Read Nothing But the Truth Page 22


  Bob, the hammer-thrower and the monocle-man together entered the littlestation-house in the village. It wasn't much of a lock-up, but it wasbig enough to hold Bob and a few others, one of whom had just beenreleased as the trio of new-comers walked in. His eye fell on Bob.

  "That's my man," he exclaimed excitedly. "That's my escaped patient."

  "Yes, that's he!" affirmed a second voice--that of the commodore.

  "Got him this time!" came jubilantly from another side of the bare room,and Bob gazing, with no show of emotion, in that direction, discoveredDickie and Clarence were there too.

  "Put me in the padded cell, would you?" said the maniac-medicofuriously. "I'll see where you go. Come on. The car is waiting. Therewon't be any window-bouquets this time, I promise you."

  Bob didn't answer. He didn't much care what they said.

  "I got Gee-gee on the phone," went on Dan viciously, "and she has it alldown in black and white, she tells me. The legal light up there hasattended to that. A parcel of outrageous falsehoods! The audacity ofthat girl, too! When I showed her the enormity of her conduct, she onlygave a merry little laugh. Said she was terribly fond of me, the minx!And would I come and sit in the front row when she was a bright andscintillating star?"

  "And she said Gid-up wanted to know if I wouldn't like to gaze upon thatcute little freckle once more?" added Clarence in choked tones.

  "And all that, on account of you!" exclaimed the commodore, throwing outhis arms and looking at the culprit. Dickie didn't say anything at themoment. He only glared.

  Bob regarded the three with lack-luster gaze. He felt little interest inthem now.

  "Take him away!" said Dan, breathing hard. "Or I may do him an injury."

  "Give him what's coming to him," breathed Dickie hoarsely. "He's got mygirl hypnotized."

  "Come on," said the maniac-medico sternly to Bob. "Let's waste no moretime."

  "Hold on," spoke the monocle-man quietly. "You are a little premature,gentlemen."

  "What do _you_ want to butt in for?" demanded the commodore aggressivelyof the monocle-man.

  "Mr. Bennett has accompanied me here as my prisoner. Am I not right?"Appealing to the hammer-thrower.

  "Correct," said that gentleman regretfully.

  "What's he been doing besides wrecking homes?" asked the commodore.

  "A few articles of jewelry have been missing at Mrs. Ralston's," saidthe hammer-thrower in that same tone. "It's a very regrettable affair.Miss Gerald, for example, lost her ring and it was traced to Mr.Bennett."

  Bob stood it patiently. He wondered if his day would ever come.

  "So?-- He's the merry little social-highwayman, is he?" observed Dan."The best I can say is, don't make a hero of him. Give him some real,old-fashioned justice."

  "I'm afraid I can't honestly extend my sympathy to you," remarkedClarence to Bob stiffly.

  "I'm not sorry," said Dickie frankly. "I'm glad. Anyhow, Miss Dolly willdespise you now." With a ring of triumph in his voice.

  "No, she won't," observed Bob, breaking silence for the first time. "Itwas being what people think I am that made her fall in love with me." Hedidn't want Dickie to feel too good. He remembered that unsportsmanlikepunch. "She's my dear jolly little pal," Bob went on, "and she wanted tooccupy an adjoining cell."

  Dickie went up to Bob. "I'd like to give you another," he said in hisnastiest accents.

  "Gentlemen! Gentlemen!" It was the voice of the man at the desk.Authority now spoke. Up to now, amazement had held authoritytongue-tied. "The prisoner came quietly, Mr. Moriarity?" Authority knew,then, the monocle-man. Evidently the two had a secret understanding."Has he confessed?" "Not as yet," said the monocle-man significantly.

  "And I'm not going to," spoke up Bob succinctly to the magistrate. "I'mnot guilty."

  "Then who is?" asked the monocle-man.

  "You've got your hand on his arm," said Bob in that same forciblemanner. The time had come for him to assert himself, however ridiculoushis affirmation might sound. Authority should have the truth. Bobblurted it out fearlessly, holding his head well up as he spoke. "You'vegot your hand on his arm," he repeated.

  Mr. Moriarity's reply quite took their breath away, especially Bob's."Guess you're right," he said promptly, and something bright gleamed inhis hand. "Don't move," he said to the hammer-thrower.

  "But aren't you going to lock _him_ up at all?" asked the commodore indisappointed tones, indicating Bob, after the monocle-man had shown thehammer-thrower a warrant for his (the hammer-thrower's) arrest, and had,at the conclusion of certain formalities, caused that dazed and angryindividual to be led away.

  "I am certainly not going to lock Mr. Bennett up," laughed themonocle-man who was in the best of humors.

  The coup seemed to him a lovely one. For months he had been on the trailof the hammer-thrower. He told Bob--as dazed and bewildered as thehammer-thrower by the unexpected turn of events--all about it later. Hehad certainly taken an artistic way to complete the affair. And later,not that night, Bob learned, too, that it was Miss Gerald herself whohad suggested the way, she having inherited some of the managerialgenius of her father. Maybe, she was not averse to Bob's suffering alittle after the wholly-intolerable way he had comported himself towardher and others of her aunt's guests. Maybe cruelty had mingled somewhatwith retaliation. Proud, regal young womanhood sometimes can be cruel.But Bob probably deserved all those twinges and pangs and mournfulemotions she had caused him. No one certainly had ever talked to her ashe had done.

  "May I sit down?" said Bob at length to the magistrate. He felt rathertired.

  Authority gave him permission to sit. "Well, if you're not going to lockhim up," said that maniac-med., looking viciously at Bob, "I am."

  "No, you're not," observed the monocle-man easily. "Mr. Bennett is myfriend. He has helped me immensely in this affair. Had he not projectedhis rather impetuous personality into it, certain difficulties would nothave been smoothed out so easily. He created a diversion which threw theprisoner, naturally deep and resourceful, somewhat off his guard. Butfor Mr. Bennett's whimsical and, at times, diverting conduct," with asmile at Bob, "my fight against him," nodding toward the cell, "mightnot have culminated quite so soon. So," he added to the enraged medico,"Mr. Bennett has my full moral support, and, I may say," touching thepocket into which he had returned that something bright, "my physicalsupport as well." "But what about the treatment I have received?"stormed the med. "Locked up like--?"

  "You shouldn't have been prowling around. Anyhow, I shall advise my goodfriend, Mr. Bennett, that should you seek to annoy him further, or tolay a single finger on him, he will have an excellent case for damages.I can explain away a great deal that is inexplicable to the rest of you,and that explanation will serve fully to rehabilitate Mr. Bennett in theesteem of certain people as a not unnormal person. How far I can restorehis popularity," with a laugh, "is another matter."

  Bob stared straight ahead. "How did you do it?" he said to themonocle-man. "What made you certain?"

  "I saw him place the ring in your pocket. Feel here," walking over toBob. The latter felt where the other indicated. "A little vest-pocketcamera!" said the monocle-man softly. "I photographed the act--theoutstretched hand with the ring in it!--you, unsuspecting, halfsprawling over the green felt of the table! your coat tails inviting thering--Besides, one of my men took the place of that outside-operator andreceived a certain little article of jewelry that night you cameblundering back to Mrs. Ralston's. We nabbed the outside-operatorand--well, he's told certain things." With satisfaction. "We have, inshort, a clear case."

  Bob held his head. "It's whirling," he said. "I'll get some thingsstraightened out after a little, I suppose."

  "That's right," observed the monocle-man.

  "There are some things you can't straighten out," said Dan in an uglytone. "This is all very well for you, but what about us?"

  Just at that moment there was a flutter of skirts
at the door.

  * * * * *

  Gee-gee and Gid-up came in, the former in a state of great agitation.

  "How dared you?" she gasped, going up to the monocle-man and standingwith arms akimbo.

  "Send you that note, commanding your presence here?" said themonocle-man. "I dared, my dear," he added slowly, "because I hold thecards."

  "Don't you 'dear' me," she retorted stormily.

  "I wouldn't, seriously," he returned. "It might be dangerous. Women likeyou are dangerous, you know. I fancy our friends here," glancing towardthe commodore and Clarence, "have found that out. But it will be alesson. 'We'll never wander more from our own fireside,'" he hummed.

  "Well," said Gee-gee, shaking her auburn tresses, "those were prettybold statements of what you could do to me, in that note you sent."

  "They were true, my dear."

  The green eyes flared. Gee-gee was shaking all over. Gid-up lookedrather frightened.

  "Take it easy," said the monocle-man.

  "I'd like to see you prove what you can do," she returned. "You say Ihave framed-up a lot of false-hoods--a tissue of lies--in that affidavitthe lawyer at Mrs. Ralston's drew up. I tell you they're all true." Danlooked weak. "Everything I've told happened just at I said it did, andhe knows it." Pointing a finger at the commodore.

  "I wonder if I ought not to put you in jail now?" said the monocle-manmeditatively. "There's a cell vacant next to the hammer-thrower. Youwould be congenial spirits."

  "It's proofs I'm asking, Mr. Detective," retorted Gee-gee, apparentlynot greatly abashed by this threat. She was accustomed to hitting back.

  "Yes, it's proofs," said Gid-up, but in weaker accents.

  The monocle-man shook a reproving finger at Gid-up. "You're in badcompany, my dear," he observed. "You're out of Gee-gee's class. You'rejust trying to be in it."

  "I don't want any of your impertinence," answered Gid-up with a faintimitation of Gee-gee's manner. "He's a proper bad one." Pointing toClarence who presented a picture of abject misery. "And when I tell allthe things he done to me--"

  "But you won't tell them."

  "I have." Defiantly. "In that paper the lawyer drew up."

  "But you're going to sign a little paper I have here, repudiating allthat," he answered her.

  "Oh, am I?" Elevating her turned-up nose.

  "You are." Blandly.

  "Guess again," said Gid-up saucily.

  "You can't prove what we told in that affidavit isn't true," reaffirmedGee-gee. Only she and Gid-up could know it was a "frame-up"; they hadbuilded carefully and were sure of their ground. "We know our rights andwe're going to have them. We're not afraid of you."

  "Then why are you here?" quietly.

  "That lawyer at the house said we might as well see you, just to callyour bluff. He said, since we had told the truth, we had nothing tofear."

  "I don't think you're quite so confident as you seem," observed themonocle-man. "My note awoke a little uneasiness, or you wouldn't behere. This young lady," turning to Gid-up, "suffered a mild case ofstage fright, if I am any judge of human nature."

  "Me?" said Gid-up. "I defy you."

  "Here's the answer," replied the monocle-man, taking another paper fromhis pocket.

  "What's that?" said Gee-gee scornfully. "I suppose it's some lies fromhim." Alluding to the commodore. "The lawyer told me to be prepared forthem."

  "No; it isn't that. It's only a stenographic report of a conversationyou and your friend had together in your room, the night you arrived atMrs. Ralston's."

  "A stenographic report? Nonsense!" Sharply. Gee-gee remembered all aboutthat conversation. "How could you--"

  "There's a dictograph in the room you occupied, my dear," observed themonocle-man.

  "A dic--" Gee-gee seemed to turn green. "Good Gawd!" she said.

  * * * * *

  It wasn't very long thereafter that Gee-gee and Gid-up departed.

  "Back to the old life!" said Gee-gee wearily. "And just when I thoughtmy ambition to be a star was coming true."

  "Life is sure tough," observed Gid-up, abandoning her society manner.

  "I'm sick of the whole thing. Got a mind to jump in the river."

  "Gas for me!" from poor Gid-up wearily.

  "No, you won't. And I won't. We'll just go on. Lord! how long."

  "Anyhow, that detective promised to introduce us to a real Russian grandduke who's in old New York. Maybe we can get in the papers on that."

  "Perhaps." More thoughtfully from Gee-gee. "It wasn't so worse of thedetective to promise that, after he'd got us down and walked on us."

  "You must make dukie drink out of your slipper," suggested Gid-up. "Thedetective said he was mad after beautiful stage girls. Grand dukesalways are." Hopefully. "And if you do make him do that, it would beheralded from coast to coast."

  "It's as good as done," said Gee-gee confidently. "It'll prove me agreat actress, sure." In a brighter tone.

  "I always said you had talent," remarked Gid-up.

  "Cheese it," retorted Gee-gee elegantly. "Ain't you the fond flatterer!"

  "Anyhow, I'm glad I don't have to do society talk any more," saidGid-up, and stuck a piece of gum in her mouth.

  "Yes," said Gee-gee, "my jaws is most broke."

  "Maybe you'd better tighten up your hobble a little for dukie,"suggested Gid-up.

  "Have to stand still the rest of my life if I did," observed Gee-gee,swishing along about six inches a step.

  "You could divide it a little."

  "So I could."

  By this time they had forgotten about the river, or taking gas. The dukehad already become a real person in their lives and they talked on,devising stunts for his Vivacious Greatness. By this time, too, themonocle-man seemed to them a real benefactor.

  Meanwhile the "real benefactor" had been reading from that stenographicreport to Dan and the others. The commodore nearly jumped out of hisboots for joy.

  "Read that again," he said.

  The monocle-man, reading: "'This ain't half bad enough. You think upsomething now, Gee-gee.'

  "'Doping a poor little thing is always good stuff to spring on a jury,Gid-up. And you could make yourself up young with your hair done up in apigtail, with a cute little baby-blue bow on the end.'

  "'But that sounds old, Gee-gee. You can sure invent something new--'"etc., etc.

  The monocle-man finished reading and laid down the paper. "There youare, gentlemen," he observed in a lively tone. "The stenographers willswear to that. They were dressed as house-maids, but at night and oncertain occasions, they used one of the rooms Mrs. Ralston placed at mydisposal as an office. When I came down here I didn't expect to beinvolved in a domestic drama. It rather forced itself upon me. It cameas part of the day's work. I overheard your conversation with Miss Dollythat night." Significantly to Bob. That young gentleman flushed.

  "I have taken the liberty of destroying the report of that conversation,I may add. Miss Dolly is charming." With a smile. "I, also, had a recordof your conversation with these three gentlemen"--indicating Dan,Clarence and Dickie--"after they entered your room one night, via thetrellis and the window. That conversation introduced me into thedomestic drama. I became an actor in it whether I would or not. But formy whispered instructions to one of my assistants in the garden, youthree gentlemen would have been arrested." Dan stared at Clarence inmomentary consternation. "You did not need the golf-club because my manremoved the dog."

  "It seems," said Dan effusively to the monocle-man, "you have been ourgood angel. If any remuneration--?"

  "No," answered the monocle-man. "What I have done for you was onlyincidental and my reward was the enjoyment I got out of the affair--inwatching how the threads crossed and recrossed, and how they tangled anduntangled. It was better than going to a show. It made work a pleasure.Besides, I shall be well rewarded for what I have accomplished inanother direction." Looking toward the cell.

bsp; "I tried to get him in England and failed. In France, the story was thesame. He is rather a remarkable personality. A born criminal and anactor, as well! Of good family, he wedged his way into society, throughthe all-round amateur athletic route. He was generally well liked." Bobthought of Miss Gerald and looked down. He couldn't help wondering ifshe would not greatly have preferred his (Bob's) occupying that cell,instead of the other man who had seemed to interest her so much.

  "Now for Mrs. Dan," observed the commodore, jubilantly waving thestenographic report. "This will bring her to time."

  "And my wife, too!" said Clarence with equal joy.

  "I thought I would save you gentlemen some trouble and so have alreadyplaced the report in the ladies' hands," said the monocle-man affably."Indeed, they came to me afterward and told me they had been shamefullydeceived. Mrs. Dan looked as if she had had a good cry--from joy, nodoubt. Mrs. Clarence's voice was tremulous. Same cause, I am sure. Ithink you will find them contrite and anxious to make up."

  "This is great," said Dan.

  "Glorious!" observed Clarence.

  "Think of it! No public disgrace!"

  "No being held up as monsters in the press!"

  "It's too good to be true." The commodore threw out his arms andadvanced toward the monocle-man.

  But the latter waved him away. "Save your embraces for your wives," heobserved.

  "I love all the world," said Dan.

  "Me, too!" from Clarence.

  "I presume I am free to take my departure, gentlemen?" said Bob, rising.

  "You are free as the birds of the air for all of me," answered themonocle-man.

  "Hold on one moment," begged the commodore. "No; I'm not going to detainyou forcibly. As a friend I ask you to wait." Bob paused. "I'm a goodfellow," said Dan effusively, "and I don't wish the world harm. I don'twant you to go wandering around any more as you are. Why, you're aregular Frankenstein. You're an iron automaton that goes about tramplingon people. After all I've gone through, I have charity toward others. Iwon't have you treading on people's finer sensibilities and smashingconnubial peace and comfort all to splinters."

  "But what can I do?" suggested Bob. He meant the three weeks weren't yetup.

  "Here's what I propose to Clarence and Dickie. I see now you'll win,anyhow. You've got the grit and the nerve. So as long as we have simplygot to pay in the end, why not do so at once and so spare others?That'll be the way I'll pay him." Alluding to the monocle-man. "It's myway of showing my gratitude for what he's done. And now I think of it, Ican't see that I ought to blame you so much, Bob, for all that hastranspired."

  "Oh, you don't?" With faint irony.

  "No; you only did what you had to, and maybe we were a little rough.Forget it." The commodore extended his hand.

  The act melted Bob. He took it. "Good friends, once more!" chirped Dan,and extended an arm to include Clarence. "You've won. The money's fairlyyours, Bob. Only as a personal favor, I ask you to be, at once, as youwere. Be your old natural self immediately."

  "I'll pay my share to have him that way again," said Clarence heartily."I want to spare the world too. Besides, he's won all right enough."

  "It's three weeks or nothing from me," said Dickie. "You chaps may wantto spare the world, but I don't want to spare him."

  "I'll pay for Dickie," replied good old Dan. "And gladly!"

  Dickie shrugged. Dan wrote out a check. "Congratulations!" he said. "Andfor us, too!" Turning to Clarence. "Think of the thousands in alimony itmight have cost us!"

  "We've simply got to call a halt on old Bob," said Clarence fervently."Bet's off! We lose."

  Bob took the check. "I believe I am entitled to it, for I certainlywould have stuck it out now. I am sure I wouldn't do it all over again,though, for ten times the amount. Nevertheless, I thank you." He shookhimself. "Free! Isn't it great? Will you do something for me?" To themonocle-man.

  "Gladly," was the reply. "I was secretly informed of that wager of yoursand I was immensely interested in your little social experiment. You seeI make my living by prevarication and subterfuges. And that"--with alaugh--"is more than a man can make by telling the truth. It's a wickedworld. Fraud and humbug are trumps."

  "What I want you to do," said Bob, ignoring this homily, "is to expressmy grip to New York. Also, tell Miss Gerald that I've gone and kindlythank Mrs Ralston and Miss Gerald for asking me down."

  "Why don't you thank them yourself?"

  "I think they would be more pleased if I complied with the formalitiesby proxy."

  "Shall I add you had a charming time?"

  "You may use your own judgment."

  Bob walked to the door.

  "I guess it's I who am crazy," said the maniac-doctor, again waking up.