Read Nothing But the Truth Page 21


  "Did he tell you that I--?" began Miss Dolly at once, and snatching herarm from that tiresome monocle-man.

  "Yes, my dear," said Gwendoline. "And he seemed a little hurt at yoursense of humor."

  The temperamental little thing stood like a wild creature at bay, hereyes glowing like those of a fawn about to receive the arrow of a hunteror a huntress. Miss Gerald did not look a very remorseless huntress,however.

  "How did he know I did it?" said Dolly with a glance toward thehammer-thrower. "He didn't catch me at it." Defiantly.

  "Deduction, my dear," replied Gwendoline.

  "He can't prove it. I defy him." The jolly little pal felt now how onefeels when he or she is haled into a court of justice. She wouldn't"peach" though. They could put her through the third or the thirty-thirddegree and she wouldn't tell on Bob. Never! "You have only _his_ word,"with another glance at the hammer-thrower, "and maybe my word is as goodas his." She had to tell a whopper; but she would tell a million forBob. It was a pal's duty to.

  "But I saw you do it," now interposed the monocle-man with a quietsmile.

  She almost wilted at that, then threw back her head farther.

  "I"--Bob stepped quickly forward--"gave it to her. It was I," gravely toMiss Gerald, "who had your ring. Think what you please." She had alreadypassed judgment on him, he remembered.

  "Don't you believe him," tempestuously interrupted the temperamentallittle thing. "I took it myself. It--it was just a joke."

  "That's what Miss Gerald and I were saying just now," observed thehammer-thrower heavily. He held himself just as if he were a remote,rather puzzled bystander.

  Bob gave a hoarse laugh. He couldn't control himself.

  "I beg your pardon," observed the monocle-man, "but I am afraid MissDolly, in her zeal, is rather misleading in her statements. Her vale offriendship, I have noticed, on her palm, is well developed. At the sametime I can not let her wrongfully accuse herself, even though the mattershould pass as a jest. I have to tell the truth--you must forgive me,Miss Dolly. But I saw Mr. Bennett pass you that ring during the dance."

  "But why should he?" spoke up Miss Gerald. "Can't you enlighten me,dear?" To the temperamental young thing.

  "I won't say a word," said the latter at a loss. "Only I'd like to tellyou"--to the monocle-man--"how much I like you."

  "I'm sorry to have displeased you," he answered simply. "You have reallya charming hand. As for the reason you ask"--to Miss Gerald--"it shouldnot be difficult to find. I conclude that Mr. Bennett asked Miss Dollyto return the ring to Miss Gerald's room. I think that was what she wastrying to do and I'm afraid I prevented her."

  "But why should Mr. Bennett"--Gwendoline did not deign to address thatyoung man direct--"have asked Dolly to do that?"

  "Maybe," suggested the monocle-man, "Mr. Bennett will answer thathimself."

  "What's the use?" said Bob. "Nobody believes anything I say." MissGwendoline still acted as if she did not see him.

  "If you take him to jail, I'm going too," remarked the temperamentallittle thing. "If he's guilty, I--"

  "You suggest, then, he is guilty?" said the monocle-man quickly.

  "No; no! I--"

  "I fear you have suggested it," he interrupted pointedly.

  "If people confess do they get lighter sentences?" she asked with aquick breath.

  "Usually," said the monocle-man.

  Jolly little pal pondered painfully. Perhaps she saw plainer than Bobhow clear was the case against him. "Why don't you?" she suggested.

  Bob smiled feebly. "The answer I make is the same one I gave to MissGerald when I last spoke to her."

  A flame sprang to Gwendoline's cheek.

  "You dare say that now--with all this evidence against you?" She showedherself keenly aware of his presence now.

  "I dare." He stepped to her side and looked into her eyes. "My eyes aresaying it now."

  The girl's breast stirred quickly. Did she fear he would say those wordsaloud, before all the others? He was reckless enough to do so.

  "Do you understand or shall I make it plainer?" he asked, swinging backhis blond head.

  "I do not think that will be necessary," she answered with somedifficulty.

  "What _is_ it all about?" said the hammer-man, and there was a slightfrown on his brow.

  "You ought to know," returned Bob, as his eyes met swiftly the other's.For a moment gaze encountered gaze. Bob's now was sardonically ironical,yet challenging. The hammer-thrower's was mystified. Then the lattershrugged.

  "Is he mad as well as a--" he spoke musingly.

  "Thief," said Bob. "Say it right out. I'm not afraid of the word."

  The hammer-thrower sighed heavily. "What are we to do?" he said to MissGerald sympathetically. "It is needless to say, you can command me."

  "Isn't that lovely?" Sotto voce from Bob.

  "I'm terribly afraid the affair has passed from the joke stage," saidGwendoline Gerald and once more she appeared cool and composed. Againshe made Bob feel he was but a matter for consideration--an intrusiveand unwelcome matter that had to be disposed of. "What ought I to do?"

  "Arrest me, of course," returned Bob. "I've been waiting for it for sometime. And the funny part is, the affair hasn't passed from the jokestage. You know that." To the hammer-man. "Why don't you chuckle?"

  "I suppose I may as well tell you I'm a bogus lord," unexpectedlyinterrupted the monocle-man at this moment. "My name is not even ahigh-sounding one." The hammer-thrower started slightly. "It's plainMichael Moriarity. But I was once a lord's valet." He had dropped hisdrawl, though he still kept his monocle. "I am sorry to have intruded asa real personage among you all, although there are plenty of bogus lordsfloating through society."

  "Oh, you didn't deceive me," answered jolly little pal. "I knew who youwere."

  "Well, you certainly hoodwinked the rest of us," observed thehammer-thrower slowly. He stood with his head down as if thinkingdeeply. When he looked up, he gazed straight into the monocle-man'seyes. They were twinkling and good-humored. An arrest in high societywas rather a ceremonious affair. You didn't take a man by the scruff ofthe neck and yank him to the patrol wagon. There were polite formalitiesto be observed. The end had to be accomplished without shocking ordisturbing the other guests. The truly artistic method would, in fact,be the attainment of the result while the guests remained in absoluteignorance, for the time being, of what had been done.

  "I'm afraid I've got to do my duty," observed the monocle-man to Bob."You look like a man who would play the game. A game loser, I mean?"Suggestively.

  "Oh, I'm a loser all right," said Bob, looking at the hammer-man. For amoment he wondered if he should speak further. He could imagine how hiswords would be received. He didn't forget that he hadn't a shadow ofproof against the hammer-man. Miss Gerald would think he was accusing aninnocent person and she would despise him (Bob) only the more--if thatwere possible. To speak would be but to court the contempt of theothers, the laughter of the hammer-man. Bob's thoughts were terriblyconfused but he realized he might as well remain silent; indeed, perhapsit would be better for the present.

  "Anyhow, what I told you wasn't so," said jolly little pal to themonocle-man. "And I repeat I will never testify to it." She was awfullydejected.

  "Yes, you will," said Bob monotonously. "As I told you, I won't let youget into trouble."

  "Besides there's all that other evidence," suggested the monocle-man.

  "I can explain that away," returned Bob. Then he thought: Could he?Would Dan and Clarence stand by him now and acknowledge it was they hehad let out of the house at that unseemly hour? He doubted it. Dickie,too, wouldn't be very friendly. Their last conversation over thetelephone was far from reassuring. "No; I am not sure that I can," Bobadded. He still had to remember he was the impersonation of Truth.

  "You refer to Miss Gerald's having seen you wandering about the houseafter the others had retired, I presume?" suggested the monocle-man
, whowas enjoying the conversation immensely. It was the kind of a situationhe liked. He wouldn't have curtailed it for the world. When thehammer-man heard the question, his brows lifted slightly. Surely amomentary glint of gladness or satisfaction shone from his gaze. But itreceded at once. He listened attentively.

  "Yes, I was referring to that," answered Bob, gazing at Gwendoline. She,condemn him to a prison cell! She, swear away his liberty! He gazedwistfully, almost sadly at the sweet inexorable lips which might ruinhis life. He didn't feel resentful; he only determined to put up thebest fight he could when the time came.

  "Is--is it necessary to proceed to extremities?" said the hammer-man atthis point sedulously. "Would not the mere fact that we all know aboutthe matter be sufficient punishment?" He appealed to Miss Gerald. "Myfather used to tell me that when a man was down, if we could see the wayto extend a helping hand, we would be doing the right thing. I think theworld is becoming more tolerant and there is a tendency to give a persona chance to reform, instead of locking him up."

  Again Bob laughed. In spite of his unhappiness and that weight ofmelancholy, the other's heavy humor tickled Bob's funny bone. Think ofthe hammer-man pretending to try to keep Bob out of jail! Didn't he knowhow to play his cards? The deadly joke was on Bob.

  "Don't appeal too hard in my behalf, old chap; you might strainyourself," he said to the hammer-thrower.

  But the hammer-thrower pretended not to hear. He kept his sedulous,humane glance on Miss Gerald.

  "You mean you would have my aunt take no action in the matter?" shesaid, and the lovely face was now calm and thoughtful.

  "Please do!" This from jolly little pal. "Dear, dear Gwendoline! It'llbe such a favor to me. And I'll love you dearly."

  "You certainly are a very doughty champion of Mr. Bennett, Dolly,"observed Miss Gerald. There was a question in her look and her wordsmight have implied that Bob had been making love to the temperamentallittle thing, even when he dared tell Miss Gerald he cared for her.Gwendoline's face wore an odd smile now.

  "I'm not interested for the reason you think," answered thetemperamental little thing spiritedly. "He never made love to me--reallove. I tried to make him, because he is all that should appeal to anywoman, but he wouldn't," she went on tempestuously, regardlessly. "Andthen we vowed we'd be pals and we are. And I'll stand by him to the lastditch."

  "You are very loyal, dear," said Gwendoline quietly.

  "Besides, he's in love with some one else," she shot back, and Bobshifted. There was a directness about jolly little pal that wassometimes disconcerting.

  The hammer-man looked quickly toward Miss Gerald, and his eyes were fullof jealousy for an instant. He was not sorry that Bob was going to "gethis." Nevertheless, he would plead for him again, he wouldn't cease tobe consistent in his role.

  "I'll tell you who it is, too, if you want to know," the temperamentallittle thing went on to Gwendoline.

  "My dear, I haven't asked. It seems to me," coldly, "we are slightlydrifting from the subject."

  "I believe you stated just now that you and Mr. Bennett vowed to bepals," interposed the monocle-man regarding Miss Dolly. "Does that meanyou agreed to be accomplices--to divide the 'swag,' in the parlance ofthe lower world?" The monocle-man was enjoying himself more and more. Hewas finding new interest in the scene. It was more "meaty" than he haddared hope.

  "She doesn't mean anything of the kind," put in Bob savagely. "She justextended the hand of friendship. She's a good fellow, that is all, and Iwon't have you imply the slightest thing against her. You understandthat, Mr. Bogus Lord?"

  "I only asked a question," observed the monocle-man humbly.

  "Well, you've got the answer." In the same aggressive manner. "She'sa--a brick and I won't have any harm come to her on my account."

  "None of us would have any harm come to Dolly," said Gwendoline coldly.

  "I wanted him to elope with me, but he wouldn't," went on thetemperamental little thing, thinking fast. Bob listened in despair. "Ididn't know then it was only friendship I felt. I thought it was love.And when he refused, I was furious. To be revenged, I went to thathorrid man"--looking at him of the monocle--"and told him a pack oflies."

  "Lies?" said the monocle-man, smiling sweetly and screwing his glass infarther.

  "Yes, and that's the reason I shall give on the witness-stand."Defiantly. "I'll tell the truth there--let every one know how horrid andwicked I was."

  The monocle-man shook his head with mild disapproval. "What do you sayto that, Mr. Bennett?" he asked softly.

  "Of course I can't let her do anything to incriminate herself," answeredBob mournfully. "To prevent her doing so I shall have to avow rightnow--? and I do"--firmly--"that those were not lies, but truths she toldyou."

  "Please!--please!--" said jolly little pal piteously.

  "Truths!" said Bob again boldly.

  Miss Dolly gave a great sigh. "Are you going to confess you are guiltyof all they charge?"

  "I am not." Stubbornly. "I am not guilty."

  "I'm rather afraid certain evidence, including Miss Dolly's truths,which you acknowledge as such, might tend to show you are," suggestedthe monocle-man.

  Again Miss Dolly thought fast. Bob wouldn't let her declare heraccusations of him lies; therefore only one alternative remained.

  "_I_ have a confession to make," she said solemnly.

  Bob looked startled. "Don't!--" he began. He wondered into what newrealm her inventive faculties would lead her.

  "Mr. Bennett," observed the monocle-man gravely, "I have to remind youthat anything you say can be used against you. And your manner now, inseeking to restrain or interfere with what Miss Dolly has to say, willcertainly hurt your case."

  Bob groaned. He cast hunted eyes upon Miss Dolly. The jolly little palbreathed hard, but there was a look of determination in the dark soulfuleyes.

  "Mr. Mike Something, or whatever your name is," she said to themonocle-man in a low tense tone, "I am all that which you suggested."

  He overlooked the scornful mode of address. He rubbed his hands softly;his eyes were pleased. "You mean about agreeing to be accomplices and todivide the 'swag'?"

  "Yes." Fatalistically.

  Bob groaned again.

  The temperamental little thing looked up in the air. She would be mainlyresponsible for sending Bob to jail--the thought burned. What was atreacherous but repentant pal's duty under the circumstances? She had avision, too, of those adjoining cells.

  "You see," she began dreamily, "my father is rather sparing of thespending money he allows me, and I have terribly extravagant tastes.Why, my hats alone cost a fortune. I simply have got to have nice andexpensive things." Again Bob groaned. Dolly dreamed on: "I'vebushel-baskets of silk stockings, for example. See!" Displaying anexquisite ankle. "My gowns all come from Paris. Gwendoline can tell youthat." Miss Gerald did not deny. "And they're not gowns from thoseside-street dressmakers, either. They come from _the_ places on the ruede la Paix. Besides"--Dolly's dream expanded--"I like to take things."Another groan from Bob. "I think I'm a clepto."

  "There isn't one word of truth in what she's saying," exclaimed Bobindignantly. "Why, it's outrageous. She doesn't realize what she'sdoing."

  "Yes, I do," returned little pal with a stanch and loyal glance. "Whyshould you take all the blame when I'm entitled to half of it?"

  "You aren't entitled to any of it," he retorted helplessly. "And thereisn't any blame for you to share, either."

  "Do you expect us to believe that?" observed the monocle-manreproachfully.

  "No, I don't."

  "Or a jury?"

  "Perhaps not."

  "Really, old chap"--began the hammer-man sedulously, and he lookedawfully sorry. Perhaps he was going to extend his sympathy.

  "Say it in Latin!" interrupted Bob ungratefully.

  "What does he mean?" queried the monocle-man.

  "I'm really at a loss," answered the hammer-thrower.

  That gentleman had gleaned a great deal of information of a
mostgratifying nature. He didn't know all the whys and wherefores, but itwas sufficient that Bob seemed too deep in the toils to extricatehimself. A happy (to the hammer-man) combination of circumstances hadinvolved the other.

  "Please let him go," again pleaded Miss Dolly to Gwendoline. "Be a dear.Besides, think how he--" She went over to Miss Gerald suddenly andwhispered two words--two ardent electrical words!

  Gwendoline's eyes flashed but she did not answer. One of thehammer-thrower's hands closed.

  "I fear Miss Gerald couldn't do that now, if she wanted to," interposedthe monocle-man. "It isn't altogether her affair or her aunt's. You see,there are other people who gave those other social functions Mr. Bennettattended. They may not incline to be sentimentally--I may say foolishlylenient. So you see even if I desired to oblige a lady"--bowing to Dolly"whom I esteem very much, my hands are tied. Justice, in other words,must take its course."

  Bob looked at Gwendoline. "Some day, Miss Gerald, you may realize youhelped, or tried to help, convict an innocent man."

  "She doesn't care," said the temperamental little thing vehemently."She's got a stone for a heart." Only that cryptic smile on the proudbeautiful lips answered this outbreak. The jolly little pal went rightover to her again. "Anyhow," she said, "he kissed me."

  Just for an instant Miss Gerald's sweeping lashes lifted to Bob. Justfor an instant, too, Miss Gerald's white teeth buried themselves in thatproud red upper lip. Miss Dolly turned to the monocle-man. "Now, I'mready to go with you," she said.

  "Oh, I don't want you"--then he added "yet! You will appreciate, Mr.Bennett"--turning to Bob--"that the more quietly--I want to show you allthe consideration possible--"

  "I'll go quietly," muttered Bob. "No use raising a row! I'll go like agentleman. I'll make myself as little obnoxious and objectionable to therest of Mrs. Ralston's guests as possible." Bitterly. "Good-by, MissGerald." That young lady didn't answer. "Won't you say good-by?"repeated Bob. There was a gleam of great pleasure in thehammer-thrower's eyes now. Bob had involuntarily put out his hand butMiss Gerald would not see it. Indeed, she turned farther from him, as ifannoyed by Bob's persistence. Bob's hand fell to his side, he drewhimself up.

  "I am ready, sir," he said quietly to the monocle-man.

  "Perhaps it would be as well if you accompanied us," observed themonocle-man to the hammer-thrower.

  "Certainly." The other understood. Bob was strong and he might changehis mind and be less lamblike before reaching his destination. "It's adisagreeable job at best," murmured the hammer-thrower, "but I suppose Iought to see it through."

  "It's nice of you," said Miss Gerald in a low dull tone.

  A moment Bob's eyes gleamed dangerously, then he seemed to realize thepresence of Miss Gerald's other guests once more and his handsome blondhead dropped. "I guess it's your turn," he said to the hammer-man.

  Miss Dolly looked at the composed proud girl with the "heart of stone."The temperamental little thing's hands were tightly closed. Suddenlyonce more she bent over to whisper--this time viciously--to Miss Gerald."He kisses beautifully," she breathed. "And--and I hate you!" MissGerald did not answer; nor did she turn to regard Bob who quietly movedaway now with the monocle-man and the hammer-thrower.