Read Notice Me Page 32

I awoke to the swaying movements of a bumpy car ride. Opening my eyes I noticed it was no longer light out, the sun having set over the horizon at least a couple hours ago. It was dark and I was in the back seat of Tristan's Navigator in Tristan's lap. The soft sound of his breathing against the top of my head told me he was asleep too. Poor thing was probably exhausted from having to rescue me. I wondered who's driving seeing how Luke is right next to us with Anya in his lap.

  Her arm was bandaged from her elbow up to her shoulder after having to get twenty stitches. That's the last thing I remember hearing Tristan murmur before losing consciousness. Let me stop being so dang dramatic, I didn't lose consciousness, I actually fell asleep from exhaustion. That was the utmost traumatic experience I've ever dealt with in my entire life.. Let's just say I'm never going whitewater rafting ever again!

  To be honest with you, I have no recollection from the time we were pulled from the water up, until now. The most I can tell you is that I lost it completely. All I kept replaying over and over again in my mind was the way the raging waters seemed to be alive, having a mind of its own. It was relentless in the way it kept pushing me under as I struggled to hold Anya afloat. She wasn't even able to fend for herself with that huge gash in her shoulder and I sure as hell wasn't leaving her to drown.

  I may not be the best of swimmers, but I could tread water with the best of them and doggy paddle. However, I don't think that would of been able to get us both back alive. Yea, yea, I know I said I know how to swim, which I do. Enough to save my own life and get from point A to point B, but when you throw another person into the equation that's a whole new story! I thanked the high heavens that the weather is still warm out and that the water wasn't freezing. It was cold, but not to the point of giving us hypothermia.

  There must have been someone looking down on us from above allowing the raft to be there for me to hold onto. I don't think I'd have the strength to keep us both above seriously would've been a total Titanic Moment. Which leads me to wonder...why couldn't Rose move her big behind over on that plank of wood and share it with poor Jack? Did she really have to hog it all up and let him hang onto the side like that and freeze?

  Guess it wouldn't have been such a great love story if she did. I shuddered at the mere thought of dying like that, not a way I'd want to go! Tristan moved his chin from the top of my head and leaned his face down to look at mine. Guess I woke him up with my movements. "Cold?" He asked with his voice still husky from sleep as he tugged at the fleece blanket that was covering me.

  Shaking my head slightly I answered, "No, sorry for waking you." Leaning my head back onto his shoulder, I kissed him gently on the neck.

  "Thanks for saving us today." I mumbled, remembering that I never got the opportunity to thank him for not giving up and leaving us there.

  "You're welcome." He replied tilting his lips to kiss me on the forehead as I suddenly got tired again and fell back to sleep.

  When we got home, I gave Troy a huge hug goodbye making him promise that he'd text me as soon as he got home safe. He thanked Anya and I for a great birthday weekend, apologizing again for everything that happened. Of course it was out of his control, none of it was his fault.

  Troy was driving back home with Lance while Sal rode in Andre's car. Max was going to drive Anya's car back to her house while Luke borrowed Tristan's car to drop her off. Then the two of them could ride back here together where they'd just stay over Tristan's and we'd all go to school together tomorrow.

  Being overprotective Luke refused to let Anya drive back alone even though she's right handed and it was her left shoulder that got injured. I didn't want her driving back alone either, so it's a good thing he suggested taking her. Being extra careful to not touch her shoulder I gave her a gentle squeeze.

  "I'll call you tomorrow after school." I told Anya as I held onto her not wanting to let go. Today was a wake up call that life is short, I could've lost my best friend as well as my own life! "I love you." This thought sprung tears to my eyes as I tried my best to hold back a sniffle, but you know once the tears well up in your eyes, the snots come running out!

  "Thanks for being the best friend a girl could ever have." Anya croaked as tears dripped from her eyes. "You saved my life today. I love you." She held onto me giving me a kiss on the cheek. We held each other for a few more minutes before I finally peeled myself off of her and advised them to was getting late and it's an hour back to Anya's house.

  Walking me up to my door, Tristan looked me fiercely in the eyes. "You going be ok?" He asked concerned.

  "I'll be fine." I promised, knowing I really wouldn't. I'm sure I'll be either having flashbacks or nightmares of what occurred today, but I didn't want to sound like a chicken. Leaning over he kissed me as though it were the last time he'd ever see me again. It was so thorough, just the simple thought of his lips against mine caused me to blush.

  He pulled away and sighed. "Would it be too much to ask you to leave your window open tonight?" He suggested biting down on his bottom lip.

  I stared at him in confusion, not understanding why he'd want me to leave my window open. "What for?"

  "I don't think I'll be able to sleep without you in my arms tonight." Tristan admitted with a sad expression. "I need to know your safe after what happened today and in order for me to do that, you have to agree to me sneaking into your room tonight." His fingers trailed against my cheek and his voice was full of seriousness.

  What? Did I hear him right or is my hearing obscured from way too much water in my ears? Tristan wants to sneak into my sleep with me tonight? Eeek! "If you don't want me to, you don't have to..." Tristan began a bit unsure of himself as he looked away uncomfortably. "But I'd really like to."

  Is he out of his mind? Why wouldn't I want him to hold me in his arms? Of course I need him to be there for me. You all see how peacefully I napped in his arms during the car ride. The only time I had flashbacks were when I was wide awoke. Chewing on the inside of my cheek, I glanced up at his handsome chiseled face and nodded once.

  "I want you to." I confirmed with a small grin. "I'll leave my window open." With that said, I turned towards my door and headed inside to face my parents.

  Of course me being a minor and with the events that happened, the guide had to call and notify them of my near drowning. Thankfully, my parents only fussed over me for the duration of five minutes, making me promise them I'd never go whitewater rafting again. Which I whole-heartedly agreed to, trust me I never plan on doing any form of extreme sports in my lifetime.

  Upon my agreement, they allowed me to go up to my room to shower and get ready for bed. Taking a nice hot shower, I stood under the spray allowing it to massage my tense muscles. How did I go from imagining I was a character in the books I read to experiencing such crazy excitement in my life all in such a short period of time?

  As I dried off and got dressed in my black yoga pants and matching cami, I came out of my room to find Tristan sitting on my bed. Gasping from surprise, I jumped back a little. "I thought you'd be over a little later on." I whispered as I headed over and locked my bedroom door. Sure don't need my parents walking in on us, now do we?

  "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." Tristan stood from the bed and pulled me into a hug. He smelled fresh like he just got out the shower too and rushed over here.

  "How'd you get up here anyway?" I asked pulling away and walking over to gaze out my window. There's a tree outside my window but it's a bit away from my ledge.

  "I climbed the tree and jumped in the window." He smirked, his hands shooting out on either side of me to close the window. "Ready for bed?" Tristan asked hugging me from behind.

  Yawning, I used my hand to cover my mouth. All of sudden I was exhausted again, probably from getting beat the hell up by the raging rapids. "Yea, I'm tired." I responded turning myself in his arms to hug him back. I fell asleep in Tristan's arms snuggled closely to his chest. I don't think I'll be able to fall asleep any other way fro
m now on.

  Chapter 32: Unfortunate Mate