Read Notice Me Page 18

Tristan's POV

  Standing in the clearing talking to Luke through our mind link, I swore I could smell little traces of Lise's scent wafting through the air. When Luke caught up to me, he kept assuring me that he left her and Anya standing on the boardwalk waiting for us. He stated that she tried to catch up to me, but naturally couldn't. Wolf here, hello.

  Luke demanded to know what happened causing me to rush off and leave my mate alone like that on the beach. So I told him everything from the bullying to her taking control of the situation and then coming over to give me my victory kiss.

  'Whoa, who would of thought she had it in her?' Luke asked with a wolfy grin. His blue eyes twinkling with amusement.

  'I know tell me about it, I surely didn't.' I sighed looking out towards the vast amount of trees before us. It turns out my little Lise isn't so innocent. 'It was such a damn turn on, I completely lost it back there. I claimed her you know?' I directed towards Luke with disappointment laced in my voice. I didn't want to do it without her being fully aware of what she's getting herself into, but I couldn't help myself.

  He looked over at me and quirked his head. 'I know, I kind of figured that's why you ran off after I saw the mark.' I shook my head to clear it from going back to the thoughts of our heated session on the beach. What a jerk, I can't believe I allowed myself to lose control like that! Hearing that sexy little moan escape her lips and then the sound of my name rolling off her tongue caused my wolf to go into a frenzy.

  He managed to gain control for a slight second, but in that mere second it was enough for him to bite down and claim what belonged to us. I just hope she doesn't flip when I tell her what I did and what it all means. Luke said she seemed distraught that I ran away from her. Only it wasn't her that I was running from. If I stayed there any longer...if she called out my name one more time...

  I know I would have lost control, ended up throwing her over my shoulder, and carrying her off to a private area of the beach where I'd end up mating her. That's definitely not how I imagined her first time to be, I'm sure she wouldn't either. I want to make it special for her and I'm pretty sure she won't appreciate me throwing her down onto the sand somewhere.

  Just the thought of mating her caused me to stir; you could hear the twigs snapping under my paws. I needed her to have her both physically and emotionally. 'Did you see that?' I mind linked Luke. I could've sworn I just saw a flash of light shoot out ahead of where we were standing, which means it had to come from behind us.

  Glancing over at me with a whimper, Luke responded. 'Was just about to ask you the same question.' We both turned around then to come face to face with our mates standing about thirty feet away from us. The look on Lise's face was one of pure relief; too bad I can't say the same for poor Anya. She looked terrified as she let out the loudest spine-chilling scream I've heard in my entire life.

  It was so much worse than the scream Lise let loose when she witnessed me shifting that day on the cliff. When the screaming commenced, the light on Lise's phone went out filling the area around us once again in blackness. ‘Maybe she shattered it with her high pitched scream.’ I heard the thump and watched as Lise glanced down at her best friend who was piled in a heap on the ground next to her. Sensing her worry, I immediately shifted and yanked on my shorts that I carried in my mouth. Luke did the same; we weren't worried about Lise seeing because of the dark.

  Luke made his way over and scooped up Anya carrying her bridal style. "I’m bringing her back and laying her down in the truck." He called out over his shoulder as he slowly jogged off. "Guess it's time she finds out the truth." I didn't answer him, since I was the one who suggested it. He was just announcing it so that Lise would know where he was taking her.

  We decided it was time he came clean to Anya. Luke and his wolf obviously couldn't stay away from her for long periods of time as we witnessed while surfing. Making my way over I stopped right in front of Lise. I could see her clearly, but it looked like she was struggling to make out my outline in the dark.

  She's so stunning, but it's ashame she doesn't know this. Everyone else around me, especially all the guys seemed to notice though. Raising my hand up, I cupped my palm against her cheek. This seemed to surprise her, guess she didn't expect me to be that close. She closed her eyes and leaned her cheek into my palm, turning her head slightly to kiss the inside of my hand.

  "You're...ok." Her voice came out in a hushed statement. With everything she's just experienced and yet she's here worrying if I'm ok? Incredible, She's absolutely positively amazing.

  That yearning heat in the pit of my stomach began to reignite itself and the sweat began to bead at the top of my forehead. The amount of passion building up inside of me was causing my body temperature to raise significantly higher then it usually is. It was making me sticky and uncomfortable.

  No other female in my eighteen years of life has ever managed to get me this riled up. Just one glance into her eyes drives me wild. Something as simple as me touching her caused my wolf to try and break free. He wanted to rekindle the flame we had going through the both of us on the beach.

  "Yea, I'm fine." I responded gruffly and almost guttural. I refused to lose control over myself again, she means way too much. "How bout you, you ok?" I asked running my fingers up and down her arms.

  Lise nodded her head once and I watched as her lips parted slightly. "I'm fine now that we found you. What happened back there?"

  Clearing my throat, I licked my dry lips. "There's something you need to know." I began, preparing myself to tell her what I did. Praying to god that she doesn't slap the crap out of me after this confession. Well come to think of it, the slap I can deal with as long as she doesn't hate me afterwards.

  "What is it?" Lise asked timidly while taking a step towards me to close the final gap between us. I wrapped my arms around her body in a hug, trapping her hands against my chest.

  The feel of her tiny fingers pressed up against my bare chest managed to have me in a daze for a split feels so good. "Tristan?" Her voice wavered slightly as her warm breath trickled against the bottom of my chin when she looked upwards at me.

  Kissing her on the forehead, I knew I needed to spit it out already. The sooner it's done and over with...the better, so we can get going. "I'm sorry for what I did on the beach" I blurted out unsure of how else to explain. Closing my eyes, I rested my chin on the top of her head. "I lost control, my wolf took over and claimed you."

  I think I stopped breathing waiting for her response. It seemed like she stayed quiet and still for a long time before I felt her move against my body, but I still didn't open my eyes. It was torturous as I stood there bracing myself for it, the slap that never came. Instead she pulled away from me slightly to shift herself into another position.

  Surely, I thought she was going to tell me off and demand I take her home. Surprisingly I felt both of her hands grab a hold of my cheeks and pull downwards. "Does that mean I belong to you forever?" Lise murmured brushing her lips softly against mine as her arms found their way around my neck.

  "Yes, beautiful." I answered, thankful she wasn't freaking out on me. "You're mine forever. There's no escaping now." I grumbled biting down playfully on her bottom lip and snaking my hands around her waist.‍

  Even though we don't know much about one another, there's one thing I do know, that I'm falling in love with the girl I'm holding in my my mate and as a person. "C'mon let's go check on Anya." I suggested taking her hand and leading her back to the parking lot.

  "Yea sounds like a good idea. Hope she's ok." She let out a small giggle, probably remembering how her best friend dropped cold on the ground.

  "There's a pack meeting on Sunday afternoon I'd like to bring you to." I announced squeezing her hand playfully. "But first, you have to get through dinner tomorrow. Mom invited you, your parents, and Anya over, Luke will be there too."

  Chapter 18: Uh-Oh