Read Not Dead Yet Page 6


  Gary hadn't followed Mick Burke for several days. Driving home from Potts Point, he pondered how to show the bastard was a malingerer. While sitting at some traffic lights, inspiration struck like chained lightning. The genius hiding in his brain finally turned up for work. He started giggling and only stopped when the cars behind him beeped.

  It was already dark when he parked under his apartment block. He climbed the stairs and knocked on Robyn Parsons' door. She opened it and looked surprised. "Hi".

  "Hi. Ah, do you still want to help me, one day, with the surveillance I was talking about?"

  Her eyes gleamed. "Of course, I'd love to. What do you want me to do?"

  It took Gary about five minutes to explain his plan. By the time he'd finished, she looked dubious.

  "I don't know," she said, biting her lip.

  "Of course, you'd be paid for your efforts."

  "How much?"

  "What about $500, in cash?"

  Her unemployed eyes glittered and she nodded determinedly. "OK. Count me in. When do you want to do this?"

  "Tomorrow morning?"

  "Fine. So, umm, what do you want me to wear?"

  "Whatever you like, but not much."

  Gary woke the next morning feeling oddly pleased and couldn't understand why, until he realised he'd be spending the day with Robyn. Christ, did he like her that much? He was on dangerous ground. But this was no time to analyse his feelings or get distracted. He had a job to do. Stay focused. Be professional.

  That attitude lasted for fifteen minutes, until Robyn knocked on his door and he saw how little she was wearing: a green halter-top and a ridiculously short skirt, with plenty of midriff on display. No hint of mystery there. Her legs were long, firm and fantastic.

  She looked nervous. "What do you think? Have I dressed alright?"

  He dragged his incredibly heavy eyes up from her legs to her cleavage, and finally looked her in the eye. "Yes, just right."

  "You think your plan will work?"

  "My confidence is growing."

  They got into his battered Nissan Pulsar. He drove over to Burke's house and parked out the front. They both got out. Gary stuck a key into the valve of the curb-side rear tyre. Air hissed out.

  He popped open the boot and tossed the spare wheel, jack and tyre wrench onto the grassy verge. He slid the jack under the rear axle and raised it until the flat tyre hung in the air.

  He turned to Robyn. "OK, you're in charge. You know what to do?"

  She looked nervous. "Yep. How long do you think I'll have to wait?"

  "Not long. He usually leaves home at about nine-thirty."

  "OK. Where'll you be?"

  "Behind that tree." Gary pointed to a large eucalypt about thirty metres down the street. "Don't worry, if there's any trouble, I'll come running."

  "Don't fall asleep."

  "I won't."

  He reached into the car boot and took out a gym bag containing a video camera with telephoto lens. Then he strolled down the street and stood behind the eucalypt. Through the lens, he saw Robyn already trying to change the tyre, without success.

  Ten minutes later, Burke emerged from his bungalow and Gary started filming. Halfway down his pebblecrete pathway, Burke saw Robyn bent over, trying to unscrew a wheel-nut, and actually licked his lips.

  Robyn glanced over her shoulder and saw him. She stood and forlornly tried to pull down her skirt.

  Gary wondered who was hornier: Burke or himself.

  Robyn and Burke started talking. She kept pointing towards the flat tyre, looking helpless. Gary hoped she wasn't overacting. But Burke's thought processes all passed through his groin. He puffed out his chest, picked up the wrench and started unscrewing wheel-nuts with robotic power. In less than five minutes, he'd removed the flat tyre and replaced it with the spare. Then he scooped up the flat and nonchalantly slung it into the boot like a discus. He was like a one-man Formula One pit crew.

  He closed the boot and leered at Robyn.

  Gary muttered to himself: "That's right, you frickin' goose - smile for the camera."

  Burke now had a hand on Robyn's arm and was trying to guide her towards his house. She shrugged him off and shook her head.

  Gary slipped the camera into the gym bag and sauntered along the pavement. Burke was still trying to persuade Robyn to enter his house.

  Gary and Robyn hadn't prepared for this situation. He hoped she could improvise. "Hi Robyn, fancy meeting you here."

  Their heads spun around. Burke looked puzzled and Robyn relieved.

  She took his cue. "Hello Gary, you live around here?"

  "Yep. Just around the corner. What're you doing here?"

  "I was on my way to work and got a flat. This kind gentleman changed it for me."

  Gary turned to Burke, whose eyebrows had joined like magnets above the bridge of his nose. This didn't compute.

  "Very decent of you," Gary said affably.

  Burke grunted.

  Robyn said: "Well, I'd better get to work."

  "I'll come with you," Gary said quickly.

  Before Burke could say anything, Gary slipped into the car and started the engine. Robyn climbed in beside him.

  Gary stomped on the accelerator, leaving Burke with nothing to show for his trouble except a fast dissolving bulge in his pants.