Read Noonday Sun: a Fanfiction Book Page 20

  Chapter 12, Denali

  The morning sun couldn’t work its way through the heavy dark clouds that had settled over Forks. Just as Alice had predicted, this was going to be a perfect day to register Nessie and Jacob.

  “How do I look?” Nessie twirled in front of me, casually dressed in faded jeans and a t-shirt. She didn’t have to wear long sleeved shirts like I did. Her skin had a lovely, slightly luminescent glow in the sunlight. Nothing that would keep her indoors.

  “Perfect.” I approved, but I sounded pre-occupied, and Nessie’s brow furrowed.

  “You aren’t just saying that, are you?”

  This time she had my full attention. “You look great. You don’t need to worry. Everything is going to be fine.”

  Although I was working hard to reassure her, my own stomach felt like it should have butterflies. I wasn’t really ready to register my daughter in high school. The school administration would all remember me. I had graduated just four years before. How can I be registering my own daughter for high school?

  Even though the Cullens had a reputation as a family that adopted, Edward and I parenting a teen would surely raise a lot of eyebrows. As far as they knew, we were barely more than teens ourselves. That was true for me, but not for Edward.

  On the other hand, having a teen registered in the local high school would give us all an excuse to stay put for three more years. As soon as Nessie and Jacob graduated, it would be time for us all to move on. We weren’t aging, and it couldn’t escape the attention of the local population much longer.

  I double-checked the papers I had tucked in a manila envelope then looked at Jacob, who was standing expectantly by the door. “Ready?”

  “You know it.” He grinned at me. We all headed out to his Escalade.

  Edward and Carlisle were gone for the week on some obscure fact-finding trip. It involved meeting someone in Iraq, and I didn’t particularly want to be in the middle of a war zone. Esme and I had opted to stay home.

  Carlisle was obsessed with finding the history of vampires. Although I didn’t share his drive, I couldn’t help but be moved by his curiosity.

  Jacob made sure Nessie was securely buckled then moved to the driver’s side.

  “You never used to be so careful with me,” I smirked at him.

  He chuckled.

  Nessie looked a little upset. “I wish you’d quit treating me like a baby. I’m heading to high school now.”

  Jacob reached over and ruffled her bronze curls. “I just want to make sure you’re safe.”

  She smiled, unable to stay angry with her favorite person.

  He drove at a safe speed to Forks High and parked in the student parking lot. A few other cars were parked there. We wouldn’t be the only ones registering. The registration had started the previous week, but the sun had been out and that was the first day I could safely handle the registration.

  When we entered the front office, I was relieved to see that we were the only ones present. Mrs. Cope, the artificially red-headed secretary, looked up. The small brown eyes behind the thick lenses were full of stunned surprise. I knew my appearance was vastly different from the last time I’d seen her. “Hi, Bella.” Her face lit up in a smile. “How have you been?”

  Nice recovery. I can tell why she works in the front office. Very diplomatic. Not one word about my strange new appearance, so like my husband’s family. I suddenly wished Edward was here so he could tell me what she was thinking. “I’m doing great.” I had worked really hard to keep my voice low, but my musical voice was impossible to hide. “I graduated from Dartmouth in June.”

  “I heard.” Of course she had. Charlie would’ve been quick to spread the news. “Congratulations.” She looked over at Nessie and Jacob. “Did you need anything?”

  “Actually,” I paused, trying to decide the least suspicious way to phrase this, “I’m here to register my adopted daughter and her friend.”

  Mrs. Cope’s eyes grew wide and her jaw dropped. She clamped her mouth shut, and her professional demeanor returned. “I’ll need their birth certificates, shot records, and school information.”

  Silently, I handed over the manila envelope. I was grateful for my stone face. I wasn’t accustomed to all this deception, and it bothered me somehow. J had promised that the necessary papers would be at the schools in question, so copies of any pertinent information could be forwarded to Forks. I was amazed at his attention to detail, but he was certainly well paid for his services.

  Mrs. Cope looked over the information and handed over the paperwork for Nessie and Jacob. “There are tables in the cafeteria so you can fill out your papers there. Bring them back to me when you’re finished.” She turned back to her pile of papers, and we walked out of the office into the gray day.

  I hadn’t walked on the campus since I had been transformed into a vampire, and I was surprised by the strong feelings that awoke in me. As I walked the familiar grounds, my unclear human memories came flooding back. I savored the scent of the grounds, the buildings, in a way my human senses never could experience. Walking these familiar places but absorbing them with my vampire senses cemented my human memories even deeper.

  We reached the cafeteria quickly, and I sat at the table Edward and I had shared during so many lunches. I handed the packets to Nessie and Jacob to fill out, and answered any questions they had about the forms. My eyes roamed the room. There were five other teens and their parents filling out forms. They had eyed us suspiciously as we entered, but turned back to their own paperwork when we sat down. Jacob’s size was intimidating, and the other parents looked uncomfortable.

  “Momma, I have two electives this year. What do you think I should take?”

  I glanced through the list of classes. “What do you think, Nessie? There’s home economics, pottery, drawing, mechanics, and debate.”

  Jacob picked up his elective sheet. “I can take beginning mechanics with you.” He grinned. “That’s an easy one.”

  “Home economics probably involves cooking and budgeting. Those might be good skills to have, and you’d enjoy pottery or drawing. Debate might be fun, but it involves a lot of public speaking and some traveling, if I remember right.” I’d had some classmates in Phoenix on the debate team, but I hadn’t really paid much attention to where they went. They missed school occasionally for a tournament, so I knew there was some travel.

  Jacob shuddered. “Debate is out. I don’t think they’d let me join, anyway.”

  Of course, he’d nix anything that had to do with traveling without him. I rolled my eyes. So much for choices.

  Nessie pondered a moment. “I think I’ll sign up for mechanics,” she grinned at Jacob, “and home economics. I’ll put drawing as an alternate choice.”

  “I don’t have many elective choices. I can take mechanics with you, but I’ve got a lot of required classes to graduate next year. I’m signing up as a Junior. La Push had different graduation requirements than Forks does.” He frowned down at his registration papers. “The only class we can take together is the mechanics class.”

  Nessie covered his hand with hers, seeming to understand his agitation. “It’ll be ok. We can spend lunch together, anyway.” He seemed to gain some comfort from that.

  Nessie and Jacob quickly filled out their paperwork and we headed to the office, ignoring the wary looks of the students and their parents. They’d have to get used to Jacob’s presence sooner or later.

  Jacob and Nessie were so obviously a pair, I didn’t even worry about anyone showing an interest in her. She was a stunning beauty, but her bodyguard was enough to scare away even the most determined suitor.

  We handed over the paperwork. Mrs. Cope quickly looked it over, then stuck them on the pile on her desk. The precarious stack looked ready to topple. “I’ll have the students’ list with the class schedule posted on the internet by Friday afternoon. The first day of school is Wednesday. It’s a half day.”

  I nodded, and we quickly escaped the stuf
fy office.

  “I’m going to have a hard time adjusting to being a student again,” Jacob looked gloomy.

  I patted his arm, trying to cheer him up. “It’s only a couple of years. Then you get to work on studying at the university.” If anything, he looked even gloomier at the prospect of attending college. “You can’t expect Nessie to attend without you, can you?”

  He looked a little better. “I guess I get a year off while Nessie finishes high school. Maybe I can work on some cars that year.” The idea of actually putting his mechanical ability to some use seemed to resurrect his normally sunny disposition.

  Nessie was unusually quiet as we loaded into Jacob’s Escalade. “What’s on your mind, Honey?” I asked.

  “Nothing.” She didn’t sound inclined to elaborate, and I didn’t want to pry.

  It was a quiet ride back to the Cullen home.

  When we walked in the door, Rosalie was watching the news with Emmett. Alice was sitting at the computer. Esme walked out of the kitchen smiling tenderly at us. “I fixed some lunch, if you two are hungry.”

  Jacob and Nessie hurried into the kitchen, anxious to sample the food whose scent was wafting in the air. It made my nose wrinkle. Ugh.

  I turned to Rosalie. “How would you like to take a quick trip to Denali?”

  She eyed me quizzically. “We can do that, but why there?”

  “I’ve never visited our family up there. I was thinking it might be a nice break for Jacob and Nessie before school starts.”

  “Let me make arrangements with the Anchorage Airport. It’s just a short run for us to Denali from there. It’s not a very long flight. When did you want to leave?”

  “I wanted to go this afternoon, if you can do that. Would that work out for you?”

  Rosalie turned to Emmett. “Do you have anything you’re doing the next few days?”

  “Nah. A trip to Denali sounds fun. I might find a few grumpy grizzlies there. I’m getting a little hungry.” His eyes were looking dark.

  It was about time for us to hunt, but I didn’t want to undo everything we’d been working on with Nessie. I walked to the kitchen and addressed Esme, “Do you have food you can pack for us to take for Jacob and Nessie?”

  “I’m sure I can find something. The kitchen is well stocked.” She stepped out of the kitchen. “Emmett, could you grab the backpacks out of the garage? I’ll fill those with whatever we need.”

  The Denali tribe kept their props just like we did, but it wouldn’t be wise to assume they had food on hand that Nessie and Jacob would want to eat.

  “No problem.” Emmett jumped up and headed out the door. Rosalie was already on the phone and, from the sound of things, well on her way to smoothing out our travel arrangements.

  Nessie and Jacob were still eating. “Nessie, do you mind if I pack some clothes for you?”

  She shook her head. She loved her dress up moments with Rosalie and Alice, but she preferred simple clothes as much as I did.

  I flew out the back door and grabbed a couple of backpacks out of the garage. I paused a moment.

  I had something more in mind for my visit to the Denali family than a vacation and socializing, but I didn’t want to vocalize my plans to the family. I’d work it out with Kate and wouldn’t worry the rest of the family. I did enough worrying for the entire family.

  I would need some way to deaden my senses if my plan was going to work. Quickly, I sifted through the outdoor equipment the Cullens had stashed in the garage. It only took a few moments to find what I needed.

  They looked like bright orange ear muffs. They were designed for humans to use during shooting practice. I tried them on, bothered by the instant muffling of my hearing. They would do. I pulled them off, shook out my hair where the ear muffs had left a slight impression, and pushed them into the bottom of my pack.

  I glanced briefly around the garage. Something for my sense of smell…nose plugs? I shook my head. They could come loose. That wouldn’t work. My brow furrowed in thought.

  Maybe some kind of ointment. Reneé used to rub Vicks VapoRub ointment on my chest when I had a cold as a child. That had made my eyes burn. Something like that would do the trick. I wondered briefly where it might be kept. The medicine cabinet in the bathroom, maybe? I’d have to check the bathroom at the main house before we left.

  I headed on to the cottage. It only took a few moments to pack my clothes and a few more to pack for Nessie.

  By the time I arrived back at the Cullen home, Alice and Jasper were in the family room with their backpacks in tow. “You didn’t think you were going without us, did you?” Alice asked in mock surprise.

  I grinned at her. “Of course not. We’ve all needed a little vacation. I just thought it was about time for a social visit. I’ve never been there.” I couldn’t bring myself to talk about the time the Volturi had killed Irina. It was the most painful occurrence of the Volturi visit. We had certainly given them enough time to heal. It had been several years.

  Garrett had become a permanent part of the Denali clan. Although the vegetarian lifestyle had been almost as difficult for him as it had been for Jasper, he had made the sacrifice and was happily and securely attached to Kate.

  I hurried down the hall to the bathroom on the main floor. I hunted through the cabinets. The top shelf of the medicine cabinet had a small blue jar of the VapoRub. I smiled and wondered how long it had been sitting there. The bottle looked old. I opened it. The scent was overpowering. It would work. I shoved the small jar into the bottom of the pack where it rested next to the ear protectors. I wondered what Alice would make of all these strange preparations. Since I wasn’t planning to involve Nessie or Jacob, she was probably seeing clearly what I had in mind.

  I moved quickly down the hall to join the other vampires. Alice looked at me, her eyes full of unasked questions. I was grateful she kept them to herself.

  We were all packed and ready by the time Nessie and Jacob had finished their lunch. They loaded and started the dishwasher, then walked into the front room to join us.

  We climbed into Jacob’s Escalade, our backpacks stuffed in the back. The Cullens usually drove to Denali, but the Challenger made the trip so much faster, it didn’t make sense to drive.

  Jacob drove with Nessie sitting shotgun. Esme, Alice and Jasper sat on the middle bench. Emmet, Rosalie and I filled the back. The Escalade hummed with our quiet conversations and the drive to Seattle didn’t take long.

  We carried our backpacks through security. Rosalie and Alice managed to keep the security guards preoccupied long enough for us to get the backpacks through. It was amazing what a few wads of cash coupled with the dazzling beauty of two experienced vampires could do to the security crew.

  It didn’t take long after getting through security to load into the Challenger. I didn’t know what Rosalie had done to clear us so quickly for the Anchorage Airport, but I was glad we would be able to make the trip before Edward got back with Carlisle. I didn’t think he’d approve what I had in mind.

  The trip to Anchorage was uneventful. I was grateful for that. It was hard for me to have Nessie in the little jet even though I’d already flown once in the Challenger and trusted Rosalie and Emmett. I worried about Nessie in such a small aircraft.

  As we taxied down the runway, I admired the view of Anchorage. I’d never been to Alaska, and I appreciated the beauty I could see from the small window.

  We unloaded quickly and shouldered our backpacks. They had been heavily packed, but they felt feather light to our vampire bodies. Even Nessie didn’t notice the weight. We all headed north for Denali. When we reached the forest edge, we picked up the pace. For normal humans, Denali was a five and a half hour drive by car. We made it in a little over an hour. Nessie could run as fast as the rest of us. It was a pleasant run.

  Carmen and Eleazer greeted us at the door. Their dark hair and olive tint under the vampire white reminded me of their Italian ancestry. Alice had called to announce our pending visit, s
o they weren’t surprised when we showed up. Kate, breathlessly beautiful with her cornsilk straight blond hair and her tall mate Garrett, his long sandy hair tied back with a leather thong, walked in just as we were filing into the house. I walked over to hug Kate. “How have you been?” I asked as I released her.

  A cloud passed over her perfect features. “I have my good days and my bad days.”

  “I’m sure.” I wasn’t experienced with vampire mourning. I didn’t know quite what to say, but I tried to empathize with her pain. Losing a sister on top of losing her mother must’ve been excruciatingly painful, no matter the amount of time between the losses.

  “Won’t you sit down?” Carmen invited us. The dark leather couches looked comfortably worn. They could’ve been a century old. Nessie and Jacob had already chosen a corner of one couch. We all found places to sit. Carmen turned to Esme. “Where is Carlisle?”

  Esme looked slightly uncomfortable. She’d never been to visit the Denali clan without him. “He’s working on some research this week. He and Edward will be back on Sunday.”

  Eleazer raised a brow in question. “What is he researching?”

  “He’s trying to discover how the first vampire was created.”

  “Hmmmm.” Eleazer looked thoughtful. “I’d never thought about it.”

  “Carlisle is thinking if he can find the way we were created, he can find a way to…”

  Esme was interrupted by Garret, a look of sudden understanding crossing his features. “undo it?”

  “Well, that would certainly be an interesting research project.” Eleazer mused.

  “Wow.” Carmen looked shocked. “Such a thought never occurred to me.”

  “Me neither.” Kate was stunned.

  Tanya hissed, her amazement showing clearly on her face. She shook her strawberry-blond hair.

  I’d already had my stunned moment when Carlisle had explained his purpose to us, and I certainly understood how they were feeling. It kind of took my breath away, even though I couldn’t breathe, and it made me look at my life with different eyes.

  I figured this time was as good as any. “Kate,” I caught her eye. “Could I get you to do me a favor?”

  Her eyes narrowed, suspicious of what I might be asking her. “That depends.”

  “Well, it’s been a long time since I’ve practiced my shield. I was wondering if we could go somewhere and do some practicing?”

  My family turned to me with shocked eyes. I immediately wished I’d waited until we were alone to make my request.

  Emmett was the only one who looked eager. “Are you going to need practice with your fighting moves?”

  I hated to disappoint him, but I really didn’t want what I was planning to get back to Edward. “Actually, I wanted to work with Garrett and Tanya, if that’s okay?” I looked at Garrett, a question in my eyes.

  He grinned at me. We hadn’t worked together for almost four years. I liked him then, and I liked him better now. At least he isn’t treating me like a nut case.

  Tanya looked at me with wide eyes, but she didn’t protest.

  Emmett looked disappointed until I suggested, “Jacob and Nessie haven’t ever been to Alaska. I thought you could take them out for a run?”

  I knew Emmett wanted to do some grizzly hunting. Jacob and Nessie had just eaten. Hopefully watching Emmett feed on grizzly wouldn’t break Nessie’s human-food diet.

  “No problem. You guys ready to go?”

  “Chomping at the bit.” Jacob agreed.

  “Of course.” Nessie’s musical voice seemed to fill the room.

  “I’ll go, too.” Rosalie rarely went on Emmett’s grizzly hunts. I looked at her, a brow raised in question. She looked back at me without giving anything away. She loved Nessie almost as much as I did, so I was sure she had her reasons. I didn’t ask.

  Jasper was quick to make their plans clear. “Alice and I were planning to hunt alone.” Alice’s glance flickered to his, a small smile lighting her features.

  Esme’s eyes had a golden hue. It hadn’t been long since her last hunt. “I was planning on visiting with Carmen, if you don’t mind.”

  “No problem.” Emmett nodded. “Let’s go.”

  I watched my family file out and wondered if my plan would actually work.

  “Ready?” I turned to Kate.

  She eyed me curiously. “Where did you want to practice?”

  “I was thinking a clearing of some sort. Do you have anything nearby?”

  Garrett laughed. “This is Alaska. We have whatever you need.”

  I laughed with him, and we all headed out the door.

  Tanya, Kate and Garrett flew through the trees. I was right behind them. In a few minutes, we’d reached a clearing near a lake. The Alaska scenery was breathtaking. I exclaimed. “How beautiful!”

  “It is, isn’t it?” Kate turned to survey the scene, as if seeing it with new eyes. “I sometimes forget what it looks like to a stranger.” She inhaled deeply, savoring the scents that surrounded us. “I do love it here.”

  “I can see why,” I breathed.

  We stood for a moment admiring the beauty of the landscape, the size of the trees, the reflections of the mountains on the still lake. Then I turned to Kate.

  “I want to try something. I don’t even know if it will work. I read an article about antibodies recently that got me thinking about my abilities. I’ve never really worked with my shield. It hasn’t seemed important or necessary, but I want to see if my idea will work.”

  “What do you need me to do?” Kate asked curiously.

  “Can you project your electrical current at will, just while you’re standing there?”

  Kate looked puzzled. “I’m not sure I know what you mean.”

  “Do you need to have someone you’re zapping, or can you just have your current flow without someone there?”

  “I don’t need to have anyone near, but it’s easier to tell if I’m projecting or not if I have someone I’m working over.” Kate grinned mischievously at Garrett.

  He laughed out loud. “I’m not sure I’m willing to be any kind of guinea pig. I’ve had my fill of your abilities.”

  “What I’m wanting to know is if I can shield your abilities while doing hand to hand combat.”

  “Wow. That would be a trick. I don’t think I’d know unless I had someone I was trying to incapacitate.”

  I looked at Tanya. Her eyes widened in alarm. “I’m not a masochist. Don’t look at me.”

  Garrett looked resigned, then sighed. “I’ll be the guinea pig, if you need me.” He looked meaningfully at Kate. “You’ll owe me after this. I expect a big payment.”

  Kate giggled. “I’ll be looking forward to it.” She grabbed his hand, then they turned to me. “Where would you like us?” Kate asked.

  “Just wait right there.” I walked with Tanya to the other side of the clearing. It was about 100 feet away.

  I paused and closed my eyes, remembering how the shield felt as it left me. I hadn’t worked much on my shield other than lifting it occasionally for Edward to read my thoughts. That seemed to be exercise enough, because I felt the shield curve away from me like a giant umbrella over the clearing, but that wasn’t what I wanted from my shield.

  I concentrated on the speck of light that was Kate. My shield reacted willingly. I thought of the words in the newspaper article. About how the antibodies bound tightly to the virus like an impenetrable shield. My body knew Kate. I’d already withstood her violent attack as we practiced with Edward and again when I’d shielded Garrett. It was as if my shield knew her and wanted to protect me just like an antibody would. I wrapped my shield tightly around Kate. It was no longer an umbrella but a shield masking only Kate. This was easy—almost too easy. I opened my eyes.

  “Okay. Garrett, grab Kate.”

  Looking wary, Garrett wrapped his muscular arms tightly around Kate. Her eyes widened in surprise when he didn’t move a muscle. Her face grew tense with concentration. I co
uld sense a thin layer of light around her where my shield held strong and immovable.

  “Are you trying, Kate?” I asked after a brief moment.

  “With every ounce of my strength.”

  Garrett looked worried at that pronouncement but relaxed when he didn’t feel anything. He knew what a potent force she could be.

  I turned to Tanya. “Ready for some hand to hand?”

  “I’m not especially good at it…” she seemed reluctant.

  I laughed. “Neither am I.”

  She lunged and I counter attacked. We wove back and forth for a few moments. Garrett seemed worried about my ability to keep Kate blocked. Kate was concentrating with all her might. I could feel her warmth from the shield I was keeping wrapped around her body. My shield seemed willing to cooperate. It was almost working on its own, just like the antibodies I’d read about. Huh. I didn’t think my shield would be so easy to work with.

  After a few more moves with Tanya, I was flat on my back. I laughed. “Okay. I’m done.”

  I stood up and looked over at Garrett. “You all right?”

  “Yeah.” He sounded relieved.

  Kate looked frustrated. “What are you doing to me?”

  “I’m shielding you.” I laughed. “How does it feel?”

  “Frustrating.” She admitted.

  “Thanks, Kate. I think we’ve done enough for today. Want to do some hunting?”

  “Sounds fun. Can you unshield me now?”

  Garrett jumped away at her request. I released my shield. Kate was too quick for him. He was flat on his back before he knew what hit him.

  “Hey, what was that for?”

  Kate laughed. “I just wanted to make sure Bella didn’t break something.”

  Garrett quickly stood up and brushed himself off. “I’d say everything is working just fine. You owe me now.”

  Kate laughed again, then reached for his hand. “I was counting on that.”

  Garrett put his hand behind his back, suspicious of her.

  “I promise. I’m not going to hurt you again—at least, not tonight.” Kate reached out her hand again. This time Garrett grabbed hers and they headed out for the hunt.

  Tanya and I followed closely. It wasn’t long before we ran into a family of grizzlies. I didn’t usually hunt grizzlies, but they were abundant here. It was certainly a different experience from hunting my preferred food of cougars. We were well fed by the time we got back to the Denali clan’s home.

  We arrived back about the same time as Emmett’s group. Rosalie looked smug.

  “How did things go?” I directed my question to Nessie.

  She looked disgruntled. “Aunt Rose wouldn’t let me taste the grizzly.” I looked at Rose and hoped the thanks could radiate through my eyes, then I looked back at Nessie.

  “It’s for the best, you know. It’ll be much easier to fit in with the humans if you eat their food.”

  Nessie dropped onto the couch in frustration. “I know. It’s just that it smelled so good. I just wanted a little taste.”

  Jacob sat on the floor next to her and rested his head on her knee. “It was a nice run, anyway. Awesome scenery.”

  Nessie’s expression softened. “It was pretty. The air smells different here, somehow.”

  Garrett laughed. “Not so many stinking humans.”

  Everyone joined in. It was a relief to hunt without the tempting aroma of human blood around.

  “Dinner’s ready.” Esme announced quietly. The Denali clan looked surprised by her announcement until Jacob and Nessie got up, then understanding dawned. There were two people in the room who ate human food. It wasn’t something they were accustomed to.

  I wondered briefly if the kitchen here had previously been used for its intended purpose. The Denali family didn’t encourage human visitors.

  When Jacob and Nessie finished their dinner and rejoined us, Garrett asked, “Would you like to see the Northern Lights? There’s an incredible display this time of year just a few miles north of here. It’s an easy hike.”

  “Sounds great.” Emmett enthused.

  We were all dressed in hiking clothes from our trip up from Anchorage, so even Rosalie was willing to join us. This time, Esme came as well.

  Even though it was dark, everyone in the group had excellent night vision and could see clearly. We ran quietly through the forest and past the lake I’d visited earlier. We worked our way up the face of the mountain until we were above the tree line.




  The superlatives rang simultaneously in the still air. No words could do justice to the celestial display. The stars were brilliant in the dark sky, and the Northern Lights fluctuated near the horizon. I thought I would never feel the same after seeing the stars that night in Forks, but the Alaska display was even more dramatic. The Milky Way stretched out overhead, and I wondered if some other being on some other planet was looking from the other side of our universe with the same feeling of stunned awe. Wonderously beautiful, the stars glimmered brightly.

  Esme’s quiet voice broke into my thoughts, “Carlisle told me during our last visit that thinking the order of the universe could possibly be accidental would be like… like looking at Edward’s Vanquish on a beach and assuming the waves and sand had somehow spontaneously formed and left it there. Not even something as simple as a child’s bracelet could appear on the beach without someone realizing an intelligent hand had created it.” She paused, letting her words sink in, then continued, “How can we not look at the vast pool of stars, all moving in harmony, without realizing some intelligence had a hand in its glorious creation? The motor of the Vanquish runs apparently by itself when a key is turned, why couldn’t the universe, the suns, the planets, run when its creator turned the key? Just because we can’t see the hand that turned the key doesn’t mean it isn’t there.”

  Seeing the beauty of the galaxy as it wheeled above us and hearing Esme’s quiet words cemented a belief I’d never really thought I had. I had felt some stirrings when I saw the stars in Forks. Surely there was a master hand who had placed all of these planets and suns in precise order. Somehow there must be an order to the universe, an order to this planet, and an order in my own life. But how do vampires fit into this orderly creation? I will have to trust in Carlisle to find that answer.

  The trip back to the Denali clan’s home was quiet, all of us wrapped securely in our own thoughts.

  Nessie and Jacob were shown to a couple of rooms made up for them. I appreciated the effort at welcome they were making. It isn’t easy for the Denali clan since they both played a part in the death of Irina. And then there is Jacob’s obnoxious werewolf smell. We had grown accustomed to his scent, much like a cat lady can stand the scent of her cat’s soiled litter box. His scent hardly even registered with us any more. I was sure it was bothering them. It was thanks to their strong ties to us that allowed them to tolerate his presence—and letting him have a bed. Well, that is beyond generous.

  The rest of us spent a quiet night reading, working on the computer or chatting. Esme’s topic wasn’t brought up again. It was a difficult subject for us to grasp, but it wasn’t one that would let go easily, either.

  As the sun was rising, I slipped away to change. I might never be able to sleep, but it just didn’t seem civilized to stay in the same clothes day and night. Besides, I had packed enough clothes for several days. I might as well use them.

  After I changed, I moved quickly back to the front room where the rest of the vampires were gathering.

  I quietly asked, “Kate, Tanya, and Garret, would you mind spending a little more time working with me?”

  “Not at all.”


  “Of course not.”

  Simultaneous voices showed their eagerness. I was glad things had gone so well yesterday. Garrett wouldn’t have been as eager if Kate had been able to get through my shield.

  I was anxious f
or a workout. I missed Edward and wanted some physical exercise to keep my mind off my loneliness. Carlisle had wanted him along for his mind reading abilities. They came in handy when Carlisle wanted certain information the locals were unwilling to share. If he asked the correct questions, Edward could get the information even if they refused to say anything.

  It was going to be a sunny day. I’d never thought of Alaska as sunny. The clear air mixed with sunshine enhanced the colors of the landscape. The mountains looked almost close enough to touch.

  Our run back to the lake was invigorating. I carried my backpack with me.

  “Kate, I want to try something different today. Yesterday, I asked you to stay still. Today, I want to see if I can keep shielding you if you’re running.”

  “Bella, I don’t know how effective I am when I’m moving.”

  I laughed. “I can see your point.” I chewed my lip for a moment. “I need to see if my shield will move with you.”

  I looked at Tanya. “I know this is a sacrifice, and I know you don’t really want to feel pain, but I think there will be a time when we’ll need to fight the Volturi again. If I can shield individual vampires, we will have a much better chance at winning. This is important.”

  Tanya hissed. “How I would love to get my hands on Caius.” He had been the Volturi that had killed Irina. She would want her revenge. Her hands moved into claws, the rage filling her eyes. She nodded, “I will do whatever you need me to.”

  “Thanks.” I breathed. “I know this is hard for you.” I pointed to the far end of the clearing. “Stand over there. Garrett, please stand next to Kate. I am going to shield Kate. When I say OK, Garret, touch Kate and make sure my shield is in place. I will keep my eyes closed, and I brought some ear shields meant for protecting human ears from the sound of close-range gun fire. They should muffle my hearing so I can’t hear when you move, Kate. I also brought some ointment to help overpower my sense of smell. If I can’t hear, see, or smell you, I shouldn’t know when or where you’re going.” I glanced at each of them. “In a battle, I need to keep my shield in place without having to follow where it is.” They all nodded their understanding. “Kate, you will move to Tanya some time after I’ve said OK. Please come and touch me after you’ve touched her. I want to see if this is going to work.”

  I had never had all my senses overridden as a vampire. My palms would’ve been sweaty had I been human. I was scared. The preservation instinct was incredibly strong, but I needed to do this.

  I unscrewed the ointment. The scent was overwhelming. I wiped it under my nose. It overpowered every other scent. My greatest instinct was to wipe it off, but I managed to leave it there. When I put on the ear shields, I almost broke down. I had become accustomed to my super-sensitive hearing. I’d held my breath before, particularly when a human was near, so I’d been deprived of my sense of smell. My sense of hearing was something else. This wasn’t like trying them on in the safety of the garage.

  Dark waves of panic rolled over me. I took a deep breath and the scent of the ointment filled my lungs. I could taste it. Kate was watching me with some concern. I nodded, then closed my eyes tightly. I concentrated on my shield. I’d never tried my shield without the use of my senses. Will it still work?

  Distracted by my lack of sensory input, I struggled. The desire to have my senses back almost overcame me. Finally, I was able to clear my mind and concentrate. Where is Kate? I started to panic, then my shield seemed to find her of its own accord. I could feel her warmth securely wrapped inside it. Hopeful that my shield was actually doing something, I whispered, “OK.”

  Time seemed to drag, and I found myself in a protective crouch. I felt exposed and helpless. I turned and snarled when I felt a soft touch on my arm, then opened my eyes and smiled ruefully at Kate. “Sorry about that.”

  I quickly pulled off the ear shields and wiped off the ointment. The lingering scent was annoying, but I could at least take in a few scents around me. I shook out my long hair and asked, “How did it go?”

  Garrett and Tanya were smiling broadly, so I thought I knew the answer.

  Kate grumbled good-naturedly, “Your shield held solidly.”

  It was Garrett who asked the question that was bothering me, “Do you think you can shield more than one person at a time?”

  A worried pucker furrowed my brow. “I don’t know. I certainly hope so. I wouldn’t know who to pick if I can only shield one. Who is more dangerous? Alec or Jane?”

  “Alec.” They answered in unison.

  Kate continued, “Jane can only attack one person at a time. She’s incapacitating, sure, but she can be attacked while she is concentrating on someone else. Alec would make it so none of us could fight.”

  I nodded glumly. “You’re right, of course. I just wish I could practice on more than one at a time.”

  Kate gave me a measuring stare. “You could practice on two, if you didn’t mind shielding Edward.”

  I started to shake my head. I didn’t want Edward thinking I was preparing to fight the Volturi. He would come unglued.

  Garrett moved forward and put a gentle hand on my arm. “It only makes sense. Your ability to shield would make all the difference in a battle. If you could shield Alec, Jane, and Chelsea, we would be sure to win. If you can only shield Alec, our odds wouldn’t be that great.”

  “We? Who are you counting as we?”

  Tanya glared at me. “You don’t think we’d let you do this alone, do you? I can’t speak for Carmen and Eleazer, of course, but I’m with you. I won’t let the death of Irina go unpaid.”

  “If it’s coming to a battle, you know you can’t leave us out of it.”

  Garrett and Kate were a team. They would come together. I knew that.

  I shook off his arm and walked to the edge of the lake, staring at the granite cliff that towered above it. I sighed, and turned back to face them. “I know you’re right, but Edward is not going to be so understanding.”

  Tanya’s face was alight. “You have given me hope for the first time in years. My sister will be avenged. I can taste it.”

  My eyes narrowed, but I smoothed my expression. I knew this fight would be about avenging her sister to her, but for me it was about protecting those that still lived.

  Nessie, Alice, Edward and I were all at great risk until the Volturi threat was handled. The risk to us wasn’t death but eternal servitude to a cause none of us believed in. The Volturi would enslave them with the assistance of Chelsea, and I would have to cooperate if they threatened any of them, especially Edward. I couldn’t live much longer with the threat of the Volturi hanging over me.

  “Edward will be back in Forks on Sunday. How would you like to come down for a visit?”

  Tanya was fairly dancing in excitement. “We’d love to come.”

  “I need a workout. Whose game?” With everything on my mind, I was surprised my voice sounded so calm.

  “How about two on two?” Garrett asked and dove at me. I darted sideways to avoid him and laughed.

  “Sounds good.” I agreed. I didn’t even have to think about it. Kate was shielded when Tanya grabbed for her.

  “No fair.”

  Tanya giggled. “Wrong there, Sis. It’s an even battle, now.”

  We spent the next few hours battling. My shield didn’t slip. Not once. What a relief. Maybe we could do this.

  I had been battling Kate. She was good. “I think I’ve had enough.” I grinned up at her from the ground. I stood up and brushed myself off. “Obviously, I need more practice.” I’d been knocked down hundreds of times. I was getting a little better, though. I’d done my fair share of pinning my opponents.

  Tanya looked exultant. Even Kate looked happy. Having her abilities thwarted was uncomfortable, but she wanted to get back at the Volturi as much as Tanya did. Garrett was grinning. He’d wanted the battle back when Nessie was just a few months old. He could taste victory.

  I wasn’t so sure. Would I be able to keep two vampires
shielded at the same time? What if my shield could only be in one piece and not divided? The only glimmer of hope I had was that Edward hadn’t been able to read my thoughts when he was under my shield. Wasn’t that proof enough that I could divide my shield without diminishing its effectiveness?

  I sighed. Edward is not going to be happy, but the Volturi battle cannot be avoided. If my plan works, we will win. I am sure of it.

  Our trip back to the Denali clan home was almost as swift as our trip out that morning. We’d spent several hours fighting, but we weren’t physically tired. Tanya, Kate, and Garrett laughed and joked on the way back. I was quiet. There was so much depending on me and my shield. I couldn’t laugh with them. They didn’t seem to notice.

  Jacob and Nessie were just returning from their hike with Emmett and Rosalie when we got back to the Denali clan’s home. They moved quickly to their accustomed spots. I stood by the door, too anxious about the future to sit.

  Sunlight streamed in through the windows. The white walls sparkled as brilliantly as the skin of the vampires sitting on the leather sofas. I wondered what was in the plaster. Esme was standing against the far wall. Her glittering skin blended into the wall behind her. If it weren’t for her eyes, her hair and her clothes, even my vampire eyes would have been blind to her presence.

  “You have a beautiful home,” I smiled at Carmen.

  “Thank you. We really like it here.” She smiled back at me. “We especially like that we haven’t had to move. The staff at the park and the hotels turns over frequently enough that we don’t need to worry about them figuring out that we’re not aging, and the local population tends to steer clear of us. It’s been nice to feel settled.”

  “I’ll bet.” I walked over to the window and stared out at the magnificent view.

  Esme sighed. “We’ll have to be leaving Forks as soon as Nessie and Jacob graduate. The locals will start to be difficult soon…”

  I turned fiercely. “We wouldn’t have to move if it weren’t for the Volturi.”

  “But the local population…” Esme whispered, shocked at my violent reaction.

  “Have been wondering about you for years.” I interrupted. “Why is it that they can’t suspect what you are? What are you afraid of? What is it that makes you feel like you must move before the locals become too suspicious?” I glared fiercely at Esme, knowing my anger was unjustly focusing on her, but feeling helpless about where to direct it. “It’s the Volturi,” I hissed.

  Garrett nodded, agreeing with my assessment, but the rest of the vampires were shaking their heads.

  “No,” Jasper glanced briefly at Alice, “the secret is bigger than the Volturi. The humans must not know what lives among them.”

  “But we are no danger to them.” I didn’t want to hear Jasper’s argument.

  “They don’t know that.”

  I could feel the room fill with the peace that could only be created by Jasper. I didn’t want to feel peaceful. I didn’t want to move, and I knew this was more about the Volturi than about us. The people in Forks appreciated what Carlisle had done for them. Why would they want us to move?

  Esme flitted over and put her arm around me. “Bella, I understand your frustration. Moving is not something any of us enjoys. Think about how the Quileutes have felt about us.”

  Jacob had been toying with one of Nessie’s curls and looked up, startled to be pulled into this conversation.

  Esme continued, “They have known who we are for years, and yet they still don’t want us on their reservation. We are vampires. Whether we feed on humans or not, we’re still vampires. Keeping out of the population’s awareness is a protection to us.”

  Esme shuddered. “You don’t know what it’s like to be hunted down like an animal. We can be killed. You know that. We have killed our own kind. I don’t want to die. Not as a vampire, anyway.”

  My anger melted away. I couldn’t stay angry at Esme, and Jasper’s influence couldn’t be fought. I sighed and turned to face the window again, then I asked Esme, “How long do we have to stay away from Forks?”

  She stood next to me and looked at the same scenery I was blindly staring at. “We have to wait for the current generation to die off.” She paused and waited for that information to sink in. “When no one in Forks can remember us,” she smiled at Jacob, “except for the Quileutes, of course, we can move back.”

  I sighed. “I’ll miss my cottage.”

  “I always miss my house, but we will be back. You can count on that.”

  Jacob broke the uncomfortable silence. “Who’s up for a game of Liar?” He was leaning against Nessie’s leg while he shuffled his worn deck of cards.

  I sat cross legged next to him. “I’ll play.”

  Nessie slid off the couch to sit on his other side. “I’m in.”

  Rosalie sat down next to her. “Me, too.”

  “I’m gonna go find another grizzly.” Emmett grinned. “They’re fighters here.”

  Jasper moved to follow him. “I’m in the mood for a bear. I think I’ll join you.” He grinned at Emmett.

  Alice sat down next to Rosalie. “I think I’d rather play Liar than hunt another bear.”

  Alice shuddered. “I don’t like having my clothes die a sad death.”

  Jasper chuckled. “I like seeing them die.”

  Alice stuck her small tongue at him. “Have fun.”

  Jacob quickly dealt the cards. A lively game of Liar was a quick way to get our minds off unpleasant thoughts.

  Garrett, Kate, and Tanya followed Emmett. They didn’t say anything, but I was sure that Jacob’s scent wasn’t pleasant for them. Carmen and Eleazer stayed. They were discussing world events with Esme, and their interest in her views was more potent than their desire to escape Jacob’s odor.

  The next two days passed quickly. Esme kept Nessie and Jacob fed. The Denali clan was polite about all the obnoxious odors we’d introduced into their home. The occasional wrinkled nose reminded me they weren’t accustomed to the potent smell of human food when the scent would waft into the front room from the kitchen, and I noticed that they were careful to position themselves well away from Jacob.

  We flew out Saturday morning with the knowledge that they were going to make the trip down to see us on Sunday. It was going to be a short separation.