Read Noah Page 28

  Noah scoffed turning around to face Derek now that he’d walked past him. “About me? Like she’d believe your bullshit.”

  “I don’t need to make anything up, Noah. We both know you have a colorful enough past. Maybe even present.” Derek glanced back at Veronica. “And I’d say she’s understandably concerned.”

  Noah turned back to Veronica. Infuriatingly, it appeared Derek’s attempts to rattle Noah had worked. She could see it in his questioning eyes.

  “Not concerned,” she explained. “Curious.”

  “About what?”

  Now that the guys saw Derek on his way to his car they remained unmoved near Abel’s truck, giving them their privacy. “Let’s go inside,” she reached out for him.

  Noah flinched back. “No first answer the question. What bullshit lies has he been feeding you? And while you’re at it you wanna explain why you got together several times with your fucking ex this week and didn’t mention this to me?”

  Abel turned on his truck and he waved as he pulled out of the driveway. Veronica barely lifted her hand to wave back. Noah didn’t even bother his eyes were back on Veronica and they were on fire now.

  “I was confused.”

  “About what?”

  “I saw the text from Rita on Sunday and I didn’t know what to think.”

  His expression softened tiniest bit. “You should’ve asked.”

  “Yeah, well I didn’t okay? I thought maybe it was time I gave my social life a boost and decided to take him up on his offer.”

  His eyes shot open. “Really and what offer would that be?”

  “That we have dinner after work.”

  “And what else?”

  “That’s it. We had dinner twice and then Thursday, I wasn’t going to meet with him but he showed up at the park where I told him I’d be taking pictures.”

  “So what did this guy you claimed you wanted nothing more to do with tell you about me that has you so concerned?”

  She could see he was getting worked up again. “I said curious not concerned.”

  He crossed his arms in front of him. “Alright so what is it?”

  “He said you dropped out of school and went MIA when you got a girl pregnant.” She prayed Derek was wrong about this. She really hoped Noah wouldn’t have it in him to do something like that. Holding her breath she waited for his response trying desperately to pick up a hint of what he was thinking but his expression had gone blank.


  The fact that Roni would believe such a thing about him spoke volumes. It was so like Kratz to make his past sound worse than it really was but the kicker was Roni was so ready to believe him.

  “So let me see if I got this straight. This asshole comes back out of nowhere after walking out on you when your mother was dying, knowing he’d be leaving you all alone. Supposedly you’re not interested in his ass anymore even though months after you and him were through you still had those fucking pictures up?”

  The more he thought about it the heavier his chest felt. He wasn’t sure what hurt more—the fact that she’d lied or that she’d bought this crock from a guy who obviously hadn’t given a shit about her.

  “You tell me you want nothing to do with him but the moment you decide you need to broaden your social life, he’s the first one you fucking call?” He knew his words were harsher than he’d ever spoken to her but he couldn’t help it. It hurt like hell to find out she obviously did care enough about this guy to buy into this guys horseshit version of the truth—the truth about him—even after what the asshole had done to her. “What other bullshit did he tell you about me?”

  She shrugged looking ready to cry but she wasn’t denying any of it.

  “Tell me!”

  “That you did drugs or drug trafficking.” Noah laughed but stopped when she asked. “Did you?”

  She couldn’t possibly be serious. “What do you think?”

  The answer to that was in her uncertain eyes. She believed that, too. “Wow,” he said taking a few steps back. “I had no idea I’d made such an insignificant impression on you, that you would think so little of me.”

  “I don’t—”

  “I’m a fucking orphan, Roni! Or did you forget?” He’d never felt so ready to explode in his life. Not even on his way there when he could think of nothing else than getting there and ripping Kratz apart. He was just pissed then and he’d been incensed with jealousy. What he was feeling now was much worse. He hurt like he’d never hurt before.

  “I know first hand what it’s like to be discarded by family. That’s why I don’t turn my back on friends or people I care about. That’s him.” He jabbed a finger in the air in the direction the fucker had driven away in. “He does that shit, not me. But apparently that doesn’t count for anything where you’re concerned right? Because you’re so ready to believe something like that about me just because he told you so.”

  Her hands were at her mouth now and she took the steps down the stairs to approach him as he backed up even more. “I never said I believed him, I said I was curious. I didn’t know what to think. He said it was a long time ago. People do things they regret, I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Even if it were true it wouldn’t matter. None of it matters.”

  That confirmed it. She did believe all those things about him even after what he’d just told her. “I just said…” He started to articulate then spun around; he couldn’t stay there even another minute. “You know what? Believe whatever the fuck you want. How ‘bout that? I don’t give a shit anymore.” He was done trying to convince her that he was worthy of being part of her life.

  “Noah, I’m sorry. If you say you didn’t then I believe you.”

  Wonderful now she was going to humor him. He jumped on his bike and pulled his helmet on glad it muffled her words because he couldn’t bear to hear another word. If he was anything like the type of young immature punk she clearly thought him to be he might’ve had thoughts of flipping her off, instead all he could think of as he pulled out of her driveway was how the hell was he supposed to get over her? This felt a million times worse than his breakup with Tessa.

  He drove stupidly fast around the area for a while before deciding on a destination. He didn’t want to be near anyone. It was crazy the effect Roni had on him. Emotionally he was a wreck. She’d only been in his life a few months and the thought of not having her in it anymore was unbearable.

  Twenty minutes later he sat at the edge of the boxing ring at the gym. He hadn’t bothered turning on the lights when he got there. The only light was the bright moonlight that came in through the windows and the streetlight just outside the front door that flooded in through the glass doors.

  He realized that he wouldn’t have blown up the way he did if he hadn’t already been so worked up. Hearing about Roni spending time with the ex she probably still had feelings for had really done a number on him. He’d never felt so pissed and hurt at the same time in his life.

  The whole damn week had been building intensely until he’d just come apart. Maybe if he would’ve explained to Roni about what really happened in high school with the girl he got pregnant instead of going off on her she would’ve understood. He might have even convinced her of what he’d been trying to all this time. That he was mature enough to handle things like an adult, and had been even back then.

  The front door opening jerked him out of his thoughts. He’d been so damn heated when he burst through it tonight he hadn’t thought to lock it and this wasn’t the best of neighborhoods. He jumped off where he sat to his feet fully expecting to have to take on homeless person or two when he heard Roni.

  “Noah, is that you?”

  She came around the corner into view and she may as well have been an angel because that’s how blissful the sight of her was. She stopped when she saw him.

  “I believe you, Noah. I believe you.”

  He took a deep breath unbelievably ready to forgive and forget everything that had happened ea
rlier and just run to her but he had to say something to her first. “I dropped out to get a full time job when I found out she was pregnant.”

  The shadow over her face prevented him from seeing her expression clearly. But she stood motionless for a moment as he held his breath in preparation for her response.


  Afraid to say the wrong thing Veronica chose her words carefully. She’d hated seeing him so hurt and she was not about to say something that would hurt him again. She started walking to him. “So you’re a dad?”

  He shook his head. “Nope. When she first told me it scared the hell out of me. But then the more I thought about it, the more it hit me. I was going to have a child. My own flesh and blood. She said she didn’t wanna have it. She was too young. That’s when I dropped out of school. I told her I was getting a job and I’d raise the kid myself. She’s the one that disappeared not me. Her parents set out looking for me, sure that it was me she’d run away with, but I had no idea where she was either. The next time I saw her, she’d already had the abortion and then she and her family moved away.”

  Veronica didn’t think her heart could break anymore for him than it already had. “Where you in love with her?” she asked as she reached him, touching his face.

  He shook his head again bringing his hand over hers then brought it to his mouth and kissed it. “The only person I’ve ever been in love with is you.”

  Overwhelmed with emotion, Veronica hugged him hard, furious with herself for ever questioning what or why she felt for him. “I love you, too,” she pulled away to look him in the eyes. “I’m sorry I ever doubted you—us.”

  His eyes were wide and almost wild, but not in that horrible way they’d been earlier when he’d been so angry. Now he was smiling. “You love me?”

  “Yes!” She hugged him again. “And I’m so sorry about doubting you.”

  “Don’t be. Kratz didn’t know what happened. Nobody in school did and after she aborted I was so pissed and let down I didn’t bother going back to school. I took my GED and kept working. I was done with all the fucking high school drama. But he knew the truth about the drug trafficking bullshit.” Noah’s eyes were hard again. “He could’ve explained that to you.”

  He explained to her about the girl who’d broken his heart and how he spiraled out of control for a while there. How it was the only time he’d done weed in his life and that was only to numb the pain.

  “I shared a locker with Abel and Gio because mine was in a suck ass temp building. I let the guy that sold me the weed use the locker I wasn’t using. I didn’t think he’d be stupid enough to stash his shit in it. Every few months they did a raid. Brought in the dogs and everything and found his stash. Since the locker was in my name, my ass got hauled in but everyone knew I never used that locker.” He shook his head. “I’d been in so much trouble leading up to that, Kratz wasn’t buying anything I said anymore. But in the end they had enough people vouching for who actually used the damn locker and they never got enough evidence to make the charges stick. So my name was cleared. He knew this.”

  His expression changed suddenly and his eyes were now full of concern. “Roni, I don’t think I could deal with you being friends with this guy. I hated him so much back then and now I have even more reason to hate him.”

  Veronica touched his lips with her finger. “I don’t wanna be his friend anymore. You’re right. I need loyalty and friends I can count on, but most importantly I don’t want anyone in my life that doesn’t believe in us. And obviously he doesn’t.”


  She smiled nodding. “I’m ready for us. I love you, Noah and I want the whole world to know it.”

  The glimmer in his eye at that moment was something she hadn’t seen before. He’d been so emotional earlier but this, this took her breath away. He kissed her so soft and so tenderly she sighed against his lips. Noah was exactly what she needed in her life. She wasn’t afraid to admit it anymore. Who wouldn’t need what she was feeling right that moment? And it had nothing to do with being afraid to be alone. She could easily have Derek’s company if she wanted to and Nellie was definitely going to be around more now.

  Veronica realized one thing earlier, the terrifying moment it hit her that maybe Noah wouldn’t be coming back tonight. She was in love with him and she wasn’t afraid of being alone, she was afraid of being without him.

  Noah’s kiss grew heavier and deeper and just when she thought she couldn’t feel any more content than how she was feeling at that moment he nearly growled then whispered in that same strained voice she’d heard that morning, “I wanna taste you.”

  When he said it that morning she hadn’t been entirely sure what he meant but she’d had a feeling and it’d been enough to get her heart pumping. It was something she’d only read about and could only imagine what it must feel like. Now that not only did she know exactly what he meant but what she’d be in for, her legs nearly gave out on her.

  “I want to now,” he added as he sucked her bottom lip.

  “Here?” she gasped pulling away.

  The blaze in his lit eyes was all the answer she needed. “Wait here.”

  He hurried away to the front door leaving her standing wobbly as he locked doors. She watched him walk to where the stretching mats were stacked up by the wall and take one. He grabbed some towels, his eyes locked on hers, a slim smile on his face.

  Her body had already begun to shudder in anticipation. The tingling that had started that morning when he’d kissed her breast began going insane the moment she heard his scandalous request.

  Trying hard to calm her breathing as he neared her she watched him throw the mat into the boxing ring behind her along with the towel then he reached for her and in one swoop she was in his arms again as he kissed her madly.

  In the next second his hands were on her behind and he squeezed as he picked her up. Never had she known she could even feel this level of arousal but she felt as wild as an untamed animal cradling his face in her hands as she kissed and sucked those beautiful lips of his.

  The moment he set her on the edge of the boxing ring she climbed under the ropes and was in the ring. They toppled over as he jumped in behind her and came over her continuing their frantic kissing as he pressed her to the mat. She thought maybe he’d work his way down like he had that morning but instead his hands went right to her pants and pulled them down the side of her hips. Her panties went down with them and before she knew it she was naked from the waist down.

  Unlike that morning Noah wasn’t taking his time. His fingers were already in her making her moan loudly. That only aroused him further and he groaned in her mouth then pulled away. “I can’t wait any longer.”

  He moved down, spreading her legs. Veronica brought her trembling hand to her mouth and fisted it, right before she felt it his hot mouth on her, sucking, his tongue teasing. The sensation was so amazing she could hardly stand it.

  Like that morning he went slow now driving her insane as the pleasure built quicker this time. She squirmed as his tongue went deeper moving faster in such a perfect motion her entire body quivered in response. Her hips lifted of their own accord and incredibly she felt his tongue go even deeper.

  What he did with his tongue so perfectly, driving her slowly then faster into a complete frenzy was like nothing she could ever imagine. It was beyond pleasure. Her eyes rolled back as she swallowed hard, arching her back in response to his swirling tongue.

  His fingers spread her and his mouth latched on to that perfect spot making her moan loudly, shamelessly. She’d lost all sense of control and she didn’t even care. She panted riotously now as an explosive orgasm began. It became stronger as the tip of his tongue licked so fast it practically vibrated and she cried out from the incredible pleasure of it.

  She was drowning in an abyss of spasms. “No more, please,” she begged. She couldn’t take even one more flick of his tongue. He kissed her one last time before coming to lay next to her like he had that morning,
staring into her very satisfied eyes as she tried to catch her breath.

  “I wish,” she said then stopped to catch her breath. “I wish I could put into words how incredible that was.”

  Her hand reached out for his face and he took it in his then kissed it again. “Don’t. I’d rather feel how incredible it is for you. There’s nothing I’m gonna enjoy more than hearing you go crazy.”

  Crazy didn’t even begin to describe it then she had a thought. It was one thing for him to do what he just had right there in the ring but how much further was he willing to go?

  “Make love to me,” she whispered her heart speeding up again.

  His eyes widened. “Right here? I thought maybe we could go home for that, and I could have my way with you all night.”

  Veronica laughed and leaned over to kiss him. The thought of them doing it right there was so naughty and so perfect. “Oh we’ll do that too, but I want our first time to be right here.” She kissed him even deeper, the very thought getting her hot all over again. “Just think, it’ll be our little secret every time we walk by this ring.”

  Noah was already moving onto his knees. “You don’t have to convince me, Roni.” He pulled his wallet out of his back pocket and took out a condom, staring at her hard. “Take everything off. I want you naked.”

  She gazed at him for a moment, blinking, as she thought about what she’d just started. The irony was almost funny. When they’d first met in what felt like another lifetime, she would’ve never even considered doing this, much less suggested it. Not only because of the age difference or because they were in the middle of a gym in a boxing ring no less, but because back then she wouldn’t have stripped naked for any guy the way she looked, especially not her chiseled young trainer. Without another word, or thought she sat up unbuttoning her blouse, slowly then unhooking the clasp of her bra.

  Her breath caught as she watched Noah unzip, shove his pants down, his boxer briefs going with them.