Read Noonday Sun: a Fanfiction Book Page 10

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  I was heading to my apartment after work. It was a temporary job that required a lot of brute strength. Not much fun, but it paid the rent.

  Despite my long life, I didn’t have much in the way of material possessions. Living in the jungle didn’t require any money, and I never saw the need to accumulate anything. Subsistence living was natural, and living in the United States was something I’d never even considered.

  Carlisle had loaned me enough money to pay my tuition and buy a used Toyota Tacoma, but the living expenses needed a little help. We both knew I’d live long enough to pay him back, so neither of us worried about the particulars.

  As I walked down the street, I caught a familiar scent. Vampire. Not just any vampire, but Edward and Bella Cullen.

  I couldn’t resist the pull. I turned and followed the scent, watching the loving couple stroll down the Seattle sidewalk, hand in hand. They were walking slowly, almost as slowly as the humans moving along beside them, and they looked oblivious to all the human bodies that moved with them. The humans were giving them a wide berth. Even tame vampires can inspire a healthy fear.

  This was the life my mother had wanted. She had loved my monster father, but he had viewed her as less than an animal. She should’ve survived my birth.

  Instead, she had died an agonizing death. I had ripped through her body with my own teeth, and I had bitten my aunt as she pulled me from my mother’s body. Huilen had been in untold agony for three days. I had crawled to her side and cuddled next to her body as she became a vampire. How can I not view myself as a monster?

  And yet here was living proof that a vampire and a human could create a life in a gloriously loving way and that the child from their union was not a monster but a beautiful, loving, living soul. I had become a different person on the day I met the Cullens. It was as if I stepped beside myself and became a whole new being. All my preconceived notions had been wrong. Seeing that I could make choices, I felt free for the first time.

  I just didn’t know what to do with my freedom. And so I stayed in Seattle, attended the university, and waited for an answer to come. Huilen stayed with me.

  She was working a menial job as a janitor. The night hours were ideal for her. She didn’t have to make excuses if it was sunny. Our needs were minimal and, other than my university and housing expenses, we didn’t need a lot to survive.

  Bella stopped and turned. She might have caught my scent, but I just couldn’t help myself. She turned back and continued to walk. I kept following. She stopped and turned again. This time Edward turned as well.

  “Nahuel, how have you been?”

  I was naturally cautious, like any vampire, but I could sense no malice in Edward’s voice, so I moved quickly through the crowd to where they could see me.

  Bella looked surprised. It was hard for me to read her face. She was incredibly beautiful, even for a vampire. But maybe I was prejudiced. She made me think of my own mother, and an ache I couldn’t explain took over.

  “I’m fine.” I answered Edward, my thoughts chaotic.

  Bella’s musical voice was like balm to my ache. “I thought you’d gone back to South America.”

  “Nah. I decide to stay and attend the University of Washington in Seattle. I’m majoring in history.” I smiled widely, showing off my teeth. I knew I wouldn’t frighten them. “I figured I’d lived through it, so the subject wouldn’t be that hard.”

  Bella’s smile warmed me. “Did your aunt go back?”

  “Huilen is with me. She’s a little…” I tried to think of the right word, “attached.” I grinned. I couldn’t help myself. These people just made me feel… hopeful. “She wouldn’t know what to do with herself without having to keep an eye on me. We’re staying in an apartment not too far from the university.” I didn’t tell her of the generosity of Jasper in getting us all the legal documents we needed to stay in the country and have me attend the university, nor did I mention the financial assistance from Carlisle.

  I was surprised to see Bella’s jaw drop. She recovered quickly and said, “Isn’t that hard on her? All those humans?” I saw her shudder.

  I didn’t want to cause Bella alarm. This isn’t why I followed them. I quickly tried to reassure her, “Oh, no, it’s not like that. She’s never been one to prey much on humans, anyway. It wasn’t a stretch to go ‘vegetarian.’ The humans so close don’t seem to bother her that much. We just keep our thirst in check. There’s plenty of wildlife around, and Canada isn’t that far away…” Her stare was unnerving. I wondered why they were in Seattle. I thought they’d moved to New Hampshire.

  Edward spoke up, as if hearing my thoughts, “We’re here to attend Bella’s dad’s wedding. It’s in a few days.”

  Bella’s musical voice touched my soul, “We’d love to have you come. It’s at the Cullens’ house on the 26th at 5:30 in the evening.”

  I stared at Bella. Is this really an invitation? I’d never been invited to any social occasion, and this was a wedding. This isn’t anything I expected or hoped for. Afraid she might change her mind, I said, “I’ll be there. Do you mind if Huilen comes, too?” She’ll be hurt if I go without her, I thought.

  Bella sounded positive, “No. No. Of course not. We’d love to see you both.”

  This was better than anything I’d imagined. I couldn’t help the smile that spread over my face. I felt like the sun was coming out in my life.

  “We’ll see you at the wedding, then.” Bella and Edward turned to continue their walk. I stared after them. What an amazing couple. How I yearned to have my life turn out like theirs. At least their union gave me hope for a future I had never dared dream about.

  I hurried home, anxious to talk to Huilen. She was preparing to head out for her janitor job when I burst into the room. “Guess who I ran into?”

  She stared at me. I never sounded this excited.

  “Edward and Bella Cullen. And…” I saw the bewilderment on her face, “they’ve invited us to her dad’s wedding.”

  She could see this meant a lot to me.

  Neither of us had been to an American wedding. The ceremonies in the South American jungle were different, but the meaning was the same: a life-long commitment between a man and a woman.

  We’d have to consult someone about what to wear. We were clueless.

  I headed into a clothing store after work the next afternoon. I was willing to spend a little of my university money on clothes for the occasion. Huilen came with me.

  We headed for the clothing department. A female clerk caught my eye. She was very willing to help, and we were soon both outfitted for a wedding. We hoped it was what the Cullens wanted. We didn’t know if a wedding at a home would be less formal than a wedding at a church.

  Huilen and I both had the 25th and 26th off, so we didn’t need to make any arrangements at work. Our Tacoma wasn’t the speediest truck, but it worked. We planned to drive.

  The next couple of days were a blur. I was anxious to visit the Cullens. The peace around them was like balm to my injured soul.

  We arrived at the Cullens shortly after 5:00 pm. Carlisle and Esme answered the door. I was relieved to see Carlisle and the other Cullen men in suits much like mine. Alice led me and my aunt to our assigned seats. I was glad for a place to sit. It felt less awkward than standing around wondering what to do.

  I could tell from the smell of some of the guests that they were the shape shifters that had stood by the Cullens the day we met. I wondered what kind of people they could be. If the Cullens like them, they have to be good.

  I watched the other guests. I didn’t know some of them. The dark-haired, middle-aged woman attached to the younger man had to be Bella’s mother. I could see similarities in the set of her brow, the shape of her lips, and the same dark brown hair.

  An aged man in a wheelchair was talking to one of the shapeshifters. I thought I remembered this one. He was almost always with Nessie. He was wearing a dark su
it like mine. His muscles rippled under the suit. If I hadn’t known he was a solid friend of the Cullens, I might’ve been worried about him in the crowd.

  I hadn’t met the other shape shifters in person. I’d only seen them as wolves, so none of their faces were familiar. I could only recognize their scents. A couple more shape shifters came in. They were dressed casually, but didn’t seem out of place here. The Cullens were so welcoming that it was impossible to feel awkward.

  I could smell the entrance of another shape shifter. The scent was distinctly different. Enticingly feminine. I resisted the urge to turn and stare at the newcomer. Odd. I didn’t know shape shifting was a female trait. I can’t remember this particular scent. Maybe her scent is different in her human form.

  The Cullens were moving into the room and taking their assigned chairs. Edward took up his position at the piano and started to play a tune that seemed familiar even though I’d never heard it before. The man in the chair wheeled himself to his position under the arch.

  I turned to watch as Bella’s dad and his future bride walked down the aisle. A burgundy splash of color caught my attention. Curious, I turned a little, and my breath caught.

  The woman dressed in burgundy was like nothing I had ever seen. Her features were perfection. The pearls at her neck moved up and down with the beat of her heart. A couple of stray tendrils of hair escaped from the twist that held most of her hair up. She is the shape shifter I scented.

  She sensed my glance and looked up to meet my eyes. I saw a fire light within them, a fire I couldn’t possibly understand. My heart had been encased in ice since my birth. But it was a heart that was thawing, and my heart beat in an unfamiliar, unsteady rhythm.

  Her astounding face turned to whisper to the shape shifter next to her. He was as big as the one that had stood by the man intoning the rites. My vampire hearing was keen enough to hear their conversation.

  “Who is that?” Her question sent chills up my spine. Could this divine creature have an interest in me?

  I had to strain to catch his reply. He was almost breathing his answer. “Oh. That’s Nahuel. He’s a half immortal like Nessie. His father created him and his three sisters. I think the Volturi were going to punish his father, Jahom, for his creation. I would’ve loved to have been there, but they make it so… quick, hardly fun at all.” He paused, and my world fell apart.

  I faced forward woodenly. All the hope I’d started to feel was suddenly meaningless. This divine creature won’t want any part of me. How can she? My monster father is as much a part of me as my glorious mother had been. I didn’t want to hear any more, but my ears were tuned into their conversation and I couldn’t shut the words out.

  “It’s ok, Leah.”

  Her name is Leah. I have that much I can hold on to. Leah.

  “He was an awful vampire. He thought humans were less than animals. He was intent on breeding a super race and had no thought at all for the women he slaughtered doing it.”

  I shuddered and remembered the death of my mother. Slaughter, indeed.

  Then I heard her musical voice. My life ended.

  “Seth I’ve got to get out of here!”

  His reply kept her in place, but for how long? “The ceremony is almost over, Leah. Can’t you wait for just a couple more minutes?”

  Huilen glanced at me with concern. She sensed the change in me, and she didn’t like where it was taking me.

  When the ceremony ended, I stood up and turned just in time to see the elegant, quick movements as Leah raced out the door.

  I’d never seen a mortal woman move so fast, and she was wearing heels. She made it look easy, and her dress clung to her in all the right places. I wish I couldn’t appreciate her loveliness. It was physically painful, and I swallowed the lump in my throat. I couldn’t long for something I never had, but my heart felt like it was being ripped out of my chest as she left.

  Seth stared after her, his mouth hanging open.

  Alice moved to his side. “Where is Leah going?”

  He shrugged, clearly as confused as Alice.

  She stamped her small foot in frustration. “I wanted to get a picture of you and your sister with your mom and Charlie. I can’t get a family portrait with Leah gone. Did she say when she’d be back?”

  So… Leah was Seth’s sister—Bella’s dad’s wife’s daughter. Well, at least I was getting relationships pinned down—sort of.

  Seth shook his head. “I have no idea. Sorry, Alice.” He seemed genuinely distressed that he couldn’t help her.

  I was in agony. How can I feel this kind of pain when I’ve only seen this person once? I’d met many beautiful people in my long years, but none had affected me like this. What is wrong with me?

  Jasper was by my side in a moment, and I felt suddenly calmer. It was an odd sensation from deepest pain to calm. I don’t want to feel calm, but I don’t want to feel pain, either. I took a deep breath. Calm is definitely better.

  Edward headed over, a look of concern on his face. He whispered, “Are you ok, Nahuel?” His question surprised me. We’d just attended his father-in-law’s wedding.

  Why is he worried about me? I am nothing to him. I am nothing to anyone—except Huilen. I am her world.

  I stifled a sigh. I am feeling too sorry for myself. Why should I feel sorry for myself? I am a monster and that’s all I can ever be. This hope the Cullens have inspired is an illusion. I have no hope. I am my father’s son. But something inside cried out that I was my mother’s son, too. And she was no monster. I shook my head, confused.

  Edward rested his arm lightly across my shoulders—as if we were good friends… or brothers. He leaned over and whispered just so I could hear. “You’re right, you know.” I lifted my eyebrows in a question. What is he talking about? “You really are your mother’s son. There is hope. Just hold on. Things will work out.”

  Alice flitted over then and looked at Edward. “I can’t really see Leah or Nahuel, but Huilen looks ecstatic in six days.” She directed her eyes to me, “I’m guessing Leah will be back then. She just needs to readjust her thinking. Be patient.” She paused a moment, then handed over a pen and paper. “I’ll need your address.” I quickly jotted it down, then handed them back. I wasn’t going to argue.

  I was confused. How can Edward know my thoughts and why does Alice suspect Leah is coming back? How do they even know Leah means anything to me?

  Edward laughed softly and patted me on the back, then dropped his arm. “I have this little problem.” He confessed. “I hear other people’s thoughts. The only one I can’t hear is Bella.” He turned his attention to her, his face softening into adoration. It hurt to watch him, and I looked away.

  He continued, sensing—no hearing—my discomfort. “Alice can see the future if she can tune into the person she’s seeking a future for. She can’t see shape shifters or half immortals, but she can tune into Huilen. She is guessing that the only thing that could make her that happy would be your happiness, and Leah seems to be tied into your thoughts right now.”

  I took a deep, calming breath. Maybe there is hope, after all.

  Huilen and I mingled with the other guests. It was pleasant to interact like this, but the question of Leah remained in my mind. I wasn’t sure where I needed to be when she came back. I looked at Edward for an answer, but he was preoccupied with his wife and daughter. Their love shone like a beacon.

  How I long for a life like his. Will it be possible?