Read Noonday Sun: a Fanfiction Book Page 21

  Chapter 13, Life Happens

  Conversations flowed around me in the Challenger. I was trying to figure out how to tell Edward about my preparations for a Volturi battle.

  He would be distraught. Every approach I could think of resulted in one thing: Edward’s anger. Stress immobilized me. Jasper looked up, sensing my agitation. I couldn’t control the peace that enveloped me. I smiled tremulously at Jasper. I didn’t want to feel apprehensive about Edward’s return.

  I stared out the window as we approached Seattle. The Needle towered above the city. I thought again about Esme’s words as we were admiring the Northern Lights. The city spread out before me, but it was so much smaller than the vast universe. Surely the hand that created the incredible beauty in the universe was a loving one.

  I had never prayed in my life, but I found myself praying for the success of my venture. I couldn’t help but think a loving hand had helped us during our first battle with the Volturi. Surely my shield had fit into the order of the universe somehow. Perhaps my reading the article on antibodies was not an accident.

  I silently reviewed all the moments in my life that must’ve had some divine intervention. From before my birth, even. Edward’s creation enabled him to live until I arrived on this planet. My deciding to live with Charlie, a totally unlikely event, had put me where we could meet. My dad being best friends with Billy, Jacob’s father. Jacob imprinting on Nessie. The list went on and on.

  Was my life any less ordered than the planets that revolved around the sun? Who was I that whatever being created the universe would care about me? But the evidence was so clear—like Esme had said. Anyone seeing the Vanquish could see intelligent engineering at work.

  Here I was looking at my own life, and I could see intelligent engineering at work. I was just the frame of a car, though. I had no idea what my ending would be. I would need to wait for the engineer to decide where all the parts would fit and just hope that I was making the decisions in my life that would help the engineer and not hinder him.

  I shook my head, dazed. These thoughts were so much bigger than I was.

  The landing gear touched down. I smiled at the heavy cloud cover. “You were right, as usual.”

  Alice smiled smugly. The smile quickly turned to a frown. “I just wish I could see Jacob and Nessie.” She sighed. “The holes in my vision are annoying. I’m having a hard time seeing much of any future right now.”

  I didn’t have time to think about that. The Challenger had pulled to a stop and we were getting ready to unload.

  I was glad we didn’t have to deal with security on the way out.

  Jacob’s Escalade was easy to find. We piled in quickly and were headed to Forks before one in the afternoon. I would have plenty of time to miss Edward before he arrived Sunday morning.

  As we were driving up the long Cullen drive, I addressed Jacob, “How would you and Nessie like to visit Sue and Charlie?”

  Jacob replied, “Sounds fun, but why today?”

  “I haven’t seen Dad in a while. It will give me something to do while Edward is gone.”

  He nodded, his understanding a comfort.

  I peeked at Esme. I was sure she was missing Carlisle. She was staring out the car window. She sensed my gaze and turned to look at me. “I’ll plan on having dinner ready at seven this evening. That should give you enough time with your dad.”

  “Thanks, Esme.” The Escalade had stopped. I waited for the Cullens to climb out, then moved up to the seat behind Nessie.

  I was quiet until we were heading into Forks. “School starts next Wednesday. How are you feeling about it, Nessie?” I already knew how Jacob felt. He hadn’t changed from his earlier days when we’d been hanging out. I smiled. Nessie would have to keep him in tow on this one.

  Nessie looked at me apprehensively. “I’m worried, Momma.”

  My smile faded. “How come?”

  “I’ve never been around any human teens other than members of Sam’s or Jacob’s pack. Somehow, I don’t think that quite counts. They aren’t really human, are they?”

  “Hey, I resent that remark!” Jacob protested.

  I laughed. “How can a nearly-seven-foot-tall shape shifter resent being called ‘not human’? I wouldn’t say you really qualify, would you?”

  He gripped the steering wheel and stared ahead in stony silence.

  Nessie reached out and touched his hand. “I’m sorry, Jacob. It’s just that I don’t really know how to act like a normal teen.”

  His anger melted away as he looked down at her. “It’s ok, Nessie. You’ll do just fine.” Then his face took on a fierce intenseness. “If anyone gives you any trouble, I’ll take care of them for you.”

  Nessie laughed lightly. “I’m sure that will make everyone believe I’m a normal teen, all right.” She pulled his hand from the steering wheel and stroked it gently. “I wish there was some crash course I could take in acting human.”

  We were all quiet for a moment. Finally, I said, “I was human once, but I never felt quite comfortable in the human world. It was like I was born to be a vampire. I didn’t ever fit in.”

  I quietly continued, “We’ve been trying to prepare you. Eating food is a big part of acting human. The other is one that you’ve learned with Grandpa and Sue. Never share your special communication ability with a human. They wouldn’t understand. The rest is just watching and doing what they do. If you sit quietly, I think you’ll be able to figure everything out. You’re super intelligent, Honey. You’ll do great.”

  Nessie sighed. “I’m just worried, that’s all. I’m sure you’re right. At least Jacob will be with me.”

  “Holy crow!” I moaned. “I forgot your schedule was supposed to be posted on Friday. I’m sorry. I’m not the same with your dad gone. Do you two mind waiting to get your schedule until after our visit with Charlie?”

  Nessie shook her head emphatically. She wasn’t interested in pursuing anything that had to do with school until she had to.

  Jacob looked disappointed. He was probably wondering if he’d been able to get that beginning mechanics class with Nessie. His instinct was to keep Nessie happy, though, and his “Nah. It’ll be fine,” sounded sincere.

  Jacob parked his Escalade next to the curb. I was surprised to see Nahuel and Leah’s Volvo there. I thought they’d already gone to Creighton Law School. Maybe the semester hadn’t started yet.

  Charlie was quick to answer the door. He enveloped Nessie in a huge hug. Her warm body was easier to embrace than mine. He settled for a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek for me. “Come in, come in.” His smile was genuine, and I was glad we’d decided to stop by for a visit.

  I was surprised to see Huilen in the room, standing quietly by Charlie’s TV.

  Nahuel, divinely gorgeous, was sitting on the couch next to Leah. One arm was draped protectively across her shoulders. His other hand held hers tenderly. My jaw dropped. Leah’s abdomen was swollen in a strangely familiar shape.

  Jacob had told me that Leah was upset when she changed into a werewolf. Her cycling had stopped. She wasn’t supposed to be able to conceive. This can’t be happening. I shook my head dazedly, as if the vision in front of me would disappear.

  Sue was standing in the kitchen, her face wet with streaming tears. Tears of joy or sorrow, I couldn’t tell.

  I slammed my mouth shut. It was Jacob who broke the silence. “Ummm, Leah, uhhh congratulations, I guess?” There was a question in his voice.

  Surprisingly, Leah looked relaxed. Didn’t she know that vampire venom was deadly to shapeshifters? She wouldn’t be able to live through this pregnancy, I was sure of it.

  She patted her bulging tummy. “Yeah,” she grinned at Jacob, “we’re happy.”

  I snuck a look at Nahuel. He looked pained at her announcement. I wasn’t sure if he was as happy as she seemed to think he was.

  “Have you seen a doctor?” I knew the answer, but I had to ask.

  “No. We’re waiting for Carlisle.
Charlie said he would be back tomorrow.”

  I nodded glumly. “He and Edward should be back in the morning.”

  Leah was glowing. I’d been deathly ill at this point in my pregnancy. Suspicious about her diet, I asked, “Any unusual cravings?”

  She laughed. “Actually, I have been craving eggs and blood. Nahuel’s been doing a lot of hunting for me.” She looked a little pensive. “I’ve been craving grizzly, but I’m not in much of a position to hunt myself.” She grimaced and patted her huge stomach. “He’s had to drag his kills to me.” They exchanged a glance, and Leah giggled.

  Jacob and I let out a unanimous sigh of relief. I couldn’t see Jacob approving a human blood diet for Leah, even if it was donor blood.

  I smiled at her. “There are tons of grizzlies near Denali. We just returned from there.”

  Leah shifted uncomfortably. “I’m not sure how much traveling I should be doing right now. I’ve been growing fast, and I’m not sure of the due date.”

  Nahuel’s arm tightened around her. I could see the strain around his eyes. Maybe he was doing a better job of hiding his stress from Leah.

  “Wow, Leah. How are you doing this? I mean, the baby was breaking my bones at this point…” I looked at my dad then, and saw the horrified look on his face. Ugh. I hadn’t meant to give him this much information.

  Apparently Leah and Nahuel hadn’t been aware of the need to protect him. Sue was on the Quileute council, so she already knew everything about vampires and werewolves.

  Leah must’ve forgotten that my dad wasn’t supposed to know. I didn’t want him on the Volturi hit list. I ground my teeth. The Volturi have to go. My dad shouldn’t be at risk.

  Charlie dropped into his armchair. His face had taken on a strange green tinge. I could hear him whispering “Need to know. Need to know.” I seemed to be the only one paying attention.

  Leah laughed and patted her huge stomach. I could almost see it grow as we stood there. “I heal fast.” Just then we heard a distinct snap. It came from the vicinity of her ribs. “Ouch. That one hurt.” She rubbed her rib tenderly, but it didn’t seem to bother her much.

  Jacob was nodding his head. “I remember wishing Bella could just be like me when she was carrying Nessie.” He reached for Nessie’s hand. “I guess we can see that it really would’ve made a difference.” He paused a moment, staring intensely at Leah. “You’re not hurting?”

  “Just when the baby kicks, but like I said, I heal fast.” She patted Nahuel’s hand. It was shaking slightly. “See, it’s already healing. No pain.”

  Sue was worriedly wringing her hands, but she was standing in the kitchen where Leah couldn’t see.

  Nahuel is venomous, I thought. How is the baby going to be delivered without injecting venom into Leah? Perhaps Carlisle will have an answer. I sighed. I hope Carlisle arrives before the baby does.

  Edward had delivered Nessie without Carlisle’s expert help. I didn’t think any of us in the room would be as qualified as Edward. He had two medical degrees under his belt when he was working on me. That counted for something.

  I glanced furtively around the room. The only one somewhat qualified to deliver would be my dad, and I was sure he would be absolutely clueless on how to deliver a vampire baby. Ugh. That leaves me and Jacob. At least Jacob had attended Nessie’s delivery. I’d been pretty much out of it. I suppressed a shudder. I’m so not ready for this!

  Sue dried the tears from her face, then walked in with a plate of scrambled eggs and a tall glass of ice water. Leah ate hungrily and sipped on the water. She turned to Nahuel. “I’m sorry, Honey, but I really need another bear.”

  Nahuel jumped up.

  Jacob offered, “Let’s take my Escalade. I don’t think your Volvo will be big enough.” He grinned at Nahuel, “And I don’t think Leah’s going to fit in it much longer, anyway.”

  Leah started to rise. Huilen, Sue and I all jumped to her side.

  “Just stay put,” I urged. I couldn’t forget my broken spine. I wasn’t sure if Leah would be able to heal from that. “Jacob can fit a bear in his Escalade. Don’t worry about it.”

  Charlie looked ready to protest. Grizzlies weren’t off the protected list.

  Sue put a gentle restraining hand on his arm. He glanced at her intense face and settled back down in his armchair. He wasn’t going to win this battle, and he knew it. No use even starting.

  He turned on the TV and hunted for a game. This was one of those moments he’d be better off not asking too many questions.

  He glanced furtively at me and Nessie, his gaze shifting back and forth several times before he focused on the TV. I closed my eyes and sighed. I knew he’d suspected the truth, but hearing me talk about my own pregnancy in front of him cemented his half-formed suspicions. And then there were Leah’s cravings.

  Ugh. Volturi bait, for sure. They have to go. I won’t let them get Charlie.

  “Do you mind if I step out for a sec?” I asked no one in particular. “I need some air.”

  Charlie was absorbed in his game, or else absorbed in his thoughts, I couldn’t tell which.

  Nessie was playing a quiet game of UNO with Huilen. Jacob had decided there wouldn’t be room in the Escalade for any passengers with the bear. I thought he was secretly protecting Nessie from a sneaky bear snack, but I couldn’t be sure. He knew she’d be better off on a blood-free diet.

  Leah was snoring quietly on the couch. I’d always thought Edward was joking when he said I snored while I was pregnant. I was beginning to suspect it wasn’t a joke.

  Sue answered, “No. Go right ahead.”

  I slid out the door and walked to the side of the house where I wouldn’t be heard. I flipped open my cell phone and dialed.


  “Yes.” Her gentle voice made me want to cringe. I didn’t have good news.

  “We will be missing dinner.”


  “Jacob has gone hunting with Nahuel…”

  “Nahuel? I thought he and Leah were heading to law school?”

  “I thought so, too.” I paused, not quite sure how to tell Esme the news. “But Leah and Nahuel are visiting Sue. Leah was hoping to see Carlisle as soon as he gets in.”

  Esme’s voice sounded puzzled. “Why would Leah need to see Carlisle?”

  “Ummm. She’s kind of… expecting.”

  “Expecting?” Esme’s voice went up an octave. “How far along is she?”

  “I’m not sure, but she looks as big as I did when Nessie arrived.”

  Silence. I could hear it. Esme was too shocked to move.

  “Esme? Esme?” I could hear Alice’s alarmed voice as she responded to Esme’s shocked silence.

  Jasper is nearby, I reminded myself.

  Momentarily, Esme could speak again. Bless Jasper. “Is she doing alright?”

  “Much better than I did, actually. The baby’s kicks hurt but she heals so fast that she’s doing ok. She’s craving grizzly and eggs.”

  Esme breathed out a sigh. I was sure she was relieved to hear that Leah wasn’t craving human blood. I don’t know what it would’ve done for Leah’s psyche.

  “Can you move her to our home?”

  “I’m not sure. She might feel more comfortable here at her mom’s. Do you think Carlisle could set up a hospital room in my old bedroom?”

  “I don’t know, Bella. All that equipment takes a lot of electricity.”

  “Maybe we can buy a couple of generators.” I mused. All that hospital equipment in my old room could overload a circuit. Might even blow out the whole board.

  Esme sighed. “They’d have to be powerful. I’ll check into it.”

  “Thanks, Esme. I really appreciate this. Have you heard from Carlisle at all?”

  “The flight refuels in Germany. They should be home early in the morning. It’s an all-night flight.”

  So much for wishing them home early. I shuddered. Hopefully Leah’s baby will wait.

  “Do you s
till have the hospital bed you used for me?”

  “I think we have it around somewhere. I’ll check. Give me an hour. I should have the information you need by then.”

  “Esme, you’re the best.” I shut my phone and headed back for the house. I have an hour. It seemed like a lifetime.

  I remembered back to our landing in Seattle. Alice had said she couldn’t see the future clearly. This was probably one of those events she hadn’t been able to see. Her blind spot can be scary.

  When I walked in, Leah was still snoring on the couch. It seemed like an age since I left, but it had only been a couple of minutes.

  I walked into the kitchen. “Need some help?”

  Sue was washing dishes. She nodded. I suspected she wanted to talk more than she wanted the help.

  I grabbed a dishtowel and started to dry.

  She kept her voice low, not wanting to wake Leah. “What are the chances of her surviving this?”

  I wasn’t surprised at the question, but I stopped wiping the dish and looked at her intensely. “I don’t know.” I had to be honest. “Vampire venom is poisonous to her. The only way I survived was by becoming one, but I was human. She’s not. She won’t survive the same way I did.” I kept my voice equally low. I don’t want Charlie hearing all this.

  Sue’s eyes filled with tears. I wished I could reassure her. I would try. “Leah is doing much better than I did. I was frail. My body just couldn’t carry what she is carrying with ease. She looks healthy. This might just be like a normal pregnancy and delivery for her. I just don’t know.”

  Sue nodded and dried her tears. “Seth doesn’t know yet. I haven’t wanted to alarm him.” She paused. “And I don’t want Sam’s pack finding out.”

  I shuddered. Sam seemed to have accepted the presence of Nessie, grudgingly, but I didn’t know what he’d do about Leah having a child with a vampire. I could certainly see the wisdom in Sue’s decision. Would he be able to accept the reality of a shape-shifting vampire in his world? And if he couldn’t, what would that mean for Jacob and Nessie? I suppressed another shudder. I didn’t even want to think about it. “You’re absolutely correct, of course. We’ll need to keep this quiet—at least until after Leah has delivered. She doesn’t need any stress right now.”

  We finished the dishes in silence, lost in our own thoughts.

  I joined Nessie and Huilen in another game of UNO. Sue sat next to her daughter, watching the rise and fall of her chest. My throat constricted. Having a daughter of my own gave me insight to her agony.

  I heard the Escalade pull up and hurried out to greet the hunters. I could smell the bear before I left the house. Somehow, they’d managed to bring it home alive. Its pumping heart brought a rush of venom to my mouth. Fortunately, I’d been well fed in Danali. I couldn’t imagine how they’d been able to get a living bear home in the Escalade.

  What has it done to the leather upholstery?

  I walked gingerly to door as they opened it. Nahuel dragged the huge bear out by his hind leg. It was a good thing Charlie’s home was so isolated. The neighbors would’ve protested vehemently at having a poached bear at the police chief’s house.

  I was impressed. Nahuel had apparently learned exactly where to hit a bear to keep it alive but incapacitated. Its skull was crushed but the heart was still beating. I smiled approvingly. Nice job.

  His years in the jungle must’ve endowed him with knowledge the city-slicker vampires didn’t have—not that we ever had a need to drag our kill home. I snickered at the thought.

  Leah woke at the smell of the bear. She walked groggily through the door. I was curious to see how she would drink its blood. Her human teeth couldn’t cut through skin and sinew like mine could. I couldn’t turn away. I noticed Jacob was watching as intensely as I was.

  When Leah was close enough to touch the bear, Nahuel bent down and bit through the bear’s hide through to the vein pulsing warm and wet with blood. It started to spurt and Leah bent down, clamping her own mouth on the vein. She sucked greedily, and soon the bear was spent. She stood up awkwardly, her huge belly making her wobbly. She reached over and softly patted Nahuel on his cheek. “Thanks, honey. That should keep me for a few hours, at least.” He smiled at her, his love shining in his warm brown eyes.

  “How often do you hunt for her?” I asked.

  “It’s gone up to twice a day. I usually take Leah with me and drag the bear to the car, but she’s having a harder time traveling now.”

  “I can see that.”

  Sue was helping Leah back to the couch as we talked. Nahuel’s eyes followed her. “I don’t like to leave her now.”

  Jacob jumped in. “I can hunt for you. I think I can remember the technique. Leah seems to need to feed more often.” He sent me a worried glance. We both remembered how much my appetite had gone up just before Nessie was born.

  Nahuel nodded. “Yes. Her hunger has grown.” He turned to Jacob. “I really appreciate your help. She will need another bear soon.”

  “Emmett could help with the hunting. Do you want me to call him?” I couldn’t stand the thought of Jacob running off to hunt a grizzly by himself. I didn’t think this hunt could be done with him as a wolf. Could he bite it in the right spot to crush it’s skull but leave it alive? Jacob as a human wasn’t as skilled at hunting bear as Jacob as a wolf.

  I hid a shudder. Emmett just had to go. Jacob might not be entirely human, but he was one hundred per cent mortal. Raking bear claws would do damage to his skin like it wouldn’t on a vampire’s.

  Jacob grinned. “He’d kill me if you didn’t. A chance to hunt grizzlies and leave Emmett out of it? I don’t think so.”

  “It’ll give me a chance to ask Esme about the bed and generators.”

  Nahuel and Jacob stared at me.

  Quickly, I explained my plan for keeping Leah at Sue’s house. Nahuel nodded his agreement. “Leah will be happier here. I know it.” His warm voice was a comfort.

  Jacob threw the drained bear back in the Escalade. I assumed he’d drop it off in some remote location. We couldn’t leave dead bears strewn around Charlie’s yard. I stifled a giggle. We’d get thrown out of town in a hurry.

  Nahuel and Jacob headed for the door, anxious to get back to their mates.

  My phone was answered on the first ring. “Esme? Has Jasper been able to locate the necessary generators?”

  “He’ll be picking them up from the hospital in a few minutes. They have several generators on hand and said they could spare a couple for a week or so if Carlisle needed them. They’re loaning us a switch to go with them. It automatically moves the power to the next generator if one runs out of fuel. They didn’t ask too many questions. I’m glad they like him so much.” I could hear the smile in her voice.

  “Did you find my old bed?”

  “Yes. It was stored in the garage. I’ll let Sue wash the bedding. It’ll smell better to Leah if Sue’s handled it instead of me.”

  Esme is so thoughtful. I couldn’t have a better mother-in-law.

  “Could you have Emmett bring the bed and bedding over? Jacob needs to hunt down another grizzly for Leah. Nahuel doesn’t want to leave her right now.”

  “I’ll ask Emmett. I’m sure it will be fine. You know Emmett and grizzlies.”

  I laughed with her, then I grew serious. “I know Seth hangs out at your house a lot. Sue wants to keep Leah’s condition a secret. She doesn’t want Sam to get wind of it. Please use discretion when he’s around.” I trusted Seth with my life, but it wasn’t my life we were talking about here, and he couldn’t hide any secrets from his pack mates. I wasn’t so sure that Quil and Embry would keep the secret like Seth and Jacob would.

  “Of course.” Esme’s voice was understanding.

  “May I talk to Rose really quick?”

  “No problem.” I could hear Esme call her.

  She must’ve been close. She picked up the phone immediately. “Hi, Bella. What do you need?”

  “I was kind of ou
t of it when Nessie was born. I’m guessing you’ve heard that Leah is expecting. I have no idea how to handle a newborn half vampire. What do I need to do?”

  “One of the first things you’ll need to get is a metal cup of some kind that the baby can’t easily bite through. You’ll probably need some human blood on hand to feed it.”

  I interrupted then. “Leah is only eating grizzly and eggs. Do you think the baby might be ok with an animal diet?”

  Rose was silent for a moment. “I don’t know. Maybe we should ask Carlisle. I have no idea how to get blood from a bear. I mean, it’s not like you can hook it to a gurney and stick a needle in its arm.”

  I laughed. “I can see your point. I think Nahuel might be able to figure it out, though. He seems to be quite good at feeding Leah. She can’t phase right now. It might harm the baby. She’s been feeding off bear in her human form. It was something to see.”

  “I’ll bet.” Rose snickered, then her voice turned serious. “Carlisle will be here in the morning. Hopefully Leah can hang on until then. Just keep her from making any sudden moves.”

  “No kidding.” I didn’t want to deal with a ruptured placenta. Leah might heal, but what would it do to the baby? If it was a male, he couldn’t be allowed to fight his way out. He would poison Leah.

  “How soon can Emmett come over?”

  “He’s loading the hospital bed in Alice’s Escalade right now. It won’t be long.” I had a brainstorm. “Do you think Alice would mind if Emmett loaded a bear into her Escalade?”

  Rose laughed again. “Whether she minds or not, I think he can do it.”

  “If Jacob and Emmett can both bring back a bear, we might be able to start getting the blood supply for the baby.”

  “Good point. I’ll let Emmett know.”

  “Ummm. We’ll need some way to preserve the blood if we can actually drain the bear.”

  “I’ll check. The hospital should have something.”

  “Thanks, Rose.”

  “Anytime.” She paused, and I almost shut the phone, but then she said, “Bella, if Leah can stand me around, I’d love to help with the baby.”

  “I’ll ask.”

  “Thanks.” I didn’t have to hang up my phone. It was already dead. I stared at the phone for a moment. Leah had always hated vampires. I didn’t dare ask her if Rose could help, but I owed Rose. If it hadn’t been for her, Carlisle and Edward would’ve aborted my Nessie.

  I owe her big time.

  I will ask.