Read Notice Me Page 1

  Notice Me

  Book One:

  Monhegan Moonlight Trilogy

  By: Lili Lam

  Copyright © 2012 Lili Lam

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1: No Longer Invisible

  Chapter 2: The Beach

  Chapter 3: Ignorance Is Bliss

  Chapter 4: Happiness

  Chapter 5: Day of Many Firsts

  Chapter 6: Insight

  Chapter 7: Heartache

  Chapter 8: Silent Treatment

  Chapter 9: The Truth

  Chapter 10: Playing Hooky

  Chapter 11: Acceptance

  Chapter 12: New Guy

  Chapter 13: Protector

  Chapter 14: Gathering

  Chapter 15: Feisty

  Chapter 16: Discovery

  Chapter 17: Realization

  Chapter 18: Uh-Oh

  Chapter 19: Seriously?

  Chapter 20: Love Stinks

  Chapter 21 Challenge

  Chapter 22: Game On

  Chapter 23: Pack Meeting

  Chapter 24: Reciprocation

  Chapter 25: Slumber Party

  Chapter 26: Rise and Shine

  Chapter 27: Club 207

  Chapter 28: Mistaken

  Chapter 29: White Water

  Chapter 30: Rescue

  Chapter 31: Sleep

  Chapter 32: Unfortunate Mate

  Chapter 33: Never a Dull Moment

  Chapter 34: The Plan

  Chapter 35: Bemidji

  Chapter 36: Pandemonium

  Chapter 37: Premonition

  Chapter 38: Awake

  Chapter 39: Spain

  Chapter 40: Truth Be Told

  Chapter 41: Foster or Perez?

  Chapter 42: Princess Love

  Chapter 43: Blessing

  Chapter 44: Mclovin’

  Chapter 1: No Longer Invisible

  If I had to name a time when I had a life altering experience, there would only be one that comes to mind. I could describe the events like it was yesterday. As a matter of fact, it was yesterday. It was during the summer after tenth grade to be exact. I was sitting outside on the porch swing rocking back and forth while reading The Prince and The Pauper by Mark Twain.

  One of the joyous mandatory summer reading requirements before twelfth grade. Yes, I know you're probably wondering why I'm reading something for twelfth grade when I just finished tenth? Well maybe it's because at the request of my parents, the school tested me. Seems that not only am I way ahead of my fellow tenth graders, I also surpassed the eleventh graders causing them to skip me ahead an entire year.

  At sixteen years old, I'll be a senior in High School, how fortunate. Anyway, luckily I'm a nerd so I enjoy reading; it helps me escape my boring nonexistent social life. I spent a majority of the summer away at camp just arriving back home this morning. There’s only about a week left of summer before school starts up again, I’m not looking forward to it.

  Roughly it was around seven in the evening, we just finished eating dinner. It was still light out; the sky painted a beautiful orange haze. My parents were inside watching television enjoying the central air, while I was sitting outside in the sweltering heat. Not that I'm complaining, I love this type of weather. We've been experiencing a heat wave for the past week, with temperatures in the hundreds.

  The neighborhood bustled with life and activity as kids were out bike riding and playing tag. The teens were just hanging out around our little cul-de-sac. "Honey, be a doll and walk these next door to the Evan's will you?" Mom asked, poking her head out the front door.

  She thrust a plate of chocolate chip cookies into my lap and shut the door quickly as to not let any precious cold air escape. I rolled my eyes as I breathed out a sigh, shoving the bookmark in to hold my page I placed the book on the swing and got up. Trudging my way down the porch steps, I made my way over to the Evans’.

  Mom is a really close friend of Mrs. Evans seeing how they are in the same cooking club. They always share recipes and baked goods with one another. We've lived next door to the Evans all my life. It’s Mr. and Mrs. Evans and their son Tristan, who just so happens to be two years older than I am. He's eighteen and will also be a senior in high school.

  I rang the doorbell once and waited patiently for someone to answer. After a couple minutes and no response I rang it again and again, this time tapping my foot impatiently on the step. Alrighty then, I guess nobody's home considering the fact that I've been standing out here for the past five minutes looking like an idiot.

  The chocolate chips in the cookies are probably melted. Oh well, guess this means more cookies for me, yum! "No way man. I was already within the goal!" A male voice shouted loudly. "I totally scored."

  "Nah, you were out." Another deep male voice commented. This voice sent chills up my spine, there was a bit of familiarity to it. Hmm, seems as though it came from the back of the house. I drifted towards the backyard and peeked through the gaps of the picket fence. I watched six shirtless guys running around playing a game of flag football; Tristan included.

  It was at that exact moment I realized just how hot my next door neighbor is. Why haven't I noticed this before? Have I been living under a rock? Just watching the way each and every one of his muscles flexed as he ran made me shiver with delight. The way his sterling gray eyes shined with happiness and his short spiky brown hair was full of sweat, shouldn't have turned me on the way it was. We don't really speak to one another...ever. You wouldn't actually say we were both on the same spectrum of the social ladder. Tristan is Mr. Popularity, athletic, well-liked, good looking, and full of jokes. He's captain of the soccer team, hence the reason for the Greek god-like body.

  I on the other hand am known as the typical quiet book nerd a.k.a. the loner. I don't possess an athletic bone in my body and in my opinion my personality is as bland as cardboard. I don't have any friends around here; my only friends are the ones I made at camp four years ago. The ones I waited all year to meet up with again at the beginning of summer. The ones that cried with me when camp came to an end.

  At camp I was a totally different person I was popular. It was almost as though my wild and crazy alter ego surfaced. We stay in touch by phone, text, email, and facebook, but it just doesn't seem enough. Up until a month ago my body was underdeveloped, from not experiencing womanhood yet. I can't count how many times I've been mistaken as a young prepubescent boy from the back.

  Guess I was what you would call a 'late bloomer'? Let me tell you it sucked big time, but it paid off in the end. Somehow through some miracle while I was away at camp this summer, I managed to sprout three inches bringing my short 5'3 frame up to a much more acceptable 5'6 stature. I develop curves and boobies too!

  I wore thick coke bottle glasses at the end of the school year. Thank goodness I managed to talk my Mom into getting me contact lenses. I used the excuse of not being able to see while swimming in the lake and she totally bought it. The girls at camp managed to coerce me into allowing them to give me a makeover. I must have been high on the campfire fumes, because I agreed.

  When I left to camp my hair was a dull brown color that hung in limp rat tails lifelessly down my back. Now it's a vibrant blond with golden highlights and crazy layers. Unlatching the hook on the gate, I smoothed out my tank top and pushed my sunglasses further up onto the bridge of my nose. I was wearing a black tank top, a pair of cut off denim jean shorts, and my black high top chucks.

  I'm pretty sure I looked like a hot mess w
ith my hair wrapped up messily in a beehive like bun on top of my head. Strolling into the backyard with much more confidence than I felt, I cleared my throat to get the guys attention. Six heads snapped towards my direction, making me feel slightly uncomfortable all of a sudden. A low wolf whistle came from one of the guys, which one, I'm not exactly sure.

  I gave an awkward smile and made my way over to the only familiar face I knew. He looked at me with a strange expression on his face, almost as though he didn't know who I was. "Hey Tristan, my mom wanted me to drop these off for you." I said cheerfully, holding out the plate of cookies as I used my other hand to push my sunglasses up on top of my head. "I rang the doorbell, but I guess your mom and dad are out."

  At the sound of my voice and the minute Tristan gazed into my eyes, it seemed as though he snapped out of whatever trance he was in. "Anna...lise?" Tristan's voice dragged my name out in disbelief. Why did he sound so surprised? The look of shock came across his entire expression as he gawked at me.

  I mean I know I look like a hot mess, but gee not everyone can look like a freaking model at all times! "In the flesh." I chuckled awkwardly as he stood there staring at me with his mouth open. I almost felt as though he thought I'd disappear before his very eyes if he blinked. Chewing down on the inside of my cheek nervously, I stood frozen staring nervously at the ground as I continued to hold out the plate of cookies. I didn't dare meet his gaze on me it was too intense.

  "Um hey let me take those from you." A guy with blond hair and blue eyes said as he stepped forward and broke the tension. I recognized him as Tristan's best friend...his right hand man. I think his name's Lucas. "Thanks for the cookies. I'm Luke by the way, this is Sam, Gabe, Jordan, and Max." He introduced everyone as he came and stood next to Tristan nudging him slightly with his elbow.

  I thought I heard him murmur something along the lines of "What the hell man, snap out of it." But I was too busy staring at the guys standing there before me. It should be a crime for one person to be that handsome, let alone all six of them. Why is it that good looking people always seem to flock together and become friends? Is that some sort of rule of thumb? Is there a ‘Friendship Book’ out there somewhere that teaches you the codes of conduct?

  Nodding my head swiftly in acknowledgment towards the guys I mumbled. "Nice to meet you, I’m Annalise, but everyone calls me Lise."

  "Lise, that’s a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." Luke grinned. As he said this, Tristan's head immediately snapped in his direction giving him a look that could kill. Luke just looked over at him innocently and smiled. The other guys were too busy tearing into the plate of chocolate chip cookies to pay the two of them any mind.

  Feeling slightly out of place, I decided it was time for me to skedaddle. Spinning around on my heel, I quickly began walking away not wanting to know what the heck was going on between the two of them. "I should get going." I called over my shoulder, "See ya." I was already on my way out the gate as I shut it behind me and hightailed my way over to my porch.

  I faintly heard Tristan mumbling something along the lines of "Mine" as I shut the gate, but I ignored it. Boys will be boys. ‘Who knows, they were probably arguing over the last cookie.’ I thought as I shrugged my shoulders. I grabbed my book off the swing and went inside the house upstairs to my room.

  I woke up the next morning with the full intent of going to the beach to work on my tan. Showering and dressing quickly in a black two-piece, I threw a blue summer dress on top of it with my black flip-flops. Anya my best friend from camp is coming from Rockport to visit for a couple days. I secretly wished she lived close by so that we could go to school together, but life never works out the way we plan.

  I decided I was going to show Anya everything Port Clyde, Maine has to offer. She is only allowed to stay over for two days, blah. My cell phone rang just as I finished packing up my beach bag. "You've reached blondes have more fun. We're unavailable to take your call right now, but if you leave your message at the sound of the..."

  "Damn right blondes have more fun!" Anya screamed excitedly into the phone. "I'm around the corner bish. Meet me outside." She demanded before hanging up on me.

  Grabbing my stuff and running down the steps, I locked the door behind me. My parents left for work this morning so I'm home alone. I stood on my lawn practically hopping up and down with excitement as I watched Anya turn the corner wildly in her midnight blue 2012 Honda Accord. A seventeenth birthday gift from her parents for getting her license.

  Lucky her, I still have a full year to go before I'm even allowed to attempt getting my license. Grr. With nuts like Anya out on the road, I wasn't so sure I wanted to get my license just yet. From the right, I could hear a door shut but I didn't pay it any mind. My eyes were focused on Anya's wild hair blowing in the wind. She had her sunroof open and all her windows down, dancing and singing loudly to the music blasting out her system.

  Lord help me, she's sure to cause a stir in our quiet suburban neighborhood. Her personality is the complete opposite of mines, maybe that's why we get along so well. As she pulled up to the curb in front of me, her eyes widened in surprise. Then a flirty grin tugged at her lips as she wiggled her eyebrows at me. It was then that I noticed a presence standing next to me.

  Turning my head to the side, I came face to face with a grinning Luke and a smirking Tristan. "Hey Lise, who's your pretty friend?" Luke asked glancing over at Anya.

  "Uh, hey." I murmured all of a sudden feeling tense. "Luke and Tristan, meet Anya." I introduced as I opened up the passenger door and threw my bag in the backseat.

  "Nice to meet you Anya." Tristan and Luke said at the same time. Although Tristan's eyes never left me.

  "Where you headed off to?" Luke asked in curiosity.

  "Lise is taking me to the beach." Anya answered for me. "You guys should come."

  I shook my head slightly and glared at Anya with wide eyes. I was facing her direction with my back to the guys. What is she doing? What does she mean they should come? People like Tristan Evans and Luke whatever his last name is don't hang out with girls like me!

  I was social suicide, a complete loner. In a way I wanted them to say yes they would come, but in a way I didn't want them to laugh out loud at the absurd idea of hanging out with me...Annalise Foster at the beach. It would hurt my feelings. Yes, I have feelings people.

  "We'd love to come." Tristan's deep voice said from right behind me as his hand shot out and grabbed the top of the passenger door I was leaning on. "Mind if we ride with you? I hope you don't mind, but I think there'd be more room if you let Luke sit up front. You and I could sit in the back." He suggested and I all but almost passed out cold on the floor.

  My eyes lit up in surprise that not only did they want to come to the beach with us, they wanted to ride in the car with us? On top of that Tristan wanted to sit in the back seat with me? Maybe they were already headed towards the beach and we were a free ride over there. Yea that's it, it has to be.

  Chapter 2: The Beach