Read Notice Me Page 33

It was after school and I was sprawled out on the grass, sitting up against a big oak tree watching Tristan and the boys practice for the upcoming game on Friday. My usual after school ritual, Tristan wanted me to hang out and wait for him to drive me home. The season was transitioning to Fall, causing the leaves to change and the weather to get cooler.

  The big game seemed to be all everyone was talking about, the rematch of our school against Troy's. I really don't see what the big deal is, the boys are getting along just fine now. So far, our school is undefeated having won the last three games we played. Yes, I've been a good girlfriend attending all three games to cheer the guys on. Jewel, Lana, and their usual crowd were all perched on the bleachers, hence why I'm sitting here far away from the drama.

  I know they’re sitting there shooting me dirty looks, but I tried my best to pay them no mind. Her punishment was completed and she's free again, so I've heard. It's been a few weeks since that whole whitewater rafting incident and things have been relatively calm. Let me cross my fingers as that thought crosses my mind.

  Can't be too sure that they aren't plotting against me in their evil ploys. It would be nice to know why they really despise me so much, besides the whole Tristan thing, they hated me long before that. Anya's shoulder is completely healed only leaving a slight trace of a scar. Luke didn't want her to drive down so we went up to visit Anya for the past couple weekends, it was a nice change of scenery.

  As I leaned over to scribble down the answers to my math homework, a shadow cast down upon my books. Gazing up I was glad to see it was only Axel. Tristan explained to me that Axel being my protector only really applies to when I'm full-fledged Luna, which is why I haven't been around him so much. Of course the pull will always be there and he'll feel the need to protect me regardless, but it won't be at it's full power until after I become Luna, which is still three years away, when Tristan becomes Alpha.

  In the past couple weeks I've tried to make an effort in getting to know him better by talking to him whenever we all hang out, but he seems content with being quiet and withdrawn. Can you blame him though? I wouldn't be too trusting of people either if I had to endure the horrifying things his family did.

  "Hey, mind if I join you over here?" Axel asked taking a seat next to me without waiting for a response. Any form of him opening up to me was a good sign, wasn't it?

  I shrugged my shoulders and continued with my work. One more homework problem and I'm done! "Sure, why not?" I mumbled looking back down at my textbook. "Going to the game on Friday?" I questioned trying to make small talk and not be completely anti-social.

  "Yea, Jett's coming too." He responded plucking up a few strands of grass and tearing them to shreds in between his fingers.

  "Mm." I nodded, not knowing what else to say to him. "Max is throwing a party at his place afterwards, think you guys will come to that?" I glanced over at him and noticed he was busy looking out to the field.

  "Yea, he invited us to the party also." He answered with a look of longing in his eyes, which caused me to wonder. Did Axel play soccer at his old high school?

  "Do you play?" I asked shutting my books after finally finishing up and shoving them into my messenger bag. "You should ask if you can try out, it's still not too late."

  A small smile crept onto his face as he turned to face me. "Used to." Was all he disclosed before changing the subject. "They're really good I can see why they made it to the championships."

  I just nodded my head in agreement. The shrill sound of the whistle being blown, was my cue to stand up and make my way onto the field. Practice is finally over. Axel stood up next to me brushing off the back of his pants before offering his hand to help me up. I smiled up at him in appreciation.

  "Thanks." I said taking his hand allowing him to yank me to a standing position. We both made our way onto the field, unfortunately the girls had the same idea.

  "Axel." Lana began flirtatiously as she approached us. "Just the person I was looking for, want to be my date to Max's party?" She asked with the fakest smile plastered onto her lips as she wrapped her arm around his.

  The rest of the girls made their way over to the guys and I watched as Jewel made a beeline for Tristan and Luke. I was torn between running over to my man or staying with Axel. Being the goodhearted person that I am, I decided not to abandon Axel with Lana. He had that look of desperation in his eyes basically begging me not to leave him alone. Oh lord, I hope Axel's smart enough to not fall into her trap. She must have some sort of goal in life to try and get with all the wolves in the pack.

  Axel smiled politely and tugged his arm free of the death grip. "Uh, thanks but I already have a date." He answered which caused a look of shock to cross Lana's expression.

  "Who is it, anyone I know?" She asked somewhat pissed off. As if the thought of someone not wanting to be her date was absolutely absurd.

  "My brother." Axel smirked grabbing me by the arm and dragging me over to Tristan who was watching us in amusement as we left a wide mouthed Lana standing there on the field.

  Jewel was standing in front of Tristan talking about something, but his eyes were too busy being trained on me to focus on what she was saying. Taking a dismissive step around her Tristan came up and stood in front of me. He was drenched in sweat, but that somehow made him seem more appealing to me. Yea, call me a sicko all you want.

  "Hey Axel, how's it going man?" Tristan greeted holding his hand out for a fist pound. In return Axel held out his fist to return the gesture.

  "Good, good." Axel smiled. "Hey listen I have to get going, big brother duty. Need to pick up my sister from school. See you tonight at patrols." He directed towards Tristan.

  Axel turned to give me a friendly squeeze on my arm, "It was nice talking to you, see you tomorrow Lise." It sent those tiny familiar tingles up and down, but thankfully I know what they mean now so it wasn't alarming.

  "Same here." I answered at the same exact time Tristan said, "See ya tonight." His intense gray eyes landed on me as he spoke.

  "I just need to get a quick shower and then we can go." Tristan announced giving me his trademark grin. "Want to come wait for me in the locker room?"

  "Hmm as tempting as that sounds..." I began while using my forefinger to tap on my chin as I stared up at him thoughtfully. "I don't think my nostrils can handle the smell of stinky sweat socks, so I'll wait in the car." I said holding out my hand, palm side up for his keys.

  He grinned down at me dropping the keys into my hands and giving me a quick peck on the lips, before running off toward the locker rooms. "Be out in a jiffy." He called out over his shoulder.

  I was seated on the first bench of the bleachers next to Anya, Axel, and Jett. We made sure to get here extra early just to get these seats, it's Friday the big game. To say we got here extra early would be an exaggeration, a very slight one. Who am I kidding? I never even left school! I've been here since school let out hanging out with Axel. Only an hour ago did Anya arrive and then Jett showed up about a half hour ago.

  "Let's go boys!!" I screamed standing up and clapping my hands violently. That's the best cheer I could think of considering I didn't want to take sides. I was cheering for both Tristan and Troy. Why can't they just tie and then everyone can be happy or maybe not. Knowing these guys and their pride, one team would have to end up winning.

  It was pretty cold out tonight, so we were all wearing long sleeved shirts or bundled up in hoodies and a jacket. As the players were warming up for the game, I noticed a familiar face limping up the steps of the bleachers and making his way towards us.

  "Hey, mind if I sit with you guys?" Lance asked his voice filled with hope as he began inching towards the space to my left side which was open. I was at the end of the bench.

  "Of course not, but aren't we your enemy right now?" I asked with a joking smile raising my eyebrows up at him in question.

  "Nah, we've all been through too much together to be enemies." He chuckled as I introduced him to Axel and Jett.

>   "What happened to your leg?" I inquired tilting my head towards his right leg which seemed to be the source of his limp. "I for sure thought you'd be playing tonight."

  "Nah, twisted my ankle pretty bad in yesterday's practice. Coach made me sit this one out today." Lance said with a nod. In reality, Lance broke his ankle yesterday. Troy told me on skype last night, but being that we're around humans of course he couldn't disclose that he broke it yesterday and is up and around limping today.

  "So..." Lance began saying as his eyes scanned the field below us in a disappointing way. Probably sad he's missing the big rematch.

  From a couple rows behind us came a shrill whistle, like one where a person puts two fingers in their mouth and blows. I never did figure out how to do something like that, always wanted to learn though. "Let's go Tristan!!" Jewel's voice screamed over the crowd as she stood up from her seat on the bleachers. Figures it'd be her.

  Looking over at Lance to see what he was going to say before we were rudely interrupted, I noticed a look in his that I've only witnessed twice the exact same way Tristan’s gazes at me and how Luke stares at Anya. It’s the look of recognition when finding your mate. I allowed my eyes to follow the trail of where his led to and it landed on none other than Jewel. Oh poor Lance!

  "Who is that?" He asked almost out of breath, like he just had the wind knocked right out of his system. ‘Someone you don't want to know. Run, run while you can!’ I felt like saying, but knew it wouldn't be right of me to do.

  "Jewel, her name's Jewel." I answered feeling sorry for this poor guy next to me. Anya stared over at us and physically cringed. Anya was able to recognize the look in Lance's eyes as she trailed her pointer finger across her neck from one side to the other in a gesture of death.

  "She's absolutely perfect." Lance mouthed quietly before saying, "I need you to introduce me to her, Lise." Instantly disagreeing with him, not wanting to get involved I shook my head no as he pleaded with me by tugging on my arm. I just wanted to watch my two favorite guys play soccer, was that too much to ask? All I could think of when those words escaped his mouth were, why? Why me?

  Chapter 33: Never A Dull Moment