Read Notice Me Page 20

"Lise, Anya, over here now!" Tristan's voice boomed over the loud music of the band currently playing on stage. This caused me to flinch and jump in surprise. An angry Tristan is not someone I wanted to mess around with.

  I can honestly say he scared the crap out of me. I've seen him angry before, but never this infuriated. His jaw was clenched down tightly and his hands fisted at his sides, ready to strike something or shall I say someone.

  ’What the hell, where are our drinks that they went over to the bar to get?’ I thought as my throat became dry and I suddenly felt parched. Plus, whom does he think he is ordering us around like that? He needs to take a serious chill pill, I don't see what the big deal is.

  We were just greeting someone we know, besides it isn’t like he caught us making out on the dance floor with someone, seriously. Unwinding ourselves from being tangled up in a three-way hug, we cautiously took a step away in the direction of Tristan and Luke.

  Both our expressions mirrored a bit of guilt. Maybe we shouldn't have done that considering the fact that wolves are very possessive creatures by nature. As we stepped away, Tristan and Luke both continued to glare viciously at him. Finally Tristan acknowledged with a slight tilt of his head. "Troy."

  What? How in the heck does Tristan know Troy? Troy is one of our close friends from music camp. He's the final person making up our trio of three musketeers.

  Our little group is inseparable at camp each year, we've gotten along since day one. I wonder what Troy's done that could possibly merit that kind of death glare from the guys? At first glance, I thought Troy was one of those guys who is high on himself. Strolling onto the campgrounds with his chiseled jaw and sage green eyes.

  You'd think he was one of those arrogant pompous pricks that treated girls like trash. Boy oh boy, did he prove me wrong. He went around camp introducing himself to everyone and broke the awkwardness by cracking jokes here and there.

  We thought he was just trying to get in good with the girls so that he could get in their pants. Use them and abuse them but, that was so not the case. He truly did want to get to know people at camp. Anya and I became friends first then the three of us were assigned as a group to come up with a performance. What can I say, we instantly clicked.

  Troy's genuinely a well-rounded good guy who doesn't seem stuck up or the player type. Always the comedian, he makes us laugh. Not to mention he’s a kick ass guitar player. Teaches me right for always judging a book by it's cover, look at Tristan. He's nothing what I imagined him to be personality wise.

  It seems like you can't look at someone and make assumptions, because it seems like I'm batting a thousand here. "Tristan, Luke I can't say it's a pleasure seeing you guys here." Troy answered in a dangerously unfriendly tone. A tone I've never heard from him before. Wow...anyone else here smell animosity in the air?

  The guys stepped around us standing in front of us, almost like they were shielding us from Troy. What're these two nitwits doing, Troy would never hurt us. "How is it you know everybody and their mother?" I asked leaning around Tristan's body to get a look at his face.

  "Future Alpha." He remarked pointing at himself, his voice softening up a slight bit from when he was talking to Troy. Ok, so at least I know his anger isn't towards me.

  "It's my duty to know everyone and at least have a general idea of what's going on with everything." Tristan gave me a small smile then it vanished from his lips as his hard eyes refocused on Troy.

  You could slice through the tension with a knife, the air surrounding us seemed to be charging with some form of static electricity. "How do you know our girls?" Luke chimed in interrupting the stare down between the two. He too was giving Troy the care bear stare-down.

  "Your girls?" Troy spat out with disgust lacing his tone. "As far as I'm concerned these two here were my girls way before they became yours."

  "Well listen and listen good Troy, because I'm only going to tell you this once." Tristan all but roared taking a threatening step towards him. "Anya and Lise are our mates and YOU will stay away from them starting now." Say what, say who? Stay away from us, why in the heck would he threaten him to stay away from us? How is that even fair?

  Troy's been our friend way before these two came into the picture. There's no way, no how Anya and I are just going drop him like a sack of hot potatoes. As Tristan said the last part, Troy pushed his hands out in front of him shoving Tristan back a few steps.

  For someone to be able to move that solid mountain of muscle, that meant they had to A-be really strong or B-be a wolf. I mean, now that I have some minimal wolf knowledge I should be able to tell if Troy is a wolf, shouldn't I?

  Who am I trying to fool? I don't have the faintest clue what to look for when it comes to being a wolf, besides the fact that they're devastatingly good looking. I'd like to sit here and tell you that Tristan let it go and that they made up with a handshake. That the drama came to an end right there and then, but of course I'd be lying.

  All hell broke loose upon instant contact, Tristan's reaction time was faster then anything I've ever seen as he lunged at Troy and they went flying into a bunch of tables. Out of nowhere another guy came barreling into Luke tackling him to the ground. Fists began flying everywhere, glasses shattered from the tables, I think I even saw someone's sneaker fly past us!

  Anya and I were screaming at the top of our lungs for them to break it up. We glanced at one another helplessly, not wanting to try and physically stop them in case we got punched. Do you think they listened to us, to their mates? No, of course not! Tristan, Troy, Luke, and his mystery attacker were still rolling around in a scuffle on the floor.

  Thank god we were off to the side of the lounge. We were away from the stage where almost everyone's attention was. Somehow the band on stage was still rocking and the crowd was carrying about their business. Does no one notice the four guys fighting or do they just choose to ignore it?

  Next thing you know, we were completely surrounded by ten or so guys, good looking guys might I add. Which can only lead me to assume they are all wolves. Wolves are here, wolves are there, and wolves are freaking everywhere anymore. What's the world coming to? Next thing you know, I'll find out vampires and witches exist too, maybe even furry little gremlins!

  The group of guys all split up making it their ultimate goal to separate the four fighting. Though that task was easier said then done. It's like they all had superhuman strength! "Alright, enough already!" One of them screamed loudly yanking Tristan off Troy. "The two of you are future Alphas, you need to start acting like it for god sakes."

  The four of them were finally pulled apart and held back by two guys each. I could see how angry they all were because their faces were a bright shade of red and their chests were heaving up and down. Anya and I stood there traumatized at what we witnessed before us. I can't believe they had an all out brawl over us, was it over us?

  All we could do was turn our heads back and forth looking between the guys with interest. Can't say I've every observed a real life fight before, it was absolutely heart stopping. "I'm warning you Troy, stay away or there'll be consequences you won't be ready to handle." Tristan snarled.

  "Bring it on bro, I'm not scared of you and there's no way in hell I'm going to stay away from two of my best friends just because you say so, no way." Troy retorted trying to break free of the guy's grip.

  I intercepted before anymore squabbling broke out. "Jeez, what're we reverting back to prehistoric times? You guys going to whip out your clubs next and whack me and Anya over the head?" It's like I was invisible or something, all I received was a short glance from all the guys and the festivities continued right along.

  "You're not scared of me?" Tristan questioned with a raised eyebrow. "Sure could've fooled me the way you cowered behind your Dad in Thomaston."

  "Aw don't be upset Trist..." Troy mocked in a fake sad voice while having a huge grin on his face. "Still bitter that I beat you?"

  "Bitter, me bitter? Haha." Tristan barked out a chuckle. "Far
from it, only reason why you won was because your guys played dirty."

  "Well..." Troy drawled like he was thinking carefully. "You always have this year to try again don't you captain?"

  Are you effing kidding me? This entire fight isn't over me and Anya. It was over who beat who in the damn championship soccer game? Staring over at Anya, she realized at the same time I did that this entire thing was over pride of a stinking soccer game? Ugh, how frustrating!

  I waggled my eyes at her and with the quick jerk of my head hinted that we should just leave them all here to be dumb. Slipping away cautiously, Anya approached Bishop and asked him if he would kindly drive us home, he agreed. We were fuming with anger that our good time tonight was ruined over something that minimal. Guys, will they never grow up?

  Chapter 20: Love Stinks