Read Not Dead Yet Page 7


  Five minutes later, Robyn was still tripping on adrenalin. "God, that was the most exciting thing I've ever done."

  "Why did Burke want you to go into his house?"

  "To make me a cup of tea. But I bet he wanted a lot more than that. What a creep. Do you think he's worked out what really happened?"

  "Yes, unless he's as dumb as plankton, which is possible."

  "What'll happen to the film you took?"

  "It'll be used in court."


  "Well, if Burke's case goes ahead - which I doubt - he'll be cross-examined along the following lines: 'Mr Burke, can you use a shovel?' 'No.' 'Can you push a wheelbarrow?' 'No.' 'Can you change a car tyre?' 'No.' 'Are you sure about that Mr Burke?' 'Yes.' Then the jury will be shown my film. And that will be it: game, set and match."

  "I almost feel sorry for him."

  "Don't. The poor bastard will just have to work for a living."

  "Have you played this trick before?"

  "Not this one."

  She laughed. "You mean you've played others?"


  "Like what?"

  He told her about the time he followed a worker's comp claimant into a gym and they competed to see who could bench-press the most. "We even made a small wager. Eventually, he yelled: 'I win - I bench pressed 10 kilos more than you.' And I said: 'No, I win, because I work for the insurance company and this has all been filmed'."

  Robyn laughed. "You're kidding, right?"

  "No. Boy he was pissed - tried to clobber me with a barbell."

  "I'm not surprised. What other tricks have you played?"

  "Oh, I recently got a Rottweiler to attack a guy in a wheelchair."

  An uncertain laugh. "You're serious?"


  He explained how, a couple of months ago, he did surveillance of a rugby player called Dennis Oakley who fractured his spine in a scrum and claimed to be a paraplegic. Eventually, while Oakley was out in his wheelchair, Gary sooled a Rottweiler onto him. As the ferocious pooch bounded forward, Oakley leapt up and hurdled the nearest fence.

  Robyn laughed hard. "You're making that up, right?"

  "No, I've got it all on film. It's my prize possession."

  "I think you're a very dangerous man. Do you sometimes find people really are injured?"

  "Sometimes, though surveillance is expensive, so insurance companies are usually pretty sure someone's faking before they use me."

  "What if the guy in the wheelchair really was a paraplegic?"

  "If he was, he wouldn't have connected me with the dog."

  They were silent for a while, until Robyn said quietly: "Gary, you know I've never thanked you."

  "For what?"

  "Being so nice after I broke up with Rocky."

  "Forget about it. You were no trouble."

  "Yes I was. I was a mess. I mean, I don't know why, but in that relationship, I sort of lost perspective and went crazy. Then, when he dumped me, I got pretty hysterical, I know that. I just hope you don't think I'm always like that. I'm not like that at all."

  "Don't worry. We all lose our balance sometimes. It just happens."

  "You have too?"

  He smiled. "No, I'm an exception."

  Gary parked in front of their apartment block, cleared his throat and stared ahead. "Umm, thanks for that. You did a fantastic job." He took $500 out of his wallet. "Here's your money."

  She took it gratefully. "Thanks, I need it."

  "Well, you know where I live. Drop in and see me, OK?"

  "Will do. But not tonight - I'm going out with a girlfriend."


  She got out and strode into their apartment block. Though there was a strong breeze, her skirt wasn't long enough to stir.

  Gary drove away, heart thumping. Their friendship had reached a point where it would evolve or dissolve. He'd worried she was too high-strung and possessive. But she'd calmed down a lot and showed plenty of guts outside Burke's house. Yep, probably time to evolve.

  He spent the rest of the day in his office, doing paperwork. Nailing Burke put him in a good mood. Indeed, that evening he arrived home feeling so good he cleaned up his apartment. First, he wandered around tossing rubbish into a garbage bag. Then he went into the kitchen and washed the pile of dirty dishes in the sink. As he did, a swarm of cockroaches broke from cover and dashed for safety. He granted them safe passage.

  Later, in bed, he dreamt he was driving along a barren highway and got a puncture. He pulled over and opened the boot. No spare. A car approached with Robyn behind the wheel. He waved for her to stop. As she drove straight past, he noticed she had a passenger - Mick Burke - who put a very friendly arm about her. Shit.

  He woke and didn't sleep again.