Read Notice Me Page 37

Tristan's POV

  Just the feeling of the wind against my fur as we sprinted through the woods was exhilarating. Our paws pounding in unison against the dirt and gravel reminded me of a full-blown stampede. Marco was front and center of the run, leading us to the campsite by tracking the scent of his mate. Troy, Rico, Alpha Perez, Alpha Marez, and I were in direct formation behind him flanking either of his sides. Behind us was the rest of the gang following closely.

  We were waiting until nightfall to attack, but we decided to leave around two in order to arrive there early and stake out the area. I managed to shower and get in four hours of sleep before my ringing cell phone disturbed my slumber. Pulling my phone out from the pocket of my basketball shorts, I didn't even spare the caller ID a glance. My tone came out gruff and harsh as I grunted. "Hello." Yea I'll admit I'm your typical guy, grumpy as crap when someone interrupts my peaceful shuteye. Being woken up was well worth it though as Lise's voice came through the receiver.

  "Hi handsome." Lise sang out into the phone. I could tell she was trying her best to sound happy, but something about her tone was completely off.

  "Hey beautiful." I responded sitting up from my place on the sofa where I dozed off. "Everything ok? How'd you sleep last night?"

  "I slept good." Lise answered obviously lying to me. Lise tends to drag out the last word of a sentence whenever she fibs.

  "Liar." I teased allowing my top lip to tug up into a smirk. Unfortunately, there's no wifi internet connection this deep in the woods. I'd be on facetime or skype looking into those sparkling hazel eyes and pouty pink lips that I love kissing on. Damn it! I groaned slightly as my pants grew a bit tighter from the protruding bulge. Just thinking about kissing her gets me heated!

  "Ok fine, my sleep was crap. I miss you sneaking in and cuddling me." Lise whined into the line. "Anya's bony arms spooning me from behind just didn't cut it." I got an instant mental picture from hearing that and couldn't help the chuckle that escaped my mouth. The thought of those two hugging up on one another was just comical.

  "Should I be concerned about Anya spooning you?" I choked out between laughs. "The two of you are just too much."

  Lise's laughter echoed loudly in my ear, the heavenly sound enchanted me. "Of course not silly, she's not muscular enough for my liking."

  Luke walked in and gave me a look, basically his way of telling me to wrap it up because it's time to go. He seemed to be at peace, which meant he more then likely already spoke to Anya. "I have to go sweetheart." I murmured not wanting to hang up, but the sooner we get this done, the faster I get to go home. "Be home soon ok? I love you, Lise."

  "Ok." She agreed disappointedly. "Be safe today, make sure you get all the bad guys." Lise said offering her words of encouragement. "I love you too." And with that said we both hung up, refusing to say bye. The word bye was so final, talk to you later is a better way of ending a conversation.

  Snapping out of my flashback, I realized we were slowing down. Our pace was barely at a trot. Gee, we made it here fast as hell. Either that or I was so caught up thinking about Lise, the time and distance just flew on by. I shook my head needing to get my mind right. Time to stop lollygaging and get myself together.

  Creeping up to the perimeter of the rogue's campsite, I immediately remembered the warning we received from Alpha Perez's inside man. 'Beware of the eight guards set up at the base.' For being rogues, they sure maintained a tight operation. Three rogues guarded both the front and back of the camp while the remaining two stood attention on either side. Taking out these eight would mean we'd only have roughly forty or so to fight before being able to rescue Mia.

  Nine members of the White Earth pack joined us. Alpha Marez is on my team. The rest were divided into the two remaining groups. In case you didn't realize aside from Axel, team one consisted of all Alpha's. We needed the strongest wolves to strike first, taking out the brunt of the rogues. When thinking this through, I figured we'd need a form of communication amongst the different teams. There's at least one member from each pack within a team. This way we can all mind link one another what's going on. We'll always be aware of each other's positions.

  I got a sick feeling in the pits of my belly standing here waiting for the sun to go down over the horizon. Shaking it off, I decided it best to give the guys in my pack some words of encouragement. Technically, none of them are obligated to be here, but feeling the need to fulfill a duty to their pack and one of our fellow wolves is what brought us all together.

  Silently, we spread out into position, waiting for the signal to charge our way onto the camp. The minute the sun set and night fell Marco lifted his head up towards the sky. That was the signal, we decided against letting out a howl since it might alert the rogues causing them to escape. Immediately I mind linked the members of my pack, 'ShowTime boys.' I'm pretty sure the other Alphas did the same. 'Remember, no irrational moves.' I warned, making sure they didn't do anything stupid to warrant their own death.

  Barreling my way into the first enemy wolf my eyes made contact with my canines locked around the scuff of my unsuspecting victim, snapping his neck instantly. Troy was right beside me pouncing on the next guard, there was a bit of a struggle before a slight whimper was heard and then silence. To his left was Marco who was out for blood, almost ripping the guard's entire head off with the way his jaw clamped down and snapped quickly to the side.

  By nature wolves are feral creatures. Being raised in a pack we're taught to fight, but being an Alpha gave us the extra ability to kill with precision. Within a matter of mere seconds we managed to take out the eight guards even before they had a chance to notify anyone of our arrival.

  'Phase one down. Now onto phase two.' I sent out, letting team two know to prepare themselves for the raid. The rogues camped out in tents, which surrounded a small two-story building, not having a pack house since they burned it to the ground. Thanks to Alpha Perez's inside man, we knew Mia was held hostage in that building that housed their leader.

  'NOW!' I screamed in my mind bounding onto the nearest tent, snarling as I tried to get a hold of it's occupant. Pandemonium broke out as Marco, Axel, Rico, Troy, Jett, Alonso, Luke, Lance and myself ripped each tent to shreds. We each managed to kill at least one wolf each before the rest of the rogues came out with a vengeance. There's no doubt in my mind that in the middle of all the snapping and snarling going on, their leader wasn't aware of our arrival.

  'Gabe, Jordan it’s time for Phase three, make your move.' I advised, while we caused a diversion amongst the wolves making it easier for them to access the leader.

  Before I knew what was happening I was ambushed by at least four rogues, they managed to surprise me tackling me to the ground. Rolling onto my back I flipped onto my side trying to get up. One of those bastards took a chunk out of my side. It hurt like a bitch, but I blocked out the pain as best I could.

  ‘Obviously, we're outnumbered by at least eleven to one’ I thought as a few more wolves came to join in on the fun. They circled me snapping and trying to nip at my legs. Allowing my eyes to roam the camp, I realized all of us seemed to be in the same predicament. Something's going to have to give or else none of us are going to make it out of this alive. My mate's creamy soft skin and bright hazel eyes flashed quickly through my mind.

  That was simply all it took in order for my blood to boil to the surface, I was losing control. My mouth began salivating as I thought of the coppery yet sweet taste of my enemy's blood as it spilled out on my tongue. All I saw was red before losing my sense of reasoning entirely and going complete Lunatic on the wolves surrounding me.

  Chapter 37: Premonition