Read Notice Me Page 19

"Are you sure I look ok?" I asked twisting my body to the side and examining myself in the mirror. I had on a simple black v-neck tank dress with black strappy sandals. My hair was left down and straightened. Anya offered to do my make-up, but I declined graciously. I could afford to go without the wild look tonight.

  I don't even know why I feel so nervous. It's not like I don't already know Mr. and Mrs. Evans. I guess it's because it's my first time seeing them as Tristan's mate. What if they don't approve? Didn't think I was fit for their son, or to be future Luna of their pack? What would I do then?

  "You look great now stop being such a worrywart." Anya said smoothing out her red dress. She had on matching red heels and was applying her lipstick in my vanity mirror.

  "So what's the plan for after dinner?" I inquired with raised eyebrows. "What time's the gig tonight?" We're going to watch Anya and her band Irresistable Attraction perform after dinner.

  "We go on stage at nine." She answered fluffing up her hair and puckering up her lips, making a kissy face at her own reflection. "We need to leave her by at least eight to get there on time."

  Anya and I spent the entire morning talking about exactly what occurred last night. Tristan and Luke were busy with Mr. Evans, pack business stuff. When Tristan and I got back into the truck, she was conscious but still out of it...if that made any sense.

  "Thank god, I'm alive!" Anya shrieked incredulously, sitting straight up in the back seat she began patting down her body in disbelief as she looked around. When we got into the car, Luke had her head in his lap stroking her hair lovingly with the windows rolled down for fresh air.

  " did we escape the wolves?" Her voice quivered as she leaned forward and stuck her head in between the front seats. She looked back and forth between Tristan and I. She was giving me the suspicious eye as if she'd just been Punk'd or something. I can assure you my dear best friend that this is no joke.

  Glancing over my shoulder at Luke, he looked so helpless and uncomfortable as he rubbed Anya's back comfortingly. Just the look on his face said it all, he's terrified of telling her. Turning to my side, Tristan's face was one of inconspicuousness, looks like he doesn't want the job either!

  Bunch of wusses, some big tough wolves they are. Can't even suck it up and build the courage to tell her the truth. Guess it's left up to me, the wee human. Tristan began driving, we all had enough of the beach and the guys complained of being hungry so we decided to go get some food.

  "Anya...sit back and put on your seat belt." I ordered pushing her forehead softly with the palm of my hand. I have to be sure she wasn't going to go flying into my lap. Obediently she shuffled back and buckled in. "Those wolves we saw out in the field. They were Luke and Tristan." I informed her, turning around in my seat to look at her.

  I wanted her to see the look in my eyes and the seriousness on my face. Just to be sure that I was telling the truth and not kidding with her. Her eyebrows curved downwards and her lips got pouty like she was thinking hard for a Moment. The she burst into hysterics slapping her hands against her knees.

  "Haha. You got me there. No, really, how did we get away?" She asked wiping all traces of a smile from her lips.

  Blowing out a breath of frustration, I knew she wasn't going to believe it until she saw it with her very own eyes. "Wait until we pick up some food and head back home. You'll see ok?" I said shrugging my shoulders at her. She agreed with a slight nod of her head and a quiet "Ok."

  There's no other way I can explain it without sounding like an absolute nut job to my best friend. Tristan pulled up to the drive thru at McDonald's and we all ordered our food. Refusing to take money from me or Anya for our meals, he pulled the back of my hand which was entwined in his on the center console up to his lips placing a gentle kiss there.

  "My mother raised us to be gentlemen." He smirked against my hand as I narrowed my eyes at him. "In simpler terms, a gentleman treats a woman like a princess." I laughed at this, not something I'd expect to come out of an eighteen year old, guy's mouth. He just seemed to surprise me more and more with not being your typical guy.

  "What?" He chuckled loudly. "You don't believe me? Luke what did my mom force us all to memorize when we turned sixteen?" Tristan probed glancing at Luke in the back seat through the rear view.

  Luke smiled and shook his head. "Mrs. E made us memorize the five rules of being a gentleman. Funniest experience of my life." Anya and I stared at the guys with interest. We wanted them to elaborate on this story, it seemed like a really interesting one.

  "She even tested us on it!" Luke choked as he began laughing from the memory. "Whoever didn't memorize it was banned from the huge feast she cooked for dinner that night!"

  "So who all memorized it then?" I mused staring over at Tristan whose eyes were trained on the road ahead of us. His lips tugging up into a smile at the corners. Damn he just gets better looking by the minute!

  "Naturally, we all memorized it!" Luke bellowed loudly, "Who in the right mind would be dumb enough to miss one of Mrs. E's meals?" He asked this like it was the most absurd thing in the world.

  "So what are the five rules of being a gentleman then?" Anya prompted, challenging them to remember what they learned two years ago.

  "Rule 5: A gentleman never kisses and tells, Rule 4: A gentleman treats a woman like a princess, Rule 3: A gentleman never keeps a lady waiting, Rule 2: A gentleman is never disrespectful....and my mom's number one rule of being a gentleman is...drumroll please." Tristan prattled off the rules while Luke began tapping his hands against the back of Tristan's head rest.

  "Rule 1: A gentleman never ever leaves the toilet seat up." Tristan and Luke chimed in unison with a chuckle causing Anya and I to break out in laughter. Way too funny! Pulling into his driveway, we got out the car and went over to Tristan's place to eat. After eating Anya began getting antsy.

  "So, I waited patiently till we picked up the food and ate it. Now I want to see." She demanded referring to what I told her in the car. The three of us stared at one another with uncertainty. Do we really want to do this? We silently asked each other as Anya prepared herself to see what we had to show her.

  "C'mon I want to see it." She pressed impatiently rolling her hands around in a hurry up motion. "She says you're a wolf, I want to see you become wolves both of you."

  I sat next to her taking a hold of her hand, just in case she decided to pass out again I made her remain seated on the sofa. Tristan and Luke stood up and moved the love seat out of the way to give them more room. The looked at each other and struggled in a 'what the hell' gesture.

  Within seconds the two muscular guys standing on two feet before us morphed into four legged carnivorous creatures. Anya gasped grabbing tightly onto my hand, possibly breaking a couple of fingers in the process. I was watching her reaction, making sure I'd be able to throw a pillow behind her head just in case.

  "Don't worry they're not going to hurt us." I promised rubbing her leg in a soothing manner. It sure as hell was a sight to see though.

  "No freaking way!" She shrieked bouncing up and down in her seat. "This is so damn cool! can't do that too can you?" Her eyes were wide in astonishment.

  "No Anya, I can't do that." I answered with an eye roll. Only she would find something like this cool. Wow, that's not the reaction I expected from her, but hey, at least she isn’t running out the door screaming ‘monsters!’

  She took to being Luke's mate even better than seeing them transform into wolves. Her sense of reasoning was that as long as we'll be experiencing it together, we'll be ok. Luke seemed to be pleased with this, considering the permanent smile plastered to his lips. He was a total cheese bucket at the moment. No one was going to rain on his parade. We spent the rest of the night playing mortal kombat against the guys on the PS3. Then at midnight the guys walked us to my house and bid us goodnight.

  Standing on Tristan's doorstep holding a tray of my mom's famous caramel apple crisp, my palms began sweating profusely. "Everything's going to
be fine." Anya rolled her eyes with a reassuring smile as she stood next to me with a basket full of biscuits. Mom and Dad were standing in front of us each with a dish in their hand waiting for someone to come to the door.

  "Come in, come in. Please make yourselves at home." Mrs. Evans greeted us each with a half hug and kiss on the cheek when she opened the door. Mainly, because we each had our hands full. Dinner was delicious and complete success in my eyes. Everyone got along and Mr. and Mrs. Evans treated me like I belonged to the family already.

  I was standing in the kitchen helping Mrs. Evans dry and put away the dishes while Anya helped my Mom serve dessert to the guys. "I just wanted to say..." She began in a whisper leaning in closer to me. "I couldn't ask for a better mate for Tristan."

  This caused my cheeks to become hot with embarrassment. Happiness soaring into my heart from her acceptance. "Mr. Evans is happy too, he thinks you'll make an exceptional Luna when the time comes." She beamed rinsing off the last dish and handing it to me.

  I was internally ecstatic that Mr. Evans accepted me and thought so highly of me. He didn't say much at dinner, which sort of worried me. I was afraid he was unhappy with me being there. Finishing up dinner, Anya and I excused ourselves so that we could run back home to change for tonight. We didn't want to go to her gig all dressed up, totally not rocker chick gear.

  We both threw on a pair of dark skinny jeans. Anya put on a shredded up Rolling Stones t-shirt with a blank tank under and some combat boots. I just pulled on a plain blue tank with my blue knee-high chucks.

  She changed her make-up to dark gray eye shadow and black eyeliner. Anya also added a whole bunch of accessories, which consisted of different silver and black bangles and necklaces. We met up with the guys who were wearing the same outfits they had on at dinner. Tristan in a black t-shirt with gray cargo shorts and Luke in jean shorts with a white t-shirt, how original of them.

  Heading out we drove the hour over to Rockport to The Bella Vita Enoteca Lounge. The uncle of one of Anya's band mates owned the place and booked them to perform. Arriving at the lounge, I was surprised to see how packed it was. Irresistible Attraction must've been a big thing around here.

  Anya practically dragged us over there to introduce us to her band. "Hey guys!" She shouted making her presence known. "I want you to meet my best friend and our guys." A slight growl erupted from behind me, Luke I'm supposing? Maybe he doesn't like the fact that Anya's entire band consists of three guys.

  "Lise, Tristan, and Luke, I'd like you to meet Ryan, Trent and Bishop." She said pointing to each guy as she introduced them.

  "Hi." We all said at the same time. Luke’s was a bit more gruff then the rest of us. He is not a happy camper. Just then an announcement came over the microphone introducing the band. They rushed to the stage and took their places. We watched as Anya and her band rocked out to several different songs causing the crowd there to go absolutely bonkers.

  Tristan stood with his arms around each side of me, pressing close to me while I was standing near one of the tables. His warmth caused my body to go crazy against the beat of Bishop playing the drums. I knew my friend was talented, but this is just outrageous! She's rocking out like no one's business.

  When they finished their set of five songs, Irresistible Attraction made their way off the stage. Tristan and Luke were off at the bar getting us something to drink. I was on my way over to congratulate my best friend on a job well done when I saw a guy approach Anya and grab her into a hug.

  Recognizing him instantly from the back, I ran up and threw my arms around him screaming wildly in a three-way hug. A snarl tore through the air causing the three of us to freeze instantly on the spot, as we all turned to face a very furious looking Tristan and Luke glaring like they wanted to kill the guy sandwiched between us. Uh-oh!

  Chapter 19: Seriously?