the chair, shoulders drawn and limp. Before Veronica could ask him anything he began talking but he wasn’t really speaking to Veronica because he was staring out into nothing.

  “You do your best to raise your kids to be honest, loyal, and God fearing. No parent should ever feel disgust or loathing for any of their children.”

  Margaret came to the door just then. Veronica turned to her feeling even more upset now. Why would Nellie’s dad be talking about loathing her or being disgusted? Whatever she’d done in reaction to finding Rick with another women had to be justified. She wasn’t in jail so she hadn’t actually killed the bastard.

  Margaret motioned for her to step inside. Veronica did, overcome by sudden feeling of dread.

  “She’s in her bedroom but before you go in to see here there’s something you should know.”

  Her mother’s eyes were full of pain and concern, but Veronica saw more in them. “This is a very hard time for all of us. The whole family is torn right now and it will probably never be the same again but right now our main concern is Nellie.”

  Whole family?

  “You have to understand that as a mother this completely breaks my heart to have to admit this to anyone but soon everyone will know anyway.”

  Veronica stared at Margaret’s worn eyes. She’d obviously been crying, too. What in the world had Nellie done?

  “What is it? What happened?”

  “Nellie found Rick in Denver… with Courtney.”

  Veronica’s heart had practically come to a standstill—Nellie’s own sister? Then Margaret continued—one jab after another making her feel like one of Noah’s opponents in the ring.

  “They’ve apparently been having an affair off and on for years. Courtney said they tried many times to end it but were in love and just couldn’t. Then just when they decided it was just not something they could continue, Courtney was made aware of Rick’s other woman. That was the one she confronted him about that sent Nellie to the hospital.” Margaret paused to take a deep breath and wipe away a single tear before delivering the knock out punch. “Courtney found out a few weeks later that she was pregnant with Rick’s child. This was during the time that Rick and Nellie were really giving it a go to work things out.”

  Veronica was furious and heartbroken all at the same time. How could Courtney do this to Nellie? Then she remembered this is how she’d always been, ever since they were kids. No matter how much more Courtney had than Nellie, she was never satisfied until she took what little Nellie had, too.

  Margaret shook her head and sat down on Nellie’s sofa dabbing her eyes with a tissue. “After all the pain she’s caused her sister and the shame she’s brought to the family, Courtney says she and Rick are getting married just as soon as his divorce to Nellie is final.”

  It was all too much to bear. Veronica could only imagine what poor Nellie was feeling. She didn’t even want to hear anymore. She’d heard enough. “I need to be with Nellie.”

  She hurried into Nellie’s room. Nellie sat on her bed staring at the television but the volume wasn’t on. Her face crumbled when she saw her best friend and Veronica rushed to her crawling in bed next to her and held her as she wept. The tears went on for several minutes, until she finally gathered herself together enough to talk.

  “I’ve decided I’m not going to waste my energy being angry with Rick. He isn’t even worth my breath much less any tears. I’m incredibly hurt over Courtney’s betrayal.” She took a shuddering breath. “The stupid thing is, I’ve always had my suspicions. It bothered me when Rick flirted with her. He flirted with you, too, but I knew I had nothing to worry about. I’ve never trusted my sister completely. Or how they seemed to be around each other.”

  Nellie said she wasn’t sure now what she’d been more afraid of—facing the fact that Rick was cheating on her, or the prospect of being alone. Veronica knew first hand what it felt like to be alone and understood that fear all too well, though she’d never have stayed with a cheating man. This wasn’t something she’d say to her fragile friend, however. It would do no good now.

  After hours of rehashing everything Veronica got her to eat a little and even laugh a few times. She hadn’t planned on talking to her about Noah—this was supposed to be about Nellie, not her, but Nellie insisted. The change in subject turned out to be a good thing. Nellie was pleased at how well things were going for Veronica and assured her that everything would work out.

  She agreed with Veronica that she should ask Noah about the baby he might have but reminded her not to judge him for the things he’d done in the
past. Everybody had skeletons in their closet but she did urge her to make sure he was no longer involved in anything dangerous.

  By that evening Nellie was ready to take a long shower and then try to get some sleep—sleep not induced by any medication. She promised Veronica she’d stop taking the pills and Veronica warned her she’d be back to check on her often before she left.

  Veronica had only been home a few minutes. She’d just messaged Noah to tell him she wasn’t going to make it to Gio’s when she heard the knock at the door. She peeked through the window cautiously and saw Derek. She had to wonder if maybe he’d been parked up the street, waiting for her to get home.

  He’d left two messages on her phone that day she hadn’t had a chance to listen to. A little annoyed that he apparently thought it okay to just drop by like this for the second time, she opened the door.

  “Hey,” she said but made it a point not to smile too big. She didn’t want him thinking she took this as a pleasant surprise.

  “Hey.” He ran a hand through his hair. The usually intimidating looking dean appeared a little emotionally exposed. “I uh, was hoping we could talk. I tried calling but you’re not answering. I hope you’re not upset with me about the other day.”

  She hesitated for a moment not sure if she should step outside or invite him in. Against her better judgment she opened the screen door and let him in. The thought of Noah arriving with him still there and things possibly getting ugly was a very real one. But if she had to make a choice between things getting loud or ugly inside the privacy of her own home or outside on her porch for all her neighbors to hear and see she’d do this inside. Besides her plan was to send him on his way quickly.

  She saw him glance around as he walked in, trying to get a feel for how much things had changed since he’d last been there. Perhaps pick up more clues on her relationship with Noah.

  As rude as it was Veronica didn’t offer him something to drink. She wanted him out as soon as possible. He started apologizing again about the other day but she stopped him.

  “I’m not upset at you, Derek, so don’t worry about it. I was a little surprised that’s all.”

  “Have you talked to him about it?”

  “No, I haven’t had the chance.” They stood just inside the doorway and it was awkward but she refused to ask him to take a seat. She was keeping this conversation short and to the point.

  “I won’t say anything else negative about him. But I will say this, Roni. As your friend, I’m worried about you. I don’t think you realize this but you’re still in a very vulnerable state. It hasn’t even been a year since your mother died and this guy showed up at the perfect time when you needed someone—anyone even this kid in your life. You didn’t even do a background check on him.”

  “I told you. He’s my friend.”

  “But for how long?”

  “Over a month,” saying it made his point sound even more valid. “Almost two,” she added the doubt suddenly creeping in. Had she really just allowed herself to get involved with someone she would’ve have under normal circumstances because she was afraid to be alone again? What Nellie said earlier came back to her. You do things out of your nature when you’re afraid. Because of that same fear, Nellie had continued to look the other way, ignoring valid suspicions that her own sister might be doing the unthinkable with her husband.

  Derek tilted his head and their eyes met. “Can I ask you something?”

  He didn’t even have to ask her. She already knew exactly what he was thinking. As usual he’d figured the whole thing out. That Noah had moved in at a time when she needed him most and of course she’d easily fallen for him. But there was so much more to their relationship than her just needing him.

  Her phone rang before she could respond and she took advantage of it to give her a moment to think—breathe. She pulled her phone out of her purse and saw it was Noah. Perfect. Exactly what she needed. To hear his voice—a reminder of why he was much more than just a need. “I have to take this,” she said and answered.

  Derek motioned that he was going to use her bathroom and Veronica nodded, glad for the privacy. She walked into her kitchen where she’d have even more.


  Sipping their beers, the guys watched him, Hector still munching on his nachos as Noah waited for Roni to answer her phone. Noah was certain that he’d soon have the simple explanation. As confident as he was a very small part of him worried that Roni might still have feelings for Kratz, especially considering the pictures she not only hung onto but had kept up front row center in her darkroom.

  He shook off his insecurities. She said she wanted nothing to do with him and after the week they’d had not to mention their morning, Roni would know he’d have an issue with her hanging out with her asshole ex. This had to be some kind of fluke.

  She answered on the second ring. “Hey,”

  “Hey, Roni.”

  “You don’t have to leave, Noah. That’s not why I texted you. You just asked me to let you know when I was home.”

  “Yeah, I know. But I’ll still be out of here soon. I just wanted to ask you something real quick.” He glanced up at his friends. They were all staring at him. He almost laughed. “Did you run into Kratz this week?” His laughing mood took a dive when she didn’t respond. “Roni?”

  “Yeah, I did. A few times actually.”

  That literally jolted him. He actually sat up straight in reaction. “A few times?”

  “I was gonna tell you but I was waiting for after your fight and then this morning I got the call about Nellie.”

  His stomach recoiled. “Tell me what?”

  “About the few times I got together with him after work.”

  Noah didn’t even care anymore that his friends would see him go bat-shit crazy if she said she’d done anything else with the guy. He felt like the biggest fucking idiot. He was about to ask her why the hell she’d gotten together with dick when he heard Kratz’s voice loud and clear in the background.

  Noah heard her tell him she’d be with him in a sec. He squeezed the phone feeling the adrenaline rush he usually felt only in the ring when he was about to take someone down. “Are you with him now?”

  “He stopped by again,” she said her voice hushed now. “But—”

  “He’s at the house with you now?” Noah was on his feet in an instant, his heart racing as he stalked to his bike, each stride longer than the last.

  “Yes, but he won’t be here long.”

  “What the fuck does he want?” He jumped on his bike but before she could respond he asked what he really wanted to know. “Do you still have feelings for this guy, Roni?”


  “You still want him coming over like this?”

  She exhaled loudly. “No.”

  “Good, I’m on my way.” He hung up on her and put his helmet on.

  Abel and the guys were already in his truck as he raced his bike past it and down the street. For years in high school he’d had visions of beating the shit out of Kratz. Who knew he’d ever actually get the chance to follow through.


  More concerned about the fact that Noah could have no way of knowing that Derek carried a gun, Veronica was not about to wait and see if he’d be provoked into using it.

  “You gotta go,” she said as she rushed into the front room where Derek now sat.

  “Why? What happened?”

  “I’ll explain later, Derek, but right now you have to go.” She opened the screen door and held it open for him.

  Derek stood up but didn’t budge. He stared at Veronica concerned. “What’s the matter with you?”

  “Nothing!” Her heart beat faster with every second that passed and Derek was still in her house.

  He finally took a few steps toward her but obviously didn’t share her urgency to leave. “Veronica, look at you. You’re a mess. Let me guess. That was Noah and he’s on his way home. What? Are you not allowed to have anyone here or is it just me he doesn’
t want here?”

  Veronica didn’t know why he was pretending he hadn’t already figured it all out. She was surprised he hadn’t pointed out the glow she’d worn all day from her morning with Noah. He was that good at picking up on the tiniest things.

  “Derek, if you know already, why do you want trouble?”

  “You can’t be serious about this. You and that kid?”

  “He’s not a kid.”

  “You called him that yourself when you first told me about your new roommate.” You wanna tell me what’s changed since then?” His eyebrow lifted slowly, he already knew the answer to that one, too. “He’s still the same age isn’t he?”

  Veronica took a deep breath and held her ground. “I think you already know that and you know what? It’s none of your business. You need to leave now, Derek. I’m serious. I don’t want any problems.”

  He didn’t move and her heart nearly gave out when she saw Noah’s bike pull into the driveway and Abel’s truck pull up behind it. Noah pulled off his helmet and jumped off his bike. Veronica closed the screen door behind her and rushed to meet him at the stairs.

  “He still here?” Noah asked.

  “Yes, but he’s leaving.”

  The guys got out of the truck but stayed near it keeping an eye out.

  “Where is he?” Noah demanded.

  “I’m right here, Noah.” Derek opened the screen door and stepped out onto the porch. “You got something to say to me?”

  Veronica held Noah’s big arm and she looked him in the eyes pleading. “Just let him leave, Noah. Please.”

  “Don’t worry about it, Roni. I’ll leave peacefully. But I’d seriously think about what we talked about the other day.”

  “What was that?” Noah asked, to Veronica’s disappointment giving in to Derek’s obvious baiting.

  “Oh, I just filled her in on a few things I thought she should know.” Derek said walking past them down the stairs.